While on Facebook tonight, like every night, I came across this comment from a hater on a friends posting about Limbaugh hurting the Republican party...
Harry said: "Ain't
no way in hell that monkey gets reelected. He's going back to the zoo
where his wife will be featured in an exhibit on living proof of
Darwinism." Yes the moron was speaking about President Obama and the lovely First Lady.
Well, after my choice words to hateful Harry, another friend posted this link of an OP-Ed in the Arizona Daily Star which speaks to the hate coming from the Right ....
David Fitzsimmons | Posted: Friday, March 2, 2012 2:20 pm
Fitz: Piffle
In January on my facebook page I posted a sampling of unsavory online comments which followed the Star story about the vigil at the mall that month. I wanted my friends on the right to see what their brethren were saying about the Memorial and about Giffords. Some of my friends responded with a gust of astonished revulsion as though a cat had thrown up at their feet. Others wanted to know what possessed me to lift the rock-- as though I had exposed subterranean dwellers to daylight. Readers were abandoning their keypads, scurrying to fetch disinfectants and pesticides. Others informed me they never read online comments because once was enough.
Why lift the rock? Because I believe they represent the modern norm. They are not the exceptions. They are the spawn of FOX and talk radio on 12 cups of coffee unfettered from the chains of conscience and responsibility. They are the energized base. In times of economic drought the fringe take root and grow while the wise wither. How else can you explain an educated centrist moderate pragmatic public servant like Giffords nearly losing the last race to a galoot whose education ended at high school, a patriot soldier who did little more than channel the worst of talk radio. Kelly was supported by ordinary folks who went with their gut and rejected that “Marxist Socialist Giffords” and paid little attention to the utter incoherent nonsense their candidate spewed. Because they were afraid.
Whether its Rush Limbaugh calling a young Georgetown student advocate
for family planning a “slut” or it’s an online commenter mangling my
name it’s the same angry fear-fed beast. In this age of anonymity such
dark voices whisper in our ears constantly. And to the great sea of
superficial disinterested citizens who are lucky to pick up a soundbite
or two a month this hate is the currency of political commerce today.
This language is the kind of talk we once imagined was reserved for the
darkness on the edge of a lynch mob. Such irrational talk and anger, no
longer gilded with shame, is commonplace today. One can now speak ugly
“truths” because one must speak up. Examine the national campaign
underway and you’ll smell the revolting stench of shameless pandering to
an illiterate and superstitious base that is happy to be entertained
with cartoon villains and bumper sticker treatises. Happy to be cheered
by poisonous rhetoric that stalls critical thinking and reinforces
mindless assertions of blather as fact. Arpaio’s utterly embarrassing
Birther show is exhibit A. The right has abandoned Ike and Nixon and
even Reagan. It has kissed classic Conservatism so long and hitched a
ride on the backs of the more expedient goober movement.Today it values
power over truth, worships arms above man, cultivates the underclass
with a fantasy economic ideology, despises government, mocks the poor,
inflates and exploits petty issues for political ends, offers no
constructive ethos, questions the patriotism of dissident voices,
engages freely in scapegoating and demands purity from its foot soldiers.
You can read the whole piece here...
It's an excellent piece that will piss off the in denial Righties,.... tough shit, read it!
I have a few conservative friends on Facebook, they consider themselves "normal patriotic Tea Partiers", caring and thoughtful Christians, but they beg me to listen to Rush Limbaugh, they love Glenn Beck, and Mark Levine, they admired Andrew Breitbart! Sorry, this is not normal in my book...You can't claim to be sane then listen to Rush Limbaugh call a young college woman a slut and you defend Limbaugh, not the woman!! Not once did those friends say Limbaugh was wrong!
We have different brain cells, I'm positive of that!
Rachel Maddow Devastates Trump And Calls Him A Decorative President
Rachel Maddow described Trump as a decorative president, while Elon Musk
does the real work.
4 hours ago
Excellent article, thanks Sue for bring it to me!
The last hateful, fearful gasps of a dying breed...RIP GOP!
