Tuesday, May 3, 2011

You Go BO!!

I love using this picture and caption when my President, Barack Obama, does something I am proud of. The brilliant take-out of Osama bin Laden IS because of the careful planning and execution by President Obama and his team, and the brave military who carried out the dangerous mission... NOT GEORGE W. BUSH!!

The incorrigible Sahara Palin, in a hideous screeching speech, thanked her president george bush for bin Ladens death!! She never mentioned President Obama, but said this to a croud at Colorado Christian University.... “Yesterday was a testament to the military’s dedication in relentlessly hunting down an enemy through many years of war, and we thank our president. . . we thank President Bush for having made the right calls to set up this victory.”

She did not mean President Obama when she said "we thank our president", she continued with "President Bush", she thanks Bush for bin Laden's death! 

SHUT UP PALIN!!!!  No wait, on second thought keep spewing your stupid claims that because of Bush  bin Laden is dead....LOL!
The wingnuts like Palin and Limbaugh can not fathom a Democrat being tough on National Security. It's total jealousy.....That's all...


Mary said...

Sarah, Sarah, Sarah...anybody else feel the need to find every person that voted for Obama in 2008 and give them a hug? The thought of that woman being second in command after "Bomb,bomb,bomb, bomb,bomb Iran" McCain in the white house at a time like this, is mind blowing!

Grung_e_Gene said...

Pam Geller has proof that President Obama was overruled by the military.

In her post; Skulking Towards bin Laden: Obama Overridden by Military and Intel Officials in Takeout of OBL?, Pam details out that according to the blog NewsFlavor, a longtime unnamed D.C. Insider has learned: The killing of Osama Bin Laden was in fact a Coup within Obama WH.

The Right wing is in a death spiral and we Liberals are going to be caught in conservatives murderous "last throes" when they continue assassination attempts!

Mary said...

LOL...Love it!

Pam Geller, cousin of Uri Geller. Uri lied about bending spoons and Pan lies about EVERYTHING ELSE!!

I don't know if they are related, but hey why worry about a little thing like facts? I heard from a "WH unnamed source", and the voices in Donald Trump's head they are related and that is all I need!

Jolly Roger said...

Pam Geller has another close relative-the bottle. The bottle also happens to be her only lover, as no man with a sense of sight and/or smell will get within 50 feet of that used-up old hag.

okjimm said...

What is bothering me, now, is that there are some on Fox and the blogs, that are attributing the success in Pakistan to..... aggressive torture techniques... that Bush advocated.

Disgusting. Indefensible.

.... in worse taste than Donald Dump's haircut.

Sue said...

I'd stand in line to hug Pres.Obama too, Mary!

Gene how can you read that hideous womans hideous words? I've done it before and my BP went thru the roof!


Jim, I know, lisa was here the day after saying it too, I deleted her quickly!

The wingnuts love in a sadistic way, torturing human beings. Do ya think they do it to baby kitties and puppies too?? They are proud to call themselves torturers...

Jerry Critter said...

You know, in a sense Sarah Palin is right. Obama has Bush to thank. It was Bush's incompetence and his inability to catch bin Laden that allowed Obama to do it. If Bush had done his job and captured/killed bin Laden, Obama would have been out of luck.

This is just another mess that Democrats have to clean up because of republican incompetence.

okjimm said...

oh.... a couple of quotes for your trolls

“The most important thing is for us to find Osama bin Laden. It is our number one priority and we will not rest until we find him.”
- G.W. Bush, 9/13/01

“I don’t know where bin Laden is. I have no idea and really don’t care. It’s not that important. It’s not our priority.”
- G.W. Bush, 3/13/02

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

There's footage of Bush in early 2002 - him saying that he didn't even think about Mr. bin Laden anymore. And that terrorism was more than simply one guy. This leads me to think that Bush had basically given up on finding bin Laden. As for Mr. Obama, yes, excellent job (though, no, I'm not quite ready to line him up with Truman and JFK just yet).

clif said...

Sarah Palin, Newt Gingrich, El Rushbo ... Et Al, enablers of bin Laden, pushing a mode of operations that allowed him to hide in Pakistan in plain site,

STFU you clowns on the right, your incompetent ideas failed for over seven years,

YOU ALL FAILED, end of questions.

President Obama changed how we went after Bin Laden and in less then two and one half years got his man.

Yo right wing cry babies deal with it.

Obama accomplished the mission Bush lied about.

Cheney tried dishonestly to claim Iraq was behind 9-11 so the Bush/Cheney war criminal conspiracy could illegally invade.

