Wednesday, May 4, 2011

The first GOP debate on Fox tonight! Tune in, don't forget the beer and popcorn!

 While President Obama's approval numbers are on the rise, while Osama bin Laden's hard, cold body decomposes in the cold, black sea, while Michelle Bachmann asks that you pray for her, her hubby and a team she hopes God will put together for her presidential run....Fox Nooze channel will televise the first GOP debate tonight!! YAY, our first look at the incompetent boobs who will do their damnedest to oust Barack Obama,  making him a one term awesome president!

This line-up of weirdos gives me shivers up my spine, as a matter of fact even GOP leaders are embarrassed and are promising a better candidate will come forward, hopefully before election night 2012!

The leader of tomorrow nights group will be Tim Pawlenty, I dunno why, and joining him will be Rick Santorum, Ron Paul, Gary Johnson, and Herman Cain. Stop laughing please I can't concentrate!! Mitt Romney opted out of this highly publicized debate, Hmmmmmm.
What about Trump, Bachmann, Palin, Gingrich .....Why not show? Afraid of the HARD questions maybe?  Like the dreaded "do ya believe Barack Obama was born in Hawaii?", or current event question "do ya believe Osama bin Laden was Really dead, shot in cold blood as ordered by Pres. Obama?" Or.."do ya think Bush's torture policies helped in finding bin Laden and not the wisdom of Pres. Obama?"

Will they debate the debt ceiling vote? No, I think they will talk about social issues like abortion, or whether or not poor kids should have food, ya know, to eat, that would be the food stamp issue. Will they debate oil subsidies, gas prices, tax cuts for their rich friends? OR what about the biggie... JOBS!! Will they talk about how they will concentrate their efforts on JOBS?? Somehow I doubt the JOBS word will come up, they don't want to embarrass themselves in the very first look see at the GOP. For you see, the GOP doesn't have a clue how to grow the economy and put middle class Americans into living wage jobs. Frankly they just don't give a damn!

Which one will be more entertaining, GOP debate or American Idol? I know where I'll be, I won't be able to turn away. Delicious!!


Mary Mayhem said...

I wonder if there's a good way to turn this into a drinking game?

Sue said...

there absolutely is Mary!!

okjimm said...

gees, I saw the line-up.... sounds more like that team that always loses to the Harlem Globetrotters.... whadda them call them? oh yeah... the Washington Generals.

Drinking game? With Absolut? Limes involved?

Jerry Critter said...

It should be a great source of wingnut quotes...televised and everything!

Flying Junior said...

Mostly it will be a hatefest aimed at the president. So the first twenty criticisms will be leveled at President Obama. All the neat things they will do are at the end with exclamation points. Better take fairly small shots or sips when you hear one of the triggers, or your friends will be carrying you off to bed after about the first twenty minutes or so.

• Unprepared for the job
• Doesn’t understand how to create jobs
• Didn’t handle the crisis in Egypt well
• Didn’t handle crisis in Libya well
• Taxing us to death
• Raised the cost of healthcare
• Doubled the national debt
• Doesn’t care about the same things we Murkins care about
• Socialist
• Take our guns away
• Federal funding for abortions
• Printing money to stimulate economy
• 50% of debt owned by Chinese
• Hurting business with unnecessary regulation
• Hurting business by setting aside federal wilderness land
• Playing golf, basketball, taking vacations to Hawaii
• Liberal elite
• Tax and spend liberal
• Black reparations
• Destroying our country

• Drill here, drill now!
• Frack, baby frack!
• Deregulate energy!
• Privatize SS!
• Privatize Medicare/Medicaid!
• States rights!
• Clean Coal!

Anonymous said...
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Sue said...

I'm making a large pitcher of whiskey sours. I do supply the lemons and limes, Jim..

The quotes will be fun Jerry, hope the dems have their pens and paper handy....

Thems some great ones FJ, I'm laughing out loud, can't wait til tonight!

Sue said...

BTW, look at the picture, do those guys look like they will be tough on National Security issues? They look like they'd be scared of their own shadows!

Jerry Critter said...

I think this picture over at Pygalgia illustrates some of the topics for tomorrow night.

Sue said...

it's tonight Jerry, don't miss it! Thanks for the link!

Jerry Critter said...

Whoops! Shows you my level of attention to wingnuts...and it is still more than they deserve.

Mary Mayhem said...

Goodness, I wish I drank more...this is definitely something I need to be in bed for...away from unmounted, easily displaceable and throwable objects...and in my jammies, as calm and relaxed as possible...I kinda wish I was a celebrity so my doctor would prescribe me one of those anxiety pills that it's been so hip to OD on lately...

What can I say? I'm wound tight on the weekdays...Can't really get wasted when you have a 3 year old...

Sue said...

sorry 'bout that 3 yr old Mary! Mine went home with her mommy, now I'll have peace and quiet to concentrate on the intelligent Q & A about to unfold before our very eyes. It's so friggin exciting!! Just think we could be looking at the next GOP nomineeeeeeeee!

Sue said...

BTW, I bought new jammies for tonights, where did I put that wine bottle...

Sue said...

a BIG FAT YAWNER!! Tried to visualize any one of those bozos as Prez. and I got all queazy and sick to my stomach. FOX, FOX, And ALL FOX!! Isn't a presidential debate supposed to be on network TV?? UGH...

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Paul and Johnson have both said a number of things tonight that principled liberals should agree with; on immigration, on civil liberties (including the legalization of drugs), on foreign policy, on gay marriage, and even on abortion (Johnson is pro-choice up to viability) - principled liberal, obviously not the same as partisan Democrat.

