Monday, April 9, 2012

No Grand Jury hearing doesn't mean anything...

ORLANDO, Fla. — A grand jury will not look into the Trayvon Martin case, a special prosecutor said Monday, leaving the decision of whether to charge the teen's shooter in her hands alone and eliminating the possibility of a first-degree murder charge.
That prosecutor, Angela Corey, said her decision had no bearing on whether she would file charges against George Zimmerman, the neighborhood watch volunteer who has said he shot the unarmed black teen in self-defense. Corey could still decide to charge him with a serious felony such as manslaughter which can carry a lengthy prison sentence if he is convicted.
A grand jury had been set to meet Tuesday in Sanford, about 20 miles northeast of Orlando.
Corey has long had a reputation for not using grand juries if it wasn't necessary. In Florida, only first-degree murder cases require the use of grand juries.
Corey's decision means she doesn't have to rely on potentially unpredictable jurors, said David Hill, an Orlando criminal defense attorney.
"Let's give her the benefit of the doubt. Maybe she knows there isn't enough for first-degree murder but she wants to maintain control and charge him with something else," Hill said. "What does she need a grand jury for? She cuts out the unpredictability of the grand jury. She goes where she feels she has more evidence."

I believe this is encouraging news, I think deep down we know a jury wouldn't convict GZ of first degree murder so why take the chance and end up like a "walking away Casey murderer Anthony"?  Stayed tuned tonight for this breaking news, should start to get very interesting!

UPDATE: I guess you all know by now the breaking news on the Trayvon murder. Special prosecutor Angela  Corey had a press conference yesterday, I was very impressed with her and have total confidence George Zimmerman will be convicted of 2nd degree murder or the lesser sentence of manslaughter. This news for the Martin family is mind easing but nothing the state does to the murderer will bring back their beloved son Trayvon...bitter sweet justice...


Samuel L. Bronkowitz said...

It really is time that someone be held accountable for these ALEC-written tomes of utter and complete stupidity. Zimmerman's case is by far not the only one. Not the only one even in Florida.

Magpie said...

Zimmerman's lawyers dropped him.

After he called special prosecutors and Hannity without them knowing about it. They would have told him not to talk to anyone but he went ahead and did it.

Apparently their client is stable enough to walk around with a gun, but not stable enough for them to keep as their client.

Dave Miller said...

Here's my question Sue... everyone has been calling for justice in this case. Will people be satisfied if Zimmerman, because of the "Stand Your Ground" law is found not guilty, or if, a strong possibility, the charges are dropped because under Florida law, no crime was committed?

Or, will we be hearing how unfair the criminal justice system is?

Mind you, I am not defending the guy. He shot Trayvon. But there just may be no way the state can put him on trial and convict him given the laws of Florida.

His lawyer looked pretty good last night from what i saw.

Would people accept a plea bargain?

There are just a lot of ifs when it comes to this case.

No matter how bad what the guy did was, the prosecutor still has to show he broke the law that apparently let him do what he did.

Leslie Parsley said...

I was much more impressed with the prosecutor than I anticipated. She is a huge victim's rights advocate and is supposed to be very tough but fair. I think she demonstrated this during her remarks, while looking totally exhausted.

MSNBC just reported that prosecutors contend that GZ provoked Martin.

Sue said...

When I hear the 911 tapes of Trayvon crying out for help, it really makes me think GZ did provoke Trayvon, in fact I think GZ terrorized him by pointing the gun in his face! just my humble opinion of course...

I also believe because GZ got out of his car and pursued on foot, that eliminates the Stand your Ground defense. After what we saw in the OJ trial anything is possible, but I hope GZ is convicted and spends time in jail, even if it's not as long as I think he deserves for taking a life. Our justice system is much too complicated...

Sue said...

here's classy for ya commonsense...

Les Carpenter said...

Dave, as usual the steely rational mind at play. Well stated, and I agree with your analysis.

Sue, let the evidence speak. Everyone, even GZ is entitled to a presumption of innocence until proven guilty. Of does that apply only in cases you approve of?