Obama knew that was bullcrap. so he refocused the US intell and military assets on where Bin Laden was, In Afghanistan or Pakistan.

Obama was right, you clowns wrong again as usual.

So no we see another teabaggin temper-trantrum, falsely claiming that your failed incompetent criminal clown posse, did it, when as usual it is another right wing teabaggin LIE.

Just like death panels were,

Just like the lie Obama was gonna take away your guns

Just like the insane lie Obama wasn't born in Honolulu ....

Sorry but just as Barack Obama has turned the economy around, and changed health care for the better ... and ... he GOT Bin Laden, something you bed wetters couldn't do for over seven years in all of your bellicose incompetency.

For once just go sit in the corner, STFU and deal with it.

Barack Obama and his administration is much better for the country and the vast majority of it's people then Bush ET AL ever was .... and now he has five and a half years more of undoing the helpthe super rich screw the middle class and poor Bush ET AL took against us.

Enjoy the next five and a half years .... :)

Hugh Jee From Jersey said...

The latest Palinism is a critique of Obama for not releasing the death photo of OBL, with some squawking about "the mission".

If only she were as passionate about serving the people of Alaska instead of lining her pockets.

The Righties are going nuts because Obama got him, and Bush didn't....I know,they say Dubya's administration set the groundwork for Obama.

Fair enough........

That being the case, I guess Bush MUST deserve some culpability for the economic woes in 2011....his policies set the groundwork for the mess we're emerging from....

Just to give credit where it's due.

Sue said...

awesome rant clif, thanks!!

thanks also to Hugh,Jim, Will, Jerry, Mary, JR, Gene.....did I miss anyone??

Mary said...

Thanks Clif, you have no idea how your last comment helped me out (it saved my head from exploding, literally!). I had just caught some poll numbers out of the corner of my eye which said, I think, 52% think Bush should get some credit for the death of OBL. I am hoping the poll was crazy RWNJ's, like the crop of craziness on Sue's blog today. I have a lot of things I would like to give bush credit for, and NONE of them are the death of OBL.

Lisa said...
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clif said...

Cheney tried dishonestly to claim Iraq was behind 9-11 so the Bush/Cheney war criminal conspiracy could illegally invade.

Another lie. Where's the proof?

Cheney Reasserts Already Debunked Atta–Iraq Connection

CNN's Blitzer spun Cheney's Atta/Prague claims

Cheney's claims

Vice President Dick Cheney had told Meet the Press on December 9, 2001, that Iraq was harboring Abdul Rahman Yasin, a suspect in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing,[ and repeated the statement in another appearance on September 14, 2003, saying "We learned more and more that there was a relationship between Iraq and al-Qaida that stretched back through most of the decade of the '90s, that it involved training, for example, on BW and CW, that al-Qaida sent personnel to Baghdad to get trained on the systems that are involved. The Iraqis providing bomb-making expertise and advice to the al-Qaida organization. We know, for example, in connection with the original World Trade Center bombing in '93 that one of the bombers was Iraqi, returned to Iraq after the attack of '93. And we’ve learned subsequent to that, since we went into Baghdad and got into the intelligence files, that this individual probably also received financing from the Iraqi government as well as safe haven."

Wanna spin your dishonest claims Cheney NEVER did it again you delusional foole?

How many innocent civilians were killed with drones?

Ummm shi-ite fer brains, no drones were used, they used US special forces, you know the people who signed up to serve unlike the right wing bed wetters like cheney, Bush, Romney, Hannity, El Rushbo, O'Rielly ET AL (including 99% of the college bed wetting republiscum) who hid and allowed others to serve in their pl,ace.

EIT worked.


“You are wrong...KS­M lied about the courier under EIT. An operative named Ghul gave the courier under normal interrogat­ion techniques­:

KSM under torture denied that the courior was who we later found out he was.

to wit;

a closer look at prisoner interrogations suggests that the harsh techniques played a small role at most in identifying Bin Laden’s trusted courier and exposing his hide-out. One detainee who apparently was subjected to some tough treatment provided a crucial description of the courier, according to current and former officials briefed on the interrogations. But two prisoners who underwent some of the harshest treatment — including Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, who was waterboarded 183 times — repeatedly misled their interrogators about the courier’s identity.


Glenn L. Carle, a retired C.I.A. officer who oversaw the interrogation of a high-level detainee in 2002, said in a phone interview Tuesday, that coercive techniques “didn’t provide useful, meaningful, trustworthy information.” He said that while some of his colleagues defended the measures, “everyone was deeply concerned and most felt it was un-American and did not work.”

