I'll add to what Anthony Weiner says..."Own it assholes!"
Paul Ryan puts forth a plan which dismantles Medicare and turns it into a voucher system, now when the country goes berserk and tells the GOP to keep their dirty hands off our Medicare, then the GOP starts to get a wittle noivous....SO, be prepared people because they will now be trying to PACKAGE the voucher system differently so unsuspecting seniors will think the Republiscums actually care about them! It's all a lie, a scam, a trick to get you to believe the country is broke and we're broke because of seniors and poor people! The Republicans never cry poor when they are in the White House! They are hypocrites and liars. I believe for the first time, and we have Barack Obama to thank for this, the country sees the GOP for the frauds they are! We're seeing it happening all across the country, the GOP crossing the line with ordinary peoples lives and livelihoods!
Keep spreading the truth my Liberal friends, here, on Facebook, in your family, and with your friends in the community, the Republican Party wants to change America as we know it and it's NOT because we are broke, it's because God told them to, dontcha know...
Rachel Maddow Devastates Trump And Calls Him A Decorative President
Rachel Maddow described Trump as a decorative president, while Elon Musk
does the real work.
4 hours ago
Sue, when President Bush did not listen to the polls and went his own way on tax cuts and the wars, that was leadership.
When President Obama went his own way, and against the polls on Health Care, that was ignoring the will of the people, to whom we should always listen.
Now that the GOP is again going against the polls regarding Medicare, it is once again called leadership.
At what point will people wake up to this stuff?
Do we need to make some changes to Social Security and Medicare? Yes. Would increased revenue help these programs? That depends. Is your goal to keep and improve, dismantle and discard.
The answer to that will define your response as to the fix that is needed.
Okay, it's Friday and I'm getting pretty teed off at these folks. Demographically we know that the mid west is predominantly conservative and right leaning.
I have noticed many of those displace by the Mississippi River flooding asking for help from the Federal Government.
I wonder why the GOP doesn't just tell them to fix it themselves? Isn't that what the Congressman from Florida was implying when he absentmindedly spoke the truth about Medicare the other day?
Dave we have 75 yr history with Social Security, why is it now we are broke and seniors are the reason?
The Republican Party is blind to the reasons this country is struggling right now. But maybe not blind, they have to know, ordinary citizens like myself know! I can't help but wonder where we would be right now if a Republican won the election. Their policies and agenda to destroy America has never been more clear, I just wish their sheeple followers would wake up and smell the rancid tea!
thanks to Leslie on FB showing us this latest story from TPM....
Chalk up another Democratic win this week: Alabama State Rep. Daniel Boman, who entered the legislature as a Republican in November, is switching parties to become a Democrat after he says the GOP went too far in attacking teachers in the state.
busy busy busy.... but a little info... judge has nullified Walker's anti-union law
also backing off on school cuts...seems we are not as broke as they said... hmmmmm
have a good day
Sue, a simple increase in the amount of income that can be taxed for Social Security would fix that program for years.
Why not increase the limit at which you do not pay into the system up to 150k, from the current 106K. We could then add a small percentage increase on to the Medicare tax, which everyone pays, on all of their income, and we are home free.
The simple fact is that the GOP philosophically does not believe in government health care. They believe you should buy your own.
Which is great if you can get it, [I can't because of pre existing conditions].
They also do not lke the mandate, but are not willing to say that if Uncle johnny does not have health care, and he gets gravely ill, then the hospital, which is a business after al, has a right to let him croak.
That is a logical consequence of their policy to let people decide for themselves. But it only works if you maintain discipline and not give in, which will in fact, lead to the real death panels...
Dave raising the ceiling is exactly what should happen, it's unbelievable it hasn't been done, come on Dems, get busy!! You're right about the Righties, they believe you should fend for yourself and if you happen to fall in the not so lucky column then tough friggin shit, just die so we don't have to be bothered with ya!
Been a lazy do nuttin day for me Jim! I'll check out the link, thanks!
Also, if the GOP would quit dipping in to it to fund other programs, such as defense, would help.
Republicans are such pussies. I don't get how they can even show their faces in public. Dumb fucking bastards. Good for Representative Weiner to demand that they own this radical proposal. They seem okay with seniors owning huge insurance premium bills. I liked the blind squirrel compliment paid to Newt as well.
Slightly OT. I have heard NPR and other traditionally legitimate news sources saying that the entitlement programs, Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid are the largest portion of the federal budget. That has got to be the biggest RED FUCKING HERRING ever foisted on the American public. It has shit to do with the federal budget. It is entirely funded by payroll taxes and state funds, in the case of Medicaid. Allow me to repeat myself, "ENTIRELY FUNDED BY PAYROLL TAXES." Allow me to clarify. In no way does one fucking cent come out of income taxes, capitol gains taxes, excise taxes, tariffs or any other use tax you can think of. Not one fucking cent you morons.
thank you FJ! I think we should all put that on our headers in BIG BOLD PRINT! I'll go first!
