Talk amongst yourselves, The Sandusky story and the Herman Cain stories have been extremely interesting!....this should be good, Moderation is OFF. ....BTW, I ran into a couple of Facebookers last night that sounded VERY much like Mal and Lisa. Both from NY!! LOL!
What a SCUMBALL, hang the fucker from his balls!! js
Rachel Maddow Devastates Trump And Calls Him A Decorative President
Rachel Maddow described Trump as a decorative president, while Elon Musk
does the real work.
3 hours ago
Sue, I hope you are doing ok and your mom too. I know it is a tough time for you but know you are in my thoughts. Hang in there and keep on keeping on.
OWS grabs news headlines for fighting the capitalist pigs in the banking business while giving the capitalist pigs in senate and congress a free ride.
All they are doing is distracting from the Fundamental Transformation of America ongoing at the White House.
You realize, don't you, the stanky BO has killed through infantacide? He reeeeelly wants the Abyss o'Misery after death, doesn't he, as he thinks absolutely nuthin of the Trinity even when his worthless 'prez'y is almost at an end? Don't follow him, puh-leeze. Follow the Maker, God. If you know but don't care, then I guess that's why our Mother Mary, the Mother of Jesus, sed recently only 1/4 of humanity wood make it to Heaven. You care... or are you only concerned withe whorizontal? Better wise-up, brudda, and look-up. Repent and believe. God bless you.
Sue, looks like you've attracted a real nut case.
Speaking of nut cases, Herman Cain is toast. Judson Phillips, leader of the TP, called him "clueless" and said he was wrong about Cain.
We Liberals knew he was a charlatan who had no chance of winning the nomination, but certain people on the Right thought he was brilliant! They are the same people who believed Sarah Palin was qualified to be president and that we Liberals were afraid of her. LOL!
Here's who I would have been concerned with: Jon Huntsman. He actually has an intellect, is decent, and is not a crazy TPer who doesn't believe in Evolution and Global Warming, and actually has experience in governing and in foreign policy.
Although I don't agree with his conservative philosophy, he would have be a worthy opponent who would have been able to go head-to-head with Mr. Obama.
The base of the GOP is too dense to see a winner when he's right in front of their eyes, and so they keep falling in love with incompetent know-nothing charlatans.
Lucky for us.
LOL. Sue turns off moderation and Lisa the Leech is here withing the hour spouting her usual nonsense. And then another nut crawls out of the woodwork; he left an unintelligible comment on my blog as well but I didn't publish it. Maybe we should sic him on out resident troll. Come to think of it, hmmmm, I wonder if there might be a kinship there.
itm, even Insane McCain criticized Cain and Bachmann over their water boarding comments. Do I need to guess how Perry would have responded had he been given a chance? A really sad indictment on today's GOP.
And now Mitt Romney is talking about invading Iran if he's elected.
Hey...."Willard".....who's kids are going to fight and die it that one? Your's sure won't.
Jerry Sandusky and Penn State- I've followed college sports most of my life, and this is the worst scandal ever. There is no close second.
This wasn't about free tattoos or changing grades or no show jobs for college athletes. This was about little boys being assaulted by the once heir apparent at Penn State, the Camelot of College Football, and what is apparently the greatest coverup this nation has seen since Watergate. Just too much to talk about in this brief space, but if you still haven't read the grand jury's findings, you should do so....and be prepared to be outraged and dumbfounded by what is on those 23 pages.
wake up wingnuts! IF you want to bring on world war (Rightwingers wet dream, Apocalypse) then vote Republican! As Romney says in his Bush-like fearmongering...If Barack Obama is president Iran will have a nuclear weapon, IF Mittens is Prez, they will NOT! Who in the conservative wing believes this kind of typical fearmongering just to steal votes? Uneducated skeeeered peoples who love the GOP cuz they "keep us safe"...LOLOL!!!
Leslie, the front runners in the GOP are hellbent on outdoing each other on crazy.
Mitt Romney apparently said today that he would go to war with Iran if elected.
He's not even got the nomination, and he's promising the American people another war in the Middle East should they be nuts enough to elect him.
Because what the American people want more than anything else is another war and all that that will do to further make us a third world country.
Newticles is squirming around the fact that he received almost $2 million from Fannie and Freddie Mae while bashing it, and Herman Cain cratered like a souffle once he actually had serious questions put to him.
Bachmann is still saying vaccines make children "retarded," and Perry is still an empty-headed light weight.
Who in their right minds would put any of these people near the levers of power?
Stooooopid people who HATE Barack Obama, that's who Shaw. Unfortunately the US of A is FULL of stupid people and applaud the clownfest as they are praying one of their idiots gets enough votes to be the next POTUS. I believe the old school Republicans are just as sick, and yes, as scared as we are one of those lamebrains would win...makes me physically ill..
as long as the comments are not disrespectful of me, my family or my friends commenting here, they can stay. I have already deleted one vile comment and will not hesitate to do it again.
