Bill Maher , love it when he calls out the crazies...
Rachel Maddow Devastates Trump And Calls Him A Decorative President
Rachel Maddow described Trump as a decorative president, while Elon Musk
does the real work.
4 hours ago
i don't always take the time to watch videos but this one is spot on.
Fuck Yeah!
Great video! Thanks for sharing.
His record is one of anti-work, so I could see how Newtie could draw that conclusion. Until unemployment is back down to what it was during the Clinton a Bush years, Obama doesn't have a leg to stand on.
It is a great video!
SF, you are amusing!
Between SF and Lisa, I feel as if I dropped in on Comedy Central.
His record is one of anti-work, so I could see how Newtie could draw that conclusion.
I see that they've approved medical marijuana for your condition. STRONG medical marijuana.
"His record is one of anti-work..." SF
LOL! Silverfiddle repeats the falsehood that Mr. Obama is a job killer when these facts are evidence of the fallacy that that statement is.
And this:
“This president has been on the attack and has been a job killer,” GOP frontrunner Mitt Romney told a town hall meeting in Salem, N.H., on Thursday, repeating a slam he uses regularly against Obama.
“It’s very clear that under Obama’s job-killing policies, we’re not going to get out of this deep unemployment,” Newt Gingrich told Fox in July.
“Either the president’s economic policies are killing this economy, or his lack of leadership,” Rick Santorum said in September. “Either way, President Obama is to blame.”
The “job killer” theme has been a hallmark of the Republican campaign for the White House, and one that party strategists say will be most effective in pummeling Obama in the months ahead.
But it could be quickly losing its punch.
The U.S. economy added 200,000 private sector jobs in December, the Labor Department reported today, better than the 150,000 economists expected. Meanwhile, the unemployment rate ticked down to 8.5 percent – the lowest level since March 2009.
All told, the economy added 1.6 million jobs in 2011 after adding 940,000 in 2010, the Department said.
“More private-sector jobs were created in 2011 than any year since 2005,” Obama said today, taking credit for the gains. “After losing more than 8 million jobs in the recession, obviously we have a lot more work to do. But it is important for the American people to recognize that we’ve now added 3.2 million new private sector jobs over the last 22 months.”
Romney called the lower unemployment rate “good news” in a paper statement two hours after the report was released — no mention of “job killer” — but he insisted Obama’s policies have “slowed the recovery and created misery for 24 million Americans who are unemployed, or stuck in part-time jobs when what they really want is full-time work.”
The latest jobs report did show little change in the number of long-term unemployed and the rate at which people are entering the work force.
Still, nearly two years of steady job gains stands to refute the claim that Obama has been “killing” jobs overall.
When asked whether the trend undermines Romney’s “job killer” attack, spokeswoman Andrea Saul pointed to the 1.7 million net job loss since 2009, calling it “atrocious.”
“President Obama is on track for the worst jobs record of any president in modern history. Period,” she said in an email.
She did not note that most of the jobs lost under Obama disappeared in the first 12 months of his term, continuing a trend of deepening unemployment that began under President George W. Bush when the recession began.
“It’s hard to overstate how important the unemployment rate is to Barack Obama’s re-election prospects, not just the number, but its trajectory, and the closely related public perception of the condition of the economy overall,” said ABC News pollster Gary Langer.
“Note that as unemployment has eased, consumer confidence has improved to its best in nearly six months, and the president’s job approval advanced to 49 percent in recent ABC/Post and CNN polls – his best in 9 months, excepting a brief bin Laden bounce,” he added.
Analysts say the economy now must add roughly 200,000 to 250,000 jobs every month to effectively lower the unemployment rate to below 8 percent. The unemployment rate was 8.3 percent in February 2009, Obama’s first full month in office.
ABC News’ Tom Nagorski and Zunaira Zaki contributed to this report.
As ABC News fact-checked earlier this month, the job creation claims made in the ad are true.
The economy added 1.6 million jobs in 2011 after adding 940,000 in 2010, according to the Labor Department. The unemployment rate of 8.5 percent in December was the lowest level since March 2009.
