Our Linda posted a lame FUX NOOZE video of a lame FUX reporter, Mike Tobin, in Madison at the protests. The lame "reporter" actually said after the camera was pointed away from him, he got HIT by a liberal union worker protester, imagine that! The video title says a reporter was ASSAULTED...He said their faces showed such hate, he said they blocked him with their signs and the chanting was so loud "FOX NEWS LIES", they were trying to shut down communication when they blocked his face, FUX NOOZE host, Greg somebody, asked why these protesters had such vitriol for the media... LOL! And while all this was going on all you could see were PEACEFUL, standing calmly around the capitol, protesters.... what a shame for those who only get their news from FUX. It's shameful! Linda goes on to say the protesters were guilty of embracing violence and promoting violence against innocent people! Now come on.... we have seen many, many news clips of the very calm and PEACEFUL protesters, too bad FUX followers don't get to see those...
She said the protesters attempted to stifle free speech and then resorted to physical assault...omg...She said it is FUX who were trying to report the facts, the taxpayers deserve to know both sides of the issue...omg...then she babbles on about collective bargaining...then calls lefties lawless.....
Sorry, the woman amuses me..! If you want an awesome retrospect on Madison and what it was like to spend a day with the protesters then go see my friend Mary, she has a great post up with great video clips!
Rachel Maddow Devastates Trump And Calls Him A Decorative President
Rachel Maddow described Trump as a decorative president, while Elon Musk
does the real work.
3 hours ago
Don't forget to go look at the pictures too! LOTS OF SIGNS, I will give you a cookie if you can find one of Punked Walker compared to Hitler, or maybe dressed up as a Witch Doctor! And if anyone thinks my reference of Walker as Punked is bad, that is the nicest thing I can say about him. He considered sending "troublemakers" into a crowd where my 20 year old daughter was! In my eyes there is no excuse for that...EVER! Why aren't all American's outraged at that, or are the righties so insane that violence against a 20 year old "liberal" girl is OK?
He wasn't going to send in anyone, that prank phone call was a trap so people on the left can say see what he said!
Yes the phone call was fake! No Scotty didn't know it was fake! Yes he was either showing off for the Boss or had actually "Considered" sending troublemakers into the crowds...PERIOD! Either way he is a sick SOB and with my daughter in that crowd I will take it personally!
Wow, why am I arguing with Lisa, what he/she said didn't even make sense! Not that it ever does...lol.
The link below is one of Walker made out to be Hitler.
For the record I'm not a supporter of Walker or a far right loon. I just wonder if Sue believes that only Republicans are evil or that only Fox News is slanted and or biased in their reporting? Reading this blog would make it seem that you can only trust a Democrat and only Republicans are evil/bad.
Mary the righties have such a hard time watching this peaceful protest. I think they are waiting and hoping for some violence so they can justify their accusations. We are NICE and peaceful people, it's not gonna get violent in Madison or anywhere!
Brian, (you aren't my son are you?) a sign does not make a person violent, there is no violence reported and I can betcha there won't be in the future. If there is I'll eat my computer!
I do not believe ALL republican are evil. There are good and bad in BOTH parties. This is a liberal blog and it slants left of course, it's who I am and what I write about. It's my little personal blog. As for FOX, it absolutely is biased and slanted and crooked and full of lies and half truths. They are a news organization(I say that lightly) and have no business reporting the way they do. That video at Lindas PROVES my point! It is hideous.
I never said the sign made someone violent, the line is in response to Mary's writing she would give a cookie if anyone could find a sign comnparing Walker to Hitler. I like Chocolate Chip by the way.
I beg to differ on Fox News, sure there are some on Fox News such as Hannity and Beck but they arent news people, they are political commentators. I know most lefties hate O'reily and while I dont agree alot with what O'Reily says and he is somewhat of a bully he's been more fair to Obama than anyone on the left (Olberman) was to Bush.
I knew you slanted left but that's okay, everyone is entitled to their opinion and well this is your blog as well. As for me I really don't know what to classify myself as, I guess I would have to say Moderate and leans to the right but am not someone who will blindly follow a political party like the far rights and far lefts.
I'm really now more of a disenfranchised voter. I dont much care for or anybody in Washington. The way both sides of Congress constantly go at each other really makes me sick.
I just found your blog and am always open to others opinions so hopefully you wont mind if I occasionally post.
LISA: "He [Walker] wasn't going to send in anyone, that prank phone call was a trap so people on the left can say see what he said!"
