Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Congratulations Mr. President...

Everyone is talking about the first anniversary of the killing of Osama bin Laden, most are congratulatory, but some like the haters who worship Dubya and Fox, are livid...

It's such hypocrisy and petty jealousness... We know if Bush had killed bin Laden instead of ignoring him he'd been carved into Mt. Rushmore!

After intense consultation with military leaders, intelligence officials, and top cabinet advisors, the POTUS, Barack Obama, Commander-in-Chief, gave the orders and the Navy SEALS followed the orders.  This was not a fly by night spur of the moment raid on THE MOST wanted man in the world...President Obama works with his BRAIN not his Bushie...

This is what a wingnut says on the subject,
"The SEALS used the intel gathered by the CIA using enhanced interrogation, which the clown considers "torture". He was on the golf course 20 minutes before the operation, now he's taking credit for eliminating Bin Laden. What a joke he is."

What a joke you are, you dimwitted hater!

Here's another,    

 "If Obama and Nancy Pelosi had had their way, we would not have found Bin Laden. We found him with the information we got from Gitmo detainees by using our enhanced interrogation techniques. We water board our prisoners. Al Qaeda beheads them and posts it on YouTube. We get criticized and they get no media coverage. Give me a freaking break! We need a president who is on OUR side!"
Are these people serious?? The last time the Bush administration had a clue to the whereabouts of bin Laden was in 2001. After that "they really were not concerned about him"

This is plastered on Facebook so all the wingnut haters can spew their hate for our POTUS. When will it end??  I know, never....


Happy To Be/ Gl♥ria said...

Just stopping by to say Hi..May you have the best week ever my friend..Hugs and smiles Gloria

Lisa said...

when will it end. Hopefully November.

Flying Junior said...

The Romney campaign is so inept. He plans this vicious smear campaign to devastate Santorum in his home state. Then the poor bastard pulls out of the race and they have to all of a sudden pull all the ads set to air in Pennsylvania because they're so fucking mean-spirited it wouldn't be right to do it to a daddy with a three-year old sick child.

Then days before the one-year anniversary of the successful assassination of OBL, they run that retarded "Oh Yeah!" ad accusing Obama of being a little bit too cool. So the next morning Romney is licking his paw and crying fowl, "I could have got that Osama. He did a bad thing to America. I would have come to the same decision as the president."

I bet that won him a lot of converts. I would think the young men on the bicycles are batting higher than that.

That's the first remotely respectful thing he has ever said about Obama. ROFLMAO

Magpie said...

How about we just not note the anniversary?

Osama bin Laden was just an evil fanatic with financing, the inevitable bad fruit of the US relationship with the despotic Saudi regime - which continues.
He was the end of the chain of bad people who had the window of opportunity - during the administration of the most lame president ever - to carry out his evil. Now he's feeding fish somewhere. Good riddance. He isn't worth it.

America shouldn't let the bastard own part of her soul by noting the date he died.

Silverfiddle said...

Love that picture. Thanks!

Yeah, we all know Obama personally fast roped into the compound and killed UBL with his bare hands while Palooka Joe hovered overhead in the batcopter...

Serving and former US Navy SEALs have slammed President Barack Obama for taking the credit for killing Osama bin Laden and accused him of using Special Forces operators as ‘ammunition’ for his re-election campaign.

Sue said...


Jerry Critter said...

If Obama had decided not to go after UBL, would you be blaming the SEALs for not getting him?

okjimm said...

well, gosh.... I think it was quite an accomplishment.... though nowhere as good as Bush's Mission Accomplished..... in, what was that? 2003...boy& howdy... I sure liked the way he stepped onto the aircraft carrier looking liked he had just bombed the shit out of Saddam and solved everything. Boy, That Bush, he sure fixed everything, huh?

Silverfiddle said...

If Obama had decided not to go after UBL, would you be blaming the SEALs for not getting him?

Of course not. If you see flashlights in your neighbor's home at 2:00 am and call the cops, whereupon they nab two burglars, who gets credit?

The president made a decision. Great, but he's making too much of it.

This reminds me of that Simpsons episode where Burns hires the NY Yankees as ringers for his softball team. When Giambi hits a home run, Burns says, "See, I told him to do that!"

Silverfiddle said...

Did Richard Nixon Land on the Moon?

Imagine if President Nixon had decided to base his 1972 re-election campaign on the boast that he landed on the moon. His predecessors tried and failed for eight years. It wasn't an easy decision--what if something went wrong? But that's why you hire a president, to make those gutsy calls. Which path would George McGovern have taken?

Jerry Critter said...

