Sunday, November 6, 2011

WaPo calls YOUR parents THUGS!!

An Editorial in the Washington Post calls the pleas by the AARP  to the Super Committee THUGGISH AND SELF CENTERED! This AARP commercial where a group of seniors (WaPo calls them a MOB) Says to Congress, "I'm not a line item on a budget. And I'm definitly not a pushover. But I am a voter. So Washington, before you even think about cutting my Medicare and Social Security benefits, here's a number you should remember:50 million."

That's right Washington, 50 million seniors can do quite a bit of damage at the polls. So if you want to cripple this group of Americans who live on around $12,000 (some less, some more) A YEAR, then you will pay the price! 

How pathetic when we live in a country where the poverty rate is at record highs, where the top 1% is at record levels of unearned wealth, a newspaper and a political party calls seniors THUGS and self centered!  Getting Medicare spending under control should not fall on the backs of seniors who have no part in rising medical costs and astronimical fees hospitals, doctors and nursing homes charge! When a senior lives on a $1,000 a month SS check why does a political party believe that it is perfectly okay to take even more to "fix" our budget woes??  

This editorial says it is counter productive to take cuts in promised benefits off the table.... "It is unacceptable to argue that no senior, no matter how well off, can be called on to sacrifice for the greater good. SACRIFICE??? Seniors have to sacrifice when the billionaires DO NOT??

For the Super Committee to take SS benefits and Medicare benefits cuts off the table is NOT cowardice like WaPo claims it is. It is the right thing to do when inequality of income is at an all time high. Cutting benefits which have been earned from the sweat of the brows of our seniors is UN-American and will kill millions of them! This is the DEATH PANELS Sarah Palin spoke of, but it is her party that will set them in place, not mine.

WaPo:  The coming decade is going to be a time of painful choosing among competing priorities. Not every worthy program will be affordable. Not every desirable benefit can be paid. Some people, probably more of them than President Obama and fellow Democrats have let on, are going to have to pay more in taxes.

Nowhere do they say the rich should step up to the plate, nowhere does it say remove the cap on SS taxes, it plainly believes seniors must SACRIFICE more for the good of the country! LMFAO!!


mary said...

I have read your blog for some time. I am a 67 year old yellow dog Democratic female. Not all old people are Republicans. My husband and I rely on my social security and his civil service retirement. I want Social security and medicare around for my children. What in the world do Republicans think waitresses and nursing home caregivers and minimum wage earners will do in their old age. I can't imagine that they have 401 K's. Most seniors I know just want to live in dignity. My husband and I both retired at age 65 - he had an emergency quadruple bypass and I discovered I had breast cancer. A friend - age 64 - just had 2 strokes and may never walk again. I enjoyed reading Oliver Twist but I don't want to live in his world - which is where we are headed. I never miss your blog!!!

Mary said...

It is only class warfare when you aim up, never down.

Who isnt a thug in these people's eye?
Teachers are THUGS!
Firefighters are THUGS!
Nurses are THUGS!
Garbage men are THUGS!
Snowplow Drivers are THUGS!

Then there are the usual suspects:
Blacks and other minorities are THUGS!
The 99% are THUGS!

But seriously? The elderly?

Sue said...

Thanks for the visits and comment mary! I hope we have a MASSIVE turnout of seniors next year, we need every single senior to wake up and smell the coffee! We have been in this situation before but the difference now is the teabaggers in Congress who hate everything about SS and Medicare. It's shocking because teabaggers are seniors too so why are they siding with a party that wants to kill them??

Mary I have nothing else to add, well yes I do, the Rethuglicans are the biggest thugs of all, I just wish the whole country could see that..

Jerry Critter said...

The thugs are the republicans who cater to the top 1% at the expense of everyone else. That is what thugs do.

The 50 million seniors? They are VOTERS, not thugs.

John Myste said...

I love the "poster."

I would take "I am not a socialist out," since all capitalists in American have a measure of socialism in them also, and it is only a question of how much.

I think that is not a proclamation he should feel compelled to make.

Flying Junior said...

Wouldn't the rich bastards and the stupid tea partiers robbing seniors be the thugs? Up is down. John Boehner is the cruelest, hard-heartedest, lyingest bastard in the entire congress. What a fucking dickhead!