Yes, Lisa, that was a prank call, but it was WALKER himself who ADMITTED he thought about sending in goons to disrupt the protest and MAKE THE DEMONSTRATORS LOOK VIOLENT. No one MADE Walker admit to that--he freely admitted it himself while speaking to someone he thought was "one of us."
BTW, I believe the police in Madison, not a FAUX NOOZ liar. The police in Madison have repeated again and again that the demonstrations have been PEACEFUL with amazingly few disruptive [except for FAUX NOOZ liars] elements.
How many more times must we cite for FAUX NOOZ fans the studies that have shown that people who watch that cable news rot are the MOST uninformed of all cable news watchers?
See what the problem is? People like Lisa and Linda create their own reality. Or they suffer from cognitive dissonance: They cannot hold two opposing thoughts in their heads at the same time.
I live in Wisconsin. My hubby is a teacher. His sister is a teacher. My sister is a teacher and so is my son.
This is hitting us very hard. We were at the protests last Saturday and it was absolutely amazing. No violence, just amazing people standing up for our rights.
Gov. Walker has locked up our Capital building and is not letting us in. The Capital building belongs to the people!
Governor Walker is ruining our state! We were happy and united after the Super Bowl! Now we are torn apart. He is demonizing teachers and other public employees.
My husband is in his 30th year of teaching and he brings home 2,200 per month. And that is supposed to be too much.
Please support us!
This is a war on all of us that are middle class.
Soon, we won't have a middle class. Only the very rich and very poor.
Mary the righties have such a hard time watching this peaceful protest. I think they are waiting and hoping for some violence so they can justify their accusations.
Sounds familiar.
In the words of Barack Obama "We won"
Hmm... Somehow we have a vast "mob of union thugs" and no violence.
Not one woman's head stomped to the curb like the peaceful teabagging Rand Paul supporters had to do... out of self defense, of course.
Methinks hypocrisy, violence, and dishonesty is largely on the Reich, I mean Right. Ask the Unitarians in Tennessee about the FOX(R) indoctrinated Adkisson.
I've pointed to the "cognitive dissonance" the TPs are suffering from--especially our rightie friends, Lisa and Linda.
They refuse to face the fact that Gov. Walker admitted to someone he thought was "one of us" that he entertained the possibility of employing goons to incite the demonstrators and make it look like the peaceful Wisconsinites were violent thugs.
Nice governor you got there, Wisconsin. Who does he take his advice from? Tony Soprano?
Lisa comes here and defends and dismisses Walker's self-incriminating confession to the fake Koch.
But Mr. Obama is a Marxist, Commie, Fascist, Socialist Kenyan kitten killer. LOL!
I forgot about the stomped woman at the Rand Paul rally, Thanks Dave for reminding us!
There has been NO violence in Madison. To the contrary, the Mayor and Police Chief are very concerned about Scott Walker's comment on the prank call that they even considered bringing in 'trouble makers.
From the Wisconsin State Journal
"Madison's mayor and police chief Thursday called on Gov. Scott Walker to explain statements he made in a secretly recorded phone conversation that he "thought about" planting troublemakers among the thousands of demonstrators at the Capitol.
"Someone in his inner circle raised seriously the possibility of hiring people to come in and apparently create violence in my city," Mayor Dave Cieslewicz said. "I find it appalling, and I want to know who that was."
Tens of thousands of people have demonstrated at the Capitol over the past 11 days, during which Madison police made NO ARRESTS. Most of the demonstrators oppose a bill backed by Walker to limit collective bargaining rights for public employees."
The Madison Police Department released a separate statement:
“The men and the women of the Madison Police Department train for crowd situations where an agitator or provocateur may try to create safety risks for citizens and officers. During the demonstration around the Capitol Square no such situation has arisen. Crowd behavior has been exemplary, and thousands of Wisconsin citizens are to be commended for the peaceful ways in which they have expressed First Amendment rights.”
Fascists also loved blaming their victims.
You sound like you are mentally ill, or part of a cult. I say the latter.
You are wrong. She did not hit anyone. Violence was perpetrated against her. The goon Tim Profit whined to Lt. Governor candidate Dea Riley about the incident and she wrote:
On a personal note if you had kicked me you would have been faced with a far different reaction than the submissive and refrained demeanor of Ms. Valle. I would have done all I could do to beat your ass into the ground with everything I had in me. Guarantee it. I'm afraid I stand with Ms. Valle and wish I had been there to defend her - which is what I would have done and am doing now.
You don't put your hands on women - EVER!
