Saturday, February 5, 2011

Palin on Reagan...

"There isn't one replacement for Reagan, but there are millions who believe in the great ideas that he espoused,"says Sarah Palin Friday as she spoke at the event to honor Ronald Reagan on the eve of his 100th birthday. During her speech she said America is on the road to ruin, not the road to greatness as we were during the Reagan Era! Ha! She said we must reconnect with the steel spine and moral courage of our grandparents' generation, they put their faith in God not government. She made her usual Obama bashing comments about big government and high taxes, even though Obama has cut taxes in the past 2 years, something conservatives like to overlook.

  Like Sarah always manages to do, she got it all wrong when she talked about Reagan and his tax cutting policies...
The reality is Reagan raised taxes 11 times during his presidency. WHAT?? Are you serious? God-Reagan raised taxes you say? Why is it Republicans hang onto this mythical father figure president? Do they have just one Idol?

"Ronald Reagan was never afraid to raise taxes," presidential historian Douglas Brinkley and editor Reagan's diaries said on NPR. "He knew that it was necessary at times. And so there's a false mythology out there about Reagan as this conservative president who came in and just cut taxes and trimmed federal spending in a dramatic way. It didn't happen that way. It's false."

A conservative blogger wrote this...."We hope to see our Reagan - a woman who was just a tiny fetus when he spoke - inaugurated in 714 more days. The time has come today - to Revive, Renew, and Restore our nation to greatness, with a leader we can be proud of."

 Michael Reagan said this about Palin...
I’ve been trying to convince my fellow conservatives that they have been wasting their time in a fruitless quest for a new Ronald Reagan to emerge and lead our party and our nation. I insisted that we’d never see his like again because he was one of a kind, I was wrong! “Wednesday night I watched the Republican National Convention on television and there, before my very eyes, I saw my Dad reborn; only this time he’s a she. And what a she! In one blockbuster of a speech, Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin resurrected my Dad’s indomitable spirit and sent it soaring above the convention center, shooting shock waves through the cynical media’s assigned spaces and electrifying the huge audience with the kind of inspiring rhetoric we haven’t heard since my Dad left the scene.

Ron Reagan said this..."Sarah Palin is a soap opera, basically. She's doing mostly what she does to make money and keep her name in the news."

Which Reagan offspring would you call the intelligent one? You know what they say about Republicans...


Here's the petition, did you sign it??

WHEREAS, February is the birth month of four past and one future Presidents (Washington, Harrison, Lincoln, Reagan, and Palin), and

WHEREAS, February 6 this year is the 100th anniversary of President Ronald Reagan's birth, and

WHEREAS, February 11 this year is the 47th anniversary of future President Sarah Heath Palin's birth, and
 (OH NO!!, Feb. 11th is also my daughters birthday and TAO's birthday!)

WHEREAS, February is a very good month for the announcement of a candidacy for a Presidential run,

We ask our readers to join us in celebrating by signing this Proclamation of February 2011 as Reagan/Palin Appreciation Month.

This proclamation is partly in response to the liberal media's proposing to make February a Palin-free month.  That is fine with us, because that means our voices will be more clearly heard.  So during the month of February, all of our sponsor blogs will be posting articles about Governor Sarah Palin on a daily basis.  We will also be celebrating Ronald Reagan's legacy during this month.

Governor Palin is a runner, and we see her as a torch-bearer for Reagan conservatism. As a "runner," Sarah Palin is doing what most runners do before a race. She is stretching and warming up. She's getting her organization together. She's checking out the important primary states to see where she will need to spend most of her energy. And she's fine tuning her message in preparation for hitting the campaign trail.
( I think I may throw up)

While we don't necessarily expect an announcement on her intentions to run in February, we recognize February as a month when Governor Palin prepares herself to make that decision.

While the liberal media chooses to remain silent, we choose to get louder. We all recognize this as "Stretch and Warm Up" time for Sarah Palin. But while she stretches and warms up, the voices from the stands grow louder and louder. Run, Sarah, run! Run, Sarah, run!! Run, Sarah, run!!!