Obviously no sane or fair person would ever consider reducing benefits that are funded entirely by payroll taxes. That's just fucking obscene. It's not even the same budget, right? And one more lesson for all you right-wing dummies. "Entitlements" isn't a dirty word. It means that these are the benefits that a recipient is entitled to. We pay in every pay period. My country is not going to rob seniors to fund the wealthy. What is this, Mussolini's Italy? Problem is, the tax tables have been so tilted since Reagan, who the hell can make up the difference? Pay for the out-of-control spending that has accompanied all the madcap tax cuts?

Certainly not our parents. Better a rugcutter than a tax cutter. The WaPo was my first e-mail inbox newspaper. I lost faith when they openly supported the conflict in Iraq. The main problem is that they actually believe that republicans have a legitimate viewpoint.

okjimm said...

Wowzers.....I an a Thug....I represent truth, justice, peace, babies and old folks. If that makes me a thug to the WaPo.... that is OK by me.

Flying Junior said...


There's a nice cover feature on Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in the November 7th TIME Magazine about Smart Power. The combination of hard military power with the soft power of U.S. economic might and influence that has become the hallmark of Hillary's secretariat. It's too bad TIME does not allow on-line browsing to non-subscribers.

If you know somebody who subscribes to the magazine or can still find it on the racks, it is well worth the read. Photos of Hillary extremely cool.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Republicans will tell any lie they deem necessary to keep them in power and continue government's pandering to the wealthiest. And sadly there are Democrats who care more about reelection than doing the right thing for our Seniors and others who rely on Social Security and Medicare.

I hope the 50 million Senior Citizens are serious because the right is serious about taking away their benefits from a program they paid in to their whole lives.

Mordechai said...

Not every worthy program will be affordable.

Right, so we can bring the brigade home the 173rd Airborne Brigade Combat Team from Vicenza, Italy. After all nobody has attacked them since 1944-45, nor do they look endangered.

We can also bring all the troops occupying Germany home since their reason for being there "the USSR" ended in 1991.

Ditto for Japan, Bulgaria, Turkey, Spain, Portugal, Israel, Romania.

We also could downsize from an 11 carrier fleet to a more reasonable 7-8 carrier fleet given how much the right wing wants budget cuts. we could also take off line half the nuclear attack and boomer subs, since both the Russians and US all are downsizing our ability to nuke the world 3-5 times over.

Downsize the air Force in a similar manner, MUCHO money saved.

Not every desirable benefit can be paid.

Good end ALL subsidies to corporations and corporate tax benefits. Set a MINIMUM corporate tax like individuals have to pay.

Means test FARMERS and agriculture corps for any and all government handouts.

Make oil corps pay the market rates for any and all oil extracted from off shore and government lands.

Make all wall street traders pay INCOME tax on all trades.

That should help out a bit.

Maybe a few hungry kids will still get food stamps, and a few more poor kids could see a doctor.

We might even find enough spare cash to help the unemployed from the 2008 recession.

Dave Dubya said...

#37927 speaks with sanity. Too bad sanity not what our government is paid to operate under. Fear and greed are are the operant psychological conditioning.

Ranch Chimp said...

"Social Security di not create the Debt Problem" ... You got that right! What a scam of bull their pulling on American's, and dumb enough to think most "buy it" at that. Loved seeing the pic at the top of ole Bill and Hilary in great spirit's! : )

TOM said...

Nice to see you are not posting
We need less hate from cunts like you

John Myste said...

First, the light work: that picture of Bill and Hillary is almost touching. They look so in love. You would hardly realize just by looking at the picture that Bill is actually thinking about his next rendezvous with whoever his current mistress is and Hillary is fantasizing about what it would be like to castrate him.

On a heavier note, what the GOP has to do is what it has done with other things: it has to convince seniors that the GOP will represent them, even as it cuts their funds. You would think that is impossible, but the last election shows it is not. The Tea Party took control on the promise that they would defund services that those who put them in office cherish.

All they have to do is come up with enough catch phrases and sound bites to win the election. They can cut Medicare and promise to roll back the New Deal as they do it, because they are elected or rejected, not on policy, but on presentation and sound bites.

That is the unfortunate state of affairs and I don’t know how we fix this. We constantly encourage the general populace to vote, even though the general populace is uneducated, illogical and oblivious. We ask they participate in the political process, and they often agree. The only contribution they can make is roll dice or vote sound bites. The details of issues at hand are wholly beyond their comprehension.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

For the most part people are like electricity and water. They take the path of least resistance. Why think when a guy who just says low taxes is running?

The democratic party has to learn to appeal to the lazy and apathetic as republicans have.

Jerry Critter said...

Truth, you have a way of cutting to the heart of the matter.