Tonight President Obama will give his third State of the Union Address, I will be in front of my TV watching, so will at least one GOP Congressman, Rep. Doug Lamborn, R-Colo., maybe 2, because they "don't (BOOFUCKINHOO) agree with the Obama agenda" and "This is just another campaign speech to bash the GOP", so they are not attending. Just who do these GOP'ers think they are impressing by boycotting this special night for OUR president and OUR country? The couple of fistfulls of rightwing haters? Wow, how mature, So cool to disrespect the office of the presidency...
How many times have you heard a conservative say "Obambie ran on uniting the country and all he's done is divide us"!! As far back as you can remember has there ever been a president whose own party turned on him because he spent toooooo much time kissing the ass of the other party??? This has been Barack Obama, pragmatist, reaching across the isle, bending over backwards to please the GOP who kicked him in the balls every single time!! This president HAS tried with everything he has to be a uniter, YOU would not allow it to happen. I don't know, maybe pure hate, stubbornness, jealousy, dumbassness...who knows, all I know is the time has come to flick the hard boogie (GOP) from your nose Mr. President and carry on....We are gonna watch with PRIDE tonight!!
God Bless My President and God Bless America (and fuck the haters, they are irrelevant)
I don't know why I subject myself to the filth and hate from the rightwingnutfucks, but I's just one example of what they are saying today...
I refuse to listen to the un-American, anti-American, non-American,
Constitution-killing Alinsky Marxist, closet Mohammedan, limp-wristed,
metro-sexual pantywaist liar…. in any capacity, ever. After 1000+ days
of this narcissistic community agitator I can no longer bear to see him
or hear him. My policy is to mute him immediately and then change the
channel as quickly as possible.
Sadly, there aren’t more representatives like Joe Wilson and Doug Lamborn.
Sick fucker representing the Repuliscum party of hate and STUPIDITY!
Rachel Maddow Devastates Trump And Calls Him A Decorative President
Rachel Maddow described Trump as a decorative president, while Elon Musk
does the real work.
3 hours ago
When I listened to President Obama's SOTU address tonight, I kept being reminded how stupid the "Obama is anti-American" crowd sounds.
I Googled the comment you included at the bottom of your post. Wow, there are some truly sick and hateful individuals commenting over at that site!
Well, he's not getting good play in letters to the local and state papers. Someone reminded him that he's supposed to represent all the people in his district and that he should forfeit a day's pay for not doing his job.
"91 percent of those who watched the speech approved of the proposals Mr. Obama put forth during his remarks. Only nine percent disapproved. Last year, 83 percent of viewers approved of Mr. Obama's State of the Union remarks.This year, 82 percent of those who watched the speech said they approve of the president's plans for the economy, up from 53 percent who approved before the speech. Eighty percent said they approved of Mr. Obama's plans for the deficit -- in contrast to 45 percent before the speech. Eighty-three percent approved of Mr. Obama's proposals regarding Afghanistan, which received only a 57 percent approval rating beforehand. "
From Andrew Sullivan's Daily Dish.
Malcolm, the comments were really sickening!
ALL the GOP are sounding more desperate with every passing day. Saying we are heading in the wrong direction when we have facts, numbers and charts to prove them wrong is just stupid. Once again they are depending on the uneducated to stand with them.
That's good L, I think it shows total disrespect for the office of the presidency. Half of Congress doesn't agree with Obama's policies, but did not choose to look like an idiot and stay home..he should be ashamed.
Thanks for those numbers Shaw, very positive!
The problem with that Shaw is that most conservatives didn't watch/listen to it only his adoring followers who give him unconditional love.
ya know what stupid clueless Lisa? Thats the PROBLEM with you wingnut haters! You don't even know the truth about our president because your leaders tell you what to think, say and believe!! If you paid attention to YOUR president and YOUR country men then maybe you would support us on the left who are TRYING to MOVE this country FORWARD!!
I know this is a total waste of time, but LISA, even some Republicans praised O's speech.
"The problem with that Shaw is that most conservatives didn't watch/listen to it only his adoring followers who give him unconditional love."
Not correct, Lisa.
"WASHINGTON -- Not everyone played to form after Tuesday's State of the Union address by President Obama.
Republicans as different as Rep. James Lankford (Okla.) and Darrell Issa (Calif.) -- often pointed to as Obama's chief nemesis -- had praise for the commander in chief.
Lankford said he appreciated the president hailing the greatest generation, even if the limited-government advocate thought it was odd that Obama went on to say there could be another generation like that if the government helps it out.
