Monday, November 19, 2012

For the stupid(yea, I said stupid) people who signed petitions to secede from the Union....

Found this, loved it, sharing it with you today!

I did not write this, but I agree with most of it... ;) This is not my nation any more. This is not my America!" they say.

Don't laugh- they're probably right.
Because if you believe that America in
the 21st century should function under the same assumptions and with the same values as America in the 18th century- then no, this actually isn't your America any more.
If you believe that "Freedom of religion" means that you have the right to make decisions about health care, family planning, equal rights, evolution and education for people who do not share your religion- you're in the wrong place.

If you believe that black people vote for a black man only because of race but white people never vote for a white guy because of his race... if you believe that a 90 year old veteran who has been voting for 50 years should be denied a ballot because he no longer has a driver's license... then it's not your America any more.
If you believe that bullying and abuse is ok as long as you do it for Jesus, and that kids are better off in orphanages than with gay parents and that rape shouldn't be an 'excuse' for an abortion because some girls rape easy... this is not your America. If you believe that the working poor, pensioners and veterans in America just want 'free stuff' but the wealthy demand their personal income tax cuts for the good of the nation- no, this is not your America.
If you think you have the right to say who other people can love, this isn't that place.

And if you believe that it's not possible for your candidate to lose an election unless the "urban" people voting... that an acceptable way to win is to try to stop as many people as possible from voting, that "bipartisan' means that all the wrong people are supposed to do things your way and that the "United" part of "United States of America" only applies when your party is running the show... then you don't understand what America is.

It's not a country where you can just 'opt out' when things don't go your way, and where a bunch of people whining that they want to leave will make us turn our backs on our principles. It's not a place where beginning a sentence with "I'm not a racist' makes it ok to call the President a ni**er. It's not a country where a rich, privileged old man can attack a young woman's character in vicious and almost pornographic simply because he disagrees with her politics and not suffer consequences. It's not a place where we believe that a helping hand in the middle of a natural disaster should come with a pricetag..
It's not a nation where we think it's ok for poor people to die from treatable diseases because millionaire CEO's don't want to cut into their profits.
And thankfully, it's not a nation where bitter, obscenely wealthy men can buy themselves an election.
Happy Thanksgiving, friends! xo


clif said...

In reality it never was their America, their ideological ancestors trampled the US Constitution, even at the Constitutional Convention, to try to make it the America they wanted.

In the end they are losing the philosophical argument, their political losses show that for all to see.

Their immoral attempts at stealing the right to vote away from the people they want to make second class citizens not withstanding.

Time moves forward no matter how bad they try to turn back the clocks to the early 19th century.

Sue said...

2014 should give us a clearer picture of where the people actually stand. A larger filibuster proof majority in the Senate and more teabagger losses in the House will be proof the people do not want to go backwards and do not trust the GOP. The president is extending the implementation of the HC law to the end of 2014, so November 2014 will be very interesting!

Steve Gravano said...

This is great!

Sue said...

I loved it Steve!

Infidel753 said...

There was once a "country" which epitomized all those values they want, and where they'd feel at home. It was the Confederacy. When they talk about "taking our country back", deep down that's the "our country" they mean.

Too bad for them it's accessible only by time machine. Secession is treason and is no longer an option. That issue was settled forever by President Lincoln -- who, as they never stop reminding us, was himself a Republican, back when that party stood on the side of honor.

Commander Zaius said...

As much as conservatives get all angry and offended when they are accused of being racist all this secession talk is just because they don't like a black man living in the White House.

Happy To Be/ Gl♥ria said...

“ Happy Thanksgiving “ My dear friend to you and your family..Many Blessings..Hugs and love Gloria