Monday, December 12, 2011

Money, Military, and fuck the Middle Class...

For years the Republicans have argued tax cuts pay for example most glaring would be the astronomical Bush tax cuts. These tax cuts don't have to be paid for, the benefits outweigh the cost they said...BUT have they paid for themselves?? NO...And who benefited from the tax cuts??  We've all seen the charts.....

NOW the Teapublicans are demanding ALL tax cuts be paid for, like the payroll tax cuts that will benefit the middle class. This IS a tax cut that will stimulate the economy and eventually pay for itself....But tax the billionaires?? Are you insane?? How can you raise taxes on the super wealthy in a slow economy??  Sadly people still fall for it...

And these idiots still have a following,  they're still  able to convince their sheeple they know how to govern!  Get real people, the GOP craves power for 2 reasons, to benefit themselves and the 1%, and to keep our country number one super power in the world. ...Money and Military....

And to the rest of us they say get fucked and die, we really aren't needed...we just take up space and cost too much....


Lisa said...

Sue 90% of the people didn't even know they were getting a tax cut which obviously did nothing to help the middle class or the economy.
That 20.00 per week is really going to be missed.
It is time we start paying for things. Where was your outrage when Obama was paying for it by taking it from SS?
f Obama said we need to bomb all Mosques in the ME you would find something good about it.

bluzdude said...

So a tax cut only helps the economy if people know it's a tax cut?

Gee, that makes a lot of sense.

Tell you what though... take that 20 bucks per check away and see how it goes over.

Lisa said...

take that 20 bucks per check away and see how it goes over.

And that is your whole point. Thanks for pointing that out

Sue said...

WASHINGTON—The tax plan by GOP presidential hopeful Newt Gingrich would provide big tax breaks to the rich and blow a huge hole in the federal budget deficit, according to an independent study released Monday.

The analysis by the Tax Policy Center says households making more than $1 million a year would see their taxes drop by an average of 62 percent. Overall, federal tax revenues would drop by an estimated $850 billion in 2015, a figure that would dramatically worsen the budget deficit unless it is offset by unprecedented spending cuts, the study said.

"The revenue losses are enormous," said Roberton Williams, a senior fellow at the Tax Policy Center.

Any disputing the facts of my post?? Newt lays out his plan to make the rich richer and the middle class disappear...only an idiot would vote R!!!

Jerry Critter said...

Lisa darling,
You won't miss that $20/week? Great, collect it for the next year and send me a check for $1040 at the end of the year.

Lisa said...

The best thing Obama can do is take that billion dollars he is using for his campaign,give it to the middle class and not run.

Flying Junior said...

If Gingrich is supposedly the "smart" one, he should have been smart enough to hedge a little on his tax plan. What a colossal dumbass! The funny thing is he seems almost cuddly and cute next to Romney. (Don't barf, it's just a comparison.)

So the free tank of gas tax cut needs to be paid for. I know! Cut veteran's benefits. Make people work longer. Eliminate cost-of-living increases for SS. Let's get rid of these government handouts that insure children. Bump up the co-pays on Medicare. Eliminate government subsidized affordable housing. Abolish the Department of Education. Eliminate FEMA. No more foreign aid to wimpy, cheap countries. No more federal transportation funds to the states. Privatize all federal employees and parks. Privatize the military. We can work on this together folks!

Lisa said...

So what's your solution FJ? Take more from rich people to create even more handouts to the permanent underclass other broken socialized nations create?
Man that 20.00 per week is such a make or break moment for the middle class.

Leslie Parsley said...

Lisa may not be the brightest knife in the drawer but at least she doesn't drop mean-spirited vicious turds everywhere she goes.

Lisa said...

Thanks again Leslie for your infinite wisdom.
How do you do it?

Flying Junior said...

I think the immediate concern is to re-elect the president and try to get back the house. Otherwise the government may or may not continue to limp along every 3-4 weeks with another temporary budget.

Why not bump taxes on the super wealthy? Why does this bother anyone other than the above? I've never worked for a super wealthy person or a mega-conglomerate in my life unless you include Jack-in-the-Box. They sure as shit never created a job for me. I have worked for some fascinating and ingenious inventors, innovators, software geniuses and entrepreneurs. I now have the privilege of working solely for non-profit organizations. Let's really free up business and take away the burden of providing health insurance to their employees? How's that for an idea?

Jolly Roger said...

So what's your solution FJ? Take more from rich people to create even more handouts to the permanent underclass other broken socialized nations create?

Stupidest thing I've read all week, contradicted by history, where we learn that when you slash the pay and benefits of working people to fatten up the rich.... THAT is when Depression comes.

How is it that some people, who have the same access to history that I have, don't know a damned thing? Hell, I LIVED in different eras, and I know for sure how it works. But somehow personal experience and proven history don't matter, and what a fat dope addict says is regarded as some kind of holy tome.

Dave Dubya said...

We were a far more prosperous society with a thriving middle class when the rich paid higher taxes, when the banks were more regulated, when corporations were not writing our trade agreements, and before Republican administrations buried us in debt.

Now everything is clearly all the fault of liberals. Just ask Rush and Lisa.

Dave Miller said...