Nice. This is why Citizens United is so huge. The money the Right will bring in will buy advertising guaranteed to sway the weak-minded and non-analytical masses.
"We have different brain cells, I'm positive of that!"
Ding! Ding! Ding! We have a winnah!
Different brain cells that compel a rightwinger to come to my blog and compare Rush Limbaugh, the heart and soul of the GOP [and before whom every GOP pol kneels to kiss his prodigious arse], to Bill Maher or Ed Schultz?
Remember how Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid were afraid to criticize Maher and Schultz? And remember how Maher and Schultz were made honorary members of the Democratic Congressional team? And how VP Joe Biden said he never misses Maher's or Schultz's show?
Neither do I.
Anyway, this rightwinger went on to whine about Palin's and Joe the Plumber's self-destruction, and tried to blame their lack of intelligence on the meany lefties.
Brain cells indeed.
Limbaugh should not have called that woman a slut. Moocher is a more apt description.
Yet you lefties stand and cheer when your liberal boys call conservative women vulgarities. Classless. You have no high ground to stand on.
Pardon me while I laugh my ass off at your phony outrage...
SF: "Limbaugh should not have called that woman a slut. Moocher is a more apt description."
SF, get your name-calling straight. "Moocher" [or is it "Moochie?"] is what the GOOPers call the FLOTUS.
You'll have to be a bit more creative and come up with another anti-woman slur for Ms. Fluke. You guys are really good at it. But let me remind you that "slut" and "prostitute," have already been taken. I'm sure you or your conservative manly men will come up with something just as degrading to women, though.
"Yet you lefties stand and cheer when your liberal boys call conservative women vulgarities. Classless. You have no high ground to stand on."
Seriously, SF? Ed Schultz and Bill Maher?
Ed Schultz immediately and in person on his show apologized to Laura Ingraham [you know, Laura Ingraham who called John McCain's daughter fat and called her a "useful idiot,' yeah, that little conservative lady]. Schultz apologized for injuring Ingraham's tender feelings on camera. He wasn't a coward like Limbaugh [or one of his lackeys] who called his apology in on his website. Schultz was then off the air for a week.
Bill Maher is a comedian. A real one, unlike Limbaugh, who is a misogynistic bully and so balless he had to depend on his housemaid to score his illegal drugs.
You have to actually PAY to watch Bill Maher's show. You have to make a determined effort to get to see Maher's act. Whereas Rush uses the public airwaves to slander women, African Americans, and people with handicaps." He uses my federal tax dollars to broadcast his gutless putrescence.
Trying to make this a he did/he did story is a major FAIL.
Rush belongs to the conservatives, pilonidal abscess and all.
One other difference, SF, is that Rush didn't blurt out "slut" in a moment of anger. For three days in a row he went after Ms. Fluke and deliberately slandered, degraded, and abused her in front of millions of his listeners.
There is something deeply sick about a man who would do that.
And again, he belongs to the GOP and every conservative who ever defended him. May be always be a symbol of that political party and what they stand for.
Our brains really are different.
The radical Right regards science, education and journalism as liberal entities, to be demonized if they cannot undermine, manipulate and control them.
Because, as we all know, “reality has a well-known liberal bias”? Well, yes, they are indoctrinated to fear liberalism. The Right needs to appeal to the darker emotions of people.
Two huge factors:
Most scientists in this country are Democrats.
Study: Conservatives Have Larger 'Fear Centers' in Their Brains
No wonder FOX(R) loves to repeat scary lies and distortions like “Death panels”, “Death tax”, “Obama the racist Marxist Muslim is destroying America”, etc.
It’s all about inciting fear.
Wanna read some rightwing lunacy? Go here, it's quite amazing!!
It has been my experience that men who are threatened by women usually have small brains and small penises - but very big mouths.
Even George Will had some harsh criticisms for Republicans for not forcefully denouncing Rush's comments.
"Moocher" is Randroid talk. Atlas Shrugged is laced with that epithet.
George Will is a basically rational person (most of the time), so I'm not surprised he'd be one of the few to face reality about this, but his is an ever-rarer breed on the right these days.
Fitzsimmons is right that this stuff is becoming the norm in those circles. We've all seen plenty of examples.