Umm delusional foole, I would trust somebody who was there over somebody who wasn't ... :)

Just ask Leon Panetta who had no comment. lol what a difference a "D" makes.

see above dippy-shi-ite

clif said...

Obama turned the economy around?

Ummm YES you reich wing kool-aide addict;

To wit; Wall street was crashing before Obama's Stimulus was enacted, falling into the 60000's territory,

After the stimulus was enacted it recovered to above 12,000.

Jobs were falling drastically before the stimulus was enacted, that trend has been reversed.

See here

Sorta destroys your delusional spin EH?

By usinf the tarp Bush started but then added billions more to raise the unemployment levels.

Um shi-ite fer brains, unemployment has fallen since Bush ET AL stopped crapping all over the economy, PS the TARP program didn't stimulate the economy because the wall street banks HELD on to the money (to hide their losses from the frauds they perpetrated) not putting it out onto the main street economy.

Sorry to undermine your delusional reich wing kool aide addled ideological crapola, but the facts beg to differ.

I have a bridge to sell you

Sorry but given all the lies delusional thinking and probability you are lying about actually owning a bridge also, I respectively decline your attempt to defraud me of money like reich wingers seem to love to do.

You can keep your imaginary bridge along with your imaginary facts, and go back to the corner where you reich wing liars should be sitting quietly (for once) while the rest of us celebrate a great day for the country and the president who made it happen. ;)

Shaw Kenawe said...

LOL! Sarah Palin's negatives are as high as Charlie Sheehan on a Saturday night with 3 whores.

She's as interesting as last week's meat loaf.

The Goopers are crapping green bricks over Mr. Obama and the military's astounding accomplishment.

We can only sit back and laugh as they all try to undermine what every fekken person with half a brain understands was a phenomenal success by President 44!

Really. We don't give a flying coconut donut what the has-been from Wasilla has to say.

Lisa said...

what's the matter Sue I hit a nerve?

Mary Mayhem said...

Hit a nerve? With those Fox News circa 2008-2009 talking points? Muhahaha!! ...sounds like you've been hitting the bong OR your head hit the ground one too many times as a small child...You need to sleep with plugs in your ears so that the grey matter ceases to leak out all over your pillow at night...

Sue said...

funny, funny lisa thinks we want to talk with her... Bwahhahahahahahaha!!

Anonymous said...
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Shaw Kenawe said...

Interesting, innit Sue, how the trolls are wretching their brains out over this latest Obama accomplishment.

They're bending over so far backwards to deny Mr. Obama for this successful military operation that they're actually kissing their own asses.

Not a pretty sight. LOL1

PS. I missed lisa's comment, another self-ass kisser. Thanks for deleting her smarm.

Perhaps if Mr. Obama had shown up for the announcement of bin Laden's death with a couple of potatoes stuffed in his crotch and a banner saying "Mission Accomplished," the trolls would have been happier? LOL!

Sue said...

Shaw the trolls are furious at the intelligence of our wonderful president! They've never had an intelligent and charming candidate from their party, so they are green with envy! LOL!

not lisa said...
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Sue said...

don't bother "not lisa". I don't like your comments or links.

Anonymous said...

People are getting swept up in the moment, carried along in a manufactured moment of national unity (just like the farce this administration made of the Arizona shooting memorial service/pep rally/campaign stop). Was no one stunned when BO started talking about national unity? From a man who has spent the last two years creating the greatest divides in my lifetime? A man who wields the dual weapons of race and class warfare as easily and naturally as most of us say "please" and "thank you." A man whose presidency has spawned a deeply-divisive, sharply bitter partisanship in this nation's people (far beyond the hallowed halls of Congress and the executive branch), a divide so vehement and so widespread that it makes the Bush years look like a kumbaya summer camp.

Remember when BO was strutting around (before his strut became more of a shuffle-and-lurch) in 2008 and proclaiming that he would ignore Pahhhhkistahhn as our sometime but definitely on paper ally and, without their knowledge or approval, stage military strikes or whatever it took within their borders? Remember how everyone said that was naive, at best (that link goes to Firedoglake, the home of suddenly war-mongering progressives who cheer this president's violation of Pakistani sovereignty, but they did the work of finding relevant 2008 quotes from Bush, McCain, and Palin). And remember how he stubbornly stuck to his guns, promising to violate any and all agreements and laws, international or U. N., to get bin Laden? And remember how that just seemed so strange, particularly coming from someone who spends most of his time burbling endlessly about how America is actually just the nifty but benevolent military and economic arm of the new world order international order he envisions?