NOW, THEREFORE, we, the undersigned, do hereby proclaim February, 2011 as:  

Reagan/Palin Appreciation Month 

and encourage all Americans who support conservative values and principles to remember a great President who served his country well and to support our next President, who will proudly bear his torch and lead America forward in a positive direction and back to its founding principles.  May this nation always be one nation under God and a shining city on a hill for all the world to see!  And may God always bless America! 

Dated: January 24, 2011

Wow, there is something seriously wrong with a group of people who supports a woman of Palins caliber to be the president of our great nation, the US of A!!

For shits and giggles I would like to share with you Palins take on Egypt...

"It's a difficult situation, this is that 3am White House phone call and it seems for many of us trying to get that information from our leader in the White House it it seems that that call went right to um the answering machine. And nobody yet has, no body yet has explained to the American public what they know, and surely they know more than the rest of us know who it is who will be taking the place of Mubarak and um, no, not, not real um enthused about what it is that that's being done on a national level and from dc in regards to understanding all the situation there in Egypt. And um, in these areas that are so volatile right now because obviously it's not just Egypt but the other countries too where we are seeing uprisings, we know that now more than ever, we need strength and sound mind there in the White House. We need to know what it is that America stands for so we know who it is that America will stand with. And um, we do not have all that information yet."

Good Grief.....


JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

So Sarah makes speeches that have her burying her nose up a dead man's ass.

The fact is Reagan presided over the largest tax increase in history.

His policies began the destruction of our great middle class which was made possible by Unions.

His deficits have grown exponentially because in spite of all his personal responsibility bullshit, he never actually demanded it from those who benefit most from the largess of America. He gave them ridiculously large tax cuts that created the mess we're in now.

Reagan was one of our worst presidents. But the lesson to be learned by politicians is to wear a cowboy hat and constantly tell everyone how great America is while actually working to destroy what made it great. The middle class working family.

Sue said...

Thanks Truth. Why is it the righties love that old geezer from the dreaded Hollywood?? Amazing..

Shaw Kenawe said...

Sarah Palin can make a speech, like Ronald Reagan. But unlike Reagan, she can't speak unscripted or with any authority on any serious subject. She's never been able to do that.

It is easy to snip at the feet of men and women who actually do the hard work of governing. She's the one who quit the hard work of governing to make herself a critic of anyone who is actually working to make this country better.

All she does is yelp, like a pusillanimous chiquaqua at the heels of the people who do the difficult work of governing.

She's an elitist fraud, making millions and millions of $$$$, flying around the country in private jets, wearing designer clothing, sporting hair extensions and speechifying wiwth other people's words--her own thoughts are unintelligible, and everyone know that.

Now she's applied to the US patent office to trademark her name and her daughter's name as well.

What a woman of the people. NOT.

But let's hope she continues with her circus of silliness and ineffectuality.

She's like the Energizer rabbit--she just keeps going and going and going, but means nothing.

Sue said...

Two great quotes of the day from our most esteemed friend and blogger, Shaw.....

little more than a decade before GWBush became president, he was a drunk.

All she does is yelp, like a pusillanimous chiquaqua (Sarah Palin)

Love your comments Shaw! :-)

jadedj said...

Can you spell P.U.K.E.? Disgusting piece of crap. It has nothing to do with reality.

Mordechai said...

There isn't one replacement for Reagan

Thanks God, he did way too much damage to the country the first time around.

During her speech she said America is on the road to ruin,

Yes, the road started by Reagan and his cohorts.

Ron Reagan said this..."Sarah Palin is a soap opera, basically. She's doing mostly what she does to make money and keep her name in the news."

B-I-N-G-O, we have a winner.


Not another right wing freaking cult.

Sue said...

Karen posted this on FB...

We don't need birthday tributes to remind us of Reagan's legacy - the homeless do it every day.
by: Andy Borowitz

Isn't that an awesome quote?!

okjimm said...

Palin on Reagun? Sounds like really bad sex..or too much mustard on dead ham. Or she is in search of a new ghost writer. Or .. Aw shit, now I won't be able to sleep. What will she do next... Quote Harold Stassen?

