When I started this blog I knew my posts would be of my thoughts, observations, and hopes. Those of you who come by every day or so know me to be outspoken and emotional at times. Well today is one of those days.
As I was blog surfing reading both liberal and conservative blogs, I was surprised at how many were so unaffected by Sen. Kennedys death. In fact I was down right offended at the blogs who didn't want to touch the Kennedy story so they simply said, 'I was taught as a child, if I didn't have anything nice to say then I shouldn't say anything at all'. So people what you are saying is you have no intention to say one kind word about Ted Kennedy, is that right?
So what you are saying is you don't think Ted was a person of humility, a humanitarian who always put the people of this country before himself, fighting endlessly for things such as equal pay, higher education, healthcare, civil rights, immigration, labor laws, and working folks just like you!
Are you not one bit impressed that by 2008, 2,500 bills were proposed under Sen. Kennedys direction- more than 300 became law-as had 550 bills he cosponsored.
And you aren't even impressed by his 46 yrs. in the US Senate. His career marked by landmark legislation with healthcare reform as his main goal. Oh yes he was a staunch Democrat but his bipartisan work on legislation was admired by those on both sides of the isle.
He was a masterful speech giver. In 1964 he gave an impassioned speech pleading with members of the senate to end a 57 day filibuster of the Civil Rights Bill. The bill was signed by President Johnson.
abcnews.go.com has many of his passionate speeches for you to view.
Did you read todays condolences by Republican leaders? George HW Bush, John McCain, Orrin Hatch, Mitt Romney, Mitch McConnell all had nice things to say about Teds passing, Nancy Reagan and Sarah Palin also spoke today about Sen. Kennedy.
What I'm trying to say to you who have offended me, is.... if you couldn't find even one nice thing to say about Ted Kennedy then you should not have even told me about the cute little saying your parents taught you oh so long ago. You should have posted something completely off subject. I wonder if your parents intended for you to use it in such a rude way.
RIP Ted Kennedy, you are in a much better place than I!!