Thursday, December 26, 2013

And You Want To Tax MY "Hard Earned" Money?

       I become a CEO for a large company, then to make it more “profitable", I lay off 500 people that make $50K/year, each, and put the rest of the employees on a salary so I can make them work overtime without extra pay to make up for the employees that are gone. Then I call all the employees for a meeting and sadly announce the cuts, stating that if the employees do not sacrifice and work harder there may be some more lay offs. 
Since I "saved" the company $25M, and I get a 30% of every dollar I save the company, I get a cool $7.5M bonus and the owner gets the other $17.5M.

The government gives these 500 jobless people $1,000/mo. for 6 months, for a total of $3M, mostly, from our own taxes. The Democrats try to extend their unemployment benefits to 9 months, but the Republicans cry foul, stating that "they are just lazy people looking for more handouts".

I go home and see in the news that Obama is trying to increase taxes on my hard earned money, how dare him! Dirty, lazy socialist! What is our country coming to? Trying to increase taxes on us, hard working people to support the lazy poor! Then I donate $1M to the Republican party. They are the only “decent” people that will help me protect my “hard earned” money.

Then I go on a shopping spree. I buy a 5th mansion and a couple of Mercedes Benz and a Corvette. My other 6 cars are no longer exciting. I take my family to Hawaii to celebrate and spend $50K in 5 days there. What is $50K when I can make $7.5M almost instantly? I am such a genius!

Upon our return, I take my family to church to thank the Lord for my great fortune. Then I donate $1,000 to my church, because I am a good and charitable Christian, that is why God rewards me often.

Well, since the fun is over, I have to get back to work. I call my broker so I can invest my hard earned cash, and he tells me he has some information about a loan default crisis in the make, reminding me that I did not hear this from him, as it is considered inside trader information and is against the law. Then he advises me to invest $5M on gold. A week later the loan default crisis is a reality, gold goes up 20% and I just made another $1M!! Life is so sweet.

A year later I get an offer from another company, I switch jobs, and lay off 2,000 employees each making $45K/year and move the operations to China. I save the company $90M and get a cool $15M plus stock options worth $10M for 10 years. I am so sly!

(Now, again, the government gives these 2,000 jobless "lazy" people $1,000/mo. for 6 months, for a total of $12M, from our own taxes.)

What about the people that no longer have a job? Well, that is not my problem, I am doing business legally. If these people did not work hard and are not wealthy, that is their fault, not mine. I am not breaking the law. I am also looking out for the interests of our investors. Besides, if I don't do it, somebody else will, right?

I went to college for 4 years and worked 50 hours a week for 5 years and then became a CEO. I deserve all the millions I make, don't I?
What? You went to college for 6 years and have been working 50 hours for the last 10 years, and you are not rich? And you ask me why?
Well, very simple my friend, you have a conscience and I don't.
This status was borrowed from my facebook friend Jaime Rodriguez. I want to thank him for letting me share it. I've read it twice and my stomach is in knots. The capitalist right wingers see NOTHING wrong with this vulture, they think it's totally legal and give the fuck high fives for his ability to fuck over the little guy, the HARD WORKER who never gets ahead because of scum like this asshole. Can you tell I'm pissed? I despise anyone who defends this way of getting ahead, this is NOT hard work it's thievery....


Jerry Critter said...

No only do "right wingers see NOTHING wrong with this vulture", they tried to elect one President.

clif said...

The funny part that isn't mentioned,

any teatards who used to work at either company

that lost their jobs so the owners and CEO can make a one time killing on their expired employment,

will blame the evil liberal democrats (especially Obama the muslim kenyan socialist) for their problems ..............

Sue said...

They(teatards) don't care if they end up in a cardboard box because of those vultures, they will still go to their graves saying the vultures have every right to make billions even off the backs of the poor working class who never gets a break! Sometimes it's OK to lift your fellow man from poverty, try it fucktards, you might even feel good about yourselves, if even for a moment...

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Most of the tea tards don't realize they're next. Look at the firemen in Wisconsin that endorsed that union breaking kook for governor. I used to think it was a joke but now that (due to circumstances) I'm a republican I have first hand knowledge that yes indeed, we do eat or young. But because we project an image of hating the same things they do, minorities, gun control, etc. they vote for us anyway.

Les Carpenter said...

Fucking knee jerk hyperbole to stir up the masses. Christ this shit gets old.

tea tards huh, goddamn original eh, stole it from the damn republicans calling youse guys libtards.

Well, it's only right. Pay backI mean.

Damn Joe, I feel like an ass. Went and forgot to send you your Happy Holiday, Merry Christmas, and Wonderful New Year e-mail.

Damn redneck Phil Robertson had my attention of late. Him and is ducks and all. SOB is coming out with a 9 item line of firearms. For killing them ducks I guess.

Well, gotta go. Time for some quackery and A 16 year old girl. I hear that is big in parts of Louisiana these days.

Or it that just what good ole Phill recommends? Don't rightly remember.

Miami Real Estate Trends said...


BB-Idaho said...

A couple of problems with business today-
“Your students don’t think critically—analytically—and they don’t communicate well in
their job interviews.” With a growing crescendo over the past decade, many recruiters
from across the United States and elsewhere repeated this concern about MBA students.
Whether because of a change in primary and secondary education systems or a
fundamental shift in the economic landscape and demand for human capital, much
consensus exists on the need for improved critical thinking ability1, especially from MBA
graduates. A conversation with the president of a leading health care organization
summed up the issue well. When asked to describe the one thing needed today by job
applicants compared to a decade ago, she offered just one response: “applicants today
must excel in critical thinking.” It is precisely these critical thinking skills that recruiters
find lacking in many MBA students." Washington University
Then, how does business achieve and measure success . So, while business continues to shred
a wrecked economy, folks blame the government instead.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

RN, taking offense: F***ing knee jerk hyperbole to stir up the masses. Christ this shit gets old.

No, Jerry got it right when he pointed out that the Repubs nominated a fellow who fits this description for the presidency. Nothing at all wrong with this kind of behavior, in their opinions... at least that is the ones who are paying attention believe. The others vote Repub because they've been duped (and/or are racist). And, although there are some who might say this is an "arrogant" assessment on my part, none-the-less it is true.

Chrissy...The Apothecary Shop said...

OMG..what a lovely surprise..a note from an old friend,you made my day!!!! I am fine,thank you for asking and for coming by!! Yes Jess gets married on May 10th..sooo excited,i just adore his bride to be. My Meg is fine too,..she is back in Haiti and has been for some time...she will be home three weeks from today..can hardly wait to see her!! I love my new place Sue and my new life,i truly am happy! How is Kim,and little(?) gosh so much to catch up on...lets stay in touch better,ok!? Much love,Chrissy

Fat Bastardo said...

To all the Obama haters and Fox News parrots and Ditto Heads. The fact is, and I know how much you all hate facts; nearly ALL PEDOPHILES ARE REPUBLICAN

Nearly ALL Pedophiles are Republicans Click Here

Convicted Republican Pedophiles Click Here

More Republican Child Molesters Click Here

Click the links Republicans but I hate to disappoint you because you won't find any kiddie porn all you will find is facts. Sorry perverts.