Any decent person should be able to condemn Limbaugh's vomitous sleaze without changing the subject in mid-sentence. Anyone who can't do that isn't a decent person. If someone on the left says something disgusting, yes, that also should be condemned, but don't pretend that the one somehow justifies or minimizes the other.
Way back in the 1990s when Limbaugh hadn't entirely gone off the deep end, I seem to recall some talented burn artist asking the question, "What is this guy, some kind of lovable Nazi?" Not so cute anymore, is he?
Silverfiddle. You're entirely on board with Limbaugh. Your subtle nuance is completely meaningless. You said the exact same thing that he did, just not in the inflammatory language. I'm not going to say that you hate women in the same way that Limbaugh does. But you might consider some serious self-reflection.
FJ: If you think Moocher and slut are separated by only a subtle difference, you're beyond help...
The point is why penalize women?
I just read Limbaugh's apology. That's what I call a "fuck you!" apology.
Silver... you can guess that I am not going to be one defending anyone using the type of words recently heard from El Rushbo, but in the past, from left leaning radio hosts, TV commentators, and other assorted opinion makers.
I do not believe there is a place for that type of language at any level, be it television, radio, or blogs.
I do not believe it is edifying in a civil society, and for people who claim to follow Christianity, or love God, something a majority of people in our country do, it is indefensible.
The counter charges I have heard from the right, a frequent retort similar to "But he did it too" should not obscure the facts that Rush did not just make a mistake, he doubled down for two more days.
Then in his apology, he apologized for his choice of words. Was he saying that he could have chosen better words to call Ms. Fluke a slut and a prostitute?
A larger question for me is when did Rush come to the realization that he should apologize? And why? Has he really had a change of heart and no longer believes what he said?
Rush has a much larger platform than any of the left leaning people cited in the Daily Beast article, perhaps bigger than all of them combined.
A wiser man that I once said "To whom much is given, much is expected."
Rush is a de facto spokesman for the GOP. He headlines conservative conventions and his stature is illuminated by the fact that few GOP leaders were willing to stick their necks out until his apology was made public.
One must ask why is that. From a party that has said silence regarding Islam and terrorism is acceptance, is it wrong to infer that silence from GOP leadership on this is acceptance?
You tell me...
Silverfiddle wrote: "FJ: If you think Moocher and slut are separated by only a subtle difference, you're beyond help...
March 5, 2012 9:04 AM"
But today, SF has a photo of a poster up on his blog that says:
"Sandra Fluke Will Screw You
For a Good Time Call 1-900-Tax-Payr"
There's no subtlty there.
Just a continuation of the conservative slander that women are sluts and whores if they dare to promote their point of view publicly.
Mr. SF has a daughter. I wonder how he will feel, if someday she were to express an opinion publicly and then some powerful opinion maker called her a slut for doing so.
Most fathers would find that unforgivable and cowardly.
But back to the claim that "liberals do it too:" Comparing what a comedien on a pay-for cable network said about a GOP pol to what Rush Limbaugh[using the public airwaves]did to private citizen, Ms. Fluke, for three solid days is, IMHO, weasel whining at its best, trying to make this a he did/he did comparison.
There is none. Nada. Niente!
Can anyone imagine making excuses or defending that gutless bully?
I couldn't either, until I visited conservative blogs and witnessed more of the same slander being piled onto Ms. Fluke.
//small brains and small penises - but very big mouths. //
WELL... I will let you know that I am more than adequate on the two former, normal on the later...
..but I gotz fat fingrs wat makez speeling toufh
who knew that calling someone the "c" word is now considered humor.
you can't think taking a million dollars from someone who calls women the "c" word ethical either. But then again the president can do whatever he wants and he always comes out smelling like a rose thanks to his adoring media.
He can help Israel attack Iran and be a hero or he can stop them and still be a hero or he can say they need to do what they need to do and still be a hero or he can say they better not do anything and still be a hero.In other words he is always a hero. The blind leading the blind.