Hugh: The Sandusky affair is a total fail and a scandal beyond any I've ever heard of within a university. Shame on the school authorities. And it looks like this is only the beginning. A new judge has been appointed because the first one had received a campaign contribution from Sandusky's foundation. Jesus H. Christ.
Shaw, you're absolutely right on your assessment of the GOP candidates. What a mockery.
Well here it is Butt Chimney! Since wars tend to cost as much as 400 million dollars a day once all the contractors are paid, you've got one helluva dick to say that Obama is bankrupting the nation! As a society, we are quickly finding out the unknown yet very real costs of caring for the survivors of war. Oh, that's right, saving money on veteran's benefits is another big cost-cutter for you assbite republicans. An idiot like you, Mitt, probably believes it is cheaper to drop an atomic bomb... Cheaper to kill a prisoner than to incarcerate him... Cheaper to let someone die than to care for and house them. Ad infinitum. And you don't care for shit because you're just a crazy fucking mormon and you believe two things. It's your God-given right to prosper in this life and if the armageddon or apocalypse finally comes, Jesus will carry you safely to heaven where you can watch everybody else suffer an agonizing death. You're the worst of the worst. George W. Bush really was a more compassionate conservative than you.
make sure to dig up anything you can on the front runners. Obama's past is buried so deep and under a concrete foundation. Money can do that.
Well since Mittens ran off to France during the Vietnam War, his non military sons who DID NOT volunteer for duty when Bush ET AL called for it in either Afghanistan or Iraq, they seemed to talk like such patriots but never walked the walk it seems, certainly won't volunteer when daddy dearest is screwing up the nations foreign policy(like Bush did) if 50%+1 of us are really that stupid .... again.
The first break I ever had was with a Manhattan lady who ended up on The Confluence and Corriente and basically what has come to be known as Puma blogs. I just could not understand, for the life of me, why she hated Obama. I would say that I don't get it. She would only reply, "That's right, you don't get it." I would argue that Obama was clean and clear of all scandal. It didn't seem to matter. I used to listen to so many far left hypocrites that I actually went through a phase where I forgave Obama detractors. A couple of years back, I returned to my original feeling from late 2008. If you can't dig Obama, there is something seriously fucking wrong with you. Our buddy Lisa is a classic case. She has no rational reason in the world to hate Obama. For God's sake. He's more republican light than Clinton himself. He is certainly a bridge-builder and an excellent compromiser if nothing else. He honestly believes that republicans have something to offer. At least he has faith that some may still have something to offer, despite the downward trend in partisan politics since the age of Newt and Rush. After all the shit that they have put him through! True whack jobs see Boehner as sort of a softy! In-fucking-credible, yet true! (Sad, but true, anyone?) Anybody who hates Obama is truly an unpatriotic idiot who has exactly nothing of value to add to any political discussion.
It's so true FJ, and the conclusion I have come too is these haters don't know how to think for themselves. They have been programed to hate the president NO MATTER the reason. He could switch parties and be a teapub and they would still find a reason to hate the socialist! Uneducated, Fox news and Limpballs listeners, this is who they are. It's sad but scary because look how the GOP candidates kiss the asses of these uneducated fools!
Sue, how can we talk among ourselves in your absence if you are still here?
This idea seems to have gone off the rails, my friend.
LOL, John, I have to check in to delete Tom...what would the place look like if I let him run amok with his cunt comments??
I'll talk with you John. I was having dinner with my beloved parents and my wife and sister, when the TV showed Lieutenant Pike in his big expensive boots and bright blue police uniform hopping nimbly over the protestors at UC Davis, waving the aerosol can in the air with bravado before wanding it over the faces of the student protestors. Apparently when his can dried up after a couple of minutes, his partner began spraying one at close range in short little blasts aimed right at people's eyes noses and mouths. That part wasn't on the TV news. So my sister, who married republican, says, "Well that's what they deserve for just sitting there!" The attitude is fairly common among conservatives, I would imagine.
I noted on one blog, that the can looked like it might hold as much as 16 oz. of pepper spray. The force looked closer to a fire extinguisher than a can of auto spray paint. The overspray on the sidewalk looked like red or orange paint. Habanero? Chipotle? Tabasco?
If they feel they have been wronged, the solution is simple. Don't get angry about the spray. Make another sign.
Eventually, everyone will be so torn up over these signs popping up everywhere that they will stop what they are doing.
Once you see someone make a sign, you know they are really angry, and they are not going to take it anymore.
They have sign, and they have the time to hold it, and unless you have the stomach to deal with this kind of aggression, you best do what they want.
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