So, obviously you don't blame Carter for the botched Iran hostage rescue like most conservatives.

Flying Junior said...

You know Jerry...

I was going to try to say something about Carter's Operation Eagle's Claw, but I had stuff to do and I was afraid I would get the history wrong and SF could kick my ass again. I was twenty years old in 1979 and I definitely remember the 52 hostages that were held 444 days in Iran. I guess the fact that they were all released on January 20, 1981 is widely held to be a coincidence/conspiracy theory.

What blew my mind was that the real arms-for-hostages/contra scandal took place in 1985. I still haven't had the time to read about the whole thing. But during the early 1980s when I was in college, I used to listen to a weekly report on KPFK Pacifica Radio detailing the outrageous lies, abuses and crimes of the Reagan administration with relation to the civil wars in Honduras and Nicaragua. I doubt that any of it is archived today, nearly thirty years later.

Great stuff, no doubt. Nobody will ever pin those types of accusations to our president today.

You're right. Carter took a big gamble on an operation that was probably a lot more complicated. The wikipedia entry described the minimum number of helicopters needed, spare parts failures, and of course, the loss of eight American lives even though the operation was aborted.

SF, The fact that Obama took this risk just sixteen months before an election should garner him some respect, right?

Charlie! Just kidding!

Silverfiddle said...

No Jerry, not directly. Whoever let our military get into the pathetic state it was in deserves the blame.

The incident was, however, emblematic of our now second-worst president's pathetic, malaise-infused failure.

Dave Miller said...

Silver, I assume you were just as worked up when Bush was blatantly political with his military stunt to land on a carrier and declare Mission Accomplished for a war we just ended?

Why is it when a Dem celebrates and brings up a clear foreign policy win, the GOP says it is political, yet when a GOP Pres does it, it is not?

Why can't the GOP just say he made the right call, America is safer for it, and he deserves praise for making the right call?

Do you for a minute think the GOP would have not hammered him for making a stupid call if it had gone badly?

Leslie Parsley said...

DITTO everybody but Lisa and SF. The projection and hypocrisy the GOP engages in while talking out of both sides of their mouths and blowing smoke out of their ears is even obvious to my half blind and deaf dog.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

President Obama had the balls to go into Pakistan and hunt down terrorists and other scum. Bush didn't.

It was a gutsy call for Obama because if the mission failed he would lose this November leaving our Nation in the hands of the whiny shithead mitt Romney and whatever neocon thugs he appoints to cabinet positions.

Silverfish; every now and then you post something respectable. This comment thread you have descended into a cesspool of right wing bullshit.

Lisa is just a sheep and parrot.

Silverfiddle said...

President Obama had the balls to go into Pakistan and hunt down terrorists and other scum. Bush didn't.

No, Troofy, Obama did not go into Pakistan. Navy Seals did. They're the ones with the balls.

I gave the president props at the time it happened. He did something right. Congratulations! Now lets move on...

Sue said...

The Commander in Chief gives the orders, right? Obama did just that, accept it and give praise just as you would if it was a Republican Prez.

When a candidate runs for office or re election, they run on their record! Pres. Obama has every right to show he has an impressive record on foreign policy! The R's are just jealous because that was usually their expertise, now it is NOT!

Jerry Critter said...

Bush destroyed any pretext that republicans had that foreign policy was their expertise.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I understand why you want to move on Silverfish. It is because you are in the wrong on this.

Obama manned up. Reagan, in the words of the deluded right, cut and ran after nuts blew up the Marine barracks in Lebanon. Reagan never made the Iranians pay after the hostage crisis.

Face it dude; republicans are sissies.

clif said...

republicans are sissies

That is why so many of them are in the chicken hawk hall of shame,

and HATE the word because of it.

Too bad they,(and in Cheney, Bush and Romney's case their children) won't do anything to change their shame except cry like the little wussies they are about it.

That and whine when a democratic Presidenmt actually does something GOOD for ther country not just the super rich. Like help the poor and middle class out of the economic fiasco right wing politics and ideology of the last 32 years has wrought us all.

Jerry Critter said...

The Chicken Hawk Hall Of Fame. I love it. That's a great list. Well done, Clif.

Shaw Kenawe said...

"The president made a decision. Great, but he's making too much of it."

"I gave the president props at the time it happened. He did something right. Congratulations! Now lets move on..."

Translation: Let's not continue to talk about how good the Democrats, and especially Mr. Obama, are on foreign policy.

But still, I give props to SF for his acknowledgement of a successful operation that got rid of one of the worse monsters of the 21st century. Had a Republican president done so, his face would be carved on Mt. Rushmore by now.