Remember how we all marveled at his transparent hypocrisy (the only thing that is actually transparent about this administration): he holds up the need to humble America, disarm, diminish, bankrupt, and humiliate her on the one hand, but then promises to use every ounce of her considerable power to achieve his goal? Even if that means ignoring the sovereignty of a nation to do it? Can you even begin to imagine the horrified shrieks of "murderer!," "war monger," the accusations of hubris and arrogance, and who knows what if it had been President Bush who unilaterally authorized, on ally soil, a military operation that can only have been a kill mission? There would be no cheers from the left, no songs of praise, no dancing in the street. There would be condemnation and calls for his removal from office.

What I am arguing here is that it reveals, yet again, the contradictions in this president's worldview and the heartless pursuit of his own ends at the expense of any and everything. He bypassed Congress to (illegally, according to the laws of this land and our Constitution) go to war (er, "kinetic military action") with Libya, with a far smaller coalition that President Bush had for Iraq. BO ignored the clear will of the people in forcing that health care monstrosity on the American people in what can, in its strictly partisan passage, only be considered an affront to the American Constitution, its governance, and we, the people. He has repeatedly used strong-arm tactics, bribes, elaborate plots, intimidation, and bullying to get his way. Has there ever been a less-principled, more aggressively corrupt, self-aggrandizing administration (in this country, I mean)? I think not.

Lisa said...
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clif said...


Thanks to 30 years of republiscum trickle down economics and wall street inspired outsourcing.

PS: still LYING about owning a bridge I see.

Sue said...

sorry clif, lisa is not allowed to comment here, she forgot.

Sue said...

anonymooooose, I'm not sure if I should delete you. I have awesome friends who might want to dispute your every stupid word. I would like to say to you...DO NOT come here and say President Obama is responsible for the divided nation, that is bull shit! You can blame the teabaggers, the birthers, the haters, the fuckers, and the racists for the great divide. This president has bent over backwards and kissed your lily white ass to bring the parties together, so screw you....

Shaw Kenawe said...

Anonymous laughingly wrote:

"From a man who has spent the last two years creating the greatest divides in my lifetime?"

Foolish ass. Before Mr. Obama even took the oath of office Swine Limbaugh blubbered that he hoped Mr. Obama would fail. And you say Mr. Obama is a divider? Idiot.

The Right extremists also never gave up on their lunatic "birther" demands. And you claim Mr. Obama is a divider?

No, Anonymous. You can cook up these lies, but you're going to eat them. It is the extreme right that has complained bitterly every times Mr. Obama has acted in his capacity as president.

Anonymous lied again: "A man who wields the dual weapons of race and class warfare as easily and naturally as most of us say 'please' and 'thank you.'"

You're a moron at best and a deliberate bearer of false witness as worst.

Where do you suppose those racist emails came from--many of which were flying around the internet before Mr. Obama took the oath of office. No, stupid. Mr. Obama NEVER played the race card. The extreme righties have always done so. Just listen to Pigboy Limbaugh for examples of this bigotry.

I didn't bother with the rest of your ignorant rant.

Why should anyone bother to read someone too gutless to put his/her blognym on it.

Perhaps because even you don't believe your egregious lies.

You don't like this president. And we don't give a rodent's anus that you don't.

It doesn't surprise us that someone like you doesn't recognize common decency in Mr. Obama, since that isn't a value you cherish.

Sue, I suggest that you leave ANONYMOUS's cowardly rant up so that the regulars can see how out-of-their-minds crazy these people are.

Sue said...

nice come back Shaw.

If Octopus yells at me I'm telling him it is your fault...:-)))

clif said...

BTW Lisa, the delusional right winger who thinks she owns a bridge but she don't;

Profits of the 500 largest Corps in the USA rose 81% last year .... that is economic change vs 2007-2008 you can believe in ... eh?

The stimulus seems to be working quite well (well except for those reich wing kool-aide addicts who want the US economy to tank, so they can revel in their hatred of Barack Obama) and the economy expanded by 1.8% last quarter, not the doom and gloom you reich wingnuts seem to revel in now-a-days.

But then again things are only OK when a incompetent buffoon like GWB is in the white house fer you clowns ... eh?

Mary said...

After watching Condi Rice on The Last Word last night, I now have a better perspective on why the Lisa's of the world still exist. If you haven't see the interview please head over to MSNBC and watch. I spent most of the interview with my head shaking.

If the so called Republican "People at the Top" still persist living in their delusional world of lies, why should we expect these poor souls, like Lisa, to be better?

I really do pity these people, even though I am sure they will be offended by my pity. It must be a very miserable life, that the only thing they can do to make themselves feel better is to lie and try to make people angry.

obama's a pansy said...
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