Sunday, December 4, 2011

President Obama goes to Kansas!

Tuesday, December 6th, President Obama will be visiting the state of my birth, Kansas. He'll be in Osawatomie, Kansas channeling Teddy Roosevelt ...

A little over 100 yrs ago Roosevelt went to Osawatomie for the dedication of the city's John Brown Memorial Park. His speech was named the New Nationalism Speech. Actually it was 2 yrs after he left the White House that he gave this famous speech extolling the governments role in promoting social justice and regulating the economy to help the underprivileged.  Republicans back then were as stubborn as they are today, well some will argue that point, but back then Roosevelt criticized the R's for refusing to tackle the economic power of the wealthy. Full circle everybody...full circle... is the New Nationalism Speech he gave ....

It really troubles me when the left joins hands with the haters on the right to find fault in every single thing President Obama has tried to accomplish for us these past 3 yrs.  They say he is not a leader, he has not fulfilled the promises he made to his base, the economy is the presidents fault because of his lack of leadership...But what I see is a man with great passion for the struggling people of this country and this is why he wanted to be president.  We could be on much stronger footing economically speaking if the R's didn't fight tooth and nail every piece of legislation to help the middle class and working poor. I'm tired of saying it but it's the truth... Barack Obama is NOT the evil, arrogant, get down and dirty president the Right loves in their candidates, like Newt Gingrich for instance,  get over it people...

So now on Tuesday President Obama will once again take it to the people, this time to a RED State, a state full of religious righties, pro-lifers, racists, haters of the Democratic party and everything liberals stand for...I can say that cuz I have a few relatives who live there and can back up my claim and many who ARE those conservatives ;)....

Obama will "lay out the choice we face between a country in which too few do well while too many struggle to get by, and one where we're all in it together — where everyone engages in fair play, everyone does their fair share, and everyone gets a fair shot," the White House said.

I hope the people of Kansas, including my relatives, give President Obama a warm welcome and LISTEN to him on Tuesday, REALLY listen.....


Annette said...

I hope so too Sue, I live very close to this area.. and hope they do. I wish I could go, but am home bound due to having my uncle with me for the holidays.. This may be my only opportunity to see the President up close and I have to miss it... darn what an opportunity.

Thanks for highlighting it and I hope things are well for you and your family. How's mom doing?

Take care..

Justin said...

Hoping for conservatives to listen is like hoping a chicken will moo. Unless Obama dresses up like Herman Cain, then maybe he'd have a shot.:)

Anonymous said...

Remember we are not trying to change the Right Wingers mind set, It is the people that are influenced by their false rhetoric and don't know any better. The people who listen to the sound bites between their lunch bites, the folks who are not into the hour-by-hour politics and MSM.
The passer by voters that will inhale a brief but powerful message with their morning coffee while waiting for their bus, chatting with the person next to them while folding their last load of wash at the public Laundromat, the college students standing in line at Starbucks before their 1st class etc, etc…that's the minds we want to reach because they are changeable. They need to be shot with the Truth loud and clear, because the lies have been widespread and repetitively feed to them with a vengeance.
There is a Right Wing T-Poison Epidemic-it’s contagious & fatal. Your Only Shot of Prevention is: VOTE PROGRESSIVELY BLUE ALL THE WAY 2012 OBAMA/BIDEN! Losing is NOT AN OPTION!

Sue said...

I wish I could be there too Annette! My aunt surprised me with a FB comment, said "she'd try and catch the motorcade, afterall he is our president". Gives me hope, now if she'd only LISTEN to him!

Mom's not good, thinking it's time for long term nursing home stay, will know more after the blood work comes back. Hope you are having an easier time with your uncle! You all take care too!

Sue said...

So true Justin. Isn't it sad? As much as I despised Bush I still listened to him. The haters will never know the president if they only watch Fox...

Sue said...

Good points Laysi and thanks for the pep talk! Are you one of my Kansas relatives?

mary said...

I am encouraged by local news reports of the people spending the night outside in Osawatomie to get tickets to see the president. It is darn cold here! Maybe, Kansans are at last realizing what they got when they elected Governor "Brownshirt".

Flying Junior said...

It was so beautiful to hear Barack discussing the extension of the payroll tax cuts. He was very low-key in pointing out that the republicans never really felt the need to "pay for" tax cuts as long as Chimpy was in charge.

God bless him. Who else would have even the nerve to be the president in the face of the republican opposition of today?

IMHO he is the only man qualified to lead the U.S.A. today. He actually quit fucking smoking whilst putting up with republican bullshit.

The man! President Moses. Leading his people out of darkness.

Lisa said...

maybe he should try and pay for with the 184 billion he wants to give Europe
If he really wanted it,he would do it,but he's using it for political purposes and that should piss you off .
So now all of a sudden you don't care about Social Security.
And if it works so well why wait till after the election for it to end? Oh yeah he won't need it then.

Lisa said...

get out the diapers and the depends,his Highness is making his speech now

Sue said...

glad you are listening Lisa! The speech is great and the standing ovations are rocking the house!!

