Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Kevin McCarthy, good job buddy!!

Tuesday night, front runner to be the next Speaker, Kevin McCarthy,  said this,

"Everybody thought Hillary Clinton was unbeatable, right? But we put together a Benghazi special committee, a select committee,” he said on Fox News. "What are her numbers today? Her numbers are dropping. Why? Because she's untrustable.”
"But no one would have known any of that had happened had we not fought and made that happen.”

Shocked? Nah, we all knew the vile GOP would do anything to bring down Hillary for fear of her winning the general election.. They know their GOP line up is one of the worse ever in the history of our country. Mygod, how low will they go?

4.5 million taxpayer dollars have gone to this Benghazi witch hunt, the longest investigation in the history of our country! Longer than Watergate! If the Pukes think this makes them appear intelligent and able to govern they are in for a rude awakening. Hillary Clinton will win by a landslide in 2016.

Republicans CAN'T win on their own merits, they can't win by talking about their records, they can't win by saying they have worked hard for the American people since having the majority in Congress. They THINK they can win by demonizing Hillary with their lies and manufactured scandals. But what they don't seem to realize is we the people, who KNOW what the GOP stands for, have witnessed the vilification of Hillary since 1992 and we DON'T believe a word of the trash you throw out.

Watch Hillary confront  McCarthy and his idiotic statement on Rev. Al's new MSNBC show this Sunday.  I wonder if this will hurt his chances to be the next Speaker. What we NEED is Speaker Pelosi back in the seat!!! Vote people, VOTE so we can give Hillary majorities in both Houses of Congress!



Shaw Kenawe said...

Hi Sue,

This is what I wrote on my blog about the Kevin McCarthy revelations:

"I'm shocked, shocked, SHOCKED! I tell you that the TGOP liars would use the deaths of Americans for a smear campaign against Hillary Clinton!

It never occurred to the dimwits in the TGOP that no indictments, no accusations, no nothing was brought against then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. But then again, that particular branch of the TGOP is not known for its critical thinking -- or any sort of thinking at all. If something was against Hillary Clinton, then they were for it, truth be damned, and keep spreading the slop far and wide.

Only this time the presumptive new Speaker of the House shot his sloppy mouth off for all the country to hear. The BENGHAZI! investigations were never about the deaths of those four Americans, they were about getting Hillary.

The thing about the Clintons that these poor benighted people still don't get is that their plans to destroy Hillary will be just as successful at their Whitewater plans were, which is to say, those plans didn't quite work out they way they wanted them to, did they."

Flying Junior said...

I miss seeing Nancy in charge as well. Never will forget that moment she accepted the speakership surrounded by all of her children. Wonderful! Another good woman vilified unjustly.

Witch hunt brings to mind the comedy gold of Michael Moore. Ken Starr was in his glory. Millions of $$$ at his command to investigate the crimes of Bill's weenie with the Paula Jones/Monica Lewinski case. He was stepping out of his limo with his Starbucks coffee in his hand. Michael and his merry band, dressed as puritans chased after him crying out something about witches. Laugh riot. We could use some pranks and antics about now. Who will be the next Abbie Hoffman?

Shaw Kenawe said...

"Who will be the next Abbie Hoffman?"

Well you won't find any in the Tea Party because all they have to offer is Abbey Normal.