Sen. John McCain in '08.......
"I understand and I have the knowledge and the background and the
experience to make the right judgments (to capture Bin Laden). Senator
Obama does not…Obama doesn't know how -- how the world works nor how the
military works."
Take that John McCain!
Bin Laden is buried at sea. I hope the military got plenty of pictures, DNA, fingerprints AND a birth certificate, or we're sure to have problems convincing the Righties/birthers/teabaggers that Pres. Obama is capable......and Bin Laden is truly dead.
I had to update to add this...unfortunately I peeked in on the hideous Malcontent to see what drivel is coming from him on the Bin Laden story.....this is what he said about our highly qualified and genius President Obama...
is GREAT, but what comes to mind and is very interesting is that Obama
knew all this while he stood there making Jokes about Donald Trump.
Sign of a Genius? Not really, to me it was as stupid and childish and
Un-Presidential as you can get.
But today, lets give thanks to the intelligence and Brave Navy Seals...S
So typical of what we will read from the jealous Pres. Obama haters...What the president and his team did WAS GENIUS. There were NO leaks, the death of Bin Laden went down without a hitch. Jealous bastards need to take heed of what Bush and Cheney are saying about President Obama!
Learning from Antiquity 10 – Hephaestus
When I came across this information, I knew I needed to consult the gods on
how to do justice to it. Since it’s regarding incarcerated firefighters, I
4 hours ago
OK. I think the whole Osama operation was clean, neat, brilliant.
The DNA has been matched and rather than inciting religious zealots with what could be construed as a desecration of his body, or to give him a physical memorial site, he was buried at sea in accordance with and following Islamic tradition.
But I will not celebrate death. That is what terrorists do. He is gone, and good riddance.
But I am truly looking forward towards the end of those ugly wars...... when we can celebrate peace. Hopefully this is the first step.
Of Course, Trump will not believe until he sees the long form death certificate...s
Jim I want to see the wars end too, I want the world to see us as Peacemakers not warmongers!
As masochistic as it is, I look forward to reading the wingnuts take on Bin Ladens death. Their jealous rants accusing Obama of incompetency, they are hilarious and it gives me pleasure to publish them.
As I was called a traitor for protesting the invasion of Iraq, I’m sure I will get the same for saying that celebrating Bin Laden’s death, is as barbaric as the behavior we claim the terrorists do.
Up all night (when RN likes to leave his nasty comments) Americans celebrated death. I’m happy for all you children.
I’m especially happy for those (like RN) who supported the trillions in debt, the dead American soldiers, the loss of our good reputation around the World, the change that America is now a military aggressor nation, and lets not forget the death of all the civilians (collaterals).
We lost the war so far. Our economy tanked (what the enemy wanted) our fear forced us to change our society and diminish our rights (a goal of our enemy) thousands of soldiers died (the enemy loves that) we attacked a country that had nothing to do with 9/11 (the enemy must have had a good laugh at that) this and more, is all for the worse, not better for America.
As much as I have complained about President Obama, I have to give him credit for all the fixing he has done. The economy, unemployment, our World reputation, saving GM, now getting Bin Laden, and much more.
No. all things are not great, but to do all he has done in only 3 years; imagine what can be done in another 5 years. From now on I will call him Mr. Fix It. If his only accomplishment is to fix the mess Republicans have created, he should go down in History as a great President. Of course, I hope for more.
Questions: Can we bring home the troops now? Do we NEED to kill more people? Do we NEED to invade more countries?
Very small issue: any chance of adding apostrophes to the title ?
I think two (2) are missing, and this country suffers from such an excess and neglect (alternating)of Apostrophes, that we all must take some responsibility.
Let's (Lets!) give Dan Quayle the credit.
I know that dated myself.
oops. 3 are missing. <3
He's dead. Good! Should we be celebrating in the streets? No. I'm with TOM. Celebration of the killing of a person is barbaric.
It took Obama to complete the mission that Bush said was accomplished 8 years ago. Now, let's get the hell out of Afghanistan!
here's a take from Harry Waizer, A WTC survivor
"If this means that there is one less death in the future,then I am glad for that but, I just can't find it in me to be glad one more person is dead, even if it is Osama bin Laden."
Sue ~ I'm grateful that UBL is not going to be orchestrating any more attacks on the US or anywhere else for that matter. Congratulations to President Obama, our intelligence gathering people and to the special forces for the perfection with which they handled this whole mission. They deserve the praise for a job well done.
