Wednesday, March 7, 2012

The Videos.. From Youtube...
This video was released as a tease, to the set that is to be released. The other videos are supposed to contain the explosive evidence of his college years. We will have to wait and see on this one., not to much to this tease or you can see other story at. Obama Teen Video Leaked! Released! New!

 How sad, how pathetic!! (I will tune into Sean Hannity tonight, someone on the Youtube comments said the videos will air tonight) Some comments said THIS video is not the one which led to the murder of Andrew Breitbart...sigh...How lucky are we to live amongst MORONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Story Behind the Obama Law School Speech Video

Thanks to FB friend Glenn for this link, it's an excellent story and video


Mary said...

I saw this video on Andrea Mitchell today...and loved it! But I also wondered if this was the ominous Breitbart tape. I wonder how Breightbart edited them to make them subversive? Of course standing up for diversity and equality are subversives these days so that alone would make President Obama a marxist, commie bastard, right?

So I did go to the Breitbart blog and from what I can glean from the stupid over there this guy President Obama is speaking of is evil because he believed that diversity was of value in a prominently all white, all male faculty.

Wow...I think God just took out Breitbart because she learned that when she tried to make Limpballs deaf to shut him up and he used science to restore his hearing and thus his bullshit, she just said "screw it" and killed Andy! ;)

clif said...

PBS’s Frontline actually has the original video, complete and unedited by right wing numbskulls.

Watch it Here

this will turn out to be another Shirley Sherrod cut and paste non scandal

.... except for the ig-ner-ent mouth breathers,

who cannot accept the fundamental fact

a black man is the legal duly elected occupant of (cough) their (cough) lily white (cough, cough)... white house

Shaw Kenawe said...

I have news for the Stupids on FAUX NOOZ and their viewers: No one cares what a teenager or even a 20 year old did. No one.

George W. Bush was a good-for-nothing drunken sot until he was 40 years old, but America still made him their president.

No one gives a flying donut about what someone did in his youth.

FAUX NOOZ and their zombies are looking like blood thirsty goons.


Sue said...

Oh Mary, I just watched Moron Sean Hannity slobber all over himself showing the infamous hidden video clip where young Barack Obama hugged the professor!!!!!!! GASP!!!!!!!! Malkin says it's about time we vet the PREZ, with her MEAN ugly mug sticking out...OMG this is sickening, I can barely contain myself!!! He hugged the radical professor therefore he is radical and SCARY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now their trying to make scary out of Mahers donating money to the super pac...this is worse than watching kindergardeners argue..

Sue said...

Shaw, Clif, sorry 'bout moderation but can ya imagine RR and Lisa??

Anyway, this non video was about as lame as watching Bert hug Ernie on Sesame Street...I have never saeen such hysteria over something so stupid. Michelle Malkin was breathing fire from those ugly fat lips of hers...

clif said...

Now their trying to make scary out of Mahers donating money to the super pac

So Bill Maher gave money to a group President Obama cannot officially or legally have any connection with,

So freakin' what.

The Koch sucking brothers do that every day.

Sue said...

duh, I'm all head over heels with this stupid video and watching Hannity that I didn't even realize I already had the link to the excellent story and video in the very first sentence of this post, sorry! It is good, hope you watch it!

Flying Junior said...

I think we owe Mr. Breitbart a heartfelt thanks for bringing this important part of our common history to the national discussion. I guess it doesn't really matter that his motives were ignoble. Only stupid and close-minded people would ever believe that this tape had been hidden by Obama's allies in the media. I was fascinated. My admiration and understanding of President Obama has been increased. Hopefully this will work to help his reelection. Independents are surely fed up with insane, lying republican candidates.

Sue said...

I felt the same way after I saw it FJ. I admire my president even more now, if that's possible!

Leslie Parsley said...

How refreshing to come here and read only (((intelligent))) comments. Unlike the know-nothings from the right-wing who come here and contribute nothing, the conservatives in the Frontline video offer up sound observations about Obama when he was a law student at Harvard. It's also proof that there's a huge difference between being conservative and being a wacked-out extremist.

Sue said...

Lisa is squirming, Leslie! LOL! She can go play with the kids on her blog for a change...

I'm hearing the extremists sites are ripe with hate right now, but I can't venture over to the dark side, maybe this weekend when I have some free time.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I didn't know Lisa had a blog.