"Dave we have 75 yr history with Social Security, why is it now we are broke and seniors are the reason?"
Seniors aren't the reason and any rational person understands that.
Had successive administrations, starting with the "god of progressivism" had not raided the S.S. so called trust fund perhaps S.S. would not be in the predictiment it is today.
The answer folks is not to raise taxes on everybody. It is to cut spending, including the military.
And, let the world began to take care of itself rather than depend on the American taxpayer to do so.
We have got ourselves so entangled in a web of foreign interests and obligations both the republicans and democats are responsible for the shape the country is in with respect to this. Should have listened to the advice of the founders.
How come I can never spell capital right? Peace.
Had successive administrations, starting with the "god of progressivism" had not raided the S.S. so called trust fund perhaps S.S. would not be in the predictiment it is today.
Just because the Social Security Trust Fund owns a portion of the national debt doesn't mean that we can just drop the ball and never pay it back.
The SS trust fund hasn't really been raided. The money is invested in Treasury Bonds, the most secure investment in the world. Would you rather they put the money in the stock market?
Actually Jerry,at this stage of my life having spent 40 years paying in, I, like most in my shoes expect what is rightfully coming from the government (the youthful working folks)when I retire in the near future.
Frankly, unless the issue of entitlements is resolved in a rational way the future isn't going to be so bright for the next generations of retirees.
Say what you will the system has a problem, it will soon be insolvent unless changes are made. Many of which will no doubt be uncomfortable.
And yes, as soon as the ink was dry on SS legislation President Roosevelt had his government attorneys arguing the government should have the ability to transfer money to the general fund. That is how it went down and the GOV. has been doing it every since and putting in IOU'S in the place of the peoples money.
Knock Knock...Morning Sue! ( I wish I could really knock on your door and you open it and I give you a big hug girl) Just wanted to come tell you I hope you and yours have a glorious memorial Day weekend..we got the backyard all set up with tents and tables..got the meat ready to grill..everyone is excited...of course in this family of Burly Boys just the mention of meat and grills makes us squeal lol...How sweet of your mama to get you a new laptop girl..I need a new one...the letters are wore off the keypad on mine! Better run for now...it will be none stop all weekend...have a great one sweetie...love ya...Picket
Dot you crack me up!! Thanks for the visit, I hope you closed your eyes and ears! LOL! Love ya too!
this is a comment from our friend CDM, he's having the same problem Leslie is with blogger and not being able to post comments, so he emailed me and I'm publishing it for him!
RN on his self-deluded(and inaccurate) rant did fail to address another issue concerning social security as far as “why there isn’t any money there.” In 2 words: Population increase. Kind of makes sense when the number of baby boomers hit retirement age now as compared to the number of retirees when they were just children is greatly different.
Perhaps this is just one other reason why most countries in Europe are becoming better off is because they have seen a drastic change in their population decrease over the last few decades.
Sue, ask CDM if he uses Chrome - or FF? Switching my browser from IE to Chrome cleared up the problem for me.
"RN on his self-deluded(and inaccurate) rant..."
To the left a simple statement of well known fact is a rant. Simply because it does not align with the left's agenda. So typical of those who are totally intolerant of divergent ideas. And that would certainly be the progressive it's my way or the cliff.
@ RN - Damn straight! Absolutely none of that mentality on the wrong side either! (sarcasm)
I wonder what Washington, Jefferson, Madison, Adams, etc. would have said after Japan attacked us?
Like the rest of RN's cult philosophies, they don't work in the real World.
We have enough trouble as it is, if RN had his way (Randian ideology) America would be dead by now.
RN Reminds me of that nutjob that keeps emailing me and my brother-in-law, forwarding chain emails that he passes off as fact.
I actually feel bad for him.
Mary Mayhem - While I will continue to disagree with your political positions I respect your open honesty, right to believe as you do, and recognize the truth in your sarcasm.
I actually have been saying it in many different ways that most on the left CHOSE to misread.
So be it.
Tom said, "We have enough trouble as it is, if RN had his way (Randian ideology) America would be dead by now."
Tom, with all due respect you are a demagogue with little more than sheeples BS from the extreme far out progressive left.
Chill brother.
I ridicule your idiotic ideas.
You claim your ideas are the ONLY answer.
That egotistical stand is also part of the Randian egocentric, selfish ideology.
You talk and behave like a MOONIE, which cements your cult status and thinkging.
Your a racist, that you have in common with the founding fathers.
Other than that, the founding fathers would hang people who think like you.