I think that President Obama handled the speech/announcement very well and set the right tone. Good job.
While watching the college students rejoicing in the streets, I was frankly uncomfortable...the APPALLING film clip of the Muslim woman on the streets after 9-11 flashing a victory sign while happily yelling "LALALALALALALA" came to my mind, and I was saddened to see a similar reaction in our own people at the news of UBL's death. Bin Laden got the justice he deserved, but our reaction could have focused on the justice for all his victims worldwide...IMHO.
ah, does Lisa proof read? is she that deliberately disingenuous?
Congratulations to the Navy SEALs and the intelligence people who nailed bin Laden.
When it's the death of a murderous fanatic like him, who killed thousands and wished us nothing but death and enslavement, then yes, I am celebrating, as these Americans are.
I hope the military got plenty of pictures, DNA, fingerprints
They did a match with DNA from a sister. It was definitely him. Of course there have been a few conspiratards claiming the whole thing is fake for one reason or another, but they're like the birth-certificate nuts -- there's no reasoning with them.
Nomi: I know that dated myself.
Sometimes that's the only way of getting a decent date.:-)
My bogeyman is dead. I'm only saddened that I was medically/honorably discharged from my comfy intelligence seat in the military, in my super secret locale, where we spent countless hours failing to locate his slick little ass, only a year (? they're saying this started 4 years ago right?) before the smoking gun was found. I would have LOVED to have been support for this mission even if I was never ever allowed to talk about it for the rest of my natural life. My closest Osama moment: chasing Drug Lords around.
Oh and for the peeps not willing to give our Prez credit. Are you not listening to the reports? He has met with the intelligence chiefs countless times for a while now concerning this covert op. This has been in the works. It was his decision to rely on this INTEL. Now after the last hearty bit of INTEL that Bush relied on proved to be very invalid and cause massive conflict, this was a HUGE risk. HUGE. We went over into our ally's territory to do this. Think about this for a moment. To my knowledge so far, sources are saying Pakistan was not involved with providing him. Of course Obama did not provide the tactics. Could you imagine how inefficient our nation would run if that were so? That is not the President's job. His job is to overlook the strategy with advisors and to make the final call, and that he did, and with perfect timing. This is the key to strategic planning and implementation.
We just knew the anti-Obama crowd would find something to nitpick about regarding the death of Bin Laden. There are also the two conspiracy theories being floated by the right-wing:
1. He isn't really dead
2. He has been dead for awhile and the Obama administration was sitting on the news until it was politically advantageous to tell the world.
By the way Sue, thanks for including in the post what "Malcontent" wrote... it saves me the trouble of going over to his blog myself.
Have a wee look at the following video on you tube, I think you will like it a lot.
Yours Aye
We just knew the anti-Obama crowd would find something to nitpick about regarding the death of Bin Laden
or the Obama crowd who couldn't wait to gloat about it.
I wonder if we had 9/11 under Obama if there would be any "Truthers" out there
"I wonder if we had 9/11 under Obama if there would be any "Truthers" out there"
In answer to your question Lisa, I think we would have had some "Truthers". You might have been one of them.
You know, if we did away with wars, there would be no bad people in the world.
Wow Sue, there are lots of nuggets to comment on here today...
Tom and Linda... I 100% agree! After 9/11 when we saw people who considered us our enemies celebrating the success of the attacks, we were aghast. We called them barbarians, sub human, and hateful.
Last night I watched as Americans basically behaved in the same way, celebrating the death of a perceived enemy.
I know it was all spontaneous, and an outpouring of pent up rage and frustration, but really, was it all that different?
And if so, how?
Lisa, proof reading matters because sometimes it is literally impossible to understand you.
Look, the fact is that President Obama ordered the operation, decided against a capture mission and ordered our troops to kill him. He also ordered our troops to violate the sovereign territory of another country.
Do you think, in your heart of hearts, if this mission had failed, that people on the right would be saying all fault should rest on the shoulders of the military?
Of course you don't! At least, not if you are honest.
So why shouldn't President Obama get credit? Even Dick Cheney and President Bush have congratulated him.
Why can't you, or some of your other extremist friends follow their lead?
As for the Truthers Lisa, can you, or anyone else, give me the names of some of the Democratic leaders who stoked the flames of this idiotic idea following 9/11?
Can you give me the name of one leading Democratic politician, or Presidential candidate who, when asked if President Bush was involved, as the Truthers claimed, responded by saying "Well, he says he wasn't"?
