Hi Friends! I had my 3 year bloggy anniversary last month, thank you for sticking with me even though I'm not posting like I used to...I do miss the old times, maybe I'll get back to doing more with my blog soon, and reading your blogs too!
....I checked in on Tom Degan's blog this morning and see I'm still listed on his sidebar...that made me feel good...
Just a little update, I'm still 100% behind President Obama, he's gonna win and win BIG in November...I'm still spreading the truth and facts about the Teapublicans and Mitt Romney, yea still shocked they actually have followers since their whole campaign has had more lies and deception than a pile of hot steamy dog shit has flies...But what do you expect from a following of blind sheeple who simply hate Barack Obama so much they will throw their support behind a Mormon who believes he has his own planet in the sky after he dies, oh, and he believes his millions will be in a suitcase and it's going with him! Are you listening to R and R?? Have you ever heard such idiocy, such blatant lies, such distortion and nonfactual claims thrown at our POTUS? Me neither...UGH
What's next on the agenda, THE DEBATES! After the putrid RNC and the awesome Democratic convention, I'm so ready to see more from my President and VP as they go face to face with the incompetent Boobs, R and R.....Also looking forward to the rallies, President Obama and Democrats drawing crowds with numbers into the hundred thousands while Mittens struggles to draw crowds into the hundreds :) LOL...
On a personal note, Amelia started Kindergarten last week! My baby girl is in school all day which gives me more time to blog and facebook, but also more time to stitch, I'm back to stitching so I can make a bit of cash. So far it's going well, I have a selling page on facebook and also a shop in PA is doing wholesale with me...
So, that's what I've been up to...we made it through the hot and humid summer and are now into Fall with a huge election looming. I'm ready to vote for Barack Obama, I'm ready for his second term, it'll be different from his first I believe. He'll be tougher on Congress, he has nothing to lose, right?!
Carry on friends, I'll be back!!
Some good news:
* From the Lincoln Project*
*"Trump's in full retreat today as his poll numbers slip:*
*He convened the cabinet to limit Elon after voters pressured C...
3 hours ago
Nice to hear from you, Sue.
With the polls coming in after the conventions, it seems to finally be dawning on the Republican blogosphere that they're gonna lose this..... The bitching and recrimination and frothing in all capitals are a wonder to behold! Looking forward to some serious gloating on November 7.
Of course, we would all like to see it a rout. A nation-wide referendum on the politics of repression. And if the elections were fair and honest, it doubtless would be just that. Larger brown populations in almost every state south of the Mason-Dixon line. Kids that were four years too young to vote last time around. An entirely new undergraduate class in every university and college. But we can't let our guard down. Nine states have passed restrictive new voter ID laws, including Wisconsin and Tennessee. Laws in Virginia, South Carolina and Pennsylvania are still under review. Minnesota and New Hampshire are already cleared to implement these oppressive and unjust laws. Early voting has been threatened in Ohio.
Happily, these laws have been struck down in Florida and Texas in just the last two weeks. Republicans will stop at nothing. Nobody plays dirtier. Republicans bring a switchblade, brass knuckles, chains and a derringer to a fistfight.
We need international observers for our elections.
On the plus side, volunteers and activists are working overtime helping to obtain these IDs for the young, the poor and the elderly. I would expect the Latino vote for Romney to be far less than that given to Bush. And according to BET News polls, this demonic republican ticket is set to receive the lowest percentage of the black vote in all of our short, sweet history. Less than 2 % of those polled plan to vote for R/R this November. And most importantly, the absolute mythology of disenchanted Obama supporters and apathetic youth. Nothing could be further from the truth.
FJ: But we can't let our guard down. Nine states have passed restrictive new voter ID laws, including Wisconsin and Tennessee. Laws in Virginia, South Carolina and Pennsylvania are still under review.
Yep. That's their only shot. Rig the system to limit minority turn-out. It's all they've got left.
I wonder if the teabaggers at large have thought through what this implies. Suppose the Republicans manage to win big this year. The demographic changes in the country won't stop. The non-white percentage of the population will keep creeping upward and the proportion of non-religious will keep growing, while the older demographic that leans Republican will keep dying off, at least for a while.
The only way they could stay in power would be to keep imposing stricter and stricter neo-Jim-Crow laws to disenfranchise an ever-growing part of the population. In other words, eventually an apartheid state.
That's the best future the teabagger right wing can hope to create for themselves. And it's not something any sane person would want, even if they'd be in the favored class.
I guess the tea partiers at large mostly let their media outlets do their thinking for them.
The great ministers of propaganda are trying desperately to make inroads into the Hispanic community via right-wing Spanish talk radio, political religious programming and perhaps other promotions and events.
Most of these efforts are not really paying off in terms of republican support. Marco Rubio is just a dick. No matter what your first language or family heritage is.
