Tuesday, December 6th, President Obama will be visiting the state of my birth, Kansas. He'll be in Osawatomie, Kansas channeling Teddy Roosevelt ...
A little over 100 yrs ago Roosevelt went to Osawatomie for the dedication of the city's John Brown Memorial Park. His speech was named the New Nationalism Speech. Actually it was 2 yrs after he left the White House that he gave this famous speech extolling the governments role in promoting social justice and regulating the economy to help the underprivileged. Republicans back then were as stubborn as they are today, well some will argue that point, but back then Roosevelt criticized the R's for refusing to tackle the economic power of the wealthy. Full circle everybody...full circle... ....
here is the New Nationalism Speech he gave ....
It really troubles me when the left joins hands with the haters on the right to find fault in every single thing President Obama has tried to accomplish for us these past 3 yrs. They say he is not a leader, he has not fulfilled the promises he made to his base, the economy is the presidents fault because of his lack of leadership...But what I see is a man with great passion for the struggling people of this country and this is why he wanted to be president. We could be on much stronger footing economically speaking if the R's didn't fight tooth and nail every piece of legislation to help the middle class and working poor. I'm tired of saying it but it's the truth... Barack Obama is NOT the evil, arrogant, get down and dirty president the Right loves in their candidates, like Newt Gingrich for instance, get over it people...
So now on Tuesday President Obama will once again take it to the people, this time to a RED State, a state full of religious righties, pro-lifers, racists, haters of the Democratic party and everything liberals stand for...I can say that cuz I have a few relatives who live there and can back up my claim and many who ARE those conservatives ;)....
Obama will "lay
out the choice we face between a country in which too few do well while
too many struggle to get by, and one where we're all in it together —
where everyone engages in fair play, everyone does their fair share, and
everyone gets a fair shot," the White House said.
I hope the people of Kansas, including my relatives, give President Obama a warm welcome and LISTEN to him on Tuesday, REALLY listen.....