Of course not, because the Dems were not out to personally destroy President Bush, even though he lost the popular election.
hey and for a real kicker...
Fox News says "President Obama is Dead"
.... wowzers... I think they could fuck up the weather too, if they tried.
re Lisa
//okjimm what's your point?//
Ah, I think you amplified it for me........
oh, shit&whiskers! Ha!
You're right Tom. My post sounds celebratory but that's only for the benefit of the wingnuts calling the president incompetent for the past 3 yrs.
All us progressives want the wars to end now, that is what is most important today, OUR people keep dying, for what??
I can't help but think that the fucker won, even though he's dead. This news of him will be talked about forever and of course will be a campaign button that will be pushed. Just look at what his death meant to the market, higher gains and lower oil.
All this news leading to positive outcomes in business...
Shit, maybe we should kill Madoff, too. What could it hurt?
My family went the whole spectrum on this event. My son agreed with and use almost the exact same words as Tom, my husband is singing the praises of President Obama from the top of the world, and my daughter and I fall somewhere in the middle. We all agreed that the celebration was cringe worthy. My daughter, while being happy they got Bin Laden, was not really moved by it. Then there is me, who took a hard right! I think you would call me a "deather". I think he was dead a long time ago and the reason the "body" was buried at Sea is because it was just a bag of bone. Where I differ from Malcolm's #2 (I guess you can say I am a #2 1/2) is I don't think "we" knew about his death, but we found the body. (OK, I am officially I will, unlike the crazy RWNJ's, take our Government at it's word and believe they fought and killed Osama Bin Laden, now get us the hell out of Iraq and Afghanistan!
You're surprised that "tha malcontent" and "lisa" are sour over this great news?
They are childish haters who have nothing of value to say about politics except "blah, blah, blah... Obama's stinky...blah, blah, blah, Moochie's fat...blah, blah, blah, liberals do it too...blah, blah, blah.
They're not smarter than a fifth grader and they act like one too.
I didn't see mal's post. Thank you for doing the dirty and reading it for us. He's so inanely predictable.
Here's what I'm LMAO at: They're choking on their teeth over this successful operation!
Dear "Is it just me..."
Sorry, but it is ALSO Mr. Obama's victory. His is the ONLY word that says YES, DO IT.
You and your fellow haters just don't want to give him credit along with our military.
But you can bet your hate-filled arses that ALL the blame would have been placed at Mr. Obama's feet had this operation failed.
Do us a favore? Dry up and blow away.
It is all very simple. As Commander-In-Chief, he get credit for successes and blame for failures. Not only fifth graders, but first, second, third, and fourth graders should be able to understand that!
Mary even tho my title looks like I was moved I really felt little emotion. The emotion I felt was disgust when I read what Mal said, that's about it. I don't think BL was dead for awhile, that would mean a whole host of military would hold the secret and I can't see that happening. Like Jim said dumping the body in the ocean means there will not be a shrine.
C, BL didn't win, he lived for the past ten yrs pretty much a prisoner then died from a gunshot to the eye. Good riddance to old garbage.
Anonymous, don't be cute.
You came here and acted like the proverbial turd in the punch bowl. IOW you want to be the spoiler here--at this LIBERAL blog.
This is what you wrote while we are celebrating the end of bin Laden and the success President Obama and the military have achieved:
"It is NOT an Obama victory, it is not a Bush victory, and it certainly isn't a victory to be credited to a political party, Republican or Democrat. It is an AMERICAN VICTORY!"
Here's some news for you, anon. Mr. Obama is an AMERICAN. So by your words, it is HIS victory as well.
You cannot swallow this success because Mr. Obama is involved in it and will rightly be credited with it.
As I said before, you're here because of large, sour grapes, and you're nothing but an annoying troll.
President Obama is THE Commander -in -Chief, it is his victory, he called the shots. If Bush had done it the Righties would be hysterical with glee.
Watch out Sue, you are going to get carpel tunnel syndrome from hitting that delete button so much...
Did I miss the announcement that today is National Troll Day?
First, I want to pay tribute to Linda. Thank you.
Second, if conservatives such as Linda, Bush, Cheney, Pawlenty, Romney, King, Limbaugh and Rumsfeld, among many others, can rise to the occasion and give Obama credit, why in hell can't Cantor, Ryan, Fox and other members of the extreme right-wing do likewise? This is an accomplishment that should be above politics. To do otherwise is simply unpatriotic.
