Thursday, April 28, 2011

Those damn birthers!!!

President Obamas birth certificate through the eyes of a birther....

Thanks CDM, this is too funny, but also shows how some in our country are never gonna give Barack Hussein Obama an inch...

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

SMART MOVE President Obama!

Dear Speaker Boehner, Senator Reid, Senator McConnell, and Representative Pelosi:
 I am writing to urge you to take immediate action to eliminate unwarranted tax breaks for the oil and gas industry, and to use those dollars to invest in clean energy to reduce our dependence on foreign oil.
High oil and gasoline prices are weighing on the minds and pocketbooks of every American family. While our economy has begun to recover, with 1.8 million private sector jobs created over the last 13 months, too many Americans are still struggling to find a job or simply just to pay the bills. The recent steep increase in gas prices, driven by increased global demand and compounded by unrest and supply disruptions in the Middle East, has only added to those struggles. If sustained, these high prices have the potential to slow down the pace of our economy’s growth at precisely the moment when we need to be accelerating it.
While there is no silver bullet to address rising gas prices in the short term, there are steps we can take to ensure the American people don’t fall victim to skyrocketing gas prices over the long term.   One of those steps is to eliminate unwarranted tax breaks to the oil and gas industry and invest that revenue into clean energy to reduce our dependence on foreign oil. Our outdated tax laws currently provide the oil and gas industry more than $4 billion per year in these subsidies, even though oil prices are high and the industry is projected to report outsized profits this quarter.   In fact, in the past CEO’s of the major oil companies made it clear that high oil prices provide more than enough profit motive to invest in domestic exploration and production without special tax breaks. As we work together to reduce our deficits, we simply can’t afford these wasteful subsidies, and that is why I proposed to eliminate them in my FY11 and FY12 budgets.
I was heartened that Speaker Boehner yesterday expressed openness to eliminating these tax subsidies for the oil and gas industry. Our political system has for too long avoided and ignored this important step, and I hope we can come together in a bipartisan manner to get it done.
In addition, we need to get to work immediately on the longer term goal of reducing our dependence on foreign oil, and our vulnerability to price fluctuations this dependence creates. Without a comprehensive energy strategy for the future we will stay stuck in the same old pattern of heated political rhetoric when prices rise and apathy and neglect when they fall again.
I recently laid out my approach to a comprehensive strategy in my Blueprint for a Secure Energy Future, which includes safe and responsible production of our domestic oil and gas resources and doubling down on fuel efficiency in the transportation sector while investing in everything from wind and solar to biofuels and natural gas. None of you will agree with every aspect of this strategy. But I am confident that, in many areas, we can work together to help show the American people that we can make progress on an energy policy that creates jobs and makes our country more secure.
And I hope we can all agree that, instead of continuing to subsidize yesterday’s energy sources, we need to invest in tomorrow’s. We need to invest in a 21st century clean energy economy that will keep America competitive. In the long term, that’s the answer. That’s the key to helping families avoid pain at the pump and reducing our dependence on foreign oil.

Barack Obama

 Barack Obama is the smartest president in my lifetime, the way he plays the game is brilliant.......... John Boehner said we "need to look" at the billions in subsidies doled out to the trillionaire oil companies...Ha!.. At a time when we have sky high gas prices at the pump, the people are tired of rolling over and willingly giving more of their hard earned money to those BIG OIL companies when they friggin damn well do not need one more penny of it!!  Now it lays on the shoulders of Boehner and his House majority. President Obama said what he wants from Congress, he said what he believes is the right thing to do, END the tax breaks, NOW. The people are watching you John Boehner, your party needs to step up now and show us who you REALLY represent!  BTW, The GOP are not happy Speaker Boehner spoke on this, not happy at all! LOLOL

Friday, April 22, 2011

A budget plan we can believe in! YAY Progressives!!

Please read the Congressional Progressive Caucus budget plan for 2012 here. The difference between the GOP plan and the Progressives plan is eye-popping!