Flying Junior said...

I always respected Reagan. He wasn't the worst governor we ever had. We can thank him for these protections still posted today in every automotive repair shop in California.
TOLL-FREE TELEPHONE (800) 952-5210

Michael Reagan is an idiot trying to capitalize on his dad's name. He's promoting his new book. Has absolutely nothing to add to the national conversation. He's not really a chip off the old block at all. Ron Jr. is cool. Remember, he was the dancer!

To compare Sarah Palin to Ronald Reagan is republican blasphemy. I like Reagan. He was a fun president. Just say no to trickle-down economics baby.

Flying Junior said...

You is be a fucking troll is what y8ou be miygh blac brutther ffro8m cuba and al arrouwn de whole worl.

jadedj said...

"Forigen" - That is the most blatant, and inaccurate, bigoted imitation of a black person I've ever experienced in my 60+ years. Asshole.

Sue said...

FJ, this guy is killing me! I don't know why his comments aren't going right to spam!

jadedj said...

Sue, are you sure it's a guy? I suspect not...if you get my drift.

Sue said...

JJ I'm getting a Guadeloupe but also a Staten Island NY on feedjit. I'm gonna be sending all those comments to spam...

Sue said...

don't reply to it cuz I'm deleting them all

Jerry Critter said...

Reagan proved the power of words over actions. The republicans are still following his lead...SAY the right words long and loud enough and you can DO anything you want, even the opposite of what you are saying, and get away with it.

Jerry Critter said...

Reagan also had the most corrupt administration in history with "138 Reagan administration officials had been convicted, had been indicted, or had been the subject of official investigations for official misconduct and/or criminal violations."

Sue said...

thanks Jerry, good info to add to the post!

Mordechai said...

Reagan also had the most corrupt administration in history

Only because most of the criminals that helped Bush Jr destroy this great country were never properly investigated, other wise Bush Jr's mis-administration would have many more people facing jail, let alone War Crimes.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Reagan's legacy, Sue, is pretty much the same as any other's. It's mixed. He deserves at least some credit for markedly bringing down inflation, unemployment, and interest rates, presiding over the collapse of the Soviet Union, brokering a rock-solid arms deal with Gorbachev, and bringing back a sense of optimism in America......He, on the other hand, also deserves at least some of the blame for the humongous budget deficits, the Iran-Contra affair, the savings and loan fiasco, and the Lebanon fiasco......Like I said over on Facebook, I give the guy about a B-......As for Reagan and homelessness that's a much more complex problem. Deinstitutionalization was much more prompted by a Supreme Court ruling and a philosophy in the human services area that we should be trying to get people out these shit-holes (a lack of due-process was especially prevalent). Maybe more federal funding would have helped facilitate the transition and for that no doubt Reagan can be criticized.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Here, though, Sue, are some interesting statistics. In 1980, the total HUD outlays were approximately 12 billion. In 1988 (the end of the Reagan administration), the outlays were up to 19 billion. That doesn't sound to me like Regan was gutting housing funding (numbers from OMB, btw)......Also, according to the 1991 Almanac, in 1980, federal social spending as a % of GNP was 11.5%. By 1988, yes, it did dip - but only slightly - to 10.9%. AND when you incorporate state and local spending into it, the difference is even less; 18.7% of GNP in 1980 and 18.5% of GNP in 1988. Again, it doesn't sound like the poor were being all that spat upon by Mr. Reagan.....Now, could he have done more? Sure, you can always do more. Clinton could have done more. The Bushes could have done more. But to only single out Reagan as this dastardly uncaring individual is probably not too fair.

Lisa said...

But to only single out Reagan as this dastardly uncaring individual is probably not too fair.

Who said liberals were fair?Besides
he was a white Republican and to Sue that's enough.

Jerry Critter said...

Once again, Lisa chooses to ignore the facts in the post and instead attack the author. I guess that means she can't dispute the facts.

Mordechai said...

