I can't believe it's been a year since I've been here. I'm a little nervous to write something, you all are so much better at blogging than I. I've lost my ability, I think, to write down my thoughts.
So how has everyone been? I see some of you on facebook, Matty (he's the one who said I should come back to blogging, love my brotha from anotha motha), Leslie Parsley, my longtime bloggy friend and now facebook friend, Joe Hagstrom who I don't see a lot of but maybe here? Shaw Kenawe, an amazing and courageous friend, ....who am I forgetting? See, my brain is fried.
Here we are, 2015, campaign season really heating up! It's been good so far, right? Trump leading the clown parade, Driving the clown car! Do you think he'll stay in and become the GOP nominee? I don't see any of the other buffoons getting traction, not even Carly Fiorina who lied through her teeth the other night! Planned Parenthood harvesting body parts, a fetus on the table with it's legs kicking? Who the hell is she talking to? Morons, I forgot...
My choice for 2016 is Hillary!! Yup I'm supporting Hillary, have since forever! I voted for her in the primary last time around and Obama in the general. But never lost my admiration for her. I believe with all my heart she will be our next president. How is the Bernie vs Hillary debate in blogland going? On facebook it's very heated, people arguing left and right, longtime friends fighting, blocking each other....it's sad really. My side believes with all their being Hillary is the most qualified and if Bernie is nominated then we'll lose in the general because republicans won't help the Dems and vote for a socialist. This is the main thing that scares me, I don't think Bernie can win the general, hell only a small percentage of the electorate actually know who he is! Hillary learned from her mistakes in '08, her campaign is moving right along with precision, she has amassed a large number of endorsements and super delegates already this early in the campaign, something she learned from her primary fight against Obama. I honestly do not see Bernie catching up.He has no endorsements from any sitting Dem Senator, House member, or governor! Hillary has endorsements from 30 Senators, 7 governors, and more than 100 House members, that's impressive! And in that group is Vermonters Pat Leahy and Gov. Shumlin! Sorry but that speaks volumes. Is it because Bernie is not a Democrat and has not always been a fair supporter of Democrats, including some critical remarks about President Obama? Hillary's campaign is working at the local level too, in state governments and even school elections to get Democrats elected. We have to get the freaks and frauds out of leadership positions, they are destroying this country one state at a time.
My hope is we All come together in the end and vote for the Democratic nominee, I know I will! We can't let one of those hideous incompetent loser republicans back in the White House! They've had the Majority in Congress since 2011 and we have seen NOTHING from them! They are frauds who hate our government and are there because of the money, No other reason! They do NOTHING we the people demand from them...I hate them with every fiber of my being.
Thanks for reading....xo
Lawrence O'Donnell Shows How The Mainstream Media Enables Trump By Chasing
Lawrence O'Donnell pointed out that the mainstream media falls for Trump's
stupid distractions and never asks about what he is really doing.
10 hours ago
Welcome back -- hope your return is permanent! Shaw Kenawe is still blogging up a storm, don't worry, and so are plenty of others.
I too am supporting Hillary (again). But I'll certainly vote for whoever the Democratic nominee is. The Republicans have gone so insane that we can't take the ghost of a chance of letting one of them into power. I'm glad to see that Hillary and Bernie have mostly avoided attacks on each other (even if a few of their supporters are less wise) -- we need to come out of this with a united party. And it's important that Hillary's campaign is active in state-level races too. Look how much damage the Republicans have done by taking over so many state governments in off-year elections.
I voted for Hillary in the primary last time around as well. It’s getting difficult to remember these seven years or more. But if I am recalling this correctly, Obama and Hillary were running a close heat in several contested states. Some states were winner-take-all, others split up their delegates. But before every vote and every state could be completely accounted for, there was sort of a caucus coup d’etat led by our own Jimmy Carter where several delegates from across the nation spontaneously pledged their allegiance to Senator Obama. Hillary was pushed out by the democratic old boys network.
The PUMAs were devastated. I tried to comfort some of them that I was acquainted with, because I knew that Hillary would bide her time and run again, but they wouldn’t hear it. I just wonder if she will ever have that exciting momentum again that she had in 2008. I don’t really see anyone blogging about Hillary that much. I think it’s understood that most liberals support her even if we do like Sanders, or maybe the other way around for some people.
I just wonder if she ever really can attain the highest office in the land given the climate of irrational hatred of both Clintons that the right-wing propaganda machine has generated almost non-stop ever since Bill took office twenty-two years ago.
Hi guys!
I think the best is yet to come for Hillary. This summer is going to be exciting, she'll have Bill, Chelsea, and the Obama's campaigning with her!!
While I would like to see Sanders as the nominee, I suspect Clinton would be a stronger vote getter.
My thoughts too, Jerry!
It is certainly apparent the GOP, with the help of the tea party, has run itself completely off the rails. As for Trump, I doubt he will end up being the nominee. Marco Rubio is articulate, polished, and may be the come from behind kid. Won't be voting for him either.
As for HRC, with her credibility issues and being the cold calculating Clinton she is, as well as being as boring as hell it it is easy to understand why Bernie Sanders has caught fire.
With the support growing (and pressure) for a Biden run, I have seen reports he is getting closer to a decision to run, if he does it definitely will change the dynamics in the democratic race and it is possible HRC would not be the nominee.
My hope is Biden jumps in race and gets the nomination. If he does it would likely be the first time since 1976 that I cast a vote for a democratic presidential candidate.
Hey Sue! Welcome back. Thanks to Infidel753 I just discovered that you're blogging again. Yay Sue!
Credibility issues? And you call yourself rational! Prove one of the ridiculous accusations you so frivolously enjoy reading and hearing about from your conservative "news" sources. Let's start with Whitewatergate. Benghazi? E-mail scandal?