Let me remind you, the Paul Ryan plan takes 4.2 Trillion from the middle class, the poor, and the disabled while giving 4.3 TRILLION to the top 2%! What the fuck is that all about and why do Righties support that?!
How is that trickle down worked for you middle America?? By my estimations NOT VERY WELL!

Don't confuse the Progressives plan with the Presidents plan either.
The CPC proposal:• Eliminates the deficits and creates a surplus by 2021
• Puts America back to work with a “Make it in America” jobs program
• Protects the social safety net
• Ends the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq
• Is FAIR (Fixing America’s Inequality Responsibly)
What the proposal accomplishes:
• Primary budget balance by 2014.
• Budget surplus by 2021.
• Reduces public debt as a share of GDP to 64.1% by 2021, down 16.5 percentage points from
a baseline fully adjusted for both the doc fix and the AMT patch.
• Reduces deficits by $5.6 trillion over 2012-21, relative to this adjusted baseline.
• Outlays equal to 22.2% of GDP and revenue equal 22.3% of GDP by 2021.

Here’s how the CPC budget works.....
1. Extend marriage relief, credits, and incentives for children, families, and education, but let the upper-income tax cuts expire and let tax brackets revert to Clinton-era rates
2. Index the AMT for inflation for a decade (AMT patch paid for)
3. Rescind the upper-income tax cuts in the tax deal
4. Schakowsky millionaire tax rates proposal (adding 45%, 46%, and 47% top rates)
5. Progressive estate tax (Sanders estate tax, repeal of Kyl-Lincoln)
6. Tax capital gains and qualified dividends as ordinary income
Corporate tax reform
1. Tax U.S. corporate foreign income as it is earned
2. Eliminate corporate welfare for oil, gas, and coal companies
3. Enact a financial crisis responsibility fee
4. Financial speculation tax (derivatives, foreign exchange)
Health care
1. Enact a public option
2. Negotiate Rx payments with pharmaceutical companies
3. CMS program integrity and other Medicare and Medicaid savings in the president’s budget.
4. Prevent a cut in Medicare physician payments for a decade (maintain doc fix)
Social Security
1. Raise the taxable maximum on the employee side to 90% of earnings and eliminate the taxable maximum on the employer side
2. Increase benefits based on higher contributions on the employee side
Defense savings
1. End overseas contingency operations emergency supplementals starting in 2013, providing $170 billion in FY2012 funding for withdrawal
2. Reduce baseline Defense spending by reducing strategic capabilities, conventional forces, procurement, and R&D programs
Nondefense investment
1. Invest $1.45 trillion in job creation, education, clean energy and broadband infrastructure, housing, and R&D
2. Infrastructure bank
3. Surface transportation reauthorization bill
4. Finance surface transportation reauthorization by raising the motor fuel tax by 25 cents

Now come on people, what isn't there to love about this plan??? There is a stark difference between the Ryan plan and the CPC budget plan, you have to be Progressive HATER not to see this plan is what will save America.  Mr. President are you listening to the Progressive Caucus???? You better be, for your own future endeavors....Once this plan gets to the airways (We all know the media doesn't focus on liberal news) the country will be as supportive as I am.

Support for the People's Budget
Paul Krugman
Jeffrey Sachs
The Economist
The New Republic
The Washington Post
The Guardian
The Nation
Center for American Progress
Economic Policy Institute

Monday, April 18, 2011

Waning teabaggers.........

This teabagger needs to go back to grade school, no wonder she can't find a job, who the hell would be dumb enough to hire her??!

The tax day teabagger rallies were total flops, failures when it came to crowd size. A measly 100 to 300 turned up at these rallies all across the country. 'Course they still complained the lamestream media ignored them. Who the hell wants to see more of this hideous rallying with the likes of TheDonald, Sahara Palin, Batshit crazy Bachmann, Wingnut Sharron Angle....

