Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Romney's attacks are based on desperation......

Chancellor Merkel of Germany described President Obama as the most "inconspicuous world leader I have ever met. He carries none of the pomp or prestige of the office and instead treats it as the most important job in the world, not for himself but for the citizens he serves and represents. He is the furthest thing from any government ruler as I have encountered in all my years."
The Righties like to say President Obama is the worst president in our history, that he has done nothing positive since taking office, that he has been a failure....dream on haters!! 
One of the worst GOP'ers to attack the president is Mitt Romney. He loves calling President Obama a failure, Romney's just another rightwing hypocrite. So while he condemns Obama for spending to get us out of a depression, he has amnesia when it comes to Ronald Reagan and his spending which was around the 25% level as compared with the GDP into his second year in office.  The tough economic times Reagan experienced and the spending he was forced to do was all fine and dandy with people like Romney, but for President Obama the spending is killing us and we MUST make sure Obama is a one termer before he destroys us completely! What a hypocrite!

Reagan was a God to the GOP, and Obama is a failure....BOTH presided over a period when federal spending reached roughly 25% of the GDP...

Here's Romney's attack line... “Over the past three years, Barack Obama has been replacing our merit-based society with an entitlement society. The federal government has insinuated itself more and more deeply into health care, finance, energy, industry, the environment, and labor. As a result of one of the most dramatic expansions of Washington’s power in our nation’s history, federal spending under Obama is now nearly a quarter of our GDP, and has risen to the highest level since the national emergency of World War II.” 

What makes these GOOPER candidates let loose with such ridiculous assertions?? Those of us paying attention KNOW the damage done by the Bush Era has lingered in the Obama years and will take YEARS to clean up...this happened when the Hoover depression lingered into the FDR years...

Dream on Mitt Romney, you WILL NOT be president in 2012. But we can hope you will be the GOP nominee so president Obama can set straight all your lies....


Flying Junior said...

I was feeling it too Sue. The lie about 25 million Americans out of work or underemployed somehow being Obama's fault. These republicans lick that shit up like maple syrup. I thought they didn't have jobs because they were lazy. Where does this 25 million number even come from? He told college students that if he was elected, they would have nice, high-paying senior level jobs just waiting for them. If Obama was re-elected, they would have no job prospects whatsoever. The statement about a European style welfare state. An entitlement society. Is there no level of untruth and deceit that is beneath this human snake? What a lying sack of shit! And he just throws it all around so carelessly because he understands that is just how stupid and misguided his listeners are. They care nothing about truthfulness. "I don't blame Obama for the economic downturn. I blame him for not fixing it during his presidency." "A recovery had to come. It's just not a speedy enough recovery!"

Lisa said...

Those of us paying attention KNOW the damage done by the Bush Era has lingered in the Obama years and will take YEARS to clean up...this happened when the Hoover depression lingered into the FDR years...

you can use that as an excuse all you want but there is no proof of it.
You don't fix economic problems with more government programs which have to be payed for and they can't be payed for when you have a government who puts more burden on businesses and the individual tax payer who will eventually be footing the bill for more programs which eventually run out of other people's money.

Dave Miller said...

Lisa, there are no credible economists who do not agree that the roots of our recession and current economic funk started before President Obama took office.

Now one could argue that his policies have not made everything better, except, we have yet to see Obama's policies.

If you remember, the GOP entered office and immediately adopted a position of stall, delay, and oppose every policy of the Obama administration.

After the 2010 elections, which the GOP dominated, we heard the leaders of the newly empowered GOP state that the people had spoken and clearly rejected President Obama's ideas.

They based that on the results and argued that the Dems should get on board and "follow the will of the people."

Can you, or any other GOP partisan, tell me why the GOP did not "get on board and follow the will of the people" after the 2008 elections?

Instead, their first statement was not one of bi partisanship and coming together for America, it was one of defiance, aimed at frustrating President Obama and preventing his policy ideas from becoming law.

The Bush Admin and the GOP took us off the cliff, not Obama. He has been trying to salvage the wreck ever since.

Malcolm said...

Desperate is right! Romney recently said that Obama's policies would “poison the very spirit of America". This type of rhetoric will play in the caucuses, but it's going to be hard for Mitt to shift back towards the middle in the general election (assuming he's the GOP nominee).

Dave Dubya said...

I must admit, Lisa is entertaining.

you can use that (Damage done in the Bush era) as an excuse all you want but there is no proof of it.

You don't fix economic problems with more government programs

What economic problems would those be? The ones there's "no proof" of, but we know cannot be fixed? I have to wonder if there's similarly no proof of that claim, too.

Perhaps we are talking about the economic problems Clinton left us, but I don't know, since there's "no proof".

This would be confusing if I took it seriously.