May I suggest the following:
1. Stop defending your behavior there isn't any defense.
2. Apologize to Ms. Valle as well as all those countless thousands who have witnessed your video.
3. Seek counseling and learn to discern between inappropriate and appropriate behavior in expressing your views.
4. Volunteer to serve in a women's abuse shelter, rape crisis center or home for abused children. Then and only then will you understand why it is our society is so repulsed by your behavior and what it leads to.
5. Next time you give money to a cause, contribute to one of the above organizations that benefits those who are truly victimized and truly in danger of having their lives harmed or jeopardized by someone "crazy".
6. Reevaluate who it is you support for office - may I suggest you support someone such as myself who isn't willing to tell you what it is you want to hear to get your vote. - Dea Riley
Your hatred for liberals blinds you.
of course you do not have to go far to get an idea of what peaceful teabaggers say...
from blog comments at http://www.freerepublic.com/home.htm
in re: to the protesters
To: Jean S
Sub human filth. What can you expect?
To: Jean S
Bring in the K9 units.They’ll leave then.
To: Jean S
Handcuff them then!
Taser them!
Tear gas them!
Shoot them with buckshot! (My personal preference.)
Just get them out of the capital building!
To: Jean S
I’ve always said you got to break a few eggs to make an omelet. I think it’s way past omelet time in Wisconson.
To: Jean S
Please tell me they are gonna round up everyone in these shots and have them spayed/neutered.
To: proudofthesouth
One last thing.
When they are finally dragged outside:
Tar and feather them!
"Never argue with idiots...They never know when the have lost"
Moab Diechleer
I live in Wisconsin and have been to Madison four times, each time the crowds were bigger, but there was never any violence. Thousands of people are there with their families, their children and no one has been arrested. People leave their belongings lying on the floor in the Capitol and nothing gets stolen. People are taking care of each other and feeding each other. They are being respectful and peaceful.
Brain...no cookie for you! Go look at MY pictures IN MADISON last Saturday and find one. I took pictures of plenty of signs so you should have fun playing where's the Hitler sign. The one you linked to was not in Madison on Saturday, believe me it was snowing like crazy and about 18 degrees!
We have been told to leave those kind of things behind at home, because they are reprehensible. Now I am not saying you won't see one and there might very well have been one there on Saturday, but I did not see any!(But if you really want a cookie Brian, while I don't bake, my local grocery makes a mean homemade chocolate chip. Go email me your address from my blog and I will send you a box!)
Okjimm: "Never argue with idiots...They never know when the have lost"
Moab Diechleer
This should be used as a disclaimer on every one of Lisa's posts...lol
There is no violence in Madison!
LISA: "You heard about the BP oil spill haven't you? I guess the worst disater in American History and all the animals still dying down there is just so yesterday's news."
Yes we definitely heard about the worst disaster in American history that was caused by A CORPORATIST ENTITY that has yet to pay for any of the damages caused by their incompetence.
Speaking of pollution, I'm pretty sure Lisa doesn't know this:
"Koch Industries is also a major polluter. During the 1990s, its faulty pipelines were responsible for more than 300 oil spills in five states, prompting a landmark penalty of $35 million from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). In Minnesota, it was fined an additional $8 million for discharging oil into streams. During the months leading up to the 2000 presidential elections, the company faced even more liability, in the form of a 97-count federal indictment charging it with concealing illegal releases of 91 metric tons of benzene, a known carcinogen, from its refinery in Corpus Christi, Texas. Koch Industries was ranked number 10 on the list of Toxic 100 Air Polluters by the Political Economy Research Institute in March, 2010.
"In a study released in the spring of 2010, the University of Massachusetts at Amherst’s Political Economy Research Institute named Koch Industries one of the United States' top ten air polluters."
Do you think, Lisa, that it is in the Koch's best interest to defeat any and all Democrats who believe in protecting the environment and financing people like Walker who hope to weaken the EPA regs in his state for the Koch industries?
I loved the sign:
"It's Farve's Fault."
Fox News? Fox is owned by Rupert Murdoch... Never a union fan
MURDOCH THE UNION BUSTER: The Economist reported that in 1986 Murdoch "helped smash the British print unions by transferring the production of his newspapers to a non-union plant at Wapping in East London." The move "proved to be a turning-point in Britain's dreadful industrial relations." AP reported Murdoch specifically "slashed employment levels" at the union plant and said he would "dismiss the 6,000 striking workers" who were trying to force concessions out of the media baron. The London Evening Standard called the tactics "the biggest union-busting operation in history." [Sources: The Economist, 4/18/98; AP, 1/27/86; Evening Standard, 11/12/98]
of course Fox is Fair and Balanced
I re-read your first post, I see you were referring to all the pictures you took. I overlooked that part, I found the one I posted just by doing a Google search.
