Televangelist Pat Robertson has sent out a warning to his sheeple, BEWARE of scamsters in religious garb quoting the Bible! Why? Because all they want is your money! Like what you do Mr. Robertson every day on your 700 Club TV show? ROFLMAO!!!
So, it's ok for PR to ask for money while quoting the Bible, but others are scamming the sheeple? Is he afraid money will flow elsewhere hurting his profit margin?
"During his Monday broadcast, the network had aired a segment about a couple who continued to donate money to CBN even after declaring bankruptcy and selling their house.
“They were faithful,” Robertson opined at the conclusion of the
report. “Listen, there is no way you can out give God. You can’t do it.
And that which is given to him will come back 30, 60 and 100 fold.”
If you give and give to the church, or to the greedy televangelist, til you have nothing more to give and are actually homeless and penniless, where is the 30, 60, 100 fold that was supposed to come back to you?? ...I know personally sheeple who go faithfully to church every week, give the required tithe, and then count their pennies the rest of the week so they can feed their children until the next check comes in. .....
The scammers ARE the churches, greed is the name of the game. You'll see some of the poorest people are the most religious, in the most conservative states. Trust God, He will take care of your needs... this is where fear comes into play. Trust in the Lord with all your might, do not question, do not doubt, do not fear, for God will never let you long as you are a tithing sheep of the Lord..
What would become of Pat Robertson's Empire if all the sheeple took his advice and stopped giving their hard earned money to his greedy, bloated 700 Club? He'd go the way of Jim and Tammy Faye Bakker.... That would be fun!
Rachel Maddow Devastates Trump And Calls Him A Decorative President
Rachel Maddow described Trump as a decorative president, while Elon Musk
does the real work.
4 hours ago
Robertson is simply another example of a republican doing exactly what he is accusing others of doing. Want to know what republicans are up to? Listen to what they are accusing others of doing. They tip their hand every time.
Sue: The scammers ARE the churches...
Some of them, yes. Pat Robertson is definitely a con man. "Pat Robertson controversies" is an ENTIRE page on Wikipedia (instead of just a subsection, as is usually the case). Take a look: there is a lot of looney stuff, some racist stuff, and some other stuff I'd call evil... like when he asked for cash donations to Operation Blessing to support airlifts of refugees from Rwanda to Zaire... but it turned out that the planes were transporting diamond-mining equipment for the Robertson-owned African Development Corporation, a venture Robertson established in cooperation with Zaire's dictator, Mobutu Sese Seko (Mobutu amassed a personal fortune estimated to be over US$5 billion by selling his nation's rich natural resources while his nation's people lived in poverty).
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