Lisa said...

we can start wit the fact that economists say that the health care bill will consume 80% of GDP in the coming years and the remaining 20% will go to pay down the interest on the debt,after that I can only imagine or actually I don't want to.
what's desperate is Obama again with the immigration reform BS to get more of the Hispanic vote again. I guess he can tell them not to worry because their free health care is coming soon as I write a check for 550.00 to cover a sonogram I had that is not covered thanks to the "Affordable" Health Care Act my plan was not grandfathered into.
I just found out a friend of mine's health care insurance just doubled . I told her that's what her Obama vote got her. After all you make 35,00 a year and you need to help pay for the people without.

Mary said...

I love the Anglea Merkel quote. After watching the way good buddy Bush treated her, I bet it is refreshing to once again being treated with respect.

I am not looking forward to this election year. Sometimes the stupid is so overwhelming it takes your breath away...hey Lisa, how's it hanging?

Dave Miller said...

Lisa, like normal you did not answer the question. That has been a hallmark of you, Mal in the past, and other conservative bloggers.

You come to a liberal site, open a discussion, and when asked to provide links or factual evidence to support your argument, you bring something else up.

As for health care, let me tell you that for the first time in 20 years, I can buy health insurance for me and my wife. Because of some preexisting conditions, no one would insure us. Now through PCIP we have that option.

It is not all bad and if the GOP had only gone along with the ideas that they themselves supported under previous administrations, it would have been much better.

If you think it sucks, blame the GOP, not Obama. They are the ones who attacked and worked to change it.

Lisa said...

Great Dave glad we can help you out with that.So why not just make PCIP a law then ?
One or two good things does not justify the disaster yet to come when this bill consumes the majority of our GDP.
when I do respond Sue deletes my comments anyway because she is the one who doesn't want to hear any other facts except the ones MSNBC feeds her.
A friend of mine has insurance and her premiums just doubled. How is that good for her? The woman makes 35,000 .
How can you change a bill when it had to be passed to find out what's in it? There are 40 things in there that says "The Secretary Shall Decide" How's that or confidence. One person shall decide for you,not your doctor.

Dave Miller said...

Lisa, if what you say is true, feel free to post an answer to any question on my site as you have done in the past.

And PCIP is part of the new law you guys call obamneycare.

Sue said...

The only comment I deleted was Lisa whining to Mary....

Dave Miller said...

I believe it Sue, facts are the bane of the conservative bloggers...

Shaw Kenawe said...

="Here's a report on on of many ways the ACA is saving tax payer dollars.

Lisa believes that Obama, or anyone, should have come into office and cleaned up decades of damage, all without any help from the opposition?

The president is not a dictator. There is this thing in our Constitution called separation of powers (although Gingrich would argue against that).

Change comes slowly, and it comes even slower when the opposition cares more for politics than the country.

How does a president get the country healthy again when the opposition hopes for his failure and when the opposition says defeating Pres. Obama's bid for reo-election is the most important goal?

Then we get conservatives like Lisa coming here and saying stuff like there's no proof of the damage done to the economy by the Bush era.

Lisa offers absolutely no evidence for that outrageously false statement. I guess she just wants us to take it on faith that it is true.

Well, Lisa, you can have your own opinion, but not your own facts.

What you wrote is false.

"The chart uses information from the Congressional Budget Office and estimates Obama’s new costs through 2017 (to equal Bush’s two terms). The results speak volumes.

Based on the figures from the chart, Bush spent $5.07 trillion on new expenditures from fiscal years 2002-2009. Obama will have spent only $1.44 trillion through 2017, including saving $126 billion through spending cuts.

According to the chart of costs based on new policies:

Bush’s tax cuts amounted to $1.812 trillion, compared to Obama’s stimulus tax cuts amounting to a projected $425 billion.

Bush spent $1.469 trillion on the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and other defense costs.

Based on estimates published on the chart, Obama will have saved $126 in defense spending.

The Medicare drug benefits supported by Bush cost $180 billion.

Obama’s health reform plan will have cost $152 billion, and will benefit more Americans.

Bush’s stimulus plan and other changes resulted in a $773 billion price tag.

Obama’s stimulus spending was about $62 billion less at $711 billion.

Lisa, I've given you facts to back up my comment. Where are yours?

You do come here, make claims, do not back them up, then when they are refuted, you change the subject.

Can you stick to this subject now and give us evidence that the Bush era did not do damage to our economy?

Shaw Kenawe said...

The link on the Medicare spending cuts is broken in the above comment. Sorry.

Try this.

Shaw Kenawe said...

And one more thing: Who can read this story from the LATimes and not be thankful that the ACA was there for this woman?