I'll have to punt on the cookies though...lol I would probably have a hard time explaining to my wife why a woman is sending me cookies in the mail.
How come nobody on the left has criticized Jimmy Carter for his decision in 1978 to sharply curtail the rights of Federal workers to bargain collectively? Is it because he's a Democrat? Haven't thought of it? I'm just curious here.
I "thought" about punching my neighbor in the mouth the other day. I quickly "thought" the better of it, though.......Look, nobody (save maybe for some hard-core partisans) is saying that this Walker guy isn't a jerk. But it seems like you might be stuck with him a while. I mean, is there a recall process in Wisconsin?
WtnpH wrote: "I 'thought' about punching my neighbor in the mouth the other day. I quickly 'thought' the better of it, though......"
False equivalency, Will.
This isn't some private person having thoughts of mayhem about his next-door neighbor, this is the g-d governor of Wisconsin who takes an oath of office to preserve and protect who admits to considering the idea of placing goons among the peaceful demonstrators to make them look bad. IOW, he entertained the idea of being a malicious provocateur.
That he considered an illegal act like that is indicative of his lack of character.
Hey... if Brian doan want them cookies.... it's okjimm c/o Oblio's, Main St, Beautiful Downtown Wisconsington...... Peanut Butter ones is good &stuff.
How come nobody on the left has criticized Jimmy Carter for his decision in 1978 to sharply curtail the rights of Federal workers to bargain collectively? Is it because he's a Democrat?
Gees, Anon....can you be a little...... more specific.... maybe even, ah, sit WTF you are talking about.....??? hmmmm... ah, I could start quoting -- citing.... gees let's start with Warren Harding a Republican...
'Warren G. Harding's presidency was struck by many scandals. The Teapot Dome scandal was the most significant. In this, Albert Fall, Harding's Secretary of the Interior, sold the right to the oil reserves in Teapot Dome, Wyoming and other locations in exchange for personal profit and cattle. He was eventually caught, convicted and sentenced to jail.
He was for less government, too... business loved him
Shame on Carter for allegedly deciding to sharply curtail the rights of Federal workers to bargain collectively.
Labor is prior to, and independent of, capital. Capital is only the fruit of labor, and could never have existed if labor had not first existed. Labor is the superior of capital, and deserves much the higher consideration. - Lincoln's First Message to Congress December 3, 1861
That doesn't sound like a Republican. He'd be called a Marxist socialist commie now.
Now, why do the Republicans still call themselves the "Party of Lincoln"?
Any of you Righties care to explain why you always, always, always side with the rich and powerful against the majority that is the rest of us?
Ever wonder why are you consistently more loyal to the Big Money interests that off-shore our jobs and buy our politicians, than to most Americans?
...Crickets, still.
I don't always side with the rich and powerful, Dave. I'm for the public funding of all elections AND I was in strong favor of letting the top rates go back to 39.6%/extending unemployment benefits. What you folks on the hard-left/hard-right have to realize is that the vast swath of us folks in the middle don't particularly like the blue-plate special. We significantly prefer to go issue by issue.
Thank you Will. I was asking the Righties and you answered. Are you sure you are "in the middle"? I know it can be difficult to classify one's self, since I am a Constitutional "conservative" and a "socialist". I support the ACLU and sympathize with the NRA, although not so much as I used to.
When was the last time you voted for a Democrat in a national election?
I voted for Kerry in 2004. I voted for LaMont in 2006 (a vote AGAINST LIEBERMAN). And I voted for Obama in 2008. I responded because I thought that you were lumping in with the others.
Shaw, I admitted that this Walker fellow was a jerk. While I'm not a big fan of collective bargaining for government workers, I don't like the way that he "Pearl Harbored" the unions on this.......But, please, a couple points of perspective here. A) He was being taped ILLEGALLY. B) He thought that he was talking to one of those businessmen/ramrods. Maybe he was telling them what he thought that they wanted to hear (not that that's necessarily any better, mind you). Who knows if he was ACTUALLY thinking like that. C) It would be interesting to hear the stuff that's being said during some of those union phone calls. I doubt very seriously that all of those individuals talk like camp counselors, either.
Everyone here has probably already heard about this, but it does have to do with violence on the Right vs the Left...