Citizens United was born in 1992 expressly for the purpose of disseminating misinformation about the Clintons. Information that you do not question. It's more or less a hobby for the propagandists and false journalists of today.
Seems we have a country full of misogynists. Hillary's liberal past is no different than Bidens, yet we have a segment of our electorate who just refuse to listen to Hillary's ideas, agenda, proposals that would be the same as Biden. Bernie says the same things too except in a more extreme manner, I find it difficult to believe anything he says could become reality. And I don't believe he could win the general. After all the campaigning is over the people will go to the polls and vote for the centrist. That's where this country is most comfortable. This revolution talk is laughable, IMO.
It's just a shame Hillary has to climb a huge mountain simply because she is a strong, articulate, accomplished and qualified woman!
The assumption that because I am not comfortable with HRC means I mihjt be a misogynist Sue is laughable. Frankly you do not have anything to base that assumption on.
I do not like her demeaner or the fact she has pretty much been quiet does not make me (or anyone else) a misogynist. I will not be voting republican in November and I look forward to the democratic debates. If after hearing HRC and observing her body language (BTW, Trump the Rump's BL tells much) she is able to convince me she's the right person for the job and will serve the nation well I will have to change my mind. It is called being rational, something many who populate right wing blogs are not.
At any rate good for you in re-entering the messy blogistan environment.
Flying Junior, hope this addresses your comments satisfactorily
Thanks Shaw! I'm gonna try and be a regular on my own blog ;)
I keep wanting to click the Like button:)
Hillary has been far from quiet, you aren't paying attention!
I'm pleased to see you will be voting D next year, gives me hope more Righties and Indies are somewhat sane! :)
Here's something you can read, Les1
At this point in the election, I would hesitate to assur that RN will vote D just because he says he will not vote R. There will be other choices.
We do not yet know who the Libertarian, Green, etc will field. At this point my decision is a long way off. But it definitely will not be republican.
ok, good enough! now watch the Hillary video, you'll love it :)
RN: I for one will not risk wasting my vote in an election where one major party is so dangerously insane. A vote for a third candidate or party will be a vote that the Democratic nominee does not get -- therefore, a vote that does not help to defeat the Republican.
I hope the Democratic nominee will be Hillary. But if it's Bernie, I will vote for Bernie. If it's Joe Biden, I will vote for Joe Biden. If the Democratic party nominates an orangutan, I will vote for that orangutan. Because the most important thing is to keep the Republican out.
I agree Infidel. I may have to hold my nose to vote D, but that is better than sticking my head up my ass.
It is on my Monday things to do list. As well as a post on what I think is interesting info. about Exxon.
Hm, thinking about "Right turn Clyde". Every Which Way But Loose. :-)
You’re alright Les. Thank you for not getting upset. I actually appreciate your response a great deal.
My idea that Citizens United was born in 1992 to destroy the Clinton(s) actually came from a very reliable source. My right-leaning, libertarian wife. Don’t get me wrong, she has credentials as a 1970s anti-war feminist that no one on the scene today could rival. It’s just that she is a true libertarian. I can’t characterize her as a die-hard liberal, at least in modern terms.
The truth is that it was formed in 1988. But Citizens United never got any national traction until they published a paperback in 1992, entitled, “Slick Willie”. The purpose was to attempt to derail the Clinton election/presidency. One of the most successful conservative presidencies in modern history.
Anybody paying attention for the last ten years knows why Citizens United is well-known today. Most of us agree that the Supreme Court decision in their favor was a travesty of justice.
I know, I know, it seems insane to base your entire identity upon discrediting beautiful Americans like the Clintons. But there it is. The hatred is only one thousand times worse today after nearly a quarter of a century. But any thinking individual can see right through their feeble attempts.
Anyway, here is a brand new AP article from this month wherein Hillary calls out these “stink tank” political geniuses.
Enjoy. We are winning.
Thanks Flying Junior, despite the differences we have had you're alright in my book as well. And, it does sound as though your wife and I just might share somne of the same perspectives. ans sounds a lot like my wife as well.
Thanks for the AP link, it is a good article.
3AM Phone Call To Hillary From Libya Got A Busy Signal
That's amusing Lisa, and not very intelligent.
Lisa said...3AM Phone Call To Hillary From Libya Got A Busy Signal
September 30, 2015 at 1:42 PM
Sue said...
That's amusing Lisa, and not very intelligent.
September 30, 2015 at 6:04 PM
A polite answer to Lisa, Sue. Far more polite than what she allows on her blog, better known as the "Stench Trench." Why the name? Because it's there, on Lisa's blog, where she allows and encourages her "male" commenters to call women "c**ts, sluts, hags,and pigs," and post links to racist photos of the First Family. She's allowed one of her craziest visitors to wish death by cancer on someone the crazy guy disagreed with. "Stench Trench" is a polite word for her blog. She lets all of that remain, so she therefore approves of it in all its grim and ghastly hate.
I brought this up only because you, a liberal blogger, far outclass her and her blogging buddies. Good for you.
There's a huge problem with Joey B: he has loose lips. He tends to cackle out too many gaffes. He could have easily gotten himself killed in 2009 when he told the public where his emergency bunker was.
I'm for Bernie Sanders because America needs a true Progressive and not another Conserva-Dem. Hillary's moves to the Left (opposing the Keystone XL pipeline and the TPP, etc) is political posturing. Bill Clinton and Barack Obama did the same. I trust that she's being honest in regards to emails and Benghazi, but not in regards to her claim of being Progressive. Bernie Sanders, on the other hand, has a long record of Progressivism. He's an honest politician and says nothing just to get votes (he has never run a negative campaign ad). Bernie could absolutely win the General, BTW... And with Republican votes.
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