(Disclosure: I was just about in her shoes in 2006, diagnosed with breast cancer and without adequate insurance to cover everything I needed to fight it. Romneycare got me through that hell, and when I had to face cancer again in 2009, I was not knocked off my insurance because of pre-existing conditions. I am healthy and cancer-free. Neither cancer was related, and both were detected very early on.)

Shaw Kenawe said...

Just as we thought.

Confronted with facts that refute what she posted, Lisa disappears.

We have to assume she agrees that we proved her claims wrong, otherwise she would have come back with a counter argument.

I don't know why she comes here and deposits bogus claims.

Here're more facts that belie what GOPers try to pass off as fact--that Mr. Obama is ruining this country:

"The news is all good for the jobs market so far in 2012: Separate reports Thursday showed a surge in private-sector job creation, a sharp drop in weekly unemployment claims and planned layoffs at their lowest level in six months.


Though the December data flowing in is sensitive to seasonal revisions, the trend is moving in the right direction.

Private-sector jobs surged by 325,000, according to ADP and Macroeconomic Advisors, while the government said weekly jobless claims fell 15,000 to 372,000 — still at an elevated level but consistent with recent data showing a consistent if grudging turnaround."


Flying Junior said...

Thanks Shaw,

Good to see some positive news. So happy for you to be healthy and cancer-free. Health insurance is so important. Without it people can have a myriad of problems with precious few options. Why would anybody in their right mind buy into this ridiculous right-wing meme that a little bit of reform is going to poison the well? There are literally millions of Americans that have already been protected or helped by the PPACA. The beauty of it is how it kicks in little by little. Get over it you right-wing nitwits. It's not going anywhere. You might as well try to repeal Medicare or Social Security.

Oh. that's right! You did! lol

clif said...

Hey Lisa;

On Jan. 5, 1914, Henry Ford, head of the Ford Motor Company, introduced a minimum wage scale of $5 per day. The average wage in the auto industry then was $2.34 for a 9-hr. shift. Ford not only doubled that, he also shaved an hour off the workday. Henry Ford was quoted as saying that the way to make big profits was to raise wages and reduce prices. At the same time he reduced the price of the Model-T from 600 dollars to 200 dollars, yet when he died, Henry Ford had between 700 and 900 million dollars (95% of the shares) to his name, and the company was debt free. Proving that one can still become rich while the poor gets a little richer.

Too bad the wall street bankers, their bought and paid for right wing politicos and their internet trolls (ie you) forget what henry said when he did this;

Raising wages "has the same effect as throwing a stone in a still pond," creating an "ever-widening circle of buying" that increases everyone's prosperity.

Increasing the pay at the bottom increases EVERYONES prosperity, not just the riches at the top?

So the right wing and their water carriers have it all wrong?

Increasing the pay of the bottom increases the wealth of everyone, increases spending power, which leads to economic growth for all, and the wealth of those at the top, like Henry ford showed?

But isn't that what the right wing wants?

Oh wait, they didn't say that,

They think nothing is more important then beating Obama.


Not helping the US economy recover from the damage George W Bush and a republican controlled congress allowed Wall Street to do to it.

Not helping the middle class recover from the games and scandals, Wall Street played with the money, that Wall Street scamed out of them.

Not helping the poor rise into the middle class, LIKE HENRY FORD DID.

Not helping the country get back to economic prosperity.


Beating Obama trumps all this just for a republican victory.

The choice is actually simple,

Vote for the Henry Ford great idea, furthered by FDR during the great depressions, of increasing prosperity for all. An idea which resulted in the USA being the which resulted in richest country on the planet by 1980.

Or follow the ideas of the extreme right wing from the last 30 years which resulted in a country losing jobs to overseas, more people slipping out of the middle class, increasing economic uncertainty end result we are going broke with massive staggering debts (both public AND PRIVATE), which the right wing politics started by Reagan ET AL has wrought us.

We can go further down the right wing path to ever increasing economic ruin, or follow the path blazed by Henry Ford.

The choice is that simple.

clif said...

BTW, anybody who thinks Romney made his millions "all by himself" is deluded;

Bain Capital almost went bankrupt in 1991.

How did Mittens save his company?

By getting the Federal government to bail it out;

Via the Boston Globe:

Republican Senate nominee Mitt Romney's rescue of a business consulting firm was achieved in part by convincing the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. to forgive roughly $ 10 million of the company's debts, according to sources close to the deal and federal records obtained by The Boston Globe.

Romney, whose business acumen has been the cornerstone of his campaign, has said saving the Bain & Co. consulting firm from the brink of bankruptcy in 1991 was the accomplishment that most convinced him he had the mettle to be a US senator.

Bain & Co. and the FDIC agreed to the deal after months of intense negotiations. Moreover, bankers say debt forgiveness is relatively routine when a company is at risk of collapse.