I dig Obama.

clif said...


I saw the horrible video tape,

The inhumanity of that tape;

Of Bevis and Butthead on Hannity that is,

Tryin' to 'splain their incomprehensible pulled outa their arse theories about the evil relationship between Harvard law student and one of his professors.

However the real life Bevis has dark colored hair and Butthead is even dumber in real life.

What a legacy breitbart left us,

Real life Bevis and Butthead fooles

Spewing his idiocy.

Karma really had a wicked sense of humor on this one.

BTW CNN’s Soledad O’Brien did a rather good job slapping down the stoopid ideas of butthead on this one.

Kudos to her.

Sue said...

you didn't Truth? Go pay her a visit, she's lonely without us...yes our dear president is cool!

Sue said...

clif thanks for that Soledad O'Brien link, I was gonna google it, I missed the show but have been hearing alot about it!

Rusty Shackelford said...

We folks are fine with the status does'nt matter that the president is a borderline socialist...its O.K. to dump 500 million of tax payer money on crony capitalism...its O.K. that a gallon on gas is bouncing over four bucks....its O.K. that Iran is about a c^*t hair away from having a nuclear bomb...its O.K. that 20 million americans are out of work....its O.k. that we are going to have a 20 trillion dollar debt...its O.K. that this president is spending his time fund raising,not governing....its O.K. that this president makes a personal call to a puppet like Sandra Fluke yet does'nt call Gold Star Moms....yes,its O.K. because this is Obama..the one who will reverse the tides...the one of hope and change.....see my thumb,boy you're dumb!!

Shaw Kenawe said...


Would you like some cheese with that whine?

clif said...

.it does'nt matter that the president is a borderline socialist.

Right wing Lie #1

.its O.K. to dump 500 million of tax payer money on crony capitalism.

Beats the hell out of the 2+TRILLION Bush blew in Iraq eh?

At least Americans got paid instead of foreigners getting shot eh?

.its O.K. that a gallon on gas is bouncing over four bucks.

Gas is made from oil a very fungible commodity. Funny when prices go up right winger screeches, but never support alternatives, and conservation to save oil thus keeping prices down. They fight tooth and nail against higher cafe standards, and denigrate attempts like the Volt to address problems you are crying over.

.its O.K. that Iran is about a c^*t hair away from having a nuclear bomb

Far from the truth, Iran has never come close to 90%+ enrichment of U235 Uranium, which is the first step in creating the nuclear core needed for a bomb. But that won't stop you from lying about it.

.its O.k. that we are going to have a 20 trillion dollar debt...<

Thank Reagan who started the country down the path of spending with NO revenues or plan for paying for it, what did Cheney say?

Oh right You know, Paul, Reagan proved that deficits don't matter. We won the mid-term elections, this is our due.

to Paul O'Neill, then Treasury Secretary

Thank the clowns you backed for 8 years while they turned a surplus and Clinton plan to PAY OFF THE DEBT into the debt you whine over.

.its O.K. that this president is spending his time fund raising,not governing..

Typical right wing talking point when a democratic office holder has out witted them at every turn, but never when Bush or Reagan was doing EXACTLY the same thing for their re-election.

.its O.K. that this president makes a personal call to a puppet like Sandra Fluke yet does'nt call Gold Star Moms..

I must have missed the Rush personal attacks on gold star moms. Rush did attack soldiers who served their country when he didn't lik,e their political views, Like YOU DO.

PS: How do you know he doesn't?

You don't just screeching outa yer arse as usual.

Dave Miller said...

Actually Shaw, Ms Palin apparently cares about the video proclaiming that it is evidence that Barack Obama wants to take us back to pre-civil war days...

Here's my favorite quote from her on this... ""Look at his embracing of Derrick Bell, the radical college racist professor whom he...embraced literally and figuratively asking others to open their hearts and minds to the radical agenda of a racist like Derrick Bell who believed that white men oppress blacks and minorities,"

I guess that she is unaware that in fact, white men did, and in the case of too many even today, still do.

Here's the link to the person who started all of this divisiveness by calling President Obama unAmerican

Sue said...

I hate when conservatives claim to know what where when and WHO the president speaks to! Is that a fact Rusty, Pres. Obama does not make phone calls to Gold Star Moms, or just something Hannity likes to fling out there? As for the rest, typical rightwing fearmongering. I don't know how wingers even get out of bed in the morning, our president and what he is doing to our country is so scary!