Keep smoking the Hopium
Trying to ignore the idiot, here is Ed Schultz's apology when he inapprorpiately called Laura Ingraham a "right-wing" slut. Note that Schultz doesn't blame someone else. Instead, he takes full responsibility and was immediately suspended for a time.
Ingraham had class enough to accept his apology. Having two daughters, I will never forgive Rush Limbaugh. I guess that means I have no class. If their conservative father were still alive, he wouldn't hesitate to punch that fat tub of lard in the gut.
"On my radio show yesterday, I used vile and inappropriate language when talking about talk show host Laura Ingraham. I am deeply sorry, and I apologize. It was wrong, uncalled for and I recognize the severity of what I said. I apologize to you, Laura and ask for your forgiveness. It doesn't matter what the circumstances were. It doesn't matter that it was on radio and I was ad libbing. none of that matters. none of that matters. What matters is what I said was terribly vile and not of the standards that I or any other person should adhere to. I want all of you to know tonight that I did call Laura Ingraham today and did not make contact with her and I will apologize to her as i did in the message that I left her today. I also met with management here at MSNBC, and understanding the severity of the situation and what I said on the radio and how it reflected terribly on this company, I have offered to take myself off the air for an indefinite period of time with no pay. I want to apologize to Laura Ingraham. I want to apologize to my family, my wife. I have embarrassed my family. I have embarrassed this company. And I have been in this business since 1978, and I have made a lot of mistakes. This is the lowest of low for me. I stand before you tonight in front of this camera in this studio in an environment that I absolutely love. I love working here. I love communicating with all of you on the radio and the communication that I have with you when I go out and do town hall meetings and meet the people that actually watch. I stand before you tonight to take full responsibility for what I said and how I said it, and I am deeply sorry,"
Leslie, now that's an apology, and it came the next day. It did not come after two more days of trashing Laura.
Lisa, are you unable, or just unwilling to answer any of the questions I've directed your way?
Or is it your modus operandi now to just come and spew forth comments that may or not be connected to the discussion, ignoring all questions?
I thought we had seen a change in you from the type of commenter that uses both "true and false facts." You remember that quote don't you? You used that once to explain where you got your information.
That was, of course before another time when you were pressed for links, you responded by saying Google took them down to protect President Obama.
I think most people here would gladly enter into a real dialogue with you, but not if all you choose to do is come, make uninformed comments, and leave without intelligently engaging.
Dave you don't need a PhD to know how the media protects and helped get Obama elected.
Even a wild animal has instincts.
Obama won't be giving back that million dollars because now he owes/owns Maher.
Lisa: "Dave you don't need a PhD to know how the Dave you don't need a PhD to know how the media protects and helped get Obama elected.
Even a wild animal has instincts.
March 5, 2012 3:53 PM
Lisa never gives us links to back up her accusations. Therefore, they are baseless, nothing more than wild imaginings of people who do not like Mr. Obama.
She has absolutely no proof in claiming "the media protects and helped get Obama elected."
So what do we say about someone who habitually comes here and makes unsubstantiated claims, gets called on it, and never explains where she gets the information that those claims are based on?
We really should ignore her. She's not interested in exchanging ideas.
What on earth does she mean by this, vis-a-vis Dave's observations on how a real apology is given?
"Even a wild animal has instincts."
She ignores him and talks about wild animal instincts?
You're going against your heart. You know in your soul that Sue is right. Just fuck your stupid republican handlers and wait until they find out that you have converted to the way of light. It will be several weeks or months until they notice. Have you no faith in God? He will provide. Come into the light. Be beautiful.
Lisa, another charge with no link or evidence...
The million from Bill Maher is not a gift to the Obama campaign, rather to a Super Pac, which was enabled by the conservative SCOTUS decision to call corporations people and give then free speech protections.
If you have problems with the way money is shaping politics this year, perhaps you could write letters to your GOP buddies and ask them to change the law, after all it was the GOP appointed judges, you know, the ones who decry activism, that made it all possible.
Again Lisa, will you ever answer a question or are you just going to come and spew unsubstantiated charges?
Lisa, another charge with no link or evidence...
