Walk with the dreamers, the believers, the courageous, the cheerful, the planners, the doers, the successful people with their heads in the clouds and their feet on the ground..Let their spirit ignite a fire within you to leave this world better than when you found it.
Why is it the Conservatives/Teapublicans refuse to see the truth behind the Occupy Wall St. protests? I don't want to hear one more Fox host call the demonstrators GANGS, or read another comment on Facebook claiming the Liberal protesters are just ENVIOUS of the rich bankers, or like this comment from a "friend".....
greed wasn't a problem when times were good, you know, during the
Republican era. Did Reagan care? Did George H. Bush care? Then a
Democratic house and senate came along and ran this country into the
ground.... Again..."
These people are completely ignoring the facts! Wall St. gambled with your money, MY money, WE LOST trillions of dollars...REMEMBER??? They are conveniently dismissing this detail of why Occupy Wall St. has gone global!! And today the Republican plan to get our economy moving is LESS REGULATION and MORE TAX BREAKS FOR THE WEALTHY! Thank God the country is awake and paying attention to the GOP and their America killing agenda......They are so fuckin' arrogant, no hiding the truth anymore, they are coming right out and telling us their plans to kill the middle class off once and for all...
Michael Moore: "This is a rigged casino. I don't know why anybody would put their
hard-earned money into this especially after what happened in this last
decade. The guys on this street played with people's futures, people's
pension funds, credit default swaps, no regulation from D.C. and it's
still going on! And if I could just very respectfully ask you and CNBC,
you know, you are in this, you are journalists, it's is your job not
just to report that the DOW is up 95 points already today, but go in
there and find out what's really happening. Who's making this money?
Who's dividing this pie up so that the one percent get the majority of
it? That's really the story. That's the story you're fellow Americans
want you to do," he pleaded.
"They want to know where their jobs went. You know, where their
future is going to be. That's the job of CNBC. So, please do your job!
Even when 99% of the country is living in poverty, and the 1% is swimming in wealth because of OUR money trickling UP to them, the conservatives will still deny the truth....they will consistently blame the left, the "socialists, communists, Marxists" for the demise of the middle class in America! HA!
The Right likes to say we on the Left hate Capitalism, not true. What we hate is the greedy who takes the working mans money and gambles with it. That our lively hood means NOTHING to them, there was NO remorse when hundreds of thousands lost their life's savings in the collapse. This is what we hate.
the world is protesting corporate greed and corruption! NOT BECAUSE THEY
Abortion has never left the forefront, not even when Republicans lied and deceived the American people in the last election by promising Jobs, Jobs, Jobs, would be their top priority if they voted to give them the majority.
Here's some news coming out of Mississippi(I pity the good people who live in that state!), they are considering a Constitutional amendment that would effectively ban ALL abortions and the use of some types of contraceptives. This means if you break the law and the Fascists find out, your crime will be punishable as MURDER...
Proposition 26 might even open the door to investigating women who have suffered miscarriages. This is scary folks....this is NOT my America!! a Web site promoting the amendment says. "Unborn human beings are persons, and as persons they deserve full legal protection in the state of Mississippi."
Fertilized eggs will be considered legal persons, so if you donated any eggs and want them destroyed, you could face a murder charge if you go through with it....if the fascists come into your home, look into your medicine cabinet and discover your IUD, you could very well face murder charges...there would be NO exceptions for rape or incest, the only exception would be if carrying a baby full term would put the woman's life in danger, but opponents of the amendment question whether even that would be possible.....Sound crazy?? Yea I think so too. But to the religious right wing fanatics, it's normal business, they are obeying God's command. Has anyone actually looked through the Bible and read the word Abortion? I looked and could not find it, so if you did could you leave me the passage and page number?
And there's also something I will NEVER understand.....how can flushing fertilized eggs down the toilet, or the involuntary act of miscarriage be considered murder but the act of injecting a lethal dose of poison in a real live grown up human being be just fine and dandy in the eyes of the persons who advocate for the death penalty? Is that justifiable murder, or just plain murder? And what does God say about that? Oh wait, there is a commandment that says thou shalt not murder....but they like the other passage in the Old Testament that says an eye for an eye...that's how they justify murdering our citizens....
