When I started this blog I knew my posts would be of my thoughts, observations, and hopes. Those of you who come by every day or so know me to be outspoken and emotional at times. Well today is one of those days.
As I was blog surfing reading both liberal and conservative blogs, I was surprised at how many were so unaffected by Sen. Kennedys death. In fact I was down right offended at the blogs who didn't want to touch the Kennedy story so they simply said, 'I was taught as a child, if I didn't have anything nice to say then I shouldn't say anything at all'. So people what you are saying is you have no intention to say one kind word about Ted Kennedy, is that right?
So what you are saying is you don't think Ted was a person of humility, a humanitarian who always put the people of this country before himself, fighting endlessly for things such as equal pay, higher education, healthcare, civil rights, immigration, labor laws, and working folks just like you!
Are you not one bit impressed that by 2008, 2,500 bills were proposed under Sen. Kennedys direction- more than 300 became law-as had 550 bills he cosponsored.
And you aren't even impressed by his 46 yrs. in the US Senate. His career marked by landmark legislation with healthcare reform as his main goal. Oh yes he was a staunch Democrat but his bipartisan work on legislation was admired by those on both sides of the isle.
He was a masterful speech giver. In 1964 he gave an impassioned speech pleading with members of the senate to end a 57 day filibuster of the Civil Rights Bill. The bill was signed by President Johnson.
abcnews.go.com has many of his passionate speeches for you to view.
Did you read todays condolences by Republican leaders? George HW Bush, John McCain, Orrin Hatch, Mitt Romney, Mitch McConnell all had nice things to say about Teds passing, Nancy Reagan and Sarah Palin also spoke today about Sen. Kennedy.
What I'm trying to say to you who have offended me, is.... if you couldn't find even one nice thing to say about Ted Kennedy then you should not have even told me about the cute little saying your parents taught you oh so long ago. You should have posted something completely off subject. I wonder if your parents intended for you to use it in such a rude way.
RIP Ted Kennedy, you are in a much better place than I!!
Rachel Maddow Devastates Trump And Calls Him A Decorative President
Rachel Maddow described Trump as a decorative president, while Elon Musk
does the real work.
4 hours ago
It is pitiful that people can't put their hate and ill feelings away on a day like today. How small minded they are and must be to allow themselves to let things fester and grow until it consumes them so much.. and it isn't even so much the person as it is the ideology, the belief system, the differences between Republican and Democrat, Liberal and Conservative, that sometimes causes this hatred and this vile talk to come out. I too have seen it and so I quit.. I just quit.. I had to get away because it was just making me sick, physically sick to read some of the nastiness. You mentioned Palin, on her Facebook page she posted a statement about how sorry she was, and in the comments under there the hatred and vile language was awful.. so yeah, she gave her condolences, but forgot to tell her followers to be civil.. and they are some of the most vile people on the face of the earth.. so much for "Christian values".
you are so right Annette. The hate out there is unreadable for me too, I can't take it! I don't do the twitter thing but I do believe Palins followers are purely evil in their thoughts and actions! Will she come back and say enough hate talk?? What is this about the Christian right? I say its Good vs Evil, and they are the evil!
Hello Sue, first time visitor here.
In all honesty, I believe that Ted Kennedy probably meant well with all he did once he straightened his life up and took things seriously. I realize the Kennedy family has suffered many tragedies, and Ted was a rock for that family in many sad times.
I don't agree with his politics, but today I set that aside and wish his family well as they grieve the loss of their patriarch.
I wish to add one thought; I hope you don't mind. I am a very decent person, and I fully support Glenn Beck. Firthermore, I consider you to be very closed-minded based on your ranting post a few days back.
I would like to ask you a couple of questions, and ask that you take these questions very seriously:
Do you see any problem with the fact that Glenn Beck is asking questions about the president and those who surround him, and one of those people - a man named Van Jones, who is a close adviser (czar) to Barack Obama - is using an organization he started to attack Beck and attempt to do him damage? Did you know Van Jones has a criminal record, having been arrested twice, and he is a self-proclaimed Communist - and the administration is attempting to use the 'czar' title in order to avoid an FBI background investigation of Jones and others, which would typically be done on anyone who has such close access to the White House?
Ask yourself why any of that that would be okay. Would it be alright with you if it were an adviser to a Republican president attacking.. let's say Rachel Maddow or Keith Olbermann, or trying to shut down Huffington Post by organizing people to make phone calls and write letters to sponsors, asking them to pull advertising?