An Indiana deputy attorney general urges WI Police to shoot protesters.... Jeffrey Cox responded "Use live ammunition" to a Saturday night posting on the magazine Mother Jones Twitter account that said riot police could sweep protesters out of the Wisconsin capitol...
"You're damn right I advocate deadly force" Cox said. He later told an Indianapolis TV station the comments were intended to be satirical. (The Huffington Post, 2/23/2011).
A couple of videos people who comment here may be interested in...
a serious one...
Stop the Republican war on working families.
and a funny one...
Scott Walker Channels Charlie Sheen.
Will said... He was being taped ILLEGALLY.
Excerpt from, "Laws About Recording In-Person Conversations"... Federal wiretapping laws require only one party's consent to record in-person conversations... 37 states and DC follow the federal approach in requiring only one party's consent to record in-person or telephone conversations.
(the article then covers the states where the state law differs from the federal law. WI isn't one of them).
Actually it may be Scott Walker who broke the law during the conversation...
"Peg Lautenschlager, a Democrat who served as Wisconsin's attorney general after serving for many years as a US attorney [believes that] by appearing to accept, or at least consider, a celebratory free trip, Governor Walker appears to be accepting a kind of pay-off for his actions from the person he believes to be a campaign contributor".
Lautenschlager said, "I think that the ethics violations are something the (state) Government Accountability Board should look into because they are considerable".
Who was the one party giving consent, wd? The guy who was doing the sting?
"Instead of running for Governor, they ought to have him (Rick Scott) and shoot him. Put him against the wall and shoot him."......former Democratic PA Congressman, Paul Kanjorski............."You're fucking dead!"......Wisconsin Democratic State Representative (and, yes, fresh off of a prostitution charge), Gordon Hintz to fellow Representative, Republican Michelle Litjens......Just for a little balance here.
Yes, Ian Murphy, the guy who made the call and pretended to be Koch, was the party that consented to the conversation being recorded.
Excerpt from a Huffington Post article... "Rick Scott was... one of the key focal points of an investigation into medicare fraud charges filed against healthcare company Columbia/HCA, though no charges against him were ever produced. Scott is now Governor of Florida".
One of the HP commentors said (in regards to the "shoot him" comment), "Most people will miss the nuance in this statement. He (Paul Kanjorski) is saying that the government should execute the Governor for his crime. He is not suggesting anything else. Many world governments do exactly that to officials that steal...".
We have, in the past, sent white-collar criminals to prison... Obviously that didn't deter the criminals that caused the housing bubble... Maybe if we executed a few of them they'd think twice before stealing millions.
That said, I think he should have prefaced his statement calling for more civility by retracting the "shoot him" comment and saying he would have been happy if Rick Scott had been tried, and (if found guilty) sent to prison for a long time.
I do, however, appreciate that fact that here we have one government official (or ex-official) who was disgusted by the fact that we no longer even investigate these types of crimes. The only reason Bernie Madoff went to prison is because he stole from other rich people.
So, in regards to you pointing to Mr. Kanjorski and saying that the reason is to bring "a little balance"... I don't quite agree. One government official saying we should shoot peaceful protestors isn't equivalent to another government official being outraged by the actions of a (accused) thief.
So, I could record you in WI and it would be totally legal - just so long as I myself conceded to the screwing of you? That doesn't sound quite right, dude......"The nuance of his statement". Oh, yeah, that was a really nuanced statement. LOL.....If Mr. Scott committed Medicare fraud, then, yes, he should be prosecuted, convicted and put into jail. But for one Congressman to be the judge, jury, AND executioner, that simply doesn't cut it in this society. And what about the violent imagery? I thought that that was something to be frowned upon.
...for one Congressman to be the judge, jury, AND executioner, that simply doesn't cut it in this society.
What? There aren't any news stories that say Paul Kanjorski stalked and attempted to murder Rick Scott! People have been known to form opinions regarding guilt or innocence when someone is accused of breaking the law.
It's a requirement (to not have an opinion) when serving on a jury, but if you do have one -- they send you home -- not deport you because "that simply doesn't cut it in this society".
As for the law regarding the recording of conversations not sounding quite right -- it is what it is. You not liking it doesn't change anything.