The million from Bill Maher is not a gift to the Obama campaign, rather to a Super Pac, which was enabled by the conservative SCOTUS decision to call corporations people and give then free speech protections.
If you have problems with the way money is shaping politics this year, perhaps you could write letters to your GOP buddies and ask them to change the law, after all it was the GOP appointed judges, you know, the ones who decry activism, that made it all possible.
Again Lisa, will you ever answer a question or are you just going to come and spew unsubstantiated charges?
I see it myself. He goes to an audience to talk about high gas prices and they are cheering him like he just lowered the price.
Did you people not see his campaign. He went to Germany during a free concert with free hot dogs and beer and they post a picture of this crowd cheering him like they were there for him and conveniently leaving out it was a concert. And the left goes around saying "Look even other countries love him" Of course Chris piss down his leg Matthews let everyone now how tingly he got just by the mere sight of his Messiah.
The only interview he ever got challenging him was Brett Baier which was similar of every interview Sarah Palin got.
Like her or not the media could have stumped Obama too. I never saw anyone give him an unplanned interview asking him what books he reads.
Not to mention the phony Lincoln columns as a background the crowd chanting his name knowing nothing about him but what the media propped him up to be.
Oh and the commerical of him sittng in the Oval Office like he was alreaday president. It was pathetic. I heard they even had to scale down the size of the chair to make him look like he fit in it.
If he had an R after his name the media would have destoyed him . But they chose to influence people with mindless Hope and Change BS.
I will just wait for the Movie "How Obama Got Elected"
The million from Bill Maher is not a gift to the Obama campaign, rather to a Super Pac
Oh I thought it didn't matter because he's a comedian. I think you should be arguing that with Shaw,don't you think Dave?
“It was a vile personal attack on this woman and it was sustained,” Imus noted on Monday. “It was Wednesday and then come back and double down on Thursday and then come back and double down on Friday. And then, issue a lame apology on your website.”
“So were it me and I ran a radio station or whatever, I would make him go down there and apologize to her face to face. He owns a Gulfstream IV (jet). Get on it, go to Washington, take her to lunch and say, ‘Look, I’m sorry I said this stuff and I’ll never do it again. Period.’ Now, he’s an insincere pig. Pill-popping pinhead.”
When Don Imus, thinks you are an insincere pig, you're I a wee bit of trouble with your public relations.
Imus should know when to STFU and simply apologise, his suggestion would work, but el rushbo will never be able to put his enormous ego aside and admit he was completely wrong, and the whole fault totally rested on his shoulders.
Lisa, what are you talking about? You see it yourself? What do you see and where did you see it?
This post was about RUsh Limbaugh calling a woman a slut and a prostitute and saying she should videotape sex and post it on the web.
Are you supporting that type of behavior, or because Rush is a favorite of the right, are you just mentally unable to wrap your mind around the fact that sometimes leaders on the right can be pretty bad folks?
Are you so blinded by your hate of the left, that even when someone on your side completely demeans another woman with language that is totally degrading, that you defend him?
Tell us Lisa, is that the type of person you want leading the GOP?
BTW el rushbo ain't just losing ads,
upwards of 13 by now,
the real problem for the drug addled hate filled misogynist bigot is;
he is now losing radio stations willing to host his hate speech.
2 already,
more shades of Don Imus,
who by comparison,
handled his scandal much better.
Dave, we could be talking about our favorite corn pudding recipe, and Lisa would come here and complain about the liberal media that put Mr. Obama in the WH.
She cannot accept the fact that he won the presidency by a healthy margin, that people did see him and hear him on many occasions, and decided they wanted him to lead this country.
When Lisa's opinions of politicians don't match up with what other people think, people like Lisa need to console their flawed thinking by believing other forces are at work. In Lisa's case, she can't accept that a majority of Americans chose Mr. Obama over Sen. McCain, so in order to reconcile this, she comes up with the absurd premise that the media convinced people to vote Obama into office.
Now if we were to take that premise and say it was working in 2004 when GWB got re-elected, Lisa would deny it. See, when someone she likes gets elected to national office, it's the wisdom of the electorate that accomplishes it. When that same thing happens to a Democrat? It's the liberal media that does so.
