Beautiful pictures of our President and First Lady in Dublin. Thanks goes to the beautiful blog..The Only Adult In The Room
President Obama IS loved and respected all over the globe as well as here, HIS HOME, the USA!! But don't ask the jealous, hate-filled wingnuts, they continue to lie about Pres. Obamas popularity, they still say his numbers are dropping and he is hated around the world. Hilarious! The truth is the Republicans don't know what it feels like to have a president from their party who can hold a candle to our Barack Obama. Well sure they had Raygun, but he wasn't my cup of tea, Jerry Ford was kinda cute, yea I admit it, I liked him. But the Democratic Party, well they really know how to choose their candidates, rock stars like Clinton and Obama don't come around very often though, that's why I'm nervously looking forward to 2016. We all know Obama will have a second term, and we'll all be wishing he could have 3 or even 4 terms like we did for Bill Clinton, so I'm really excited to see who our party nominates for the next Democratic President, oh hell yea, the president for 2016 has to be a Democrat, it just has to be....
Rachel Maddow Devastates Trump And Calls Him A Decorative President
Rachel Maddow described Trump as a decorative president, while Elon Musk
does the real work.
4 hours ago
Har, har, har. Had that one guessed right. Teehee.
There's a couple with real class.
I see the fact that Barack Obama is as Irish, as he is Kenyan, in his ancestry, is driving the wing nuts crazy .... well crazier then they usually are, that is. :)
I saw those pics at TOAitR, and enjoyed every one.
My family is half Irish (by marriage) and we/they are thrilled to see the POTUS and FLOTUS so warmly and enthusiastically welcomed to the old sod.
The crowds were fantastic!
And the Obama haters can go pound shamrocks where the sun don't shine. LOL!
Obama is expected to be in Joplin Sunday(not too far from me).
The man has been making a huge tour lately, unlike the last one that chose vacation time for HIS travel.
Good Morning friends!
Just a small change from the negative. It is nice to see our beautiful POTUS and FLOTUS, does a heart good!
The crazies can't handle the truth, they want so bad for the Obama's to be hated but it's not happening.
C, are you and the family ok??
//say his numbers are dropping//
..but not dropping like Republican candidates!!
.. truth is polls do not really mean shit anymore. historically.. they were a very controlled and deliberate process that took a fair amount of work... now we can create a new poll, and conduct it, about every twenty minutes. Plus, poll 'writers' have lost (or gained) sense of honesty'subjectivity. Basically... I can create a poll, conservative or liberal... that will give me the answers I WANT.
I do like Poles, though... those folks make great sausages!!!
We're fine here in Springfield, just getting pounded by storms/total rainfall here. I drove through some of that mess as it hit here, it was REALLY nasty. I had to do the same yesterday. Again, it was nasty.
Speaking of disasters blowing through,congressman billy long went to Joplin to see the damage. He must have went their while on the way to the Downstream Casino. I hope he wasn't driving.
okjimm - I've been saying polls are/were useless for some time now. Glad to see someone else is on the bandwagon.
It reminds me of when JFK went abroad (can't remember exactly where off the top of my blonde head) and he said "I'm the man with Jackie Kennedy." Great sense of humor that man.
Yes, Ireland is very happy to have President and Mrs. Obama, and I ask, why not? They are our version of royalty. I'm not at all upset about that.
I do think, though, that Laura Bush was a very classy lady. We've been very lucky with classy first ladies. Mrs. Obama has gotten a bad rap and that ticks me off. She seems like a very nice woman, a good mother and an extremely loyal wife. You can't diss someone like that. Well, you shouldn't, at least in my opinion.
Thank you Sue. That is so beautiful. I have always held a special place in my heart for the people of the British Isles.
Sue, isn't it amusing. The more President Obama is welcomed and adored in Ireland and England, the more the trolls' heads explode, forcing them to come here and make jackasses of themselves.
Clean-up @ 3:41!
Poor things. This is the way these jerks express their frustration at seeing Mr. Obama's successes, because there's nothing else they can do.
OT: Can't get signed on to Blogger, so I'm just testing to see if I can leave a comment here and maybe get on that way. Have been having trouble since Blogger crashed and I'm getting pretty p-o'd.
anon asshat at 5:10 - He'll be in Joplin on Sunday. He's got other shit to do than pander like G.W. did...and disingenuously, as well. The people that are there now(sent by the President) don't need added distraction from their jobs at clean up like getting a visit from the Pres. right when they are at their busiest.
That's just a damn stupid thing to say, dumbass!
asshole number what today?? Oh wait, they are all from NYC!! hee hee hee
Holy troll alert! Does RAID make spray for this? I never thought blogging about something like visiting different countries and {trying} to re-strengthen diplomatic relations and our image abroad could cause such a negative (desperate) backlash.
Do republicans really want unnecessary violence and death? Oh wait! They don't think it's (the global contempt for the US) the US's fault at all, so even if it does happen to lead to violence and death, it's just collateral damage. In their theory, if it's not the US's fault, the death and violence doesn't count. Compromise, Shromprimise! It's for the weak! Compromise is only to further state interests, not for the common good of the people, so why is Obama in Dublin? What does one of the poorest countries in the EU have that we need to exploit?!! Potatoes? Green, green grass??
what TN said.... cannot get into Blogger today..... I knew I should have shaved and showered!!!!
It's the Republicans who called Mrs. Obama un-American. It's the Republicans who claimed Mrs. Obama's diet guides for children were an un-American intrusion into American families, which Republicans claimed (used her diet guidelines as proof) is usual for Democrats, especially her husband the President.
These Republicans which, Pam, you claim give Mrs. Obama a bad rap, are the politicians and conservatives you support, and link on your blog page.
It was guys like Rush, Beck, and Republican Congressional members, etc that say this crap about her.
Yet, you not only link these spewers of lies, you wrote a post saying Beck was the best thing since sliced bread.
You never once wrote a post saying those who you support, were wrong for blasting Mrs. Obama, saying she hates America, or a logical diet for children should be used for false claims about Democratic political motives.
Stop hiding your true feelings, or start being a critic to those you support, that you now claim are giving Mrs. Obama a bad wrap.
Your Republican buddies saying Mrs. Obama hates America, is more than a bad wrap, it's sick.
And you use this opportunity of Sues post praising a great first lady, to push your favorite, Mrs. Bush. A nice lady to be sure, but that's not what this post was about.
You like backhanded communications. You are a birther, and generally not honest about your true beliefs. A more dangerous person, than those who are upfront about their hate.
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