 There she is, singing for her teeny tiny crowd of  teabaggers. Look at the old geezers, they don't have enough sense to understand their taxes are lower than they've been in 60 yrs. They don't care about Ryan's plan to demolish Medicare and privatize Social Security cuz they got theirs, they are safe, it's just those under 55 who get fucked by the Resluglicans. Damn, these people are so uneducated it's scary....

The truth about the teabaggers united is coming out....Independents for sure are turning away from supporting the TB's. This is the reason for the small crowd sizes at the rallies, not the weather, not because we aren't in an election year, it's because the truth of why these teabaggers are protesting against the government is simply their hate for Barack Hussein Obama.

About 300 Tea Party supporters turned out for a rally Thursday at the Michigan Capitol, a much smaller crowd than tax day protests in recent years. More than 1,000 people protested at the Capitol last year and 4,000 swarmed it in 2009.

Steve Stevlic, head of the Chicago Tea Party, told that he hasn’t seen any signs of the movement fading. LOLOL! Keep your chin up teabaggers, and please stop blaming liberals for your dwindling numbers......

In Carson City, fewer than 100 activists rallied in support of Republican Gov. Brian Sandoval’s no-new-taxes pledge.

In Las Vegas, about 200 supporters gathered at the Sawyer State Office Building to protest the skyrocketing national deficit and call for cuts to spending. Supporters wore American flag T-shirts and waved anti-Obama, anti-tax signs but appeared less energized than in past rallies. Organizers noticed and shouted at them: “Wake up!”  --- HA! Don't yell at those poor old people, it was probably way past their nap time!

Advocates promise an even stronger showing in 2012, when their priority will be to take down the president. -----Oh yea sure, just remember teabaggers, Republicans in Washington and the Koch brothers don't care about you,  you're fighting against your own best interests, don't you see that???

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Obama's Balls

"The U.S. is becoming the laughing stock of the world.", says the laughing stock in America...Donald Trump. He says Barack Obama is the worse president in American history. God what a buffoon, what a sick demented fool. He is making a fool of himself, the whole Republican party in-fact are making fools of themselves, if the world is laughing it is laughing at them!

This week President Obama  found his balls and the Righties are LIVID! Poor sulking manboy Paul Ryan, he thought Obama would take him up on his plan to demolish Medicare? Paul Ryan and his followers in Congress think the people will embrace the "Path to Prosperity which takes them straight to the PoorHouse"?  Paul Ryan and friends have given America a HUGE gift...the difference between the two parties hasn't been this clear in a generation. 
The choice is yours, do you want a party who swears by the old, stale, debunked  trickle down economics? Do you want a party who doesn't think twice about stripping away funding for food stamps, Medicaid, Head Start,  FDA, EPA, wants to turn Medicare into a voucher system, wants to privative SS?  Ryan and crew claim these cuts (and two thirds target the poor) will lower the deficit, but when he sticks in there the massive, trillion dollar tax cuts for the wealthy and corporations then you're looking at an increase in the deficit!

Has a Republican ever told the truth when confronted with the question "Why continue the corporate welfare"? They say the rich earned their money and why should they have to give more and more of it to the government to spend on social programs. Well you tell me wingnuts, WHY do the wealthy and trillion dollar corporations NEED tax cuts?  So they can amass more wealth for themselves? Let them earn their money the same way we do, let them be taxed like we are, but stop giving them fuckingtaxbreakstheydon'tneed!! Can't we start there??

The wingnuts are scared, they have no candidate to go up against Barack Hussein Obama, their plans for the economy are backwards and will never see the light of day, their ideas are stale and proven failures, their new brand name "Tea Party Patriots" is just more of the same old failed attempt at forcing their ideology onto all Americans, and it will be rejected once more. 

For the GOP to put forth a plan for the future, that the majority of Americans reject, is proof they don't listen to us. They live in their own little deluded universe. But that's okay, they can stay there forever....

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

I'm running out of titles for my posts on the GOP. I'm running out of words to describe them.....