Remember, this is a White House INSIDER pulling the strings on this campaign against Beck, who has a First Amendment right to free speech. And remember - Keith Olbermann called George W. Bush a Fascist and told him to "Shut the hell up!" Did you agree with Olbermann, and next time the tables are turned will you defend a liberal pundit saying such things about a Conservative?
Remember, it was Hillary Clinton in 2003 who claimed "I am sick and tired of people who say that if you debate and you disagree with this administration somehow you're not patriotic. We should stand up and say we are Americans and we have a right to debate and disagree with any administration!"
Thanks for your time. I hope you open your mind a bit.
Soloman, my problem with Beck(and also those like Limbaugh, Palin, Bachman, Hannity) is he and these others incite violence and I for one do not like the way they talk. They get their rightwing nut jobs all revved up, then the next thing you see is people with guns at town halls where elected officials and even Obama are speaking. This country has seen enough violence in the past and you on the right want to see more I guess. Why can't you guys get out of the twilight zone and go mind your daily lives, let the president have his time in office like the people who voted him in want him to have. As for organizations and Obama and Beck, I have no knowledge of what you are talking about and no comment.
You are buying into the media hype that the Conservative pundits incite or encourage violence. Have you seen any violent actions involving weapons taking place at these town hall meetings?
Also, please notice that there was not even any pushing and rough activity between the two sides until SEIU and ACORN were deployed to fill seats and keep Conservatives out of these town halls.
If we do as you say, and "guys get out of the twilight zone and go mind your daily lives, let the president have his time in office like the people who voted him in want him to have" it would be irresponsible on our part. This is a democracy, and furthermore this is a center-right nation. America elected Barack Obama on the promise of something he presented but has not delivered - a centrist, cooperative, and inclusive brand of governance. He was supposed to be post-racial and the "great uniter," yet anyone who speaks out against his policies is deemed a racist or a hate monger, and the left has no desire to be united in the effort to get things done - just read your own words.
And if you want to know something about "organizations and Obama and Beck" just google "van jones colorofchange" and see what the second link is, as well as the 9th one down, http://www.ellabakercenter.org/page.php?pageid=16&contentid=100, which at the bottom of the page again references Van Jones' affiliation to that group. Then go to colorofchange.org and read the right side of their front page.
There's a dangerous precedent being set, and you must admit you would not like it if the tables were turned. As I said, open your mind.
Today is a sad day for the Kennedy family that has had to deal with so much sorrow as well as our entire country. My thoughts are with them.
Before you are so quick to condemn conservatives for their comments regarding Senator Kennedy, I would challenge you to go read the archives of places like the Democratic Underground and Daily Kos after Tony Snow died. Do you and Annette find the hatred spewed at Snow by your political allies just as pitiful?
Sous of course we would condemn hate talk from liberals about conservatives, thats what makes us different from you. And yes there are haters in both parties.
Good Morning Dear Sue!
No matter what you say or do, hateful people are going to rear their ugly heads and make their vile statements.
I see there was a bit of a debate going on here with Solomon. It's ok to disagree... although his views are different, he comes in peace.
Enjoy the weather... it's going to be lovely out today! :)
Donna Marie
Sue, just a little info if Solomon comes back around... this is from an outside website.. It might due Solomon to get some resources besides Glenn Beck... You know checking people out from more than one source is always a good thing. Just as I do when Pres. Obama names someone, I check them out.. he should, just because it is someone he names doesn't mean they are okay.
In reality Van Jones is no Mother Theresa. He has a past which would be considered "radical" by many and progressive by others. He was arrested twice but Beck neglects to mention the fact that the charges were dropped and Van Jones won a lawsuit based on the unlawful arrest in one case. Beck also never mention that most of these "radical" activities of Jones occurred well over a decade in the past. These are just some of many facts Beck leaves out in his selective disinformation campaign against Jones.
Beck's arguments against President Obama and Jones rely on two faulty logical assumptions. First, Beck advocated guilt by association in saying Jones and Obama are guilty believing and advocating everything that those around them believe. Secondly, Beck assumes that whatever one does in the past is equivalent to what they will do in the future.
That's from The Examiner's Web site.. http://www.examiner.com/x-5738-Political-Buzz-Examiner~y2009m8d27-Video--Glenn-Becks-attack-on-Van-Jones-as-a-communist-makes-little-sense-in-reality
There is also an entry on Wikipedia that sites the same things.. and ti states he was arrested as does Mr Solomon but the charges were dropped because it was a BAD ARREST.
