Trump Inauguration To Feature The Smallest Crowd In Decades
Donald Trump will not have a big crowd for his inauguration as an Artic
blast will move the event inside and his supporters won't be able to attend.
3 hours ago
Probably stay the same. The maps are laid out so in most republican districts they could run a clone of Hitler and he'd win.
Hard to fight republican money and lies in moderate districts. Us republicans are experts into scaring the deluded and ignorant into voting for us and against their interests.
If anyone doubts me remember Bush? terrible president. Did nothing right. Left a mess. Republicans have the house and had it not been for a few raving idiots we ran for senate we'd have that also.
They gave the Democrats another gift by trying to cut food stamps. Will they never learn?
No. We'll never learn. Neither will the idiots, bigots and homophobes that make up or base.
Maybe that's the problem. Idiots, bigots, and homophobes ain't big on that there learnin' thing.
They all support creationism but none of them could actually explain it or pass a test.
But as long as my new republican friends keep harping against Gay's and the Civil Rights Act and loving guns and God, we got em in the fold.
We have them convinced Obamacare is bad for them.
What s crock of Crap
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