Learning from Antiquity 10 – Hephaestus
When I came across this information, I knew I needed to consult the gods on
how to do justice to it. Since it’s regarding incarcerated firefighters, I
7 hours ago
Great blog! I think Michael Moore does great work. He's excellent at putting a human face on the subject matter. I don't always agree with his conclusions, but definitely gets people talking about the issues.
welcome Zirgar!!
I agree, but I'm anxious to check out this new one!
Oh, Sue, you know who doesn't love Michael Moore -- the whole freakin' right, that's who. (lol)
I adore him. Let's add him to Jon Stewart and Bill Maher as The Gang of Three in charge of our health care reform.
now thats a gang of 3 I could love!!
I published a comment, but apparently it didn’t take, so I’ll try again.
I have all of Michael’s documentaries, but what I don’t like is hopping on his Web site to order them ASAP – for $59.95 – instead of waiting for a bargain price at half.com!
Honestly, Michael has been known to stretch the truth a tad, but he does it so artfully – and gets his point across.
Best MM scenes ever are found in “Farenheit 911:”
Paul Wolfowitz licking his comb before combing his hair in preparation for an interview.
Bush answering reproters’ questions about Iraq, then saying, “Now, watch this swing,” and turning to hit a golf ball.
BJ, I gag at the visual of Wolfowitz!! The whole f'in bunch of them make me ill!
"I gag at the visual of Wolfowitz!!"
I'm with ya. Eeww, what a way to start my day... (I get up late, ahem.) ;)
I'd better get to reading up on Michael Moore! Not too familiar with him, but he sounds like one hell of a guy! :)
Donna Marie
Donna, get to it girl, he is awesome and conservatives hate him!!
i hate the guy.
sorry ginger, this blog loves the guy! :-)
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