President Obama spoke today on his budget plan. I thought it was a good speech....He said things a liberal could feel good about. The room was very quiet, he got some applause when he said this...

"In the last decade, the average income of the bottom 90 percent of all working Americans actually declined. Meanwhile, the top 1 percent saw their income rise by an average of more than a quarter of a million dollars each. That's who needs to pay less taxes? They want to give people like me a $200,000 tax cut that's paid for by asking 33 seniors each to pay $6,000 more in health costs. That's not right. And it's not going to happen as long as I'm President. This vision is less about reducing the deficit than it is about changing the basic social compact in America. Ronald Reagan's own budget director said, there's nothing "serious" or "courageous" about this plan. There's nothing serious about a plan that claims to reduce the deficit by spending a trillion dollars on tax cuts for millionaires and billionaires. And I don't think there's anything courageous about asking for sacrifice from those who can least afford it and don't have any clout on Capitol Hill. That's not a vision of the America I know".
This is when he spoke on Paul Ryan's plan. He was very critical of it, but how convincing was he?  When the budget battle begins will he fight for us? Will he stand on principal, will he say NO to the GOP when they demand the tax cuts to the wealthy and corporations be permanent? 

Before President Obama spoke today the GOP was out early spewing their incoherent, nonsensical talking points,
John Boehner said "You can't tax the very people we expect to re-invest in our economy and create jobs,"  "Washington has a spending problem, not a revenue problem."

Boner said now isn't the time to think about raising taxes....YET...Republicans are all for raising taxes on working men and women and small businesses. The only tax cutting proposals are for the rich and large corporations.  Do they think we are stupid?? When you give tax cuts to the wealthy you have to raise taxes on the middle class! Come on President Obama, the middle class is sick and tired of paying for the Republiscums deficit spending!

Supply Side Economics DOES NOT FRIGGIN WORK! Show us when and where it worked! Come on Republican citizens, you can't be that stupid can you??  The rich don't spend their tax savings, this economy is proof of that!

 The GOP  stands up and  vehemently says they will NOT bend when it comes to raising taxes on the rich, they swear by the tax cuts, they truly believe those tax cuts will revive our economy, will spur job growth!  Are they blind, deaf and DUMB??

81% of Americans Want to Raise Taxes on the Rich

President Obama and Democrats in Congress this is your time to rise up and fight the beast. The Obama plan or the Ryan plan...which one will reduce the deficit, which one will balance the budget, which one will keep Medicare intact, which one will be FAIR to the middle class???

