Friday, April 6, 2012

President of the United States...Barack Hussein Obama

Open letter to the Obama Haters from an anonymous source: 
To your distress, for most of the rest of your life, you will bear this:
That Barack Obama, whether re-elected or not, will always be President. He will always be the man from a mixed race background that became the President of the US, he and his wife will be welcomed throughout the world by nations and their leaders, the most influential members of the arts and sciences will be their acquaintances and companions. He will be regarded and honored as the President who entered office during a deep recession and two wars and turned the country around.
You will always justify your lack of achievement on the unfairness of every system, your lack of success on the government or regulation, your failure to accomplish anything in a country where impoverished immigrants with limited language skills are succeeding around you on the liberals or the communists or the elites.

The small satisfaction you garner while spouting derisive comments here only exists in your self-delusion and is a pale comfort compared to the reality that exists around you.
You can try to salve your bitter existence with theories of international Kenyan plots or document fraud, whatever. But that is your future. Your world will always be limited by your small-mindedness, your associates only those that are as poorly adapted to the world around them, your accomplishments non-existent and your life a bitter existence.
It's time to move on. In your journey into denial, you've already sacrificed your conscience and whatever claim to character you had. Your pretense at a deity derived morality is mocked by your myopic hatred of the 'other'. Your concept of patriotism is waving a child's flag on the sidelines as others defend your liberty.
Bush 41 and spouse are living into their nineties, the Obama's will too. You'll see them at the inaugurals, your TV will tell you of their lives and that of their daughters, of their successes and their trips and the books they write and their accolades.

Make it easy on yourself. Take a deep cleansing breath and just let go, make the best of your situation. Whether re-elected or not, he will always be the 44th President of the US, and your children and their children will read of him in their history books, the first black man elected president of the US.
If not re-elected, he will be healthier and wealthier than he is as President, but he is willing to make that sacrifice for you.
You still live in a free country made more safe and prosperous by your President, and he, the First Lady and their children will always have you in their prayers. "

Taking America forward instead of taking America back.


Leslie Parsley said...

I can hear it now. ;)

Shaw Kenawe said...

LOL! I posted this earlier today. I can't remember where I saw it on fb.

Sue said...

the same letter?? I saw someone post your blog link and I thought it was a different letter, one that was not anonymous...I'll come read :)

Flying Junior said...

People that hate Obama are buttholes. But I actually dislike the phonies who claim that his economic policies are ruinous, etc. even though they like him as a person just as much if not more. They use goofy words like "statist" or "pragmatist" to stigmatize him or try to pigeon-hole him. How can people be so stupid? Like your letter says, he actually reversed the nightmare presidency of George W. Bush almost instantaneously. Really nothing short of a miraculous achievement. God bless him. I love the president. He is my hero.

Nobody is worse than Butt Chimney. Oh how I hate that son-of-a-bitch. I'd rather have a Jeb Bush or Ron Paul. Just because Romney is such a disingenuous lying sack of shit. He finally jumped on the blame gas prices on Obama bandwagon. I guess he really didn't care at first since he could buy enough gas to fuel UPS and FedEx if he wanted to. He must be pretty bummed that gas went down twenty cents right before Easter!

Sue said...

FJ, I love our president too. Not only do I believe he has turned the corner and pulled us from the abyss, but he is such a wonderful Dad and husband, and I'm sure son-in-law! He puts his life on the line for us every day and even wants to do it for 4 more years. Now that is a true American who loves his country and it's people! His loved ones are so proud of him, so proud he is theirs, AND I am so proud to call him my president!

As for Butt Chimney, he makes me puke buckets! I have never seen such a fake ass liar trying to steal the presidency out from under a genius by lying about the geniuses record of accomplishments. He's having a bit of a problem getting the words out lately they are so thick with Butt Cream...

Silverfiddle said...

FJ: "Butt Chimney" I gotta admit, that's pretty inventive...

Great article. With only a few minor modifications, the same can be said of Bush, or any former president.

Soothsayer566 said...

Soothsayer1232 said... Interestingly, naysayers and Obama Bombers never sign their negative comments and accusations.