That makes me puke.... Does this person really think Democrats will vote for him?? Well first he has to get the nomination...Does this person think Republicans will vote for him??? AAAgh!!!
Friday, Herman Cain spoke before a crowd of teapublicans at the Americans for Prosperity "Defending the American Dream" summit in Washington, DC. He said "I'm going to be president"! Oh lord, I think he's a little foggy on the details, if he is so blessed with the GOP nomination then he must debate and beat President Obama! Bwahaaaahaaaahaaa!!
So on tonight's Rachel she is genius in her Herman Cain analysis, he is simply a big fat joke, a fraud... A pro-life/ pro-choice, Pokemon reciting, Bekki Bekki Bekki Stan Stan Stan, sexual harasser, 999/909, Koch-sucking M F'ing stupid FRAUD....YET, he has this teabagger following who truly believe he can be our next president! GASP!!! This is simply a game being played on teapublicans. Hmmmm, could it be Cain really hates the teabagger racists and this is payback time? Interesting.... Even with all Cains gaffes he keeps rising in the polls, what does that say about teabagger voters?
You're being played like a fiddle, teabaggers....
Pitiful, just pitiful...the clownfest continues....
Rachel Maddow Devastates Trump And Calls Him A Decorative President
Rachel Maddow described Trump as a decorative president, while Elon Musk
does the real work.
4 hours ago
Lol, I was going to say something, but nope....I got nothing. Just shaking my head!
I prefer he be the VP nominee because that debate...no problem
Imagine this guy at a G-20 meeting representing the USA?
What is WRONG with the GOOPers? Why do they keep supporting this guy?
I don't know girls...I'm just stunned by the whole thing. Ya know its one thing to put up a joker to run for Governor, or Congressman, BUT POTUS??? These people have NO RESPECT for the office of the presidency, they care not a bit about our country and her people, our future, if they put up a know nothing stupid asshole to run for PRESIDENT of the greatest nation on earth!!! THIS my friends is your NEW yet BROKEN Republican Party!
oh great Lisa. You don't want Cain to debate Obama cuz you KNOW he's a fraud and a moron, yet you want him second in command....sheezzz
I have NEVER seen such a pitiful disgusting group of clowns running for POTUS as we are seeing now!! HORRIBLE AND SCARY!!!
It's not important who the republicans run. The important thing is that he or she lose. Nobody is commie enough to really want Obama not to be a two-term president. The fate of the entire world is resting on his re-election. You should know this.
just an aside... check out the new Rolling Stone... Matt Taibbi rips Rick Perry a new one. Well worth the cover price.
Joe Biden has forgotten more than what Herman knows about foreign policy.
Cain's last ignorant claim that China is trying to get nuclear weapons was beyond stupid. Even I knew that China has had them for decades. Heck my grandson knew that.
That gaffe by Cain gives us an alarming insight to his appalling lack of basic knowledge.
And yet the GOPers love the guy.
The dumber the candidate, the more they love 'em. We learned this in 2008 when Palin claimed Katie Couric asked her a "gotcha" question when she asked Sarah what newspapers she read.
My fatass liberal beagle Dudley knows more about foreign policy than Herman Cain. The guy's a joke but he says shit the republican base wants to hear.
We had a Godfathers Pizza in my hometown once. The beer was cold and the pizza mediocre.
Herman Cain is this year's version of Sarah Palin. He seems more interested in selling books and increasing his speaking fees than in gaining knowledge in the areas one needs to be POTUS. He seems to wear his ignorance on policy issues like a badge of honor. The more embarrassing gaffes he makes, the more his fiercest supporters seem to love him. They also see Cain as a victim of the mainstream media and not being part of the GOP establishment. Sound familiar?
Hey, it's not like Herman Cain reached under multiple women's skirts or something! Jeez!
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