Issa, who became a leading opponent of the recently scuttled Stop Online Piracy Act, praised Obama for setting up a better path to deal with intellectual property theft on the web. "I think he did a good job of teeing it up," said Issa, who also said he welcomed Obama's praise of the troops overseas.
Even Louisiana's freshman Rep. Jeff Landry (R), who last year held up a sign during Obama's address on jobs that read "Drilling = Jobs," found some common ground for praise, saying he agreed that Washington is broken."
This, too, was from Andrew Sullivan's blog:
"A reader emailed today: 'Today at work the response has been surprisingly positive. I live in Central PA, otherwise known as Pennsyltucky. What’s surprising is the reaction from those who have been steadfastly opposed to Obama and everything he stands for. Both an evangelical Christian, who is primarily concerned with the social agenda, and a secular conservative, who is primarily concerned about his guns and his taxes being given to the lazy, enjoyed the speech and even said, “I could possibly see myself voting for him'."
Again, you come here and leave a comment that is totally false, and hope that no one fact-checks you.
You are enforcing the idea that anti-Obama conservatives use lies and distortions when they bash the president, because what you wrote is simply not true.
The problem with that Shaw is that most conservatives didn't watch/listen to it only his adoring followers who give him unconditional love.
Why are you out of the kitchen again, you dumb broad? Really..... your heroes would be APPALLED that you aren't keeping to your place, which is either in the kitchen or in stirrups in the delivery room. Other than that, you just shut your pretty little mouth and let the menfolk do your thinking for you. It's obvious you are incapable of doing any thinking yourself.
I don't know if that remark is meant for me or Lisa. But I do know that it's sexist.
We should be able to counter Lisa's comments with facts, not insults.
BRONKOWITZ seems to be a troll. His so-called blog is a fake. I don't know who he was referring to either but whomever, he's way off base talking to anyone like that. Go back to your cave, buster.
Here is a poll just in from CBS. Please note: "Americans who watched the speech were generally more Democratic than the nation as a whole. Forty-four percent of viewers polled were Democrats and 25 percent were Republicans. (Historically speaking, that is not an unusual statistic: a president's supporters are more likely than his opponents to watch State of the Union addresses.)"
I'd just like to say that I've watched every State of the Union Address by every president for over 50 years. I prefer to hear it myself rather than get it 2nd hand by unreliable sources. Anyway . . .
"91 percent of those who watched the speech approved of the proposals Mr. Obama put forth during his remarks. Only nine percent disapproved.. .
The sight of Democrats and Republicans sitting side by side gave speech watchers more confidence about the possibility of bipartisan cooperation: 62 percent said they expect more bipartisanship now than in years past.
In his speech, Mr. Obama outlined ways to limit federal spending and reign in the deficit. Of those watching, fifty-six percent said they think the president's economic plans could reduce government spending; 43 percent were not persuaded.
The president had more success convincing viewers that his economic proposals would lead to job growth and increased success on the international playing field: 75 percent of viewers said they thought the president's plans would make America more competitive in the world economy, and 75 percent also said they thought the plans outlined in his speech would create jobs. That's up from 55 percent before the speech.
Mr. Obama also defended health care reform in the speech -- and approval of the law saw a slight boost among speech watchers. Sixty-five percent said they approved of the health care law after the address, a nine-point boost from pre-speech numbers."
Shaw and Leslie, that comment is from our friend Jolly Roger and he was talking to Lisa...she deserved it.
I read that today L, I thought the speech was great, seems a huge chunk of the country felt the same way :)
Obama Tsunami!
I was totally digging the president's SOTU. Then my littlest grandson said it was time to color in the sailing ship I drew the last time we baby-sat. So I missed the last half.
Oh well. Obama doesn't have to convince me. I loved the whole concept of an America that's "built to last!" I read in the papers that he wants to tax million dollar incomes at 30%. Awesome!! Why not? They still get to keep an awful lot of fucking money!! What motivates stupid republicans that can't abide by these kind of numbers?
The whole thing about manufacturing and energy sourcing resonated with me. It wasn't just bluster. He had a tax proposal to punish corporations that outsourced and reward those who kept and created jobs at home. Eat your hearts out you dumb fucking Romney supporters.
The opening of off-shore drilling and tacit approval of fracking gives some pause to an environmentalist. But in a multi-tasked approach, I can see it for now. Survival is of the utmost importance. No ideologue, including a bleeding heart Sierra Club liberal could truly rule our nation in this century.