 If allowed, Republicans will totally destroy the America we know today, in fact they are already doing it
Think Progress has some details for us…
…Governor Jan Brewer is proposing to kick some 280,000 Arizonans, mostly childless adults, off the state’s Medicaid rolls. Brewer claims such a move is the only way to get the state’s fiscal house in order, as it would save $541.5 million in general funding spending…
…Instead of balancing out these draconian cuts with additional revenue increases or simply not making the cuts in the first place, Brewer instead signed $538 million in corporate tax cuts into law two weeks ago.
Last week, Gov. Rick Scott announced that he was canceling a proposed high-speed rail line between Orlando and Tampa — something that will cause Florida to forego $2 billion in federally-funded investments and cost the state at least 24,000 jobs…
…Such deep cuts in essential programs and services are necessary to offset Scott’s proposal to cut corporate and property taxes by at least $4 billion.
…As Matt Yglesias has noted, Snyder has an innovative definition of “shared sacrifice.” His plan calls for “$1.2 billion in cuts to schools, universities, local governments and other areas while asking public employees for $180 million in concessions.” In addition, it would raise taxes on individuals by ending many deductions and taxing pensions — all in order to pay for $1.8 billion in tax cuts for businesses. Since the state’s entire budget shortfall this year is only about $1.7 billion, all or most of the cuts to services and programs important to the poor and middle class (many of whom will also see their taxes increases) could be avoided if the governor was willing to forego corporate tax breaks.
New Jersey
…After vetoing Democrats’ plans to raise taxes on New Jersey’s millionaires, Christie closed the state’s multi-billion dollar shortfall through a combination of measures, including simply refusing to make contributions to the state’s pension fund and steep cuts in education funding and assistance to municipalities.
…Christie is also being sued by Federal Transit Administration for keeping $271 million in federal funding for a tunnel under the Hudson — money he insists on keeping even after having personally canceled the project.
…The austerity measures and cuts to programs for the poor will have to be all the deeper this year as Christie is also insisting on cutting corporate tax rates.
Gov. John Kasich demonstrated an early propensity for making future-losing choices when he made good on a campaign promise to kill Ohio’s federally-funded high-speed rail project — a move that will cost Ohio $400 million in badly-needed infrastructure investment, cost thousands of jobs, and derail millions of dollars in related private sector investments in economic development. Kasich, along with numerous other Ohio Republicans, has signed the Americans for Tax Reform pledge that rules out any tax increases to help the state make ends meet. Even though the state has an $8 billion budget shortfall, Kasich has gone even further in proposing a variety of tax cuts that would benefit corporations and the wealthy.
In facing down a $25 billion budget crisis on par with that of California, Perry categorically rejected any tax increases. Texas, as Paul Krugman said, already takes a “hard, you might say brutal, line toward its most vulnerable citizens,” as indicated by its poor educational performance and sky-high 25 percent child poverty rate.
…Perry also refuses to use any of the $9.4 billion in the state’s rainy day fund (some of which, ironically, comes from stimulus funds intended to help states stave off draconian cuts that Perry instead squirreled away) and is instead contemplating deep cuts to child services programs and education, among other things. Perry even floated a plan to drop Medicaid entirely. Perry’s proposed education cuts are so deep that they prompted an unlikely source to take to the pages of the Houston Chronicle to write in opposition to them — none other than former First Lady Laura Bush.
Walker is of course now famous for his high-stakes war against Wisconsin’s workers. Walker has used a very small short-term shortfall and larger shortfall to come (which is still smaller than shortfalls the state has faced in recent years) to move forward with an unpopular plan to destroy the state’s public employee unions.
…Walker is also late in offering his budget, but it is believed that in spite of the supposed “crisis” and being “broke,” as Walker himself has said, his budget plans will include “a LOT more tax breaks” for the rich and corporations that will have to be balanced on the backs of workers or with painful cuts to state services and the state’s Medicaid programs, BadgerCare.

Read it and weep Righties, or not...these are your people, you are defending this kind of governing. Is it affecting you personally... YET?? It will...

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Oh how I despise those Republicans....

I feel like slamming some Republiscums, are ya with me??

 That Paul Ryan and his "plan to rescue America from doom and gloom" is nothing but a big steaming crock full of dog shit elephant shit!  Have you heard anyone say this plan of Ryan's does not balance the budget until 2063? Do the wingnuts even believe we will all be here in 2063? Maybe that's why this whole plan is a big friggin joke.

We all know defense spending is killing us right? Well in the Ryan plan defense spending increases over the next ten years. Why? I dunno know, does he? So he increases defense spending when the wars are "trying" to come to a close, he slashes spending for transportation, energy, education, veterans benefits, agriculture.....he takes hundreds of billions from Medicaid, ends Medicare as we know it today.....AND YET what they won't tell you is this PLAN INCREASES the debt by more than 8 TRILLION over the next 10 years. The budget deficits will continue til  the end of time with this insane plan of his!

This is the part that makes my blood boil...these enormous cuts do nothing to fix the debt problem because Republiscums will work to reduce the governments revenues by 4 trillion over 10 years because of their beloved TAX CUTS! This will include a lower top rate for businesses and the thugs, really, really smart.

The GOP will NEVER get it right. They can not fathom a tax increase on their rich cronies, not for a friggin second will they entertain the thought. So... cuts, cuts, cuts, with NO spending, and NO revenue coming in in the form of tax increases on the wealthiest Americans and corporations. Good frigginlord even a dumbass like myself can see this WILL NOT WORK!