While basically agreeing with Linda and others about being a bit appalled at the jubilation expressed that OBL is dead, I'm not sure that many weren't just caught up in the moment. Maybe it was more symbolic than anything. After all, the man was evil to the core and was responsible for the deaths of thousands of innocent lives - just as Hitler was. No doubt the news that that tyrant had committed suicide was met with the same sort of jubilation.
Mission FINALLY Accomplished,
Eight freakin years after Bush falsely claimed it was.
Thank You President Obama for keeping your mind on the mission, and ignoring the right wing bed wetters.
Ain't it the truth LOL
Tnlib: Unfortunately, Rush was being sarcastic when he praised Obama. He even laughed at the members of the media who reported his "praise":
Rush Limbaugh, classy as always.
Not only won't FOX give Obama credit, they "mistakenly" put up Obama Bin Laden Dead, instead of Osama....
What assholes!
Can't the righties accept at this moment in our history that Mr.Obama is everyone's president and that the elite military and he, as CiC, accomplished a good deed?
Is there so much hate in this country that we can't come together, as we did when we were hit on 9/11, and be thankful that this tyrant and murderer has been brought to justice?
Our family lost a close family friend that day, and my son was scheduled to give a presentation to the New York Port Authority on the 60th floor of the 2nd tower. The only reason he wasn't there that day is because he had been on the road for two weeks, and his boss sent another colleague in his place.
That colleague managed to escape the tower to safety but was so traumatized by what happened that he left his job and never.
Every time I remember 9/11, I think of how close I came to being one of the families who lost a loved one.
And I think of all the familes who did.
My thoughts are with them tonight.
"...and never RECOVERED from the trauma of that day.
And for those who are spouting off about the success of torture, no less than Donald Rumsfeld has said:
“The United States Department of Defense did not do waterboarding for interrogation purposes to anyone. It is true that some information that came from normal interrogation approaches at Guantanamo did lead to information that was beneficial in this instance. But it was not harsh treatment and it was not waterboarding.”
Let me repeat:
...information that came from NORMAL interrogation approaches at Guantanamo did lead to information that was beneficial in this instance.
Really Jerry? OMG, that is unbelievable!
Malcolm I was reading the headlines on FB about Limbaugh but haven't had the time to full read his comments. It doesn't surprise me in the least he was being sarcastic! He's a sicko buffoon!
L, I agree, being caught up in the moment and of course jubilation that the person who murdered Americans finally was brought to justice. I think the reactions were fine.
Yes Shaw, our thoughts are with the families, and yes the righties do hate the president so much they can't give the guy credit for this brilliant move that got the scum nobody else could....
Jerry my surprised comment was for your Fox screw-up comment.
Thanks for the links everyone.
Dave I was gonna do moderation, it was getting ridiculous!
Thanks Linda, the mission is being referred to as brilliant. That's my president (and yours)!
I don't think I get the celebration angle. It certainly didn't make me sad. My light-hearted reaction was that the place to be would be in Crawford smoking a fattie with President Bush on his ranch. Like Harold and Kumar. Sharing the love.
But it took a trigger for me. That was remembering Allen Jackson's "Where Were You When the World Stopped Turning?" The memories came flooding back. The hole the size of a basketball in my gut. Fighting back the tears. Yeah I'm glad that Saudi fucking devil is dead. You better believe I'm glad he's dead. But I'm not celebrating and I'm definitely not fucking happy about anything. My wife lost a cousin that day.
sorry about your wifes cousin FJ. There is a type of person who just likes whooping it up, I don't know how else to explain the cheering crowds. Maybe revenge for the nations who cheered when Americans died in the falling towers? After 10 yrs. I'm just kinda numb about the whole thing.
has anyone been by Mals to see how I'm being talked about? His traffic must be up bigtime, huh! Damn I shoulda thought about that before I put his name in lights! He is a scummy little turd..
Malcolm: I was just getting ready to correct that. Sorry for being misleading.
Thanks Sue,
It doesn't bother me that others are celebrating. Not in the least. I don't consider them barbaric, macabre or belligerent. I understand the release they are feeling completely. Many lost far more than I did that day. It's just that ten years is an awfully long time. I haven't thought very much about how September 11th made me feel recently at all. It was horrifying.
I wish that the Obama presidency could have been the great factor uniting us yet again after the polarizing presidency of George W. Bush. Why was it that didn't happen again??
Sue, you really shouldn't visit that blog. Nothing he says is factual, and he's clearly an angry, unhappy blogger.