For folks like Lisa, it's nice to be able to explain painful reality in this way and it helps Lisa get through times that are difficult for her.
Me thinks come November,
Lisa will have to double down,
On her deniability delusions.
I don't mean to insult anyone, but 99% of the folks who comment here seem to be highly intelligent, so why do you waste time and energy trying to discuss anything with the 1% who couldn't find their way out of a paper bag? Meaning no offense, of course.
you can't think taking a million dollars from someone who calls women the "c" word ethical either. But then again the president can do whatever he wants and he always comes out smelling like a rose thanks to his adoring media.
Ummmm Lisa you need a new deniability delusion,
President Obama is not "accepting" a million dollar check from Maher. President Obama legally cannot accept OR reject the check.
Why you say??????
Pursuant to the ludicrous Citizens United case, Bill Maher is giving the money to a superpac supporting Obama's efforts.
Obama has absolutely nothing to do with the superpac.
It's the superpac's responsibility to give back the money if they so choose.
By law, Obama can have no say-so over the superpac's activities.
Nice try at foisting one of your deniability delusions on the rest of us,
But as usual from a right wing troll;
Most of the time, clif, she doesn't have what one would call a "grasp" of the facts.
I've yet to see any proof from these Righties that Mahar called Palin the "C" word. Doesn't matter. They are indoctrinated to repeat the accusation.
I also see no evidence that we "stand and cheer" when a Right winger woman is called a vulgarity.
Limbaugh did more than call the woman a slut. He also wanted the "femi-nazi" and "sex addict" to post sex videos.
Righties are ok with that, I guess.
Talk about classless and phony.
You ever notice every time you see a half black baby in a diaper......just wait a minute around the corner will come a fat,bleached blonde white woman,wearing spandax pants and smoking a Kool.....it happens every time.
We should, perhaps, be kinder to those of us who suffer from the disadvantage of a limited gene pool.
On second thought.... nah. To hell with the cousin-products.
Limbaugh should just reclassify himself as a comedian and make it all OK.
And Shaw, you need to look up the word "screw" in a dictionary. It has various meanings. That picture was clever.
You're too smart to be so dumb as to not see the double entendre.
Selective obtuseness does not become you and we can all tell you're faking it, since you are not a stupid woman.
I bet all of you would prefer to listen to The President sing while having sex instead of Al Green.
SF wrote: "And Shaw, you need to look up the word "screw" in a dictionary. It has various meanings. That picture was clever."
Of course the word "screw" has various meanings, but after last week and after Limbaugh's filthy diatribe against Ms. Fluke, the poster you put up was just too clever by half, wasn't it.
Let's not be dishonest and pretend that the sexual meaning of "screw" wasn't the point of that poster.
It was just more piling on Ms. Fluke to depict her as some sort of sex-craved woman, just because she was lobbying for contraceptive coverage.
Dishonesty doesn't become you.
"Lisa said...
I bet all of you would prefer to listen to The President sing while having sex instead of Al Green."
Why yes, Lisa, we would. Do you have a problem with that?
We've also had our bedroom ceilings wallpapered with the POTUS's gorgeous image so that while we're in a very liberal, very slutty mood, we ladies can all lie back, look at the ceiling and think of Barry during teh sexytime.
Shaw: Since you insist upon being purposefully obtuse, I'll explain it to you: The giveaway was:
"for a good time call 1-900-TAX-PAYR,"
The taxpayers are getting screwed, get it?
If Bill Mahr had made the joke against a conservative woman you would have gotten it...
You and the liberal men too Shaw.
I never saw heterosexual men turn homosexual over a pop culture figure like they did with this president.