Dave Miller said...

Rusty, did you get a day pass?

How about a reality check...

I understand you and the rest of the blind GOP partisans can't stand President Obama.

But how about some thinking on your issues?

Are you in favor of the seemingly preferred GOP solution to Iran, which is bomb them?

If you are, how should we pay for it? WOuld you support raising taxes to fund this operation? WHen McCain was asked about funding the other day, he had no answer other than to say America finds a way.

Well here's some news for the GOP folks... America found a way to fund our last two wars and it was called deficit spending.

Are you Rusty in favor of that?

Yes Rusty, gas prices are high, but American production is higher than it has been in over ten years. That means we are producing more gas than we did during the previous Admin.

Gas prices are high because of strong world demand and price speculation. What policy are you advocating that will bring prices down in the US? And lest we forget, more oil here will not translate into more supply as we have a refinery issue.

Americans of all stripes do not want refineries near their homes.

I might also add that a war with Iran will further drive oil prices up. How should we factor that into our thinking Rusty?

It is not okay that Americans are out of work. What progress has the GOP made in the House? They said their number one focus would be jobs after winning the House in 2010. What progress has been made on that? Can you cite a specific bill aimed at helping American workers that the House leadership has passed?

You see Rusty, most Americans know that there are no easy answers to the problems you brought up.

It really makes no sense to just carp about all of it with no solutions.

You remind me of malcontent who when pushed to offer solutions, as opposed to just complaining, said solutions are for other people.

Maybe you are better than that.

We will wait and see.

Dave Dubya said...

Poor Rusty. He drifted from reality right away with, "We understand".

Then he quickly proved they don't understand.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Here's my favorite quote from her on this... ""Look at his embracing of Derrick Bell, the radical college racist professor whom he...embraced literally and figuratively asking others to open their hearts and minds to the radical agenda of a racist like Derrick Bell who believed that white men oppress blacks and minorities,"

I guess that she is unaware that in fact, white men did, and in the case of too many even today, still do.
--Dave Miller

It's difficult to believe that any American could say those words. Difficult until you learn that Sarah Palin said them. Then we can dismiss them and laugh ourselves silly.

She truly has become America's Clown, always good for a belly laugh.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Good morning.

From DU:

Thank you Rush. Please. Stay on the air!!!!

"Women favor Democrats 51-36

WaPo: When the Wall Street Journal/NBC News survey asked last summer which party should control Congress, a slim 46-42 percent plurality of women said it should be the Democrats.

But in a survey released Monday, compiling polling since the beginning of the year, that figure had widened considerably to a 15-point advantage for the Democrats, according to polling by the team of Democratic pollster Peter Hart and Republican Bill McInturff. Fifty-one percent favored Democratic control; only 36 percent wanted to see the Republicans in charge."

I do not want Rush off the air. Keep him spewing his vile slurs, and soon we'll have all women voters coming to the Democratic ticket!

Malcolm said...

Calling this video a "bombshell" is more clownishness from the right. Hannity of all people should be careful about playing this silly "guilt by association" game. Let's not forget that he once "palled around" with white supremacist Hal Turner.

Samuel L. Bronkowitz said...

I expected something stupid. And they managed to surpass (or run underneath) even my expectations. Only a pretty vile racist could have seen anything sinister in that video.

Samuel L. Bronkowitz said...

We folks are fine with the status does'nt matter that the president is a borderline socialist...its O.K. to dump 500 million of tax payer money on crony capitalism...its O.K. that a gallon on gas is bouncing over four bucks....its O.K. that Iran is about a c^*t hair away from having a nuclear bomb...its O.K. that 20 million americans are out of work...

And now you see why I had to deal with Rusty. He was funny once, but he's become a rebroadcast of today's "Hannity" episode.

clif said...

Rusty has always been a rehash of somebody else's right wing talking points,

IE somebody else's thinking.

Dave Miller said...

Sue, you've been pretty quiet lately... you okay?

Sue said...

I'm good Dave, thanks for asking! It's Spring here in NJ so I'm outside more and also doing some Spring cleaning and decorating. Blogging gets kinda boring sometimes, especially since my friends convinced me to Facebook. I do alot of politics there, if anyone wants to join me on FB just type in Sue Welch and you'll recognize me by the Pres. Obama avatar!