You've heard the saying "Not all Republicans are racist, but all racists are Republicans" opinions in this post are about the Racist Right, not about ALL Conservative Republicans. The Racist Right does not hate President Obama because of his policies, (their number one excuse) how then do they explain the same loathing for Michelle and their daughters? Come clean Racists, we know what you are...
What do I believe is the number one reason for the racism? FEAR! Fear our Black president would coddle Blacks, would use his presidency to move an agenda geared towards lifting Blacks from poverty which would give them power. Racists fear Blacks getting equal treatment, or godforbid, Blacks becoming superior to Whites! Blacks can't be equal in standing to Whitey, are you crazy? Barack Obama, "Savior in Chief", will make sure Blacks rise in power, becoming the superior race! of course he will...Just look at all the "free stuff" President Obama is tossing from planes flying over black neighborhoods! Did ya get your FREE cell phone? hateful racists...
The Racists hate anything that fights oppression of Blacks, be it The Civil Rights Act or Affirmative Action. They hate welfare, food stamps, subsidized housing and health insurance, they point to Blacks as sole recipients of these government programs, RACISM!...The Racists fight tooth and nail to suppress Blacks, they pound and pound to keep them down, to keep them "below" them, one way most recently is voter suppression...gerrymandering, new voter ID laws, change times and places to vote, limiting access to the polls by the Racist Right backfired last year! Awesome turnout by Blacks and minorities in November is proof they will not cower to the racists!
There is no other way to explain this, but to call it what it is RACISM, scary, hateful, racism....
From Secret Service Says The Number Of Threats Against The President Is Overwhelming:
President Barack Obama is the target of more than 30 potential death
threats a day and is being protected by an increasingly over-stretched
Secret Service. He is the most threatened President in history.
Since the President took office in 2008, the rate of threats against
the president has increased 400% cent. Some threats to the President
have been publicized, including the well known alleged plot by white
supremacists in Tennessee to rob a gun store, shoot 88 black people,
decapitate another 14 and then assassinate the first black president in
American history.
Most however, are kept under wraps because the Secret Service fears
that revealing details of them would only increase the number of copycat
That's 43,830 death threats for his first four years alone.
But he, the most threatened president in history, still gets up each day to fight for us, all of us, even the fuckin' racists....
God Bless the President of the USA, Barack Obama, and his beautiful family....
Rachel Maddow Devastates Trump And Calls Him A Decorative President
Rachel Maddow described Trump as a decorative president, while Elon Musk
does the real work.
3 hours ago
It seems like the only place you really read about the segregated South anymore is either in books about musicians, whether they were black, white or Jewish or possibly in books about the struggle for civil rights or maybe in a book about early black ball players. The musicians had to live with that sad fact of life. Benny Goodman, for instance saw no color boundaries anywhere in music. He helped to launch the careers of black artists such as Lionel Hampton and pianist, Teddy Wilson. Blacks weren't admitted in so many eateries, it seemed a regrettable, yet commonplace affront to dignity. Many places would serve blacks out of the back with take-out food. Other places might refuse to prepare food for them under any circumstances. OTOH, we might read about sit-ins in the South such as this famous incident in Greensboro, North Carolina, 1964, in which four negro college students sat down at a lunch counter at a Woolworth's to request service. Ironically, the cook who had to refuse them also appears to be black.
The racist right would have us believe that the civil rights movement was an overblown abberation which occured between 1956 and 1964 and has been more or less resolved satisfactorily a long time ago.
Cheerleaders for the KKK like baby-face Rand Paul go several steps further with their dog whistles and code.
Lisa left a comment saying rand Paul did not say what the poster claims, his words have been twisted...
Kentucky Senate candidate Rand Paul believes that the federal government blurred the lines between public and private property when it passed the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and made it illegal for private businesses to discriminate on the basis of race.
Paul told Maddow that he agrees with most parts of the Civil Rights Act, except for one (Title II), that made it a crime for private businesses to discriminate against customers on the basis of race. Paul explained that had he been in office during debate of bill, he would have tried to change the legislation. He said that it stifled first amendment rights:
Sue, I wrote on this subject today as well. Take a look.
We all know that our friend, Lisa, doesn't like any fact that gets in the way of her own reality. If she believes Rand Paul's words were twisted, then that must be the truth, hang the facts.
BTW, sadly, she has allowed her blog to resemble the graffiti filled walls of a gas station toilet.
Her friend, Radical Redneck, leaves pornography on her site, and referred to me as a "C**T." Darth Bacon is not much better. She allows taunts, filth, and invective to be the main topic of discussion on her "blog." It was nice, though, when she wrote about that cute dog.
However, she allows the R.R. and D.B. to smear their feces all over her blog. Gives off a nasty smell.
I don't know if Randall Paul is a racist, but I do know that he strongly believes in your right to be a racist. A business needs a license before it can open to the public. That license is granted by we the people, and we can place any reasonable condition on the granting of that license that we wish... like a prohibition against discrimination.
Does Paul's position on this have more to do with his hating government or with him hating minorities? Either way his views on this matter (as well as many others) are very troubling.
Shaw, that's why I believe Lisa is a paid troll. To pretend she is a normal housewife who works in retail and loves puppies, yet allows that filthy smut on her blog is beyond comprehension! It's there for the traffic only, the more traffic she gets, the more money she makes!
It is troubling, but Rand Paul as POTUS will NEVER happen, so he can go about saying dumbass racist shit all he wants..
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