Aaaaah what a year it's been.....all coming to an end Tuesday night, November 6th, 2012.
Barack Obama won a second term as I sat on the couch watching, no phone, no internet connection to stress me out, Just me, my TV, and my President, who WON by a large margin! I never doubted, not even for a minute, that he would win! When they called it with Ohio I quickly turned on Fox to see their reaction, it was pretty hilarious to see their stunned faces and to hear their whiny asses! Pathetic...Dick Morris saying Romney would win by a landslide, with 400 electoral votes! Haley Barbour saying hurricane Sandy broke Romney's momentum! LOL! I didn't know that lying geek had momentum!! This is what happens when people live in a bubble, those conservatives have tunnel vision! How could they and how could Romney go into November believing he had a chance in hell of winning?? Have they never heard of Nate Silver?? ;)...stupid sheeple, stupid, stupid sheeple!!
Oh well it's done and over and President Obama is our president for FOUR MORE YEARS! Face it haters, wingnuts....sheeple....even with MILLIONS upon millions spent by KKKarl Rove, the KKKoch brothers, and numerous anonymous wealthy donors, even with voter suppression tactics that came straight from the GOP, the good people of this country actually VOTED without giving those ads full of lies and distortions a second thought! People stood in lines to vote early, standing sometimes for 7 or more hours! They were NOT gonna let the GOP suppress their votes! The evil ones did not win, their tactics backfired and I can only believe it hurt their party so bad we have yrs and yrs of Democratic presidents to look forward to...
So what do we have next? Will the GOP work for the people and work WITH the president now that they don't have to worry about making him a one term president? I don't see it happening, sadly. AND if they don't then we have 2014 to vote the fuckers OUT! I don't believe we will ever see a yr like 2010, Democrats are awake and paying attention! I believe we will see a different Barack Obama in 2013, he wants a place in the history books, he will do big things in the next 4 years, even bigger than what we saw in his first term, which was impressive to say the least!
I'm so proud this week, so proud to be on the right side of history supporting a good man and a great president! Thank You Mr. President for all your sacrifices, thank you for loving this country and giving of yourself to protect us and move us FORWARD...not backward
Rachel Maddow Devastates Trump And Calls Him A Decorative President
Rachel Maddow described Trump as a decorative president, while Elon Musk
does the real work.
4 hours ago
You are the absolute best, Sue. It's too bad you're married, but alas, all the good ones are taken. No one does kicking ass and taking names like you. You rock!
Oh my sweet friend, I so appreciate you...anyway, I'm way too old ;)
YOU ROCK!! Thanks honey...
I guess I shared your optimism. It was actually Infidel 753 that began to convince me. Did anyone see his prediction map? Probably the closest of anyone who actually had the nerve to make a clear prediction. Right down to Indiana, Colorado, New Mexico, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin!!! I mean right on down the line. What a fucking genius.
Still I was scared shitless. It was, of course, Rove and the Bush crime family that forged the 2000 victory. They did it again in 2004. But their tricks got old. Everybody, but everybody understood exactly what the fuck it was they were doing. Lying, cheating, fucking fucks!! Motherfucking, goddam totalitarian, un-American pigs at the trough. No respect at all for the constitution. No love for country.
Thank Goddess they floated a senile kook like McCain and a crazy, fucking hag like Palin four years ago. This time around there wasn't shit they could do. Still, we all know they deliberately hung up the Florida vote count and Karl Rove had a public breakdown on FOX News refusing to give up. Wildly quoting counts and numbers. Clinging desperately to a vain hope.
I hope that piece of shit, lying, fucking monster Romney is too vain to meet with the president.
BECAUSE WE DON'T NEED ANYTHING AT ALL FROM HIM Ever again. He ought to devote the rest of his life giving away his billions to people that really need some help to do something with their lives. Maybe he could walk around the streets of New York City or Saint Louis or New Orleans and just randomly give people $1,000 bills. He could probably do that for several years before he ran out of cash.
FJ, You have it right, the people KNEW without a doubt the GOP was needing to STEAL the election because they could not beat Obama with that sleazyslimypigfucker Robme, and that hideous monsterboyAynRandloving Paul Ryan...So DETERMINATION was wildly underestimated by the despicable Reichwingers!!! I never doubted, I felt very calm Tuesday night, I never screamed except for the SC call which I thought was way to early...
The voters made me so proud, their willingness to vote under any circumstance, the determination to win at all cost, showed the country those GOOPERS were not gonna oust our very capable, loved, respected president after just one very obstructed term!!!! Those fuckin rich bastards who threw away billions on candidates who had no chance of winning prove the Rightwings are plan out of touch with what the majority of Americans want as leaders! AND even today they are saying Romney wasn't conservative enough, they will nominate someone even MORE CRAZY NEXT TIME!!! LOL!!!
Hold onto your sombrero, its gonna be a wild ride!! xoxoxooxo
Ditto, Mycue23. Also ditto, Flying Junior. I had some bad moments where I too was scared shitless and I'd become so depressed I was catatonic. While my faith in the American people has been restored, I feel we still have a lot of work to do.
I always watch these events on CBS. The reporters were having some difficulty hiding their elation. They started downplaying Romney's chances pretty fast. It was nice to get to bed early on the West Coast. Stayed up to hear the president, of course.
All those happy people in Chicago. Swaying and grooving. Feeling the love. The good guys. Stevie Wonder. Michelle and her daughters. As American as it gets.
The wicked demons licking their wounds and gnashing their teeth. Plotting their revenge.
Want to know the differences in humanity between Willard and Barack Obama?
watch this;
and then read
The differences couldn't be clearer.
For one it's about people,
the other always about the money.
There's always work to do L...but my faith in the American people has been restored! :)
FJ, I stayed up til midnight but didn't hear the presidents speech. I have to catch a replay soon..
clif, I saw the video and it was moving, also read that article, UGH.. The difference is very clear, the people spoke, LOUDLY! We are a country that cares for one another, we do not fear government, but we do fear losing ourselves to the 1% and will work hard so that never happens!
This election showed that despite all the money, the only thing it can really buy is a chance at swaying us through commercials. Perhaps we, as Americans, are getting somewhat better at sniffing out bullshit and making up our own minds.
(But then I see Fox "News" and my optimism fades again.)
Also Buz, don't ya think all that money was thrown to the wind because people aren't watching TV like in the past? Because I live in a Blue state that wasn't a swing state I wasn't bombarded with ads, but If I was I have enough brains to ignore the smut...I think most smart people do, well except for the moron Right wing base of sheeple who LOVE that sort of smut AND Fox Nooze! :)
Funny thing aboiut the secretive right wing money ops guys.
Many times they take a large cut for themselves.
Some on the right are starting to winder why so much money was spent and nothing to show for it,
Except for certain right wing ops having fat bank accounts that they refuse to disclose. Secrecy is a double edged sword, you keep your political foes from knowing what you are up to, and who is funding you, but it also keep those who fund you from knowing exactly how much money ya got, and if you're spending most of it where they want, and not skimming a little too much.
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