Lisa, do tax cuts Pay for themselves as the GOP has argued for years? If they do, then this tax cut will add nothing to the deficit and all the talk from he GOP about having to pay for it is a bunch of BS.

If they do not, and it is good policy to pay for tax cuts because they add to the deficit, then the GOP has been lying to us for many years.

Which is it? You tell us.

Cirze said...

Hey girl,

And I just heard today that the Dems sold us out so they could go home for XMAS. Again. The rich will never pay progressive taxes again, so we'll never get back all those trillions in foregone wealth the rest of the population lost while paying for their free ride (for pretending to be "job creators").


Thanks for all you do to keep the conversational ball rolling.


P.S. Tell Lisa maybe she should read a few books about the "broken socialized nations" who came through the financial cataclysm still strong in their socialized countries and doing very well.

Here's a list of the 10 happiest countries (guess why, Lisa):

The World’s Happiest Countries Page 2 of 4 –

Socialist Nations (way above U.S. in health care and happiness)

1. Norway
2. Denmark
3. Finland
4. Australia
5. New Zealand
6. Sweden
7. Canada
8. Switzerland
9. Netherlands
10. US

So what's your solution FJ? Take more from rich people to create even more handouts to the permanent underclass other broken socialized nations create?

Lisa said...

Many of thoe countries had to do reforms like privatizing pension plans. They relaized even if they raised taxes they would still have to cut benefits.

Lisa said...

Higher taxes do not help the middle class,all they do is transfer money to more wasteful government bureaucracies.
You want to reform the banks,but who is reforming the government?
The people may be happy but it's really a "false" happy.
The US has too many people to centralize all of them.
You know why the highest concetration of MRI places are in Buffalo? So Canadians can go there for theirs.

Dave Miller said...

Lisa, why did you not respond to my question?

Do tax cuts pay for themselves, as the GOP has always said?

If so, then why can't we extend the Social Security Tax Cut without "paying for it in the budget?

If not, then has the GOP been lying to us all of these years when they said tax cuts do pay for themselves?

Please Lisa, gives us an answer, if you can...

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

History shows they don't. Reagan had to raise taxes after he lowered them. So did Kennedy.

if I get Lisa on her $20 a week tax cut thingy, I agree with her. I didn't want it. i want a government that pays it's bills and keeps it's promises. I didn't want the payroll tax cut either. I want a solvent Social Security and Medicare program.

The truth is if a tax cut will make a shit bit of difference in your life then you have bigger problems than a tax bill that's too high. Fucking idiot county board where I live cut the health department by $250,000 saving a whopping average of about $20 a year from property tax bills. The first time a kid is found dead or beaten because there wasn;t adequete staff to monitor at risk kids these same idiots will demand government do something.

Lisa said...

Dave tax cuts that spur economic growth pay for themselves. Cutting payroll tax cuts do not.
I find it amazing that the party who cries about SS all the time now don't seem to care. Not to mention Obama cut 500 billion from Medicare in the Health Care Law

Dave Miller said...

Lisa, so how does someone determine which tax cuts spur growth? The GOP has argued for years that ALL tax cuts spur growth and pay for themselves.

We're they wrong before when they said that?

The GOP had historically been in favor of all tax cuts until Obama wanted this one.

I am almost to the point of believing that if Obama changed to oppose abortion, the GOP would become Pro-Choice.

Leslie Parsley said...

Hey Tom, you rotten piece of shit. It looks like you got your wish. Are you happy now? Why don't you take a fast train to hell and let your sorry ass rot there? I'm sure Sue and I would be only two among the many who would dance on your grave.

Sue said...

It's ok L, he is a fuckin sicko who has nothing else to do with his time. God should relieve him of his pathetic sick life and give us something to rejoice about.

Flying Junior said...

Sorry to hear about Mom. I hope your family has a nice Christmas remembering her. I just saw my mom a couple of hours ago. She just never ceases to amaze me. And she always seems to have some kind of advice on how to take care of a cold...What I should be doing better at work...Eating healthy...Taking better care of myself...She's a never-ending resource of good ideas! Nobody ever loved me more. My wife lost her mother last December. It was a beautiful time of coming together for our family.


Justin said...

I am so sorry Sue for the loss of your Mother. I wish I could give you a hug of support. Hang in their and I wish you and your entire family the best during this heartbreaking time.

Jerry Critter said...

Bless you, Sue. I am very sorry for your loss. Moms are truly special. She will always live in your heart. My condolences to you and your family.

Lisa said...

Sue I am deeply sorry for your loss. My deepest sympathy to you and your family

Sue said...

Thanks Lisa, I appreciate that!

Justin and Jerry I hope you got my messages, Thank you so much!

Sue said...

Fj, I sent you a bloggy message too, thanks so much! And thanks to all my friends for your kind words during this sad time...

Dave Dubya said...

Condolences on the loss of your Mother. She surely must have been a remarkable woman. She raised a heck of a daughter,

Sue said...

Aaaaaw Dave, she was....that is so kind of you, thank you so much...

Dave Miller said...

Hang in there Sue... I too lost my mom in the middle of the Christmas season...

It gets better, I promise...


Sue said...

Thanks so much Dave. It's easier for me because I know her suffering is no more...xo