Thursday, August 29, 2013

Minimum wage debate...

  My cousin and I got into a conversation about the minimum wage and the plight of the fast food worker, she said McDonalds burger flippers should make 16.00 dollars an hour. I disagreed with her only because I thought it should mean there would have to be a restructuring of all wages, in all jobs across the country. How can a burger flipper make as much as a teacher with a masters? She said yes, all wages must go up! So where do we start? We have to realize fast food workers are not just teenagers any more, they are men and women supporting children and paying mortgages. Yes, fast food workers MUST picket, the minimum wage Must be raised, We can not let ourselves turn into a Third World nation with slave labor wages! Exactly what the Republicans and their ilk desire...
The rich didn't get rich through hard labor, their first million was most likely inherited and subsequent millions were made by the sweat and tears of their EMPLOYEES!! When is it OUR turn to reap the benefits of hard work? Those delusional Righties who continue to defend the 1% and their millions need to stop the masochistic thinking! McDonalds and Walmart are not gonna close their doors because there is a minimum wage hike! People are not gonna lose their jobs because there is a minimum wage hike! It will mean MORE money circulating around the country, the middle class SPENDS their paychecks, they don't stash extra cash in the Cayman's!
When workers make a living wage they can take care of themselves and their families without help from state and government programs. It's really not that hard to understand. But the 1% simply likes it the way it is, they spend millions lobbying  Washington to keep the minimum wage LOW.  And the wingnut lies just keep on and on...trickle down, it's a LIE. The poor are getting poorer and the Rich are getting Insanely Richer.....Nothing is gonna change. The Right wingers are blind sheep, heading for a life in a cardboard box, they'll just blame Obama....


The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

The rich leeches have been stealing from the rest of us for far to long. Time to finally do something about it. A minimum wage increase would be a start.

Flying Junior said...

Sometimes when I wish I had the money for something I have been dreaming about for years, or for a new car, or new carpets, or home repairs, I think of what a heartless prick that Mitt Romney really was. And I think, how stupid could people possibly be to want him to be in charge of anything besides his own personal bank accounts. He's sort of my scapegoat for the greedy and insensitive privileged classes who would just as soon see someone riding the bus to clean houses or hotels as have a decent life, money for their families and a nice standard of living. Of course, that's irrational. Newt Gingrich. Marco Rubio. Rick Perry. John Boehner. Grover Norquist. Cheney. Anyone who works for the Heritage Foundation. Pat Robertson. They're all cut from the same cloth. They all feel exactly the same way that Romney does. It's just that Romney was careless enough to say it while he was actually campaigning for president.

I remember one manager at Burger King in 1979. The same guy who told the entire crew that, "I'm going to expect a lot more work out of you guys for that extra quarter and hour," when CA minimum wage was raised from $2.65/hour to $2.90/hour. Later that year, his assistant gave me two weeks off to study for finals. I barely hung on to a job. I was offered a transfer to Point Loma as a consolation prize. Mario told me, "We don't need any geniuses."

The dewd was a classic working class republican fool. Although he was only a few thousand dollars richer than the rest of us struggling, starving students and young people, he was still happy to treat us like fucking slaves.

Sue said...

Hey guys, thanks for the visit. I miss you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lisa said...

speaking of rich leeches your girlfriend Pelosi is on the air showing what an unhinged babbling idiot she is

Sue said...

Speaking of babbling idiots.....

Lisa said...

Yes she is. Did you catch that? The women is unhinged. Someone ought to tie her hands at her side when she speaks.
She got the thumbs up from her 5 year old grand child to bomb Syria. Maybe we should bomb them then find out who used chemical weapons. You know like passing the health care law to find out what's in it.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

bush did that with Iraq... he invaded it to find if there was WMD. He was convinced there was even though the IAEA inspectors said there were not. Turns out the people on the ground conducting the inspections were right. But we all know bush lied.

clif said...

Maybe we should bomb them then find out who used chemical weapons.

Typical wingnut idiot,

Kill people,

kill more people

and laugh their foole heads off about it.

Hint Lisa,

bombing people

doesn't produce EVIDENCE,

inspections do though,

Which is why Bush bombed

instead of allowing inspections.

He like all wingnut fooles

love death,

worship killing

and are psychotic about it

like you are here ......