You know Ed Schultz always fires me up, right? Well tonight's show from Illinois, on the ground where the Sensata plant USED to employ 170 American men and women, most starting at a living wage of 17.00 an hour, HAS SHUT IT'S DOORS on those 170 workers, but first they had to TRAIN the Chinese workers who will be replacing them, IN CHINA!! YUP, do you know this story? If not please inform yourselves, especially those of you who will be voting (GAG) for MittenspigfuckerRomney! See, he is, along with Bain, making a MINT on the Sensata plant shutting down and MOVING TO CHINA!
Sensata, in the second quarter, made over five hundred million dollars in profit, BUT that does not seem to make them happy little campers so they are fucking the American worker and embracing the Chinese woman who are GRATEFUL to work for them at NINETY NINE CENTS AN HOUR! YUP, you heard that right! Just think, PROFITS will soar! 99 cents an hour, 12 hours a day, one day off a month...this makes Mittens absolutely giddy! He is in AWE of the Chinese worker, he wants to know why American workers refuse to work like a slave for 99 cents an hour...
When MittenspigfuckerRomney tells you he will crack down on China what does that say to you? How does that make you feel? All cozy and warm? Will you vote to destroy America from the inside, if you vote for Mitt Romney you are doing just that!!
Read the story..Sensata in Illinois
Rachel Maddow Devastates Trump And Calls Him A Decorative President
Rachel Maddow described Trump as a decorative president, while Elon Musk
does the real work.
4 hours ago
We will see a lot more Sensatas with a CEO as president. It is what they, including Romney, do.
embracing the Chinese woman who are GRATEFUL to work for them at NINETY NINE CENTS AN HOUR!
And those Chinese women stay quietly in their binders and don't make a fuss like the American ones. Totalitarian dictatorships make life so much less messy for the discerning parasite investor.
Here's another headline to savor:
Utah's biggest newspaper just endorsed...Barack Obama for President.
This might be devastating for Mitt Romney. His mother was born and raised there. His parents met and fell in love there. He went to college there. He met his wife there. He was married there. His church is headquartered there. He ran an Olympics there. So, what kind of man gets shunned by a town with such deep connection to that man? The Salt Lake Tribune is happy to tell you:
Obama by a landslide, I've been saying it all along.
Romney's other "home states" don't like him either:
LANSING, MI - President Barack Obama has an edge over rival Mitt Romney in the latest poll of likely Michigan voters, taken the day after their second debate.
The Democrat had 52 percent to the Republican's 46 percent, with a margin of sampling error of plus or minus 3.5 percentage points. The poll was conducted Wednesday by EPIC-MRA for the Detroit Free Press and WXYZ-TV.
Massachusetts, where he was governor for 4 years doesn't like him either:
The polls have Mr Obama ahead of Mitt in his other home state 57 to 38.
I guess those who know him the best like him the least.
Democrats like getting people fired up.
Republicans just like being able to fire people.
MittpigsfuckerRomney will crack down on China;
for not allowing wall street to outsource American jobs to China faster.
I would estimate that China could muster a standing army in excess of six million men, if necessary.
Mitt himself has been bitching about how they steal our technology.
Better to stay friends and trading partners.
You know another thing that kills me is this common wisdom that China depresses their currency to encourage other nations to buy their exports. So simple a wingnut could understand it.
I call bullshit. I don't really understand monetary policy and what makes the Dollar, the Euro, the Pound or the Yen top dog any given year...
But China could just as easily simply lower their prices to entice other nations to buy their products. This is something that they have been doing for twenty years. A depressed currency only hurts their own people.
Hope you and your family are safe Sue. It's terrible to see the pictures of what you all are going through, and I sincerely mean that. I can't help but think back to the time when you were mocking the LDS Church, making fun of them encouraging members to have food supply and water on hand, as well as other emergency essentials. Hmm....not such a bad idea now, is it?
What a fucking dick!!!
Wanna see a little talked about fact, that makes the wing nuts heads explode;
Since 1992, the Republicans have lost three out of five national elections and are poised to lose four out of six. And, in the two years that the GOP "won," they did so by the narrowest possible margin, using voter suppression and very suspicious activity by the sec of state in Florida(2000) and Ohio(2004). Since 1992, no Republican nominee has received more than 286 Electoral College votes. In this cycle, there was never much chance that Romney could exceed that number.
Not really a right leaning country if that is any indication.
The fact that a blackKenyanMuslimSocialist president is running for re-election with 8% unemployment and stands a better-than-even chance of winning only illustrates that point doesn't it?????
If the country was so right wing leaning, why is Obama ahead in the polls?
Just in case anybody needs it, here is the original Tijuana recipe for margaritas that used to be printed on the Cuervo bottle. The kind they used to drink at Agua Caliente. Might as well chill the hard stuff in your freezer. There is no finer margarita. I am your link to a glorious past. The last time I indulged was 1/20/2009.
1 1/2 oz. Amber Tequila.
1 oz. Triple Sec
1 oz. Rose's sweetened lime juice.
Serve over rocks. Salt rim of glass to taste with Sea Salt or Kosher Salt. Twist of lemon or lime optional.
Variations include using Hornitos Tequila, or substituting Grand Marnier for the Triple Sec. I laid in my 375 ml bottle of Grand Marnier in June. For tonight I chose the old standby. Cuervo Gold. It's actually better and less sweet with fresh-squeezed lime juice. Balances out the liqueur. Remember, each drink is a double.
Good luck. May the Goddess shine upon us all. I voted. Did you?
Right on brothers and sisters!
Obama wins;
game set match wingnuts;
He has beat your hate filled racist bull hockey propaganda agenda TWICE.
Who is unemployed now biotch?
Greatest comment from election night;
Tweet from Alec Baldwin :
You know your party is in trouble when people ask, "did the rape guy win", and you have to ask, "which one?"
Want to know the most interesting election result not being talked about?
Puerto Rico wants to become the 51st state of the US
Voters in Puerto Rico have supported a non-binding referendum to become a full US state.
The measure will require approval from the US Congress, but President Barack Obama has said he will respect the vote.
Well won't that just fit well with Lush limpball's Bill'o and InsaHANNITY's world view?
If voted in, 2 Senators, 5 US Representatives, 7 electoral votes.
Likely all Democratic Party at least for now.
If House votes "NO", they #$%$ off Hispanics even more. See 2014 & 2016 & ... as their numbers grow.
If House votes "Yes", D majority gets closer to a super majority in Senate,
House gets much closer to 50:50 split and the 2016 R nominee has to win one more state to win the election.
One that is not aligned with their anti-brown people attitude.
One where "english" is NOT the official state language.
Rock ----- House Republicans ---- Hard Place
Interesting election.
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