The CDM SAID - RN Reminds me of that nutjob that keeps emailing me and my brother-in-law, forwarding chain emails that he passes off as fact.
I actually feel bad for him."
Actually CDM it is not I that is need of anyone feeling bad {sorry} for. In fact you insult me by printing such drivel.
It is you that I should feel BAD {sorry} for. Except to do so would be an utter waste of good and rational time.
Life is a bitch, it is tough, deal with it as all men and women of character {regardless of race or ethnicity}do. Those with productive capacity and the desire to excel will do so.
The progressive attack on reason will ultimately fail. When it does so will the blindness adherents of progressive collectivist thought fail.
Enjoy the forthcoming ride down the slopes.
Sue - The foregoing was not a rant. Merely a statement of rational reality.
Can you deal with it?
You never make sense RN. All you do is insult people. TRY some coherant thought patterns. Use detail. REALITY? Your living in LA LA Land. Enjoy your delusion.
I see my assesment was correct. TOM actually summed it up nicely.
By the way, Sue. Did you know the sky is falling? And me without an umbrella...
This shit is hilarious.
Life is a beautiful gift. Thank your parents.
You know Sue, I found a better way to describe RN...an Amway salesman.
Everything would be SO much better if you ignore your own ideas and buy into his. After all, They got life by the ass.
Unfortunately, you are also the same person that when you enter a room of people you know, like at work, and everyone IMMEDIATELY rolls their eyes and tries not to engage you in conversation becasue the pitch would just keep coming.
Okay, we get it. Ron Paul is your hero and his Amway pitch is SO damn great that he's got into thinking that killing the Federal Reserve so we can all ride to town on our horses with our sacks of gold has touched your John Wayne fondness to the point of cult following.
Oh, and by the way, I was feeling bad for that nimrod that keeps emailing me even after I told him that whatever he sends me goes straight into the spam folder. I just wish my brother-in-law would quit hitting the "reply to all" button in response to his inane babbling.
But now that you mention that....
Tom, you said..."Your a racist, that you have in common with the founding fathers."
To which I reply, nothing but this response would I expect from an ignorant person such as yourself.
Tom said... "You never make sense RN. All you do is insult people. TRY some coherant thought patterns. Use detail. REALITY? Your living in LA LA Land. Enjoy your delusion."
Projecting again are you Tommy boy?
The CDM SAID... "You know Sue, I found a better way to describe RN...an Amway salesman.
Everything would be SO much better if you ignore your own ideas and buy into his. After all, They got life by the ass."
You, like Tommy boy are obviously projecting.
Are you saying that the founding fathers were not racist, or you are not racist?
Again you never speak to details, you just insult.
You are a racist.
You lose the debate, if you say the founding fathers were not racist.
Get your hood and white sheets RN, the cross burning meeting is starting.
The most obvious trait of the liberal progressive is, and always has been their total disdain for all that have a different view.
It is this that is so ironic. The liberals of the 18th century were true liberals and believed in individual liberty and the right to express ones views as I do.
You modern day progressives and sheeples to the socialist collectivist cause are the most intolerant and bigoted collective group America has ever been forced to suffer.
Have a fine evening. Enjoy tomorrow.
No, not projecting, Amway, just calling it as I see it. By the way, you've over used that defense(or lack thereof) WAY too many times. If you ain't got shit, just say so.
Have a government approved day, Amway.
The usses and the thems, still going at it, I see. Some things DO never change.
RN announces he will quit blogging.
His Randian cult blabberings has left him with no readers, and his insult style of communicating with people has left him as being seen as nothing more than a jerk. Deservedly so.
No one is sure who actually posted the photo or even if it was him, but don't let stop you and your phony outrage.
poor lisa, she's sexually deprived, hasn't seen a big penis in years, they run from her!
And looking at your last 3 comments says multitudes about you.
just what I thought, lisa hasn't had any for about 40 yrs..
Really, how old are you? You've beaten that dead horse to the point where you are now going after the flys.
Grow up.
First, the picture was sent to a woman in Washington state in her mid-20's. Second, you've confirmed, even to yourself, that you are an idiot and a child.
willpower C!!
get off my blog you stupid moron! it's no wonder you are bloglands most hated troll!!
STFU, nobody is talking to you! Tell your boss to direct you to another blog!!
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Time of Visit Jun 2 2011 1:27:54 pm
Last Page View Jun 2 2011 2:16:43 pm
Visit Length 48 minutes 49 seconds
Page Views 6
here she is, the moron troll lisa! would you say she is a 12 yr old, or an old, lonely spinster desperate for some friendly conversation?
Ha! She's a Canadian!
I can't figure it out Jerry. Feedjit says West Hempstead NY and sitemeter says Canada. I asked her before if she lived in Canada and she said no. I have to compare the IP right?
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