I think that you may have misunderstood that wire-tapping law. I think that a 3rd party is the one that's doing the wire-tapping and THAT person has to get the consent of one of the two people talking on the phone. I doubt very seriously that it pertains to one person surreptitiously recording another (the recording person giving HIMSELF consent).............I never said that this idiot Congressman tried to stalk and murder Scott. I said that he was convicting him without a trial and then using over the top and inflammatory language to say what should happen to him. And, while, yes, he was no doubt using a metaphor here, it was still violent and divisive rhetoric that, if in fact you had ANY moral consistency in your life, you would be condemning and condemning harshly.............And what about that "You're fucking dead" comment? I suppose that that one doesn't bother you, either.
No, I don't think I'm misunderstanding the wire tap law. It's called "one-party consent", not two-party.
OK, so I have no moral consistency in my life (according to you). Paul Kanjorski is outranged by the crimes he perceives Rick Scott to (probably) be guilty of. Who says that means he would have been against a trial? Because he said what he thought should happen to Mr. Scott had he been convicted (which I don't believe was a metaphor)? I think you're making some incorrect assumptions.
Frankly, I APPLAUD Mr. Kanjorski's desire to see justice served -- and outrage that it was not in the Rick Scott-Columbia/HCA fraud case. Columbia/HCA pled guilty to numerous corporate felonies and paid $1.7 billion in criminal and civil fines for Medicare fraud (something I thought you were against). Rick Scott was the CEO of Columbia/HCA when these crimes were committed.
According to the Miami Herald, "federal investigators found that... Scott and other executives offered financial incentives to doctors in exchange for patient referrals, in violation of federal law". Scott himself said, "I take responsibility for what happened on my watch as CEO"... If he is responsible why wasn't he (at least) tried?
As for the offensive comment made by WI Democratic State Representative Gordon Hintz... it occurred immediately after the vote on Governor Walker's union-busting bill. Rep. Hintz says he was in shock. He later issued an apology. The prostitution charge is unrelated to this issue. Sometimes people speak without thinking... it happens.
So, no, I'm not that bothered by the outburst... unless it can be shown that he has a history of saying such things. He probably meant "you're dead" -- politically... Or do you think he meant he meant it literally?
I don't care how justified that these idiots thought that they were. If it's wrong for Republicans to use violent, lethal, and over the top imagery (even metaphorically, as it clearly was in Palin's case), then it's equally wrong for Democrats to use that same imagery......And I was trying to give that PA guy the benefit of the doubt when I said that it was a metaphor. The fact that you think that that's what he really wanted (Scott to be shot against a wall) makes it all the more disgusting......Why hasn't Mr. Scott been tried? Don't ask me. Ask the Obama Justice Department. Hey, maybe Mr. Obama doesn't want to admit that there's rampant fraud in one of the Dems' favorite government programs (according to 60 Minutes, Medicare fraud has replaced drug dealing as the #1 crime in Southern FL)......The PA guy sounds like he was using a metaphor. The WI guy, "You're fucking dead!" No, I don't think that he was talking about her career.......Yeah, you're right about the WI wire-tapping thing being legal. But I still don't like that type of entrapment "journalism"; posing as somebody else, trying to get them to say something incriminating. I'm pretty sure that you didn't like it during the ACORN thing.
The fact that James O'Keefe shot undercover video at ACORN offices doesn't bother me in the least. What bothers me is that he deceptively edited those videos.
I didn't say that Gordon Hintz's death threat was acceptable, or that he isn't an idiot for what he said (in shock or not). He may very well be an idiot, considering the prostitution charge. He apologized and, as far as I'm concerned that ended it. What do you want? Do you believe he should resign?
Unless he later does murder Michelle Litjens (which you seem to think might actually happen).
Regarding Paul Kanjorski's comment about shooting Rick Scott... I think it was hyperbole. In any case I think you're comparing apples and oranges. Republicans attacking their political opponents using violent rhetoric isn't the same as a Democrat who expressed an opinion regarding the punishment he believes a lawbreaker should receive.
Why hasn't Mr. Scott been tried? Don't ask me. Ask the Obama Justice Department.
Neither the Clinton nor the George W Bush justice departments filed charges against Scott (which would have been the entities responsible, given exactly when the investigation occurred and when the charges against Columbia/HCA were filed)...
...and your conclusion is the reason is because OBAMA doesn't want to admit we have a Medicare fraud problem? Aside from the fact that Obama can't be held responsible because he wasn't president at the time, I think you're wrong about Obama being in denial because President Obama Pledges to Root Out Medicare Fraud, Waste and Abuse.
wd, I don't think that there's a statute of limitations on Medicare fraud.......As for Mr. Obama cutting down on Medicare fraud, I tell you what. If he can accomplish something substantial here, not only will I vote for him again, I will personally carve his likeness onto Rushmore.
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