Friday, January 27, 2012

Send all the Clowns to the Moon!!

I tuned in late to the GOP Clown fest on CNN last night, but not too late to hear a conversation that went on for what seemed like an eternity about the MOON of all subjects!! No, not a conversation about jobs and the economy, THE MOON, and how Newton wants to inhabit it, yes, colonize it with 13,000 residents, I shit you not!....Newt:."By the end of my second term [2020], we will have the first permanent base on the moon and it will be American," he told a cheering crowd in Cocoa, Florida, a town with links to the space industry. Pandering to Floridians by talking about a Space Program! "I want you to help me in Florida and across the country so you can someday say you were there the day it was announced that we’d have commercial space, moon colony and moving toward Mars. Cheers? because Newt thinks he'll be president for 8 yrs, or because he and his party will be headed out in space and never come back?  It's too good to be true...

The country is moving forward, the economy is improving, jobs numbers are up, the debt and deficit are still a problem, but the Newt has HUGE government intrusive plans to spend, according to experts, 100 billion to put Americans in condos on the MOON!  Would the Newt talk like this in North Dakota or Oregon?  No, he's a pig who criticizes Big Government spending and then turns around and spews this insane shit, and his followers CHEER.....I can't believe we are even discussing this...

 What a night, the only good thing about it was Barack Obama was the winner again..

Speaking of winners, the President and Democrats are steadily rising in the polls.  An  NBC/WSJ poll showed voters want a Democratic Congress, not a Republican one, by 6 percent (47 percent to 41 percent). This lead is double the advantage Democrats had in the last NBC/WSJ survey from December.
  • On Tuesday, a National Journal poll found that 48 percent of voters prefer Democrats to take control of the House while 37 percent want Republicans to stay in control. In October, the same poll showed a statistical tie.
In January of 2010 before taking the majority, Republicans led in an NPR poll by 5 percent and by 3 percent in a CNN poll.
This week, former NRCC Chairman Tom Davis said that Democrats could retake control of the House and last week former RNC Chairman Michael Steele admitted the same.

 Aaaah lovely, my predictions will come true, I can feel it....Barack Obama will win in November and Democrats will take back the House. Republicans are making sure this all happens, every time they open their stupid mouths...


clif said...

Trust me, the corporate owned and controlled media, along with the Citizens United deceitful right wing message machine will work very hard to keep voters from knowing the truth.

Too bad a very large percentage of the voting public knows first hand the ideological driven 3 decade experiment of cutting taxes for the rich while cutting wages for the rest of us does not produce a healthy economy.

No amount of lying hand waving and outright deception on the part of the corporate owed and controlled media can undo this knowledge.

So the right wing media machine is working hard to create a series of distractions and deceptions, their only problem is this is the two clowns that they have to lead their message.

Should be an interesting political campaign, and of course fodder for the Daily Show and Colbert Report.

Newty and the Mittster were heaven sent to them.

Sue said...

I hope you're right clif! There still is that percentage of sheeple people who will always vote repub no matter what the circumstances or qualifications. How can we ever explain the Shrubs 2 terms?

I just hope this is a smooth year with NO sudden catastrophe..but actually if their was a catastrophe we know our president is the only qualified person to take care of us, be it foreign or domestic, I'm positive about that!!

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Gotta laugh at these hypocrite republicans. They demand no spending then cheer spending for a base on the moon.

Is there no end to their stupidity and hypocrisy?

Sue said...

It's desperation Truth, makes me positively giddy!! LOL

Flying Junior said...

Didn't W and Cheney want to build missile silos on the moon? Or we could just have a little military moon shuttle that could drop them over China from low earth orbit. We could have a large cache of Patriot missiles and Daisy Cutters stashed on the moon ready to go!

Then with all the profits we made, we could take over Mars. When Russia and China tried to follow us, we could just totally kick their asses because we already had a base.

clif said...

O/T but important;

The ultimate in anti-child republiscumbagger hypocrisy;

New Hampshire HB 1658 Eliminating Support Services for Newborn Children:

The title of this one is pretty straightforward and horrific in and of itself. It would specifically target newborn children whose parents are on Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, so it goes after the poorest families.

This is an ALEC sponsered bill, you know the corporate funded group which writes legislative bills so republiscumbaggers don't have to waste their menial brains on ways of thinking up to further screw over the people in favor of the greedy uber rich and the corporate creations they live off of.

Don't believe it;

lookie here (pdf)

Nice they don't want women allowed control over their bodies, and then they don't wan t to help the poorest women they are trying to force into having more babies.

Real family values cretins in action there.

Send all the wingnut troglodytes who thunk this is a good idea to the moon, and tell them to do as they demand we do, freakin' fend for themselves there.

No socialism, or goberment help at all fer them when they arrive.

Lisa G. said...

I fully support Gringrich building a colony on the moon as long as he and Boehner are the first to go!

Infidel753 said...

Gingrich has really blown it now. Before, he looked malignant and amoral, but that was fine with the red-meat troglodyte Republican base -- they loved it. Now, with this Moon thing, he looks ridiculous, and that's deadly for a Presidential candidate.

So Romney will probably win Florida and will most likely be the nominee, but that's what the Obama campaign has been planning for all along.

I kind of hope Gingrich sticks around for a while, though. He's pretty entertaining as long as you can avoid electing him (or marrying him).

Sue said...

clif you always bring us the best links and info, you really should have your own blog! Thanks!

Hi Lisa G, been a long time!

Newt talking about the moon is more proof they got nuttin' to fight Obama with! Obama has a positive message just like in '08, and the thugs only have fear and despair AS USUAL! Have you ever heard a GOOPER with a positive message for America? Me neither..

They can't win on the old tired socialist, communist, Kenyan, America hater's so ridiculous and boring. No fear factor whatsoever..

Magpie said...

From a technical standpoint it would be a hard ask to even get a moon landing happening again – much less a colony which is WAY beyond anything ever achieved in space exploration to date. Surely he knows that. Surely he knows a lot of people know that. Any advisor from NASA could have told him. Such a bizarre thing to say.

The space race happened at a perfect juncture of political statement, military rivalry with the USSR and public enthusiasm. The whole country was behind it.

Would love to see it go forward again – minus the reds on the moon paranoia – but not this decade. Ain’t gonna happen.

Of course… if we just want to be silly, and have some fun with this…. We can say Newt’s friends are already there:

(And I don’t want to hear “how dare you even joke about it!”
Not when some people call Obama a Communist Fascist Nazi Muslim Weakling Tyrant Secret Muslim and the anti-Christ all in one breath)