FYI, Sue. This was posted over at our friend, Infidel753's blog:
"It's the power of human sexuality — and the exercise of that power free of religious or political constraints — that frightens the right wing. That it has a patriarchal mindset is merely a truism. And nothing threatens that patriarchal control as much as female sexuality. For centuries the Christian church taught that women were wild sexual beasts, put on earth to tempt hapless males from God's path. Nocturnal emissions were the work of succubi, female demons sent to drain men of their essence. Woman was the source of all of man's ills, stemming from Eve's initial disobedience, and her temptation of Adam into the same disobedience..... With every advance that women make — sexually, politically, economically — the patriarchal mindset suffers another defeat, another existential blow. It's on its last legs, at least in the West, and in its death throes thrashes about like a dying lion. But it's not a lion in the prime of his life, killed in a hunt; it's an old, toothless, limp animal, feebly striking out, its blows failing to land, looked on with pity if not laughter. While women have every right and reason to react with anger at the ire being directed their way by the likes of Rush Limbaugh for wanting contraception covered by all employer health plans..... they should take comfort and more than a bit of satisfied joy that the majority of their fellow citizens don't view female sexuality as the right wing does. It's one more nail in the coffin of the conservative movement. And it's one that they hammered in themselves."
Liberal Librarian
I wonder what else Obama will give away this election season. Silicone breast implants to "lift" women's self esteem? Viagra to "grow" his male base?
Maybe he will throw in a DVD of foreplay of him and Michelle.
He will just keep his quivering fans wanting for more and more until they all simultaneously implode.
SF, I don't have HBO, so the only time I hear or see Maher is when someone on the 'net links to him. So I'm not aware of all of Maher's jokes and comedy routines.
And I still believe that double entendre "screw" was meant to emphasize the conservative's assessment of Ms. Fluke as a "slut" for lobbying for contraception coverage. Commenters on your own blog still believe, erroneously, that she was lobbying for contraception coverage for herself.
Viagra is covered by insurance. Why shouldn't the pill be as well? The pill is used for female medical conditions as well as contraception. Perhaps the "contraception" element of the pill is what gets conservative men's and women's knickers all in a twist. Perhaps the reason is that they suspect someone, somewhere, somehow is having a good time and won't have to pay a price for it.
'the majority of their fellow citizens don't view female sexuality as the right wing does'
yeah Shaw we can tell by all the poor single mothers and abortion clinics that liberal policies have created.
"Lisa said...
I wonder what else Obama will give away this election season. Silicone breast implants to "lift" women's self esteem? Viagra to "grow" his male base?
Maybe he will throw in a DVD of foreplay of him and Michelle.
He will just keep his quivering fans wanting for more and more until they all simultaneously implode."
Lisa, you've made your point. It's silly, immature, and irrelevant.
Oh good Lord now the so called"college" student wants sex change operations covered.
Hey bitches I want a boob lift,a nose job and a life style lift. Why don't we just cover everything?
For God's sakes why don't these loons just go back under the rock they crawled out of?
Shaw no that 30 year old poser that Pelosi drug out in the public square is irrelevant.
I guess Pelosi hates the fact that Americans rejected her so she has to continue her behind the scenes manipulating.
Talk about prostitutes? We have the the biggest publicity prostitutes in DC.
Viagra is covered by insurance. Why shouldn't the pill be as well? The pill is used for female medical conditions as well as contraception. Perhaps the "contraception" element of the pill is what gets conservative men's and women's knickers all in a twist. Perhaps the reason is that they suspect someone, somewhere, somehow is having a good time and won't have to pay a price for it.
I love how the uptight lefties always like to read their own stereotypes into the motives of others...
But your first point is a good one, in the context of collectivized rights, and that really is where the fracture is.
Conservatives and libertarians believe government should have nothing to do with health care and insurance, and that it would probably be a good idea for employers to get out of it as well.
Have a free and open marketplace policed by the government and let every individual buy the coverage that suites him or her without anyone else getting in his or her business.
Being a Hayekian, I would even go so far as to having a government program for that miniscule percentage hit by some medical catastrophe to keep them from losing everything.
I also would be for governments temporarily helping the down and out with their medical coverage.
This is the problem as I see it: Government intruding where it doesn't belong. Good God, what the hell ever happened to privacy? Can you see how government intrusion makes it everybody's business?
"Conservatives and libertarians believe government should have nothing to do with health care and insurance, and that it would probably be a good idea for employers to get out of it as well."