The Rightwing extremists are crying the loudest about our bloated government and wasteful spending, but only when it doesn't affect their Evangelical extremists agenda....
We know how much Rush Limbaugh despises President BH Obama, he reminds his radio show audience every day. But this is a new low even for the despicable Limpy as he blasted President Obama's decision to send 100 troops to Uganda to stop(capture/kill) the leader of the Lord's Resistance Army so it could collapse, thus saving tens of thousands of African men, woman, and especially children.....
This is what the lard ass hater said on his show....
"Now, up until today, most Americans have never heard of the combat
Lord’s Resistance Army. And here we are at war with them. Have you ever
heard of Lord’s Resistance Army, Dawn? How about you, Brian? Snerdley,
have you? You never heard of Lord’s Resistance Army? Well, proves my
contention, most Americans have never heard of it, and here we are at
war with them. Lord’s Resistance Army are Christians. It means God. I
was only kidding. Lord’s Resistance Army are Christians. They are
fighting the Muslims in Sudan. And Obama has sent troops, United States
troops to remove them from the battlefield, which means kill them. That’s what the lingo means, “to help regional forces remove from the battlefield,” meaning capture or kill."...
"Lord’s Resistance Army objectives. I have them here. “To remove
dictatorship and stop the oppression of our people.” Now, again Lord’s
Resistance Army is who Obama sent troops to help nations wipe out. The
objectives of the Lord’s Resistance Army, what they’re trying to
accomplish with their military action in these countries is the
following: “To remove dictatorship and stop the oppression of our
people; to fight for the immediate restoration of the competitive
multi party democracy in Uganda; to see an end to gross violation of
human rights and dignity of Ugandans; to ensure the restoration of peace
and security in Uganda, to ensure unity, sovereignty, and economic
prosperity beneficial to all Ugandans, and to bring to an end the
repressive policy of deliberate marginalization of groups of people who
may not agree with the LRA ideology.” Those are the objectives of the
group that we are fighting, or who are being fought and we are joining
in the effort to remove them from the battlefield."
That is friggin' hilarious!! Limbaugh is DEFENDING this murderous group because they use LORD in their groups name! Where is he getting his info?? It's clearly stated all over the internet this LRA is a band of mass murderers, and yet Limbaugh welcomes them with fat lumpy open arms calling them CHRISTIANS, while bashing President Obama.....
While I was reading about the LRA I found this from Matthew Yglesias... “I think
reasonable people can disagree as to whether or not chasing a relatively
small band of depraved mass murderers around Central Africa is a
reasonable thing for American military personnel to be doing. But let’s
make no mistake—these are depraved mass murderers. And yet Rush Limbaugh
is pleased to welcome them as fellow Christian allies.”There is something else to be discussed beyond this support for the
LRA that Limbaugh has. There is a reason why this decision to send a
bunch of advisors to Uganda and the area is unsettling. You see, it was
this that began the process of bringing the nation full throatedly into
Vietnam. The Vietnam War began as a trickle of advisors who went in to
help prop up the shaky semi-democratic/semi-dictatorial government in
that nation, but what started as a handful of troops began to grow and
grow and grow until the US was involved in the longest, bloodiest and
costliest wars it had faced until that point. Hundreds of thousands of
conscripts were sent to Vietnam, with many never returning."
Well, that is a subject for another time. For now I believe our president is on a humanitarian effort to save Africans from mass murder by the LRA......
This is who they are and it's definitely NOT Christianity like Limbaugh would like his audience to believe.....
At least 30,000 people died as the LRA spread terror in northern
Uganda for more than 20 years, displacing some two million people.
It is notorious for kidnapping children, forcing the boys to become fighters and using girls as sex slaves.
