dear republicans,
How proud you must be feeling today about your childish tweets to say good riddance to a great American who served his country with honor. The list of his accomplishments is long and impressive, but you wouldn't know anything about long impressive lists of accomplishments....His love for country is evident in every move he made whether it be civil rights, voting rights, criminal justice....His passion, compassion, and courage is extraordinary...but what do you know about compassion and courage?....
You have vilified this good man throughout the years, your relentless attacks, your attempts to smear his reputation, none of it put a blemish on his record. It will be Eric Holder and Barack Obama in the history books, side by side, as two of the great leaders, not YOU republicans, you repulsive, repugnant, irrelevant haters.....
So carry on with your little tweets, your 10% brainwashed base thinks they are funny, the rest of us can't wait to vote you out of existence.
Fuck you and good by,
Sue Welch
Rachel Maddow Devastates Trump And Calls Him A Decorative President
Rachel Maddow described Trump as a decorative president, while Elon Musk
does the real work.
3 hours ago
"...the rest of us can't wait to vote you out of existence."
We should be so lucky! Of course, what replaces them might very well be worse. Kind of like ISIS replacing Al Qaeda.
Let's think positive! :)
Like schoolyard bullies with nothing left to lose - they lash out at those better than themselves. Hopefully, someday, they'll disappear as slavery did after the American Civil War and we'll look back on the GOP era as the blight on humanity that it is.
It's easy to be cool, when you're not doing any fucking thing!
ISIS didn't replace al Qaeda, Jerry. Saddam was Sunni and when gwb de-Ba'athified the government (kicked out the Sunnis), the Shia took control (in those bogus "purple finger" elections). The angry Sunni (Specifically, the Iraqi military) formed al Qaeda in Iraq (along with outside fighters), which has now transformed into ISIS. George bush is WHOLLY responsible for this mess.
As for voting out the Republicans, I already early voted, but I doubt TN is going to turn Blue. In fact, I've heard that the Senate is going to be controlled by the GOP after the votes are counted. Which is quite depressing compared to Sue's prediction. I wonder if people will ever learn that the Republicans are NOT on the side of the average voter.
Perhaps I should have said
"Kind of like AL Qaeda transforming into ISIS."
instead of
"Kind of like ISIS replacing Al Qaeda."
The point is that our actions may very well make things worse.
i hadn't looked at blogs in several years, went by mad mikes and he's calling unarmed black folks thugs and supports killer cops, not a shock really, thought i'd look in on some old friends, i guess i was hoping folks had finally decided to oppose war and wall st like you used to when Bush was president, sad to see you guys still ok with poverty and racism and zionism and war as long as a democrat in office. 7 years and you guys still blaming Republicans for everything, the fact that both parties the same still hasn't clicked, you still doing like Charlie Brown when Lucy yanks the football away waiting for the Democrats to suddenly give a dam about you. what will it take to wake you guys up!
Hi Oso,
yes I am an Obama supporter and a realist. I'm not an activist, and don't have this delusion that change comes quickly, it takes decades actually and I do believe we have made some strides under Obama.
I would love to see Bernie Sanders as our next president, how bout you? Who do you like for 2016?
As for MadMike, I had to unfriend him on facebook because of his stance on murderer cops. Could not listen to his calling people like Eric Garner and Mike Brown just your typical thug who didn't deserve to live.
have a great 2015!!
I think I will send MadMike a friend request
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