OBAMA 2012!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Leslie Parsley said...

Lisa: Your disrespect for the Office of the President is simply astounding - tacky, rude, classless and unpatriotic.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Lisa and her friends are the ones that will need diapers after they all shit their pants when Obama wins in a landslide and Congress is taken by Democrats due to republican obstruction and sheer ignorance.

And I can't wait to start making donations to Obama in the names of some of the right wing fools I've encountered. Bwahahahahaha...

Magpie said...

“the 184 billion he wants to give Europe”

Do you know how capitalist economies work, Lisa?
They work by a thing called ‘buying’ and an associated thing called ‘selling’.
If no-one can buy your stuff, you can’t sell your stuff.
If you can’t sell your stuff, you’re fucked.

Don’t think too hard now. It might hurt.

Dave Miller said...

Magpie, Lisa, like other trolls, only shows up to dispense her malcontented views and then leaves, so as not to have to debate, or discuss real facts with anyone about anything she has posted.

She won't be back until the next post...

Sue said...

your comments are deleted, Lisa, Because they are not debatable, they are nonsense. And don't come here and leave us links to mentally ill Tom. He has a brain tumor and is not mentally capable of knowing the crap he accuses me and Leslie of is fuckin false. If he is not ill then how do you defend an idiot who posts a comment with IP that is neither mine nor Leslies, yet insists...

If anyone would like proof just let me know, I will come to your blog and leave a comment then you can compare the server, location, and IP to what the idiot has posted. Thank You

Leslie Parsley said...

Shucks, wish I could have seen Lisa the Loon's post quoting Tom. Ha,ha,ha,ha, ha. Further proof she doesn't know fact from fiction.

Sue said...

it was just a link to the ill mans blog showing the nasty comments he claims came from us. I guess Lisa believes they do too, since she called me a troll...

Flying Junior said...

Beautiful speech and challenge to the American people. One that will hopefully lend strength to our nation in years to come. Some important points.

Remember in those years, in 2001 and 2003, Congress passed two of the most expensive tax cuts for the wealthy in history. And what did it get us? The slowest job growth in half a century. Massive deficits that have made it much harder to pay for the investments that built this country and provided the basic security that helped millions of Americans reach and stay in the middle class – things like education and infrastructure, science and technology, Medicare and social security.

I heard someone analyzing this on WNYC this morning. They were comparing the nightmare presidency of Bush/Cheney with the same strategy that was used to hobble Bill Clinton. A huge, unfunded deficit was run up to deny a liberal president the resources he needed to fulfill his hopes, dreams and promises. Obviously W’s profligate presidency was the worst, most extreme case of this financial deviltry in all of our history.

Remember that in those same years, thanks to some of the same folks who are now running Congress, we had weak regulation, we had little oversight, and what did it get us? Insurance companies that jacked up people's premiums with impunity and denied care to patients who were sick, mortgage lenders that tricked families into buying homes they couldn't afford, a financial sector where irresponsibility and lack of basic oversight nearly destroyed our entire economy.

Our beloved B-listers have been saying this for some time.

It's heartbreaking enough that there are millions of working families in this country who are now forced to take their children to food banks for a decent meal. But the idea that those children might not have a chance to climb out of that situation and back into the middle class, no matter how hard they work? That's inexcusable. It is wrong. It flies in the face of everything that we stand for.

Somehow the republicans just don’t care. Wasn’t Gingrich quoted as suggesting low-income high school students be given jobs as janitors after school? Shades of the CCCP!

In the long term, we have to rethink our tax system more fundamentally. We have to ask ourselves: Do we want to make the investments we need in things like education and research and high-tech manufacturing – all those things that helped make us an economic superpower? Or do we want to keep in place the tax breaks for the wealthiest Americans in our country? Because we can't afford to do both. That is not politics. That's just math.

I think Cain was really saying “Nein! Nein! Nein!” Or maybe, “Mine! Mine! Mine!”

Take a moment to recall how far Obama has taken our nation despite the filibuster and the Tea Party revolution of 2010. Along with Hillary Clinton, he has restored in short order the prestige and honor of the United States to our allies and indeed around the world. He has enacted historical healthcare insurance reform that the republicans will never be able to dismantle. He has ended torture in both the C.I.A. and the Army thus restoring honor to both institutions and rebuilding trust around the world. And believe it or not, he has stopped the economic meltdown at the very brink of a precipice.

Lisa said...

He has enacted historical health care insurance reform.

No Pelosi did that much to the objection of many which is why she is no longer speaker.
What does she give a shit,she has her premium health care thanks to the rest of us peeons.

TOM said...
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Flying Junior said...

Merry Christmas Lisa! Thanks for reading. I think somebody pooped on your PC Happy Holidays thread. Better clean that up!

Lisa said...

i did thanks FJ. Just another friend Shaw made on another right wing blog.

Sue said...


Leslie Parsley said...

Me, too, Sue. Really quite amazing.

Flying Junior said...

Because you are. Should be relatively obvious.