The group is listed by the US as a terrorist organisation and
now operates mainly in neighbouring countries such as Democratic
Republic of Congo, South Sudan and Central Africa Republic.
Joseph Kony and his close aides have been wanted by the International Criminal Court (ICC) since 2005.
Limbaugh is a disgrace to the human race, and for those who pay him any attention, well I pity the lost souls...
Midge Hough is a Facebook friend. We've been friends for just about a month :). I sent her a friend request when I discovered she was from a town in NJ not far from me, and she accepted. I stumbled upon this beautiful story, a sad chapter in her life which led to her activism. I am proud of her and her fight for affordable healthcare for ALL Americans not just the "chosen" few. This touching piece was written by David Phillips and published in Addicting Info.
Midge and I thank you for reading...
I met Midge Hough in the most modern of ways, on a Facebook thread.
Midge was involved in an increasingly heated discussion, amongst
progressives, about Obama’s lame duck tax compromise with Republicans
that traded an extension of the Bush tax cuts for a long-term extension
of unemployment benefits (among other things). Posters on the thread
were mad as hell. But Midge kept defending the decision by looking at
the bigger picture. She knew what would happen to those unemployed folks
if the President didn’t make this deal. I chimed in on the thread and
took her side immediately. Shortly after, I requested her friendship on
Facebook. By the morning, I had written an article based around the idea
of the back and forth from the night before and my fervent belief that
Obama was getting the short end from liberals. I passed it along to
Midge who pushed it with all her might on her own page.
I guess you could say we liked each other right away.
Of course, this was merely a first impression. But as Midge and I
continued our increasingly frequent correspondence, she began to open up
and tell me her story. We all have a story, but the tale of how Midge
went from a modestly active progressive to that of a fervent activist is
both a tragic and extraordinary one.
This is the road that she was at first forced to take, but has now learned to embrace.
It began with the pregnancy of her daughter-in-law, Jenny Fritts.
Like many young couples during the financial downturn, Jenny and her
husband were facing hard times. They had both lost their jobs and one
could argue the last thing the two of them needed was the additional
burden that having another child creates (they already had a 2 year old
girl). They did not plan to get pregnant, but pregnant they became and
now had a decision to make.
It wasn’t a tough one. They decided to keep the baby and face the
potentially sobering challenges ahead…together. It was a brave choice,
made with realism and a full understanding of their less than ideal
They wanted this baby.
During her third trimester, Jenny began to feel ill. Lacking any
health insurance, Jenny was taken to the ER, diagnosed with a ‘cold’ and
exhaustion and then treated (poorly) and sent home. It is a practice
known as ‘dumping’: a sad, often unspoken, policy which doctors follow
when seeing someone with a potentially expensive condition who does not
appear to have the means to pay. The minimum amount of service is
provided and maybe a ‘best of luck’ on the way out the door.
Jenny did not have the best of luck.
Less than 24 hours after being told she had a ‘cold,’ Jenny was back
in the ER with a diagnosis of double pneumonia, septic shock, and
respiratory failure, this time at a different hospital. She would soon
be placed on life support.
She spent exactly 55 days at this largely inadequately resourced
non-profit hospital. In that time she developed blood clots, a brain
bleed, followed by a stroke and a heart attack. During the majority of
this time Jenny was not unconscious, she knew exactly what was happening
to her; think of that. At one point, her condition deteriorated so much
that she could not be laid flat to be transported from one room to
another simply for tests; every time they tried, she would code.
The Houghs tried, multiple times, to move Jenny to a more advanced hospital. However, none would
accept the transfer. They had waited for 52 days for the hospital to
get a portable respirator that would breathe for her so she could be
transported to undergo further testing. By the time it arrived, it was
too late; 3 days later, on August 26, 2009, Jenny died.
Her baby girl was delivered stillborn by induced labor on day 32. The
stress on her mother was more than she could bear. The child had died
inside of her 10 days earlier, when Jenny had her heart attack. The
doctors were forced to wait the extra week and a half, before delivery,
to allow Jenny to recover (as much as possible) from her heart trauma.