This plan is so far fetched it makes me think this guy is up to something sinister...Yup he has a plan alright but he seems to believe the American people will take his side in the upcoming battle. Can you see the people agreeing to the privatizing of SS and Medicare so Wall Street can reap the benefits? NO! Can you see the people agreeing to more tax cuts for the rich? NO! When is it their turn to contribute to this economic mess? Does he think the cuts in infrastructure, energy, and transportation will help put people back to work? What does he think cuts in education will do to states? RAISE property taxes, that's what. Get those middleclass people right where it hurts you Republiscums!

Paul Ryan is gearing up for a fight over this budget proposal. He was asked at a news conference Tuesday whether any of his proposals might be enacted before the election, he replied, "At the end of the day we might just have to have a debate or a decision in this country about two futures." In a speech he made to the American Enterprise Institute he said,  "If we don't get agreements in the intervening time because of politics or whatever, at least in 2012 they'll have a real choice."  Oh they'll have a choice alright. The choice will be very clear Paul Ryan. If this country was to put a Republiscum in the White House by 2016 we would witness every single thing Obama has done to get this country moving, GONE, wiped out, killed! Education spending ......GONE, transportation spending..... GONE,  Veterans and energy spending....GONE!

 Paul Ryan is not worried this ludicrous plan will cause damage to his party. He is not worried the freshman teabaggers will be tossed out on their butts for backing this hideous plan. Ryan says this is a CAUSE worth fighting for.  

President Obama and Democrats are ready for this budget battle. Get your typing fingers ready, it's gonna be a great year!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Budget crises and unfinished posts...

I was working on the post below before the government shutdown and budget crisis was averted. Good news came last night, fer sher. Can you imagine the government shutting down affecting millions of Americans all because of ideology? Look at this Planned Parenthood pie chart...

Planned Parenthood Pie Chart

See where it says abortion services 3%? This was a main sticking point in the budget stall, several Republicans/teabaggers were willing to shut down the government if Democrats did not agree to defund Planned Parenthood. Sen. Jon Kyl even went as far as saying that well over 90 percent of what PP does is perform abortions. When called on the remark his office said the statement was not meant to be "factual" he was just trying to illustrate that PP receives millions of dollars in taxpayer funding and the organization does perform abortions.  Oh well, la dee dah...

So I guess it's on to the next budget fight, it's gonna be a doozy. Do ya think the Republicans learned anything these past few weeks?  The teabaggers are not a majority, the Democrats hold the majority in the Senate, Barack Obama IS PRESIDENT. 

here's my yesterdays post I never got around to finishing....
If corporate tax breaks really do create jobs... we would have full employment now. okjimm

This profound statement from okjimm was in a comment to lisa today. Lisa and her teabagger friends like to spew these stupid talking points and hope we'll start to believe them, I guess. It's all those Righties ever say. "Cut taxes to corporations and the rich and the wealth will trickle down, jobs will be created! LOLOL! 

Republicans claim it is necessary to cut taxes for the top wage earners in order to grow the economy. But what they are doing is simply making the rich richer while middle class workers are seeing their taxes rise, plus there are NO NEW JOBS being created. Where are these jobs if the rich have had their tax cuts for 10 yrs now??  The Republicans choose to give tax breaks for oil and gas companies, tax cuts to the top 2%, and protect tax loop holes that help the wealthiest corporations. What has that done for our economy?

 Ten yrs ago Republicans were handed a budget surplus, they squandered it, they came into the White House as the economy was booming and left with massive job loss, huge debt and deficits, a recession so deep we are still in recovery. Yet they brazenly assert the American people have spoken, they want them to take over and FIX what President Obama and Dems have destroyed! HaaaaaaHaaaaaa!