Reagan's legacy,

Undermining the safety net since the early 1980's with his totally dishonest claims of welfare queens and attacks on programs that helped the poor rise , ie his insane bootstrap idea.

Reagan's legacy,

Helping corporations circumvent legal restrictions on pollution, safety regulations for workers by screaming about the regulations enacted to prevent such activity.

Reagan's legacy,

Destroying the ability of the middle class to bargain for equitable compensation for their work they provided, by attacking unions and collective bargaining which leveled the playing field between corporations and the workers.

Reagan's legacy,

Undermining the economic future of the country by running up massive debt with no plans to ever pay it off.

Reagan's legacy,

Working with both the Iranians and Saddam, who now a days are considered enemies of the USA.

Reagan's legacy,

Ignoring one of the worst health crisis of our time.

Reagan's legacy,

Allowed rampant felonious activity under his command (Iran -Contra) and never held any one accountable for it.

Heck of a legacy people want to ignore then defend.

Jolly Roger said...

It's mixed. He deserves at least some credit for markedly bringing down inflation, unemployment, and interest rates, presiding over the collapse of the Soviet Union,

Will, as if we didn't have enough evidence of your actual agenda.... there you go AGAIN. A plurality of historians believe that your beloved, mythical Saint Ronnie PRESERVED the USSR for a few extra years with his ICBM-rattling. He kept them alive because he needed them; when you look at all the damage your precious Saint has done, he needed a big enemy to keep us distracted.

And your next post about "My Saint spent this much money at HUD" would only be posted by someone who never cracked a history book. Corruption at HUD was breathtaking, even by the standards of today. I can spend 50 trillion dollars on housing, but if 49.999 trillion goes right into the pockets of my cronies, what have I accomplished?

Mordechai said...

More right wing white washing by will.

Sue said...

thanks for all the great comments on the history of Reagan. There has been alot written about the past president this weekend, you all have added alot to my little blogposting, Thanks!

Shaw Kenawe said...

We're not singling out Mr. Reagan; we're balancing the outpouring of Reagan-worshipping that is part of the commemoration of his 100th birthday.

I find it hilarious to read righties whining about "Reagan bashing" and then to read about the "Commie, Marxist, Fascist, Socialist Birth Certificateless-Kenyan" in the present White House. Oh, and those blogs are equally rabid against Mrs. Obama, especially a certain malcontent who cannot stop himself from talking about ladies' fashions and commenting on Mrs. Obama's dresses! And she eats hamburgers! LOL!

Here's another partial list of Mr. Reagan on civil rights:

"In 1980 Reagan said the Voting Rights Act was 'humiliating to the South.' "

"Reagan did not support federal initiatives to provide blacks with civil rights. He opposed the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965 signed into law by Democratic President Lyndon B. Johnson."

"Reagan gave a States' Rights speech in Philadelphia, Mississippi, the town where three civil rights workers were murdered in 1964, when running for president in 1980 and said (while campaigning in Georgia) that Confederate President Jefferson Davis was 'a hero of mine.' "

That's right. one of Mr. Reagan's "heroes," Jefferson Davis, committed treason against the United States.

"In the last years of Martin Luther King, Jr.'s life, many mainstream journalists and conservative politicians treated him with fear and derision. In 1967, Life magazine (4/21/67) dubbed King's prophetic anti-war address "demagogic slander" and "a script for Radio Hanoi." Even years later, Ronald Reagan described King as a 'near-Communist'."

"At first Reagan opposed the Martin Luther King holiday, and signed it only after an overwhelming veto-proof majority (338 to 90 in the House of Representatives and 78 to 22 in the Senate) voted in favor of it."

"Throughout his presidency, Reagan supported the apartheid government in South Africa and even labeled Nelson Mandela’s African National Congress a notorious terrorist organization."

Hugh Jee From Jersey said...

I'm not going to trash Reagan, long dead now and part of our collective past. Enough people look back at the guy fondly, so be it.

I never liked his politics, but I found the individual to be likable. In fact, I think Mr. Reagan would have been alot of fun to talk to at a backyard barbeque....I could have asked him a zillion questions about Old Hollywood.