Midge and her son were able to hold the tiny little girl before
committing her to memory.
For 32 days this courageous young woman fought to bring her child
into the world despite inadequate care and facilities. For 23 more days
she clung to life in the face of any sensible prediction. After all, she
had another child to come home to. She suffered in ways that are
unimaginable. There are no appropriate metaphors to describe what Jenny
and her family went through. How could Hell be worse than this?
To watch this sweet young girl go from a healthy mother to be to that
of a helpless witness to her own, and her baby’s, demise is
unconscionable. Now, imagine that all you could do was watch. What must
that have been like? Do any of us want to consider the horror of this?
Would we ever want to walk a foot, let alone a mile, in the shoes of the
Houghs? I sure as hell don’t.
For quite a while, Midge felt lost and in a haze. She attended a
candlelight vigil in Grant Park for the fight to reform health care one
week after Jenny’s death. The photo at the beginning of the article is
from that day. The home-made poster she was holding of Jenny was created
to give the cost of our health care system a human face. Despite the
efforts of many a reporter to get a quote from her, Midge was not yet
strong enough to speak.
She began to write about her experience on Facebook, she found it
therapeutic. The support she received from the virtual community–from
people she had never met–encouraged her. One week later she found her
voice at a protest against Big Insurance (BCBS) in downtown Chicago.
There, she gave her first interviews; action groups asked for pro-reform
videos, which she completed the following week. She then hit every
media outlet that was willing to make itself available to her.
Through this devastating ordeal, she had found purpose.
She spoke with Illinois Governor, Pat Quinn, and the senior Senator from Illinois, Dick Durbin; she was a featured guest on the “Ed Show”
and even Al-Jazeera. Her story had reached beyond the personal and
became a heartrending national example of our failed health care system.
The video became so popular on YouTube that it temporarily crashed the
She also began to speak at rallies. Despite her own nervousness over
talking in front of a large crowd, Midge found that once she began to
speak, “It just takes you.”
Her reception at these events was not always cordial. At one town
hall in Oak Lawn, Illinois, she was the guest speaker of Democratic
Congressman, Dan Lipinski (whom she came to thank for his support of
HCR, but would ironically vote ‘no’ when the measure came to the House
floor). Things turned grim after she took the microphone; the Tea Party
had arrived. Here is what happened:
After all she had been through, Midge had become a target, in
particular, by a satellite division of the Tea Party known as The
Chicago Tea Party Patriots. They ridiculed her story, accused her of
making it up, and of lying about the deaths of her daughter-in-law and
her grandchild. The story became so well-known for its lack of decency,
that it actually made Keith Olbermann’s ‘Worst Persons in the World’
segment on Countdown. The video of Keith defending the Houghs was nearly
as well-viewed as the piece from The Ed Show.
What fascinates me here is, not just the willingness of these
‘patriots’ to disparage and, quite honestly, make shit up about a woman
who had suffered a tremendous loss, but the fact that they simply
skirted over the simple truth that Jenny chose NOT to have an abortion
even though it could have been argued as being a more ‘practical’
decision. Jenny chose life, and in a terrible twist of fate, she
received the opposite. You would think that Tea Party Patriots would
applaud such a decision as it fits into their own ideology. But the
truth is, they don’t give a shit about people like Jenny. The unborn
child? Maybe. The mother and the family of said child? Not at all. But
who brings that unborn child into the world? Is it not the mother, and
the doctors and nurses in the health care system? A system that didn’t
just kill Jenny, but her daughter too.
Despite this sort of treatment from the Chicago wing of the Tea Party Patriots, Midge soldiered on.
She fought hard for the Health Care Reform Bill. She continued to
speak at rallies and town halls regardless of the lack of respect shown
to her by some of the attendees. Jenny’s story was read by Durbin on the
Senate floor during the health care battle and again later by Illinois
Congresswoman, Jan Schakowsky, on the floor of the House after the bill
was passed.
She created an activist website, Progressive Citizens for America.
