Monday, December 3, 2012

Man Up, Boner!!

Speaker Boehner you are looking like a FOOL! Bracing the country for a fall off the fiscal cliff because Dems won't bend to keeping tax cuts to the upper 2% that we can't afford, that is hilarious! If you GOP are TRULY serious about cutting the deficit then you would not be calling for a tax cut extension to the upper 2%! YOU and YOUR party are on the WRONG side, going off the curb
is something WE Dems are looking forward to, You are surely not thinking going off the curb will hurt Democrats and President Obama are you?? See, Pres. Obama IS the smartest man in the room, he knows if all tax cuts go back to Clinton Era rates then in January Congressional Dems will offer up a bill to cut middle class taxes, and what will the GOP do then??  The country KNOWS tax cuts to the top 2% DO NOT GROW THE ECONOMY, so WHY are you still fighting for them?? Please tell us, for I hear over and over the question being asked, but never have I heard a clear answer!

Just today I read that executives are saying to Congress DO NOT cut entitlements so the 2% can keep their tax cuts,  now we have over 65% of the country saying let the tax cuts expire for the top 2%, the rich are saying TAX THEM, Republicans, Independents, and Democrats are saying stop playing games...but it's those unreasonable, obstructionist, incompetent teabaggers in the House that are holding this up, and by doing so will only add to their own demise. That's how stupidly stubborn they are...

And then we have Boehner crying in his beer because he knows if he sides with 65% of the country, and god forbid THE PRESIDENT, then his job is on the line and most likely will lose it to a TEABAGGER! (((Shudder))). But wait, shudder we will NOT, for if this whole scenario comes to fruition it will surely be the end of the tea party as we know it, for you can just imagine what the House would look like and perform like with a Teabagger Speaker.....2014 will be here before you know it.

Come on Boner, man up! you can do this, then afterwards and in private, you can cry....


Jerry Critter said...

"Speaker Boehner you are looking like a FOOL"...again!

Flying Junior said...

Two things. I still blame that Benedict Arnold, Lieberman for not getting this done in 2010. What a fucking traitor. See you on FOX News, Joe.

It is not as serious a game as nuclear brinkmanship with a Soviet Premiere in 1962. But is ironic that Böhner would like to play chicken with the president with this whole straw man fake apocalypse. Why does every single talking head right down to that dumb hipster Kai Rhyssdal always say, "...which could cause us to go into recession again!" Every fucking time! Slashing the pentagon budget is in everybody's best interest. Can I get an amen from our libertarian brothers? I guess civilian employees and contractors will get hurt, but who really cares? They can get real jobs in the real economy. I offer up my own city as a sacrificial lamb. Most of the bastards getting all of these federal $ from the military can probably just retire. Aren't republicans always crying about subsidizing this or that with the taxpayer dollar? It's not an efficient way to create jobs.

Sue said...

Again, YES!...I know alot of what Boehner is doing is just for show, the deals will be made behind the scenes because the House teabaggers are just too stupid to understand how Washington works for the people, not for those selfish few..

I would like to see us fall off the fiscal curb too, this cliff talk is just ridiculous! Let us all go back to Clinton rates where we were thriving! I want all this Bush talk to go away forever! With certainty comes growth and hiring, so say the employers, right? Hmmmmm...

Mycue23 said...

So good to see you back and kicking ass as usual. You always make me smile.

Sue said...

you make me smile! thanks Mike...

Infidel753 said...

Boehnhead's looking like not so much a fool as a weakling. He's no longer the boss since the teabagger contingent won't vote for compromise no matter what he says. They got elected based on their determination to stand firm against reality itself.

Boehnhead can't deliver, so he has to make a show of standing with the nutjobs even if he knows better, rather than risk being taken down by them.

Flying Junior said...

Here is a nice analysis and something of an update to the White House response from our own labor of love, the much-heralded Boston Globe.

Obama has Geithner by his side. Smiles all around.

The comment are a kick in the pants as well. God love the Bostonians!

Flying Junior said...

Obama, the president that never disappoints.

Eat your cold hearts out you stony republicans.

Flying Junior said...

A shitty day for blogging

Lisa said...

and Obama dose nothing for show yeah right.

Flying Junior said...

Fuck you, bitch!

clif said...

"Man Up, Boner!!"

He can't the teatards won't let him,

.... all he has left is ....

Plan C