Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Frauds, Crooks, Liars, and Hypocrites....

"We do not have a debt crisis RIGHT NOW, but we can see it coming" says Paul Ryan....So why is it you want to raise retirement age to 70 and raise Medicare eligibility to 70?? ....In other words, when Barack Obama's term is up the Right will have forgotten all about the looming debt crisis...that they made up..


Jerry Critter said...

They want to crash the economy again, blame Obama, and win in 2016. That"s their game plan. It is all about winning, the American people be damned.

clif said...

Just as the cry baby wingnuts and teatard troglodytes couldn't find a problem when Bush turned Bill Clinton's surplus into a 5 trillion debt increase, at the same time undermining and trashing the US economy.

okjimm said...

Sue.....if you have not read it, I highly recommend Thomas Frank, " The Wrecking Crew"

A sample quote:
“Corruption is uniquely reprehensible in a democracy because it violates the system's first principle, which we all learned back in the sunshiny days of elementary school: that the government exist to serve the public, not particular companies or individuals or even elected officials. ”

The current mind set of Conservative politicians is just the opposite...."if the PARTY is served first, if the corporations are SERVED...then the public is served by the scraps left-over.

try the book. an engaging fast read.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Interesting thing is it was their hero Reagan and his voodoo economics of cut taxes in favor of the wealthiest, spend and borrow and just keep telling us that growth will lift us from deficits is what got us into the future debt crisis that idiot Ryan talks of.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

I'm in agreement with the original post and all the commenters... So I'm sure even the "Ambassador" will have to reluctantly agree not all my opinions are completely nutty. Beyond that, I can't think of anything to add to the conversation. What's up with the moderation? Someone bothering you?

Sue said...

I don't get it at all, the people the GOP are trying to destroy are not just Liberals, so what are those people thinking still voting GOP when they could be standing in soup lines after the GOP gets finished with them!

I'm gonna be positive and believe the GOP is so far to the right no way will they fool the people and win a general election, not on your life!

Jimm, that book was on my list, I'm still gonna get it!
Nothing has changed with the GOP, listen to Ryan, McConnell, etc, they are still talking the way Romney did, still putting forth budgets that hurt the vulnerable, we the people are not stupid! Well, the majority of us aren't...

W, radical redneck has been posting porn, he's gone, I reported him. Moderation for awhile, sorry!

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Your opinions aren't nutty WD. It's you that is nuts. I mean that in the good way.

I'll be the bigger man and apologise for telling Will the closet liberal, phony conservative so deluded right wing fools keep leaving him comments so he doesn't get lonely waiting for you to correct him, you were nuts.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Truth on 11/28/2011: Yet for all his shouts of moderation, the fact is that Will is a lefty...

Truth on 11/25/2013 [in a comment directed at Will Hart]: You're getting as bad as most of the other righties I've come across. You offer nothing but attack any proposal. You're one of them now Will. Darn shame.

I thought you had FINALLY come to see Will Hart for what he really is: mostly conservative. Now you're back to spouting nonsense about him being a "closet liberal". Does a closet liberal rail against the minimum wage, write literally DOZENS of posts about how bad green energy is, and declare himself a global climate change skeptic?

Also, he strongly dislikes progressives (Bernie Sanders in particular), and views socialism as evil. And *I'm* nutty for thinking such a person isn't a Lefty???

I think you're the nutty one. Also, Will can't wait for me to correct him, because he banned me from his blog... over a disagreement regarding Mitt Romney's tax plan. According to him, the Tax Policy Center's characterization of it was done to make Romeny look bad for partisan reasons -- even though the Tax Policy Center was formed by tax experts that worked for the Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, and Bill Clinton administrations.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I explained ambassadorically why Will posts the stuff he does in my previous comment WD.

And lighten up dude. You're gonna drive yourself nuts.

Opps. Did I just say that? Sorry.

Jerry Critter said...

I actually thought Truth calling you nutty was a complement. You know, nutty in a good way, not a wingnut.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Jerry Critter: I actually thought Truth calling you nutty was a complement. You know, nutty in a good way, not a wingnut.

Truth didn't call me nutty to my face (so to speak). He first called me nutty in a facebook conversation with Will Hart. Will Hart then told me that a "Liberal buddy" thought I was nuts.

And Will Hart didn't consider it a compliment. He used it against me. I think this was the beginning of the end, as it wasn't long after that Will banned me from his blog. And he excused his actions by claiming I was an unreasonable Liberal, and he still has "reasonable" Liberals (like Jerry Critter) who still comment on his blog.

In Will's mind he had proof I was nuts (and he wasn't banning me due to my Liberal views). I don't know how much of a "compliment" it is when a "liberal buddy" gives ammunition to a jerk who thinks I'm a worthless little bastard.

According to Truth, he thought about pursuing the feud with me because feuds are great for traffic. I don't know about that, as my post regarding our "feud" received comments from only one person... so I don't know why I bothered authoring a part 2 (in which Truth suffers a disgusting comeuppance for his bad Ambassadoring)

Click the link and read the post to find out what the (fictional) consequences are. And don't forget to leave a comment.

Jerry Critter said...

I was referring to Truth's comment on this post where he said, "It's you that is nuts. I mean that in the good way." I was not aware of the Facebook comment.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I was going to read WD's latest outstanding post but he spoiled the ending for me. No point now as I know I got my "disgusting comeuppance" already.

Unless it has something to do with being spanked and humiliated by a Fox News hottie.
I'd read that.