Her husband also created a site to directly respond to the dishonesty
of the Tea Party Patriots as well. She didn’t stop; not when it was
brutally hard, and not when it would have been much easier to do so.
Like Jenny, she didn’t stop.
When the Affordable Care Act was finally signed into law by President
Obama on March 23, 2010 Midge, like many progressives, found it to be a
bittersweet experience. She would have loved Medicare for everyone, but
didn’t believe that it was possible. She was more than a little
disappointed about the lack of a public option. But she believed what
was passed was better than what we had before, and could be built upon.
However, unlike most progressives (or almost anyone else for that
matter), she had experienced a personal tragedy extraordinarily rare and
indicative of the porous state of health care in this country. As Midge
pointed out to me, this bill would have saved Jenny’s life from the
pitfalls of living with the pre-existing condition known as pregnancy;
and that was good enough for now.
As she said, “People think they know what they would do. But once you enter the maze (of the health care system), you have no idea.”
Midge knows this better than anyone I have ever met. Her life was
forever changed by those 55 days. Her husband stands with her, her son
battles a debilitating depression, there is a little girl who will never
know her mother, and another who never knew life outside of the womb.
None of this ended with Jenny’s death. It is a scar and a haunt that
will dog these good people for the rest of their lives.
But Midge will not stop. She continues to fight for advancements to
the way we treat the sick and the elderly in this country. She fights
for the rights of organized labor, the middle class, and the less
fortunate. She gives a voice to the voiceless.
She is my friend and I am all the better for it.
Midge told me that she still feels raw when she thinks of another young girl facing what Jenny went through. As she put it, “I do it all in her name.”
I would disagree with her slightly, she does it in all of our names. Even the ones she will never know.
For Midge and all the fighters.... keep on keepin' on, we are so ~ PROUD ~ to have you on our side!!
the second time in two weeks, every single Republican in the United
States Senate has chosen to obstruct a bill that would create jobs and
get our economy going again," Obama said. "That's unacceptable. We must do what's right for the country and pass the common-sense proposals in the American Jobs Act."
That's right, the Obama jobs bill will be cut into understandable bits and pieces because GOOPERS don't seem to grasp the whole bill and what it will do for the unemployed....so the little jobs bill portion the would have given 35 billion for states to hire additional teachers, police, firefighters,(Most of these lost jobs are because of GOP govs.) and save jobs too, 400,000 of them. But, the bill was killed by the WHOLE REPUBLICAN SENATE MORONS and 3 Democratic morons...Why did it die you ask, because the GOP COULD NOT vote yes on a 0.5% tax increase on people earning more than $1 MILLION a year! Isn't that hilarious?!
The Republiscums say ALL THE TIME, "Now is not the time to raise taxes on anybody". WaaaWaaa!! I don't have to explain how the economy grew by leaps and bounds when Clinton raised taxes on the wealthy, do I? We all know the story... If the Republicans continue down this road of killing jobs bills because they can not raise taxes on their rich friends, the number of Americans turning on them will move from 65% to 99% in no time. If all America votes next yr. it could be a complete sweep for Dems, the country is FED UP!!
Republicans do not know how to govern so they use the excuse small government works best. This means no regulations, no interference from government(except when they interfere on issues that delve into bedrooms and doctor offices), LOW LOW taxes on the rich because they are special....So in a country as massive as ours, they say fend for yourself, if you are not lucky enough to be one of the wealthy ones then that's not their problem if you starve or die from a preventable disease.
Except for the Tea Party take over of the once workable Republican party, not much else has changed with them. They always were the party of low taxes and less regulation, but now with our economy in collapse BECAUSE of those policies, well somethings gotta give. If it is not the Republicans, then they MUST go so WE can move forward.....
I'm not holding back anymore...I HATE those THUGS!!!
