There isn't one replacement for Reagan, but there are millions who believe in the great ideas that he espoused,"says Sarah Palin Friday as she spoke at the event to honor Ronald Reagan on the eve of his 100th birthday. During her speech she said America is on the road to ruin, not the road to greatness as we were during the Reagan Era! Ha! She said we must reconnect with the steel spine and moral courage of our grandparents' generation, they put their faith in God not government. She made her usual Obama bashing comments about big government and high taxes, even though Obama has cut taxes in the past 2 years, something conservatives like to overlook.
Like Sarah always manages to do, she got it all wrong when she talked about Reagan and his tax cutting policies...
The reality is Reagan
raised taxes 11 times during his presidency. WHAT?? Are you serious? God-Reagan raised taxes you say? Why is it Republicans hang onto this mythical father figure president? Do they have just one Idol?
"Ronald Reagan was never afraid to raise taxes," presidential historian Douglas Brinkley and editor Reagan's diaries
said on NPR.
"He knew that it was necessary at times. And so there's a false
mythology out there about Reagan as this conservative president who came
in and just cut taxes and trimmed
federal spending in a dramatic way. It didn't happen that way. It's false."
A conservative blogger wrote this...."We hope to see our
Reagan - a woman who was just a tiny fetus when he spoke - inaugurated in 714 more days. The time has come
today - to
Revive, Renew, and Restore our nation to greatness, with a leader we can be proud of."
Michael Reagan said this about Palin...
I’ve been trying to convince my fellow conservatives that
they have been wasting their time in a fruitless quest for a new Ronald
Reagan to emerge and lead our party and our nation. I insisted that
we’d never see his like again because he was one of a kind, I was wrong! “Wednesday night I watched the Republican National Convention on
television and there, before my very eyes, I saw my Dad reborn; only
this time he’s a she. And what a she! In one blockbuster of a speech, Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin resurrected my
Dad’s indomitable spirit and sent it soaring above the convention
center, shooting shock waves through the cynical media’s assigned spaces
and electrifying the huge audience with the kind of inspiring rhetoric
we haven’t heard since my Dad left the scene.
Ron Reagan said this..."Sarah Palin is a soap opera, basically. She's doing mostly what she does to make money and keep her name in the news."
Which Reagan offspring would you call the intelligent one? You know what they say about Republicans...
Here's the petition, did you sign it??
February is the birth month of four past and one future Presidents
(Washington, Harrison, Lincoln, Reagan, and Palin), and
WHEREAS, February 6 this year is the 100th anniversary of President Ronald Reagan's birth, and
WHEREAS, February 11 this year is the 47th anniversary of future President Sarah Heath Palin's birth, and
(OH NO!!, Feb. 11th is also my daughters birthday and TAO's birthday!)
WHEREAS, February is a very good month for the announcement of a candidacy for a Presidential run,
We ask our readers to join us in celebrating by signing this Proclamation of February 2011 as Reagan/Palin Appreciation Month.
proclamation is partly in response to the liberal media's proposing
to make February a Palin-free month. That is fine with us, because that
means our voices will be more clearly heard. So during the month of
February, all of our sponsor blogs will be posting articles about
Governor Sarah Palin on a daily basis. We will also be celebrating
Ronald Reagan's legacy during this month.
Governor Palin is a
runner, and we see her as a torch-bearer for Reagan conservatism. As a
"runner," Sarah Palin is doing what most runners do before a race. She
is stretching and warming up. She's getting her organization together.
She's checking out the important primary states to see where she will
need to spend most of her energy. And she's fine tuning her message in
preparation for hitting the campaign trail.
( I think I may throw up)
While we don't
necessarily expect an announcement on her intentions to run in February,
we recognize February as a month when Governor Palin prepares herself
to make that decision.
While the liberal media chooses to remain
silent, we choose to get louder. We all recognize this as "Stretch and
Warm Up" time for Sarah Palin. But while she stretches and warms up, the
voices from the stands grow louder and louder. Run, Sarah, run! Run,
Sarah, run!! Run, Sarah, run!!!
NOW, THEREFORE, we, the undersigned, do hereby proclaim February, 2011 as:
Reagan/Palin Appreciation Month
and encourage all Americans who support conservative
values and principles to remember a great President who served his
country well and to support our next President, who will proudly bear
his torch and lead America forward in a positive direction and back to
its founding principles. May this nation always be one nation under God
and a shining city on a hill for all the world to see! And may God
always bless America!
Dated: January 24, 2011
Wow, there is something seriously wrong with a group of people who supports a woman of Palins caliber to be the president of our great nation, the US of A!!
For shits and giggles I would like to share with you Palins take on Egypt...
"It's a difficult situation, this is that 3am White House phone call and
it seems for many of us trying to get that information from our leader
in the White House it it seems that that call went right to um the
answering machine. And nobody yet has, no body yet has explained to the
American public what they know, and surely they know more than the rest
of us know who it is who will be taking the place of Mubarak and um, no,
not, not real um enthused about what it is that that's being done on a
national level and from dc in regards to understanding all the situation
there in Egypt. And um, in these areas that are so volatile right now
because obviously it's not just Egypt but the other countries too where
we are seeing uprisings, we know that now more than ever, we need
strength and sound mind there in the White House. We need to know what
it is that America stands for so we know who it is that America will
stand with. And um, we do not have all that information yet."
Good Grief.....