But the $ 10 million cost to the FDIC raises the question of whether Romney's success, as well as the resurrection of Bain & Co., came partially at the expense of the federal agency that protects US bank deposits.

Not only did Mittens make millions cutting people's pay(if he even left them a job), he begged the federal government for a bail out.

BTW he is still raking in the millions while the people whose jobs he destroyed are not.

He certainly ain't no Henry Ford is he?

Shaw Kenawe said...

clif, well done.

My new year's resolution is not to bash Lisa. Recently, on my blog, she showed some real humanity during a very sad time in my life, for which I will always be grateful. Even our old nemises (tha malcontent) showed graciousness in offering me condolences!

I only wish to show Lisa the other side when she comes here and makes claims that are disputable.

No more demonizing. Look at what it's done to this country, the president and his wife.

We've sunk to the gutter, and I'm sick of it all.

Someone has to say no more. I will counter Lisa's arguments with facts, but no more counterproductive nastiness (and I sadly admit I engaged in that at times.)

It's a new year. clif made some excellent points and educated me. All without humiliating anyone.

PS. Unemployment dipped again. 8.5% going in the right direction.

"Right?" Oy!

Dave Miller said...

Shaw, Lisa will have to decide to enter into that type of exchange.

Once she posts, she rarely responds to specific questions regarding her post, returning only to post another factually challenged, non responsive blast.

That is not dialogue, which I think most of us would welcome.

And yes, those numbers coming out today are wonderful for our country.

clif said...

To any right of center posters;

Care to comment on this simple graphic?

US Oil production Under Presidents Bush and Obama

Shaw Kenawe said...

clif, interesting chart.

How the hell can Romney, or any Republican, make the laughable claim that President Obama is destroying this country?

Paul Krugman has a good column on Romney fraudulent claim that no jobs have been created during Mr. Obama's presidency:

"Start with the Obama record. It’s true that 1.9 million fewer Americans have jobs now than when Mr. Obama took office. But the president inherited an economy in free fall, and can’t be held responsible for job losses during his first few months, before any of his own policies had time to take effect. So how much of that Obama job loss took place in, say, the first half of 2009?

The answer is: more than all of it.
The economy lost 3.1 million jobs between January 2009 and June 2009 and has since gained 1.2 million jobs. That’s not enough, but it’s nothing like Mr. Romney’s portrait of job destruction."


"Mr. Romney’s claims about the Obama job record aren’t literally false, but they are deeply misleading. Still, the real fun comes when we look at what Mr. Romney says about himself. Where does that claim of creating 100,000 jobs come from?

Well, Glenn Kessler of The Washington Post got an answer from the Romney campaign. It’s the sum of job gains at three companies that Mr. Romney “helped to start or grow”: Staples, The Sports Authority and Domino’s.

Mr. Kessler immediately pointed out two problems with this tally. It’s “based on current employment figures, not the period when Romney worked at Bain,” and it “does not include job losses from other companies with which Bain Capital was involved.” Either problem, by itself, makes nonsense of the whole claim.

On the point about using current employment, consider Staples, which has more than twice as many stores now as it did back in 1999, when Mr. Romney left Bain. Can he claim credit for everything good that has happened to the company in the past 12 years? In particular, can he claim credit for the company’s successful shift from focusing on price to focusing on customer service (“That was easy”), which took place long after he had left the business world?

Then there’s the bit about looking only at Bain-connected companies that added jobs, ignoring those that reduced their work forces or went out of business. Hey, if pluses count but minuses don’t, everyone who spends a day playing the slot machines comes out way ahead!"

We need to keep the truth from being buried by dishonest people like Romney.

BTW, the Boston Globe--Romney's hometown paper endorsed Jon Huntsman. LOL!

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Newt Gingrich is correct. Romney is a liar.

In Lisa's defense, she is incredibly busy trolling message boards under assorted monikers spreading right wing bullshit. She probably just doesn't have time to deal with anything truthful. She/he/it must love Romney.

Sue said...

Thanks for the visits everyone! I've read all the comments and yes Romney is a liar, Lisa is a troll, Romney is also sounding very much like an idiot these days with all the good positive news on the economy, Lisa is a trouble maker who doesn't come back and apologize when she's wrong,
Shaw that is great news on your health, hope you have 75 more healthy yrs on the planet, I love the quote too and I AM looking forward to this election ... yes FJ, Dave M, Clif, Shaw, Malcolm, Dave D, Mary, and my old buddy Truth, Romney is an idiot which will make for some great debates with Obama! What a great bunch you are! Great comments, thanks!

Sue said...

found this on Facebook..here ya go Lisa,

An honest person would look at the evidence, then find the conclusion.

A liar figures out what conclusion he wants first, then ignores evidence against him.

FAITH is pride in ignoring evidence that you are wrong.

Malcolm said...

I heard that Sue!