Mitch McConnell once again, stood on the floor of the Senate and told President Obama to get off the bus and get to work on the jobs crisis! Bwahaaaaahaaaahaaaa!!! The nerve of those GOP'ers, they vote NO on the Obama jobs bill that would put hundreds of thousands of Americans to work immediately, while showing they are completely oblivious to the voters and polls saying the people blame them, the GOP, NOT President Obama, for the continued jobs crisis.
McConnell knows damn well Obama's bus tour is helping the people see the truth about the do nothing GOP. McConnell and his Party of clowns are desperately grasping for a lifeline. While they whine about Obama calling for a tax hike on the 1%, the GOP calls the president out of touch, and he needs to shut up about the tax hikes! Now wasn't the number something like 70 to 80% of the country likes Obama's plan to tax the rich? Yes, we know that, but the GOP puts their blinders on and their fingers in their ears....Fox news and the GOP...OUT OF TOUCH liars!!
McConnell: “He’s completely out of touch. Let’s forget about the tax hikes,
let’s drop the talking points about millionaires and billionaires, and
let’s work together on bipartisan jobs legislation that’s designed to
pass, not designed to fail.” You'll have your chance this week Mitch when a vote for a 35 billion dollar aid package to help state and local governments provide funding for teachers, police, and firefighters comes up in the Senate. Will republicans kill the bill that would create or save 400,000 jobs?? Some say yes, they will kill it. WHY, what is their strategy??
McConnell: “The president goes on a bus tour to criticize Republicans for voting
against the so-called jobs bill. Democratic leaders consult
with the White House on breaking the same bill into smaller pieces, and
how do they break it up? By identifying parts they know Republicans will
oppose, then add the tax hike just to make sure. Then another bus tour
or a press conference with the president complaining about Republicans
again.”. Friggin' hilarious! You are the clueless one McConnell. You are a JOKE to the American people. Why would you oppose ANY of these jobs proposals, and why would you oppose tax hikes on the 1%?
President Obama WILL continue with his bus tours, he will not stop pointing out the failure of the Republicans..... get used to it Righties!
Some of Barack Obama's critics say "He is too nice", "He is too accommodating to his enemies", "He needs to be forceful in his words", "He needs to get angry at those Republicans who are so blatantly disrespectful".....
And to you I say, he can not....Even before President Obama was born, this is what Blacks were taught, this is how you acted if you wanted to be safe, be accepted in a dangerously hateful and racist South, this was life or death for Blacks.......
"Integrated Bus Suggestions"
19 December 1956
[Montgomery, Ala.]
On 17 December the Supreme Court rejected city and state appeals
of Browder v.Gayle and ordered Montgomery's buses desegregated.
Three days later, when the court order arrived by mail, the MIA held
two mass meetings to formally call the bus boycott to an end and prepare
for the next day when the protesters returned to the buses. After several
weeks of nonviolent training sessions, King and Glenn Smiley prepared
these guidelines for mass distribution.
This is a historic week because segregattion on buses now been declared
unconstitutional. Within a few days the Supreme Court Mandate will reach
Montgomery and you will be re-boarding integrated buses. This places
upon us all a tremendous responsibility of maintaining, in face of what
could be some unpleasantness, a calm and loving dignity befitting good
citizens and members of our Race. If there is violence in word or deed
it must not be our people who commit it.
For your help and convience the following suggestions are made. Will
you read, study and memorize them so that our non-violent determination
may not be endangered. First, some general suggestions:
1. Not all white people are opposed to integrated buses. Accept goodwill
on the part of many.
2. The whole bus is now for the use of all people. Take
a vacant seat.
3. Pray for guidance and commit yourself to complete non-violence
in word and action as you enter the bus.
4. Demonstrate the calm dignity of our Montgomery people in your actions.
5. In all things observe ordinary rules of courtesy and good behavior.
6. Remember that this is not a victory for Negroes alone, but for all
Montgomery and the South. Do not boast! Do not brag!
7. Be quiet but friendly; proud, but not arrogant; joyous, but not
8. Be loving enough to absorb evil and understanding enough to turn
an enemy into a friend.
1. The bus driver is in charge of the bus and has