By the way, did you watch the little speeches today in the House budget debates? It was a pitiful display of immaturity by all.  Eric Cantor stood up amongst his clapping idiot GOP friends and said "Lets not forget how we got into this mess in the first place" (speaking about the lack of budget). The idiot friends clapping and laughing were stopped quickly when Democrats started chanting BUSH, BUSH, BUSH!  The look on Cantors face was priceless! He really should not have brought up that subject. Shows their mentality....

Anyway, back to the Republicans non-governing...
  Paul Ryan and his proposed long term budget "PLAN" to save America from most certain doom.

 He wants to privatize Medicare and gut Medicaid saying it will save money, BUT it will shift the financial burden to seniors and working middle class Americans.

He wants to drastically cut spending from education, innovation and infrastructure. This does NOT create growth, but makes us less prepared to compete globally.

He's all for cutting taxes for millionaires, this is how STUPID the Righties are. This only ADDS to our mounting debt, it does NOT reduce our deficit. No where does this plan raise taxes.  Raising taxes on billionaires by a measly 3 percentage points will help our deficit problem immensely. But NO, NO NEW TAXES (for the rich, but for you middle America, hell yea!)

With an all day shopping trip then coming home to a family near crisis, I can't find the time or the words to finish this, but you get the idea, Paul Ryan and the GOP are BAD for America!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

These people are CRAZY, scary crazy...

This is sure proof the teabaggers have hijacked the once respected Republican Party, and old school Republicans are NOT HAPPY. So what will they do now? According to an NBC/WSJ poll, Donald Trump is tied for second with Mike Huckabee,  the GOP is in BIG TROUBLE for the 2012 presidential race.
Think Progress: In a CNN poll released March 23, Trump came in fifth in a hypothetical GOP primary, collecting only 10 percent of the vote. That poll, however, was conducted from March 18-20, as Trump’s embrace of the birther issue was just beginning. In just two weeks, he has nearly doubled his support.Prominent Republican strategists have blasted Trump’s strategy, saying it discredited the entire Republican party. In fact, his public embrace of discredited conspiracy theories has lead him to the front of the Republican field.
 With Trumps birther stance catapulting him to 2nd place, thanks to the Tea Party, the GOP's dream of a dramatic upset win over President Obama in 2012 will never come to fruition. The Republican Party can't be taken seriously.

Mike Pence, another Conservative pretty boy "presidential contender" is nothing more than a LIAR. He said this on Morning Joe when asked if he was willing to hold up the entire budget over defunding Planned Parenthood:
 "Well— well of course I am. I think the American people have begun to learn that the largest abortion provider in the country is also the largest recipient of federal funding under Title X, and they want to see that come to an end. I think there's a broad consensus in this country, regardless of where you stand on the subject of abortion, there's a broad consensus for decades now opposing public funding of abortion and abortion providers. ... We're going to dig in and we're going to fight for the principle that taxpayers should not have to subsidize the largest abortion provider in the country, namely Planned Parenthood of America"

LIAR, the man is a liar. AND he does not speak for me or a majority of Americans like he claims. Like all conservatives claim. I won't repeat all the good Planned Parenthood does for women, children and families, we all know the truth.  BTW, Do you remember this.....
 President Obama signed an executive order at the end of the health reform debate last year, ordering that no federal funds be spent on abortion. It was a crucial move in the health reform debate that won over many anti-abortion Democrats, including former Rep. Bart Stupak (D-Mich.).

Todays GOP,  Hijacked by a minority of crazy people called teabaggers. They want a government shutdown and some are demanding it. Mike Pence and a good number of the GOP presidential hopefuls are pandering to these crazies, the Koch brothers are financing these crazies, what the hell are these crazy people gonna do when Glenn Beck is gone from Fox??

What are your dreams and wishes for America?

In my previous post I was criticized by teabagger Linda for saying no president can give us 100% of our dreams and wishes, so I would gladly vote for Barack Obama again. She of course went a little crazy on me and accused me and liberals of only wanting what we can personally GET from the president, the nanny state will be alive and well as long as ignorance reigns, she said. I responded with some of my dreams and wishes for our country since she was SOOOOO off base in her criticisms as usual. My list was short and written in my amateurish way and at the end I asked my readers to add to the list. My good friend Flying Junior added this moving list that was worthy of a new post. Please add your dreams and wishes in a comment if you'd like.

