Not all of us will weep for the victims of today's mass murder in Oregon. We know the NRA will not weep...the second amendment radicals will not weep, they'll just spew crap about thugs with guns and gang killings in Obama's Chicago. ...Surely Congress members will not weep, they didn't do anything when one of their own was almost killed in a mass murder incident....little kids, the age of their own kids and grandbabies did not make them weep. If they did, you'd never know it.
The argument is always the same, how can you punish responsible gun owners with LAWS? Funny thing is if you are a responsible, educated, lawful gun owner then background checks before you purchase that gun over the internet or from a gun show does not hurt you in the least! In fact responsible gun owners AGREE! The majority of America AGREES!!
So what's the problem? CONGRESS is the problem, state legislators are the problem, governors are the problem. And their problem has to do with THEIR JOBS!! They put their job security before the will of the people. And because of that President Obama, in a very angry and pained voice, said it's all up to us, the voters, because he can't do it alone. He said if we want change then we have to make that change at the ballot box. IT'S OUR CHOICE, WE HAVE THE POWER, so why don't we exercise it?? When is enough enough. When will we vote for the people who will put us BEFORE the GUN LOBBY?
There are GOOD people in this country weeping tonight and there are elections on the horizon, VOTE, people just fuckin do your job and VOTE.
Confidence In Trump's Ability To Handle The Economy Collapses
We were all told that people voted for Trump based on the economy, but a
new poll shows that only 30% of Americans are very confident in his ability
to han...
1 hour ago
Oregon does have universal background checks. But as we saw in the Charleston shooting at the African Methodist Church, there are still holes in this system. Dylan Roof, the right-wing, lone wolf face of the new American terrorist actually "passed" a background check. Well, he didn't actually pass. His arrest for a controlled substance, (in this case a narcotic), would not have been enough to disqualify him as a gun owner, but his confession to the police that he was indeed in possession of this drug actually would have prohibited him from purchasing a gun. What happened is that there is a three day period for the background check to clear with the FBI. If the investigation is not completed in this time, the sale is allowed to go through. Law enforcement should still have been able to recall or confiscate his weapon when the check had been completed, no matter what the time frame.
The background check for Dylan Roof did just this. It timed out. The FBI agent assigned to the check was unable to retrieve the arrest report due to confusion about the exact county in which to search. But instead of simply prohibiting the sale late and demanding the return of the gun, the matter was dropped.
Maybe the gun enthusiasts are right. We do need better enforcement of existing laws.
The chances of Donald Trump becoming the next president of the U.S. are about as high as the above commenter, I.M., winning an argument with a ham sandwich.
But Shaw, here's the issue with the mental health perspective... Once the right ID's that as the cause, they then can't address the issue because fundsmentalists don't believe in treatment apart from faith and prayer and the others cannot support increased funding for health care.
If I was running, I'd ask the "what to do question" of every GOP candidate I encountered and force them to give their answer, which of course is nothing...
A right wing blog post disputes what President Obama said about other countries not having the frequency of mass shootings as does the U.S., arguing that on a per capita basis, the U.S. has fewer mass shootings than do countries in Scandinavia and the Netherlands. This allows these self-satisfied "there's nothing we can do" enablers to accept the fact that mass shootings will continue in this "exceptional" country because mental health is the problem, not guns and we're not as blood thirsty as the countries they compare us with. That solves everything, doesn't it? Why should we do anything about rampages that kill our people when we're not as bad as other countries? That's their logic in a nutshell. And I emphasize NUTshell.
The United States has more guns in circulation than any other "civilized" country on the planet, and the United States has more gun-related deaths and maiming than any other country in the world.
But since Norway is worse on a per capita basis than we are, why get upset over it? Let's continue to send our "thoughts and prayers" to the victims and their families. That'll make everything A-Okay? mmmKay?
That's exactly it Shaw...
The GOP is in a tough spot related to the Tea Party lobby... to accept guns as a cause, brings the NRA lobbying into question.
Any other reasons will beg for a solution, which they cannot propose for a myriad of reasons, chief among them is that any solution will require government action and money. How will the base respond to that?
Saletin has a good article today in Slate on the emptiness of a GOP response...
From the link you provided (and it explains why using Norway and the Netherlands is specious):
"Obama’s hypothesis—that the problem is the gun supply—relies on logic and comparative statistics. According to figures detailed by the Council on Foreign Relations and summarized by
The United States has the highest rate of gun ownership in the world—by far. And it has the highest rate of homicides with guns among advanced countries. … The firearms homicide rate, and homicide rate overall, is also higher in the U.S. than other advanced countries, such as Canada, Australia and those in Europe, according to data from the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime.
PolitiFact presents a more complex table, using data from researchers who looked at mass shootings in 11 countries from 2000 to 2014. During this period, four high-fatality incidents in low-population countries—Norway, Finland, and Switzerland—inflated their per capita death tolls from mass shootings, making them appear more dangerous than the United States. Statistically, this is an artifact of extremely low sample size. We easily surpassed every other country in per capita mass shooting victims—including all the countries with three or more mass shooting incidents—and our homicide rate was at least three times higher than the rate in every country but Mexico."
Here we go again. Mr morality, Mr. FT the "Poet " of the Porn Queen thinks every thing that America has ever don was just fine and dandy.. Even slavery in America was fine according to Mr. Free Stinker.
John McCain blames the rise in terrorism on Obama removing our troops from Iraq. I guess the Sen. forgot the troop withdrawal was a negotiated point between the Bush administration and Iraqi leaders. The cause of terrorism rising was America's invasion of Iraq based on a lie.
I hope all this garbage will result in Republicans losing 30 seats in the House. Feingold from Wisconsin is running again for the Senate. I hope Warren stays in the Congress where we need her vote. Hillary can choose from many other VP candidates, we need to keep all our elected Democratic representatives in office.
I'm having fun watching all this. I suppose because I don't believe Trump has a chance in hell of winning. But, as Bill Maher would say, never underestimate the stupidity of the American voter. If Trump actually wins, I won't be laughing anymore.
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