Since Obama took office in January 2009, when the economy was still shedding jobs en masse, there has been a net loss of 1.7 million jobs.
"If you repeat a lie often enough, you're a conservative."
Subtext to Reich Wing herd:
Obama's a lazy black man.
Newt is a fascist.
"If you repeat a lie often enough, you're a conservative."
And if you believe the lies the republiscumbagger politicos tell you're probably one of the people studied here;
Low IQ & Conservative Beliefs Linked to Prejudice
There's no gentle way to put it: People who give in to racism and prejudice may simply be dumb, according to a new study that is bound to stir public controversy.
The research finds that children with low intelligence are more likely to hold prejudiced attitudes as adults. These findings point to a vicious cycle, according to lead researcher Gordon Hodson, a psychologist at Brock University in Ontario. Low-intelligence adults tend to gravitate toward socially conservative ideologies, the study found. Those ideologies, in turn, stress hierarchy and resistance to change, attitudes that can contribute to prejudice, Hodson wrote in an email to LiveScience.
Don't tell the conservatives that research has uncovered the sad truth that most, not all of course, conservatives are stupid.
John Stuart Mill understood this a long time ago when he said not all conservatives a stupid but most stupid people are conservatives.
And the study you linked to adds to this evidence. Just look at the states that have majority conservatives [red states] and the lowest percentage of college educated citizens:
West Virginia
New Mexico
South Carolina
BTW, Massachusetts is the state that has the highest number, as a percentage of its population, of post graduates. It has the lowest divorce rate; it is among the top FIVE states with the LOWEST number of unwed pregnancies, and has a 7.4 unemployment rate, just to name a few very good stats for a very LIBERAL STATE.
The states with the most conservatives are the states with the least educated people.
Read that, conservatives, and learn learn something.
Thanks clif and Shaw, I really appreciate the research you do when you leave a comment! Great work!
Obama's a lazy black man.
your words not ours. Nice to see you equate black with lazy.
ObamA is half white you keep forgetting.
How convenient for the left though that they can pull that race card from their wallets when their baseless statement have no "creditability".
"I ceased to advertise my mother's race at the age of 12 or 13, when I began to suspect that by doing so I was ingratiating myself to whites."
"I found a solace in nursing a pervasive sense of grievance and animosity against my mother's race."
Will the real racist please stand up
Obama's words not ours
Well Lisa, that's certainly not a view held by conservatives who for years have held that one drop of black blood makes you black.
Obama's a lazy black man.
your words not ours. Nice to see you equate black with lazy.
Are you really that dense, or are you pretending?
1. an underlying theme in a piece of writing
2. a message which is not stated directly but can be inferred
Do you need help with any of these words, too, dear?
Poor poor Lisa, a few facts show up and her response to cherry pick a book out of context......
Must suck to see Willard Mitt Romney winning in Florida, with only the serial adulterer, as the person who could stop Romney.
Heck of a ship of fools, you wingnuts launched this time, eh Lisa???????
Dear Lisa,
Your little exercise in trying to depict Mr. Obama as a racist won't work, since 1) you've taken his words out of content, and 2) you probably got the info from a conservative blast, email, as Snopes explains.
Snopes then goes on to present the quotes you use in their full context, not in the dishonest and sloppy way you have presented here.
You do this all the time. You make statements that are not backed up by facts, then disappear. When people show, WITH EVIDENCE AND LINKS, that you've been dishonest or misleading, you never, never come back to discuss the evidence.
I'm afraid that sort of behavior is true troll behavior. I thought we could engage you in discussion. But it is YOU who refuses to do anything more than copy and paste dishonest conservative emails or make inaccurate statement.
Too bad. I don't know why you do this. Taunting and running away is not adult behavior.
Here's the Snopes investigation into the false and misleading statements you pasted here. It won't matter to you, since you seem not to care about facts and honesty, but I link to it for others who do.
BTW, Lisa, in trying to be cordial and engage you, I left this out:
" 'I found a solace in nursing a pervasive sense of grievance and animosity against my mother's race.'