It's really hard to believe that the powers that be have gone so hard to the right. Their message is so incredibly off-base. Way out of touch with ordinary Americans.
how'd you like that lap dance Biden got form that biker chick dancer? Almost as classy as Sandra Fluke's over the top rhetoric about women from the waist down. Real class act you guys got there.
how'd you like that lap dance Biden got form that biker chick dancer?
The lady in question is SITTING on a CHAIR;
Look REAL close at this picture
See the chair between her legs??
Nice to see you hate filled delusional right wingers still do not let the facts get in the way of your lies.
PS: if you ALSO look real close there is a man sitting behind the lady in question. Shown in this
If you look at the first picture his shoulders and hand show up if you were looking for facts instead of right wing lies.
I'd tell ya to stay classy
but with all the hate and rage the right wing is releasing
now that they can see willard and little pauly are losing,
that ain't gonna happen from you teatards.
enjoy Nov 6th ;)
Sue, Amelia is just adorable! I can't believe she's in Kindergarten!
Where in PA is the store you are working with? Is it near me?
As far as politics...I have't been posting much myself. I get so darn frustrated! But I may start here shortly. Not that I'm going to change any minds but I want to release some of my own stress! lol.
That Biden/Biker Chick picture. She is not sitting on his lap. There is another man behind her. I'm not a Biden fan, but facts and truth mean everything to me.
Lisa: "Real class act you guys got there."
This comment from a woman who's allowed commenters on her blog to post using my blog name and blog avatar, using disgusting language about having abortions and other sexual innuendos.
She thinks THAT's funny. But comes here and feigns outrage over a photo she can't even read correctly!
Lisa, when you act like a decent person, we'll listen to your criticism of others.
Until then you have no credibility. Or class.
I forgot to say nice to see you back at your blog, Sue. But I have been following you on fb and enjoying the photos of Amelia.
Sorry about that jab at Lisa, but she and the gang of foul-mouthed and brainless bullies need to be called out at what they're really about.
What an indictment of the sort of people the GOP attracts.
I mentioned right-wing efforts to woo Latinos. Talk radio. Christian radio. All Spanish language programming. So misdirected by fate to the Fox Nation site, I clicked on this.
FOX News-Latino....
I shit you not. Only they don't bother trying to hire thugs that actually speak Spanish. The articles are all in English. I guess they're not kidding when they say "English only!"
One could only imagine the spectacular amount of trafico they attract.
good staged photo of Obam on top. The only missing is a golf club in his hand or a glass of 800.00 wine
Well we all can see how badly lisa has adjusted to the fact Barack Obama has been President of the United States for over three and a half years .....
well, she will have FOUR MORE YEARS to adjust to the fact Barack Obama is President of the United States won't she?
Hopefully she can adjust and her Obama Derangement Syndrome will slowly fade away and some sort of mental stability returns.
Clif you didn't have to adjust.Whatever Obama says you agree with even when he lies. Such a good little comrade
Enjoy November 6th 2012 lisa;
for the next 4 years ........
PS: if you are calling other American Citizens comrade, isn't it you who isn't being a "real American"?
I do not call other American citizens comrade,
Not the people I served in the US Army with,
nor the ones I pal around with now a days.
But for some reason you think calling someone comrade is OK?
Interesting what kinds of cognitive dissonance you right wing freaks fall into when your ideology is exposed for the shallow fraud it always was and you appear to be LOSING eh?
Like I said;
enjoy the next four years lisa.
My Job
.... cannot help much when Willard is writing and actually doing the voice over for the audio for President Obama's ads.
what did anny say?
Oh Yea
For once I agree with Ann!
"Hellooo...Mr. President, Are You Listening??" has been included in the Sites To See for this week. I hope this helps to point many new visitors in your direction.
Come back O great blogging queen; to your loyal subjects, so bereft and unattended. As did Captain Picard, with the help of his friends, Commander Ryker, Data, Geordi, Counselor Deanna Troy and all of the helpful crewmembers, to the light of blogging. You have been assimilated by the FaceBorg.
Dear Friend! It is not too late. Your crew needs you. Cast off the invading bodily enhancements. Return to the beloved addiction of blogging.
You are a great hero who cannot abandon her sycophants. We need you now more than ever. We, as do you, sit, sleep and donder about on pins and needles. We have not the faith in the American political system. We are just as scared as you.
MITT ROMNEY WILL NOT WIN! THAT MISERABLE HANGOVER FROM A PREVIOUS GENERATION THAT YET EXCEEDED ALL THE SINS OF HIS PATRIARCHAL FOREBEARS AND COMPATRIOTS... SHALL NOT PASS! Mitt Romney shall not be permitted to win no matter what the cost. For the cost of a Romney presidency shall be far greater than any sacrifice that we, your beloved throng, are prepared to undertake.
Thanks 'ole buddy! I do miss blogging, but I'd have to stay away from facebook and get my brain cells working again. That damn site just kills your thinking and writing skills, not that I had any to begin with! :)
I'll try, I promise, maybe even today! :)
Love you guys...
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