Silverfiddle said...

I love it when liberals attempt to engage in macho talk, calling people sissies, etc...

Since Obama is has killed more brown people than any other Nobel Laureate, but never served in the military, I guess that makes him the biggest sissy and chickenhawk of all, based upon your logic.

But it is a great laugher, hearing previously anti-war liberals pound their chests and herald their hero as a great warrior president.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

We're anti stupid wars Silverfish. You do make a good point, albeit unknowingly buddy.

A big part of the republican base is bigots. Keep harping on Obama having brown terrorists killed and maybe some of them will vote for him.

Malcolm said...

First off Sue, welcome back!

When I first heard the news that bin Laden had been killed, I literally laughed out loud because I knew the right-wing would twist themselves into knots in an effort to discredit President Obama. In marking the 1 yr anniversary, the president hasn't gone overboard. He has simply touted his record just like any politician would do. The righties are just pissed that President Obama accomplished something in less than 3 yrs that President Bush couldn't in almost two terms.

Silverfiddle: No one is saying President Obama physically went into Pakistan and took out bin Laden himself. However, I think you're drinking the Haterade if you don't think it took guts on the president's part to make the call to go ahead with the raid. Based on what we know now, the certainty that bin Laden was in the compound was as low as 40%. In all likelihood, had the raid backfired, the Obama presidency would have been all but finished. If the raid had been unsuccessful, I highly doubt you and many others on the right would be saying "now let's move on".

In case you missed it when Dave asked you earlier, I'll give it a shot:

Did you feel Bush was "making too much of it" when he landed on an aircraft carrier wearing a flight suit backed by a banner that declared "Mission Accomplished"?

Flying Junior said...

"Mission Accomplished" was just code for the largest amount of United States treasure ever transferred to defense industry coffers, shareholders, salaries, contractors, security firms, the dreaded Blackwater, investors, gasoline scalpers, catering companies and other assorted scum that profited by the most obscenely funded war(s) in our short, sweet history as a nation. Everything was for profit. The soldiers were paid the least of anybody there. Anybody who would blame all that debt on Obama is simply not paying attention. Yeah, I guess he gave all my taxes to poor people. I remember now.

Remember that mental case Rumsfeld apologizing for not armoring the Humvees. "You go to war with the army you have..."

A few years ago I told an old WWII army supply officer that there was no such thing as a mess officer anymore, that it was all private contractors. He's like, "Really?" That guy still had his invoices for cans of beans, bacon, flour, etc. A can of beans in WWII cost thirteen cents. A gallon of gas in Iraq cost what? A hundred dollars or something like that?

Flying Junior said...

I mean "requisitions."

Shaw Kenawe said...

Re: the sissy remark.

May I point out that Mitt Romney caved like wet cardboard when some unknown evangelical blasted him over his gay foreign policy advisor. Even the evangelicalguy laughed at how easily Romney ran with his tail between his legs from his own appointment once the heat in the kitchen got too hot.

Not a pretty sight, and indicative of Willard's jell0 spine.

Also, how many GOP Senators and Reps, unable to call him out on his fetid rants, have kissed the prodigious arse of gasbag, Rush Limbaugh, and trembled before his bloated awesomeness? But those same GOP Senators and Reps, and even presidential candidates are real brave about how they'd go to war with Iran!

That is massive sissy behavior!

Samuel L. Bronkowitz said...

Hypocrisy has never been an unnatural condition for the Rushpubliscum Party.

Silverfiddle said...

OK. You win.

I'll give Obama complete credit for the UBL hit if you guys will also give him complete credit for this crappy economy.

Sue said...

I thought you were smarter than that SF...

Jerry Critter said...

Obama inherited both crappy situations, OBL alive, and the economy. He has solved the OBL problem, and the economy is moving in the right direction inspite of massive obstructionism from the republicans.

Flying Junior said...

Thank you for stopping by Silverfiddle. You're humor is much appreciated. It makes it all a lot easier to take.

I wanted to drop in on RN's latest thread about communication between the left and the right.

Why bother? I don't have the time most of you guys seem to enjoy. We, the left, mostly consider you guys delusional or evil. The politicians themselves, the agents of the devil. I have no problem with you crazy, fucking dreamers. I think Ron Paul is absolutely darling. Some po-dunk doctor in Texas in 1962 wants to comment about health care? Bless his heart.

The part that blows my mind is that you would actually be comfortable with being identified as La Rive Droite.

To each their own. Not every country protects freedom of speech as does our own.

We are all Americans. it is important that we understand each other. If not, the consequences could become very dire.

Sue said...

I love Flying Junior...js