SF, perhaps you missed my comment here a while back where I spoke about having been insured by a free-market, capitalist, private insurance company that dumped me after I was diagnosed with breast cancer and had another bout with another cancer and that private insurance company would not cover me because of a pre-existing condition.
It was that wonderfully socialist liberal state of Massachusetts and the fabulous, fabulous compassionate people at Mass. General Hospital that rescued me from total financial destruction where I would have had to decide whether I should lose my home and all my assets that I worked for all my life to fight those cancers or just die.
See Libertarians love their "no-government involvement in anything" and their "the free market will take care of everything" idealism so long as they don't get hit with a catastrophe.
You don't live in the real world if you believe that.
Mine is not an isolated story either.
And here's a link to show I wasn't an isolated case.
I did not claim that such cases are isolated, I said it is a miniscule percentage, which more precisely, is less than 1% of the population.
I also said, if you really read my comment, that I am not opposed to such government programs that save someone like you from financial ruin.
There has not been a free market in health care for decades. It is a pay for play crony crapitalist market screwed up and jammed by tons of government interference.
For those of you brave enough, go try this thought experiment
And Shikha Dalmia has a dispach from your state on Romneycare
SF, I looked at a number of Dalmia's article over at Reason magazine, all of them critical of the Obama administration.
I give the link you sent me as much credence as you would give me if I had sent you an article on the economy by Paul Krugman.
FYI, Silverfiddle,
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Federal Data: Health Insurance Premium Growth Has Slowed After Romneycare
In 2010, John F. Cogan, R. Glenn Hubbard, and Daniel P. Kessler published in Forum for Health Economics & Policy a report (“The Effect of Massachusetts’ Health Reform on Employer-Sponsored Insurance Premiums”) on the effects of Governor Mitt Romney's 2006 health-care reform in Massachusetts. This report suggested that, up until 2008, these reforms (hereafter referred to as "Romneycare") led to a relative increase in health-insurance premiums. This report was cited numerous times by opponents of Romney and helped fuel the belief that Romneycare caused health-insurance premiums to skyrocket in Massachusetts (even though Cogan et al. did not make this claim).
However, new data has now come out (covering through 2010), and this data tells a rather different story. It instead suggests that Massachusetts's health-insurance premium growth declined relative to the nation as a whole in the years since Romneycare has been enacted. From 2006 to 2010, employer-sponsored health-care premiums for a family rose about 19% in Massachusetts, while they rose about 22% in the US as a whole. Compare that to the period between 2002 and 2006, when Bay State family premiums increased 40% and US family premiums rose only 34.5%. Family premiums have seen the greatest reduction in growth since Romneycare; individual premiums have also slowed their rate of growth, though by not as much. For both family and individual premiums, the rate of growth fell below the national average in the period between 2008 and 2010.
And Dalmia has more recent data showing the gap closing. Time will tell...
For the record, I'm not one of those griping about Romneycare since I don't live in Mass. The voters there voted it in and that is the way things are supposed to work in a federalist system.
If you are happy with it, then I am too.
Finally, please don't peg Shikha Dalmia as a conservative (God forbid!)
She is a libertarian, so she routinely pisses off conservatives as well...
SF, my family is happy with it too, since I'm still alive, and as a result was able to welcome into the world my adorable grandson, Ryan.
I would not wish on my worst enemy--not even on Limbaugh-- not anyone, what I went through, and what I faced.
I worked hard all my life, since I was 12 years old, and to have the cancellation of medical insurance when I needed it most was horribly stressful; and while I can't prove it, I believe it caused the second round of horrors.
I have to thank Romney for what he did here in Massachusetts, and MGH for their caring and humane treatment.
Why can't we Americans agree on being humane to each other?
Racist Limpballs is not the exception he is the loudest voice of the shit-filled oppressive hate filled Right-Wing.
It's time to Flush Rush, everybody. Don't let up! Don't take the pressure off.
Hopefully, Limpballs will go full Breitbart on us!!!
//so why do you waste time and energy trying to discuss anything with the 1% who couldn't find their way out of a paper bag?//
What Leslie said... I pretty much agree.
I agree too, Leslie and Jim...
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