According to Tip O'Neill, that was Reagan in a nutshell; ask him a question about Mikhail Gorbachev and he'd do twenty minutes on James Cagney or Bette Davis, and all the other people under contract at Warner Brothers in 1938. And maybe that was why most of us on the left were perplexed by the guy, and charmed by him at the same time.

BTW.....Ron Reagan, who I like alot, hit it out of the park with his Palin comment.

And as for the countered "Palin Free Month" declaration for February in response to "Reagan/Palin Appreciation Month", this just proves Carl Jung's theory of synchronicity. I posted two Palin entries last week, then I tossed and turned in bed after doing so....and thought to myself, "why am I wasting time and energy doing this?"

Sarah Palin is incapable of saying anything intelligent, is only in it for the money...(trade marking her name? WTF?)...and, for all intents and purposes, nothing more than a bad joke.

I'm in....this will be my final mention of the former half term governor by me for the month of February, and beyond.

Sue said...

Hugh I admire the lefties who can say admirable things about republicans, dead ones or even the live slimy ones! :-)

Chrissy...The Apothecary Shop said...

Morning sunshine...oh boy you sure have got one heated blog going on here...good for you!!! No one in Canada gives a hoot about our politics but we sure love yours!!!! Have I told you 'I CAN SEE RUSSIA FROM MY HOUSE" hahaha!!! Glad you like the kitchen,so far my meals still taste the ya!!! x0x0

Sue said...

Hi Chrissy! Welcome in!

Yes the world is watching us, how can they not when we have morons like Sarah Palin in the news every other day! Fun, fun fun! Do you all like our Barack Obama?

I do love your kitchen but know what you mean about the meals, Mine never improved with remodeling either! LOL! xoxoxo

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Only in the knuckle-dragging world of the uneducated partisan (Jolly Nimrod, anonymouse) would the giving to Ronald Reagan of a B- grade (a grade in which I enumerated not just his successes but his shortcomings) possibly be seen as lionizing the man. "My beloved Reagan" - what a jerk for somebody to say something like that......And, Clif/whoever the hell you are, I MENTIONED the Iran Contra fiasco, I MENTIONED the humongous deficits. It's like, what, you can't even frigging read now?.....As for this whole undermining the safety net bullshit, I gave you the data, dude. Government spending on social programs was 18.7% of GNP in 1980. In 1988, it was 18.5%. For those two tenths of one percent, you're going to tar Reagan as some frigging hater of the poor people. That is totally pathetic.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

And then there's this jolly character. I give him the OMB numbers. 12 billion in outlays in 1980, 19 billion in outlays in 1988. But instead of accepting them like a mature human being would, he instead throws out this ridiculous claim that 99.999% of the money went to Reagan's cronies - WITH NO FRIGGING EVIDENCE!!! History book, my ass. The only history book that this individual opens up is his daily perusal into the Daily Kos (yes, perhaps with some second hand drivel from Noam Chomsky flowing in from time to time)......And this whole paranoiac statement that Reagan actually tried, not to defeat the Soviet Union but to prop them up, that is just frigging bullshit! Who thinks like this? I'm serious.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Shaw, let me ask you something, so the far left's response to certain people glorifying Mr. Reagan is to flat-out trash him - completely absent nuance and gray area? And, if so, how in fact does that make your side any better than the Limbaughs out there?............Oh, and, just for the record, I'm consistent. I have on MANY occasions vociferously defended Mr. Obama against these idiot charges of extremism, communism, etc.. Just ask Linda. Hell, I've even been banned from

The CDM said...

I have said for the absolute longest time that Palin always wants the spotlight. Ever notice that when everyone stops talking about her, she pulls some shit and gets thrown back in the public eye(for good or bad)?

Nothing more than a posturing attention whore. She doesn't belong on the straw poll, she belongs on the stripper's pole.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

She gets increasingly more incoherent with each interview, CDM. If I were advising her, I'd tell her to take David Frum's advice and simply stop talking for a mite.

Sue said...

The interview she gave to Christian Broadcasting was one of the most amateur, hideous I've ever seen!