I feel sorry for the fucking losers that hate him. I have known very cool old-school republicans from the greatest generation who loved and respected JFK. What the fuck happened during my own lifetime?
And finally, Jolly Roger has always been an embarassment to this blog. I tried to take him to task on his own blog a long time ago. So he fucking banned me!
Sue, I can't believe you would condone SLB's sexist comments to Lisa. I don't care if you don't agree with her views, to say you agree with his comments about women is reprehensible!
Ditto Common Sense. Had forgotten JR's real name, so didn't pick up on it when I linked to his fake blog. But I'm not apologizing - his comment was way, way out of line. This doesn't mean I support Lisa's views, whatever they may be, but the sexism and name calling (reminiscent of a certain stalker) simply isn't acceptable.
I know who that is. thanks CS and Leslie
That's Jolly Roger. His writings resembles that of a toothless redneck .
He can say whatever he wants. I have a thick skin.
I just ignore his asinine comments because it just shows his lack of character.
are you guys serious? Lisa's friend Radical Redneck comes here and spews the most vile racist crap about Michelle Obama, and even has degraded me on my own blog before, this is the type of people she hangs with, so if she can dish it out she has to be able to take it.
You, as a woman, should not be tolerating sexism. It's okay because it was directed to someone you don't like?? Again, your hypocrisy is showing.
I think the difference is simple. While Lisa spouts nonsense and idiocy, I don't recall her ever calling anyone names or attacking them personally. If she has, I missed it (I do tend to bypass her comments). And while her judgement in her choice of friends is certainly questionable, is it fair to hold her responsible for what they say?
You know what I hate? That too-cute Kai Rhyssdal on the Los Angeles Marketplace show on KPBS. He tried to say that Obama's speech was old hat. He trotted out clips from election year SOTUs by Reagan, Bush 41 and Clinton as if Obama wasn't saying anything he hadn't heard before. That guy goes a little bit too far out of his way to please his conservative listeners. He's like, "I can't believe he's still talking about the economy, jobs and new American technologies!"
Time for a dickipedia entry for that guy.
Thanks Leslie. I never do attack anyone personally.
I do appreciate your sentiments.
What I dish out is opinion,not personal attacks.
don't make me gag...
If you were a kind hearted dear person Lisa, you would not allow filth and smut against our president, his wife, and your fellow bloggers on your blog. You are far from innocent! I have known you for almost 3 yrs from blogging and your choice of friends just gets more vile with each passing year. JR's comment is kindergarden talk compared to your friends mouths, and if I trolled around like you do I could copy and paste some good nasty comments from you to highlight here.
Lisa, based on the fact that you have agreed over the years countless times with Malcontent when he has posted personal attacks maligning the figure and looks of First Lady Michelle Obama, you have zero credibility.
That, and your silence when others have been critical of her looks, are indicative of a spirit that exists for personal attacks.
You and others like you do not attack policies with reason and facts, you just attack because you do not like the Obamas,
Now none of that justifies any attack on you personally. As you, and most others around here know, I try pretty hard to hue a centrist line that is fairly devoid of personal animas.
You however, have your facts wrong if you think stuff like calling the First Lady "Moochie" and "Moochelle" are not personal attacks.
I thought Michelle looked red hot during the SOTU. That beautiful gown. The great teeth. The big sexy lips. That smile! Incredible! One reason she looks so good is because you can tell how much she loves her man and how proud she is to be his wife. She was radiant. Only a complete fucking idiot would participate in these sick attacks.
Eat your hearts out republican haters. Of course Lisa is long gone spreading more joy and wisdom across the internets, so who am I talking to?
you're talking to me!
Have you ever heard anyone call Michelle, Michael?? I had the weirdest thing happen on facebook today. A friend(teabagger) said Michaels dress was way over priced, I said who is Michael? He said Michael O, her dress was lovely but over priced. Now this uy is known for his terrible spelling(like all teabaggers) but Michael?? Friend Karen was furious and almost unfriended me over it!
BTW, there is a picture circulating with Michelle blushing sweetly as Barack is whispering in her ear, SOOOO sexy!! You can see the love, and I just know he is a fabulous lover!
With every man in that room who wasn't wearing a judge's gown sporting a $350 tie, I'm sure her gown was well worth the price.
I'll take a guess... Six thousands dollars? In a town like D.C., are you kidding? Custom designers and dressmakers. The price of silk today?
The dresses Nancy Reagan wore looked better on the dressmaker's dummy.
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