Will the real racist please stand up
Obama's words not ours"--Lisa
Mr. Obama never, never, never, never, never, wrote those words. He never said them; he never wrote them. That passage was in a March 2007 article in "The American Conservative," written by someone else, as the Snopes investigation reports.
It would be helpful when you come here to smear the president while spreading lies and misinformation to at least actually, y'know, read the original material you think you're quoting. That would save you from making a complete ass of yourself in front of us all.
I mean this in the nicest way.
At 4:12 pm yesterday, Lisa came here and posted a comment that has since been shown to be nothing more than a rightwing email lie.
We pointed that out, with evidence, to her. She has not come back here to refute it.
Therefore, we can assume that Lisa agrees that what she posted here is nothing more than lies and misrepresentations.
She does this all the time.
Lisa, if you come here and read this, what do you suppose fair-minded people will think of you, as a representative of the conservative cause, when you repeat this sort of behavior time after time after time after time.
Would it be fair to label you and conservatives like you who habitually do this as prevaricators?
And if not, why not?
actually Shaw, she left this, but it was so stupid I decided to delete :)
Lisa has left a new comment on your post "Obama is anti-work...according to Newt":
'Mr' Obama you crack me up with that SHaw.
I bet you never called any prsident Mr before.
Posted by Lisa to Helloooo...... Mr. President, are you listening?? at February 1, 2012 4:35 PM
this way she can't say anything about me deleting her comments :)
I tried to appeal to Lisa's better angels. I have to admit that I was touched by her kind remarks to me when my sister died in December. I had hoped that even though we disagree politically, we could still have an honest back and forth. But when all she does is copy and paste discredited conservative emails, I feel there is no hope.
I do not wish to denigrate her, but just to point out in the strongest possible way that her posts here do not advance her political positions, since they have no substance and are usually false.
I know Shaw, Lisa was kind to me in the past too, with stories about my Mom and even about Amelia....but Lisa is no dummy, she knows what she is doing and saying, she hangs with racists and filthy mouthed creeps, I won't waste my time reasoning with her that's for sure.
I suggest to Dingbat Lisa that she get back to the kitchen because she mindlessly repeats the catechisms of those who view women as property. She is simply too uninformed to even try to engage, and is too delusional to reach by any known means-so ridicule is the only way to go.
The day that she shows me some reason for respecting her, or "her" opinions, I'll do it. I just do not see that happening.
I see Lisa still unable to defend the republiscumbagger ship of fools they have running this year ............
Let us all remember that Lisa in explaining her point of view, once stated on her blog that she used a mix of both true and false facts.
Shaw, Lisa practices the same type of context, truth, and evidence problems on her own blog.
When pressed for evidence or links, the issue gets changed to some other topic or angle so the outing of her unprovable false facts had to start anew.
It really is no different from Malcontent who once said "you have your facts and I have mine."
But she is much nicer about it.
"But she is much nicer about it."--Dave M.
Yes, that's true, and that's why I believed we could have a civil disagreement about policies [as I do with Les of RN-USA]. Les doesn't engage in ad hominem attacks. We don't agree on much, but he does not use "false facts" to shore up his arguments.
On Jan. 31, she came here and posted this:
" 'I found a solace in nursing a pervasive sense of grievance and animosity against my mother's race.'
Will the real racist please stand up
Obama's words not ours"
That was two days ago. Since then I have proved with evidence and links that Mr. Obama NEVER said or wrote those words. Those words were written by someone writing in a conservative magazine.
Lisa never came back here to apologize and admit her error in pasting that lie. I'm sure it was inadvertent because she probably copied it from a blast conservative email. Still, her unwillingness to admit her mistake on something like this is quite telling.
well said Dave..
I don't think lisa has it in her to apologize for spewing stupidity and lies. She gets off on it because it gives her a spotlight on our blogs. See? Just like we are doing now, making this ALL about Lisa, she eats it up!
Lisa is no dummy
Are you shuuurrrre????
OK FJ, what I meant was she knows what she is doing here, injecting herself into a conversation thus turning it into her private chatroom... I think she is a paid troll...
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