Sue said...

Will, I do have to admit, there are some things Ron Paul said that I liked. But not in the little time I have left on this earth do I want to see a Republican back in the White House. Partisan, hell yea!

Mary Mayhem said...

I fell asleep...Ron Paul said some good things but he is a chameleon...Ricky Sanitarium is a friggen MORON! and they are saying Herman won the debate...were they watching the same one? Free pizza for everyone!!!

Flying Junior said...

You can't be serious that you agree with that dumbfuck Paul that heroin should be legalized! Have you ever known anyone whose life was ruined by the attraction of that fucking garbage? We've got enough prescription pain pill addicts without opening that Pandora's box. Heroin addicts are the stupidest people in the whole world. But that doesn't mean there aren't plenty of people just lining up to get hooked. What's that supposed to do to our test scores and productivity?

One thing Paul wouldn't like. We would have to give them free housing and free narcotics. Heroin addicts need money and plenty of it. Not that they would waste it on clothing, food or soap. They need enablers. Heroin is for total losers. Paul is a blowhard crank. Fuck him. Let's save even more money by legalizing speed too. Dumb fucking idiot.

There is such a thing as enlightened drug policy reform. I don't think it's going to come from the republicans.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

We've thrown billions and billions and billions down this rat-hole called the "War on Drugs". Should we be legalizing all frigging drugs? Probably not. But it wouldn't necessarily be the worst thing in the world reassess our policy a little.

Anonymous said...

One of the things I give Ron Paul credit for is that he is consistent. He is a libertarian and he follows the logic of the libertarian argument all the ways to its conclusion. His son on the other hand has not learned how to do that; on one hand he is all for libertarian principles and then on the other he is against abortion.

I would like to have heard Hermain Cain explain how a national sales tax would NOT be regressive considering that the poor spend more of their income to survive than the rich do. I also would have asked him if he would agree to sales tax on financial transactions (bet he would have gagged on the thought of taxing assets when they are sold!)

I think that it is great that the republicans have so many crazies out there that they can have them debate in group debated last night and maybe the other group will debate next time!

The Wool Cupboard said...

Will ~ It is well known by anyone who reads her comments that principles do not enter into the equation with Sue. She is 100% progressive partisan with no input from reasonable thought or common sense.

Sue said...

FJ, I highly doubt Paul or Will meant legalizing Heroin. The legalizing of Marijuana is a reasonable way to go tho.

Linda (and for those who may have misunderstood my trail of thinking) when I said I liked some of what Paul said I was referring to his stance on wars, secret prisons, and torture. ALL liberals should agree with that.

BTW Linda, I am a partisan progressive, I do admit that part, but the rest of your comment bordered on a personal attack on my character. RUDE, and I may have to delete you...

okjimm said...

... I could handle about 15 minutes last night. The thing seemed like a game show.... with canned questions and prepped answers.
I have heard Pawlenty speak impromptu..... he is not good speaking when he isn't prepped. He was prepped. Fox candidates on a Fox show with Fox moderators. sheeesh

Jerry Critter said...

I think there is a significant difference between legalizing and de-criminalizing drugs. I prefer de-criminalizing, but legalizing is better than what we have now. Filling our jails with drug addicts only benefits the jailers.

Les Carpenter said...

TAO is correct with respect to Ron Paul. Love him or hate him he is consistent and logical.

Perhaps that is why, as rational as he is, is unelectable.

He is still my man TAO....

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Tao: would like to have heard Hermain Cain explain how a national sales tax would NOT be regressive.

Republicans FAVOR regressive taxation, although they would be careful not to use that word. Instead they'd use an Orwellian Frank Luntz substitute like "fair tax".

Moderator Chris Wallace said, "The pratical effect of a fair tax would be a tax cut for the wealthy and a tax increase for the middle class", then he asked Cain what his opinion on the subject was.

Herrman Cain responded, "I strongly support totally replacing the current code with the fair tax".

I suspect they call it the "fair tax" because (in their view) it is fairer to the wealthy.

Sue: FJ, I highly doubt Paul or Will meant legalizing Heroin.

I missed the debate but I did catch some highlights, and legalizing Heroin WAS given the thumbs up by Ron Paul.

Also, Tim Pawlenty repeated the Dick Cheney lie that torture produced intelligence that lead to the location of OBL. And he suggested that President Obama should admit that torture works.

Regarding the OBL kill, Pawlenty said "I tip my cap to [President Obama] IN THAT MOMENT". In other words Barack Obama only finished the job started by George bush (who really should be getting MOST of the credit).

Jolly Roger said...

There is a difference in legalization and decriminalization, and I am 100% for decriminalizing possession of small amounts of drugs. Have you seen how many frigging lives were ruined when some nickel-and-dime punk dealer or user wound up in the big house, to be case-hardened by the bad actors who generally run the place? Prison is not the answer. If we haven't figured that out yet, we're even dumber than I think we are.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Bush had eight years to get Bin Laden. Shithead even admitted he didn't think much about it.

I coulldn't bring myself to watch these jokers Sue. They spew the same shit. The same hate. Ignorance is a time tested republican election strategy.

Shaw Kenawe said...

"It’s the oldest truism in politics: You can’t beat something with nothing. For 2012, the Democrats have something: Barack Obama. The Republicans, so far, have nothing."--Roger Simon

Les Carpenter said...

"...wisdom of Pres. Obama?"

Now there is a stretch for sure. I give the guy credit for ultimately making the gutsy nd proper call, but...

he was utilizing much of what the Bush administration had already put in place.

And... I can't help but wonder what the progressives would have said if Bush had made the kill call.

Just sayin...