"Too often I have failed to dream about what I would like to see happen in this country. I have become increasingly discouraged about so many things that I have seen happen around me in the last two decades that I have traded my optimism for resentment, blame and distrust. I tried to tell myself that my youthful hope simply evolved from a naiveté, unsophistication and lack of general knowledge about the true evils of this world. Now I believe I understand the degradation that has occurred before my own eyes. I think we all have a sense of blaming a willing coalition of politicians and conglomerates for the deregulation of the media, the diversion of valuable tax dollars to selfish schemes and the loss of so many protections for the common, hard-working people that have been the backbone of this country. Perhaps most disheartening of all is the deep divisions that seem to turn us blindly against each other. After the nightmare presidency of Bush, turning our precious notions of decency and responsibility upside-down, I was left with very little in the way of dreams.

But if I still could, I would dream of an America where our minds could truly be free, fed by the lofty aspirations and honest reporting of a society united by a common goal of caring for every citizen and keeping our commitments around the world. An America where the cold-hearted and insane ramblings of agitators like Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck were simply relegated to the trash can of ignorance and prejudice as they once surely were in my childhood. I would dream of an America where knowledge and achievement were valued above ideology and narrow-mindedness. I would dream of an America where school employment centers did not rest until every graduate had been placed in a position of gainful employment. I would dream of an America where even the great robber barons and captains of industry remembered the value of charity and philanthropy. I would dream of an America where conservatives and liberals alike could work together in a spirit of enlightened self-interest seeing our nation as a whole, not a tapestry of haves and have-nots. I would dream of building more libraries in more small towns and promoting life-long learning for anyone who would seek it. I would dream of an America where the accumulation of wealth would be balanced by care and protection of American families, singles and senior citizens, with pensions and health care and rewards for honest toil.

But believe me, if it were up to me, I would just give up. That’s why I was so attracted by our current president. He still refuses, to this day, to just thrown in the towel!"
Thanks FJ!

Let me also say. I believe most conservatives want to live in a country they are proud of, they want the same things we liberals want, but to claim liberals are destroying this country and turning it into a nanny state is off base. Their accusations are unfounded and mean-spirited. They also have their priorities screwed up and the people they are listening to do not have the best interests of middle America in mind.

Liberals are people too, GOOD PEOPLE!

Monday, April 4, 2011

It's Official

 President Barack Obama announced his bid for re-election in the 2012 election on Monday.

The Donald hasn't said OFFICIALLY whether or not he is running, but you can watch him on Fox and Friends every Monday (LOLOLOL)

The Donald's segment is called “Monday Mornings with Trump,” which apparently beat out ”Wacky Wednesdays with Birther comb-over guy.” Michael Hayne at Politicususa 

Trump....Obama........Trump..Obama..........Trump...Obama........You decide

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Tan Man gives the Republican weekly address...

"Despite some recent signs of life, our economy still isn't creating enough jobs. And one of the reasons for that is the spending binge that's been going on here in Washington."
"Washington's inability to get spending under control is creating uncertainty for our job creators."

 When will businesses STOP feeling UNCERTAIN??  It certainly sounds  RIDICULOUS to
keep saying there is uncertainty in the  business sector, even after facts and numbers are pointing to an upswing in our economy. But they can't seem to get it together,  they find it scary to trust  President Obama and his policies!  They are just not certain enough to start hiring, after all it might help President Obama if the unemployment numbers kept dropping and dropping....and dropping......

Poor Speaker Boehner, he's having a real tough time .....

 If you must, you can watch Boehner here.

Friday, April 1, 2011

For those who Love Barack Obama...

Cute video of President Obama.....He makes me smile broadly! just for shits and giggles....