Avoid him like you would avoid a nest of vipers. Nothing good will come of it.
You so above him. And lisa.
I know Shaw, it's curiosity, sometimes I need to read what the insane say. He is tops in the insanity department.
It's simple FJ, Obama could not unite the country because of the segment of our population who hates the fact a black man is president. They will NEVER change their minds on that. It's inbred, they hate blacks so I guess they hate us who support Obama.
One other interesting fact that you should get a kick out of Sue.
The Afghanistan War could have been avoided in the first place. The Taliban offered to turn over Osama Bin Laden but Bush refused.
That's right! Bush refused to take Bin Laden and went to war instead!
I call that a War Crime! How many people have died because Bush said no?
I think Chris Matthews had the most interesting comment about the reaction of so many to Osama's death....that this should be a day of reflection instead of buying a round for the house. I guess some think of this as closure, for whatever that's supposed to mean.
Don't get me wrong...I hated that bastard as much as anyone else....but maybe I'm just getting old and tired of hating. We are better off without him....and a job well done by all involved, as neat a military strike as you'll ever see.
I guess the GOP can't play the sideshow against Obama anymore....they need to find a grown up to run against him now.
Maybe we should circle this day and refer to it (maybe) as the day Barack Obama's presidency FINALLY got it's mojo back.
Jerry, Bush and co. absolutely are guilty of war crimes. It's so frustrating Obama will do nothing about those criminals!
So good to see you here Hugh! You have been missed, hope all is well at your home!
I do hope the country, and the world in fact, remembers the day Osama bin Laden was taken out by Barack Obama's military.
Seeing your quote from McCain here and on The Rachel Maddow Show then again on The ED Show made me remember that for about a year after the election I would tweet John McCain once a week asking him to forget his loss to Obama and just please give the President all the information he had when he told the country during the debate that he knew how to get Osama Bin Laden. He never tweeted me back, but I bet that is how Prez O did it...John McCain told him how...Yeah? NO!
Leaving the back door open gave the rat a chance to run. - Kill Bin Laden, pg.294 by Dalton Fury
Bush specifically failed to get Bin Laden and SOCOM operators knew he undermined them.
The Taliban offer to hand over bin Laden was laced with stipulations. a) We had to provide them, the Taliban, with proof that Mr. bin Laden was guilty (a blatant compromise of intelligence) and b) we had to accept the fact that this murderer of 3,000 Americans was going to have to be turned over to a third country for trial. Call me a war criminal if you'd like, but I would have rejected that little "compromise", too.............Our initial actions in Afghanistan were completely and totally justified. Where Mr. Bush made his errors were in taking his eye off the prize and invading Iraq and turning Afghanistan from a search and destroy mission to a nation-building one.
Read the link in my reference. They dropped the demand for evidence in return for a halt of the bombing.
That changes it somewhat, Jerry. Still, though, I don't blame the Bushies. Our goals were not just to kill and capture bin Laden (and to try him in an American court) but to totally dismantle Al Qaeda. In October, we were nowhere near to accomplishing that. Where the Bushies screwed up was 2 months later at Tora Bora. They allowed Mr. bin Laden to escape (either to Pakistan or north to Jalalabad) and ultimately starting putting too much trust into an absolutely crap central government. In my opinion, we should have been out of there by mid 2002 and NEVER should we EVER have gone to Iraq.
I always thought that the Army and the Marines lost Bin Laden because they didn't send in the men needed to rout him out of the entire area. They put their faith in the Northern Alliance. Instead of sending Americans into the mountains to look for Bin Laden, all the patrols were outsourced to tribal warlords. The deeper into the mountains they allegedly penetrated, the lighter the U.S. footprint became. It was a total set-up. The Afghan tribal chiefs were protecting Bin Laden the whole time.
There is one school of thought that says Bush did not want to catch Bin Laden. That's why he refused the Taliban offer and why he let him escape in Tora Bora. Politically, Bin Laden was more valuable alive than dead.
Here are more details about Bush's refusal to pursue Bin Laden.
I think that Flying Jr. is 100% correct. The Bush administration put entirely too much faith in the northern alliance and totally underestimated a) their competence and b) their commitment.......According to a recent CNN piece, an infiltrator/deep-cover guy may actually have helped Mr. bin Laden escape to Jalalabad.......Jerry, I think that that school of though (i.e., the "letting" of bin Laden to escape theory) gives President Bush way too much credit. The way that I see it, this is incompetence - pure and simple.
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