The fact he proclaimed himself a member of a communist organization called STORM and left that same organization almost 20 years ago, which has been disbanded since 2002.. and he has been an exemplary citizen since then.. is really stretching it to use against him. If we are going to do that and dig up everything in the past to use against people, then lets start digging into Beck's past and use it against him, shall we? Is that what you really want to do?
Thanks Annette! They just dig and they dig and they keep digging, maybe soon they will dig themselves all the way to China and we will be rid of them!!
But, dear Annette, Beck is not advising the President. Why is he chosing so many with less than stellar backgrounds? Couldn't he do better?
Sue, Solomon came in peace. You say you welcome differing opinions, so why must you name call and offend every time someone does?
I come here because I like to see the differing opinions, but I tend to tune out any opinion that is filled with hate and name calling.
You look for kind words, then you speak of those with whom you disagree 'digging to China so you can be rid of them?'
Sorry Tamara but nowhere did I namecall,you want to see hate? I can send you to quite a few blogs with hate that will curl your toes! and Soloman what I said to Annette is between me and Annette, I was responding to her comment so don't take it so personally please.
You represent the kind of debate that SHOULD be happening. There are nut jobs on the right and the left, and I listen to both sides of the table, however, I find that the left just screams and cries 'foul' if asked tough questions. Or ignores them all together. Beck directly asked questions of the White House last night. Reasonable questions that shouldn't be hard to answer. I'm still waiting for a reply.....waiting......waiting.....
If Beck is wrong - if he IS leaving facts out, why isn't someone in the White House speaking up? Because they can't dispute him.
My fear is that people REALLY don't know what is going on, and before you know it, our country will be unrecognizable.
Solomon, I will begin to follow and hear what you have to say.
Sue, I'll be back around to get the other side. But you will have to have hard facts and concrete answers for some of the crap that the current administration is creating.
Anonymous there has been a constant flow of lies and made up stories that should actually be in a sci-fi movie. As for the White House listening to Beck and his rants,Beck is an entertainer entertaining the rightwing nutjobs, so no, Obama does NOT have to listen to or answer any of his questions.
Maybe no name calling in this post/comments, but I've seen it in others.
And what you said to Annette isn't just to Annette when you post it here for all to see. Anyone would take offense.
The President doesn't have to answer to Beck, but he does have to answer to the people, and according to the latest polls, the people aren't happy. Maybe he should answer some of these questions.
I have a question for you: Was Glenn Beck full of lies and hate when he was against the Bush administration, or is it only now?
Tamara I don't have an answer for that because I don't listen to Beck. This quote is from a conservative blogger... 'I don't remember the administrations under Bush, Clinton, Bush Sr, or Reagan ever caring about the Michael Moores, the Sean Hannitys, the Bill Mahars or James Carvilles the way this administration desperately is trying to quiet Glenn Beck.
The White House is not trying to silence Beck, the people of the country who are sick of the lies and inuendos are. But I might ad, I do not believe in that either, if you don't like the show then don't watch it,so I don't watch it!
Do you want the President speaking on subjects from shows like Beck and Limbaugh?? I don't. He knows they are just entertaining the small mass of wingnuts.
How artfully your right-wing visitors turned this discussion from a tribute to a worthy man into a debate about Glann Beck. Any attempt at reasoning with these Beck admirers will only result in failure. It’s best to ignore them and keep the comments on point.
People who watch opinion shows - on the left or the right - are not seeking facts; they are seeking validation of their own beliefs.
Many of Kennedy’s detractors fail to realize he spent most of his life fighting that theirs might be better.
Sue, I concede that Obama owes no answer to Beck, but he DOES have to answer to me and every other citizen that questions.
I'm not a right-wing nut, just someone concerned about the people Obama is putting RIGHT.NEXT.TO.HIM.
Van Jones a communist? Yes. From his own mouth!
Mark LLoyd a socialist? Yes. From his own mouth.
My dad was a proud Democrat until the day he died. He instilled much of the democratic values in me and my siblings. However, right now, the party is not what it was. I fear he is rolling in his grave. He too, would be sitting in the middle disgusted with both sides and screaming for answers.
Can you provide some? Jones? Lloyd? Why are anti-capitalists becoming the President of the United States close advisors?
Healthcare reform? YES it needs to be changed! Absolutley, I work in the health care industry, I know of what I speak. However, the unread plan, written by who the hell knows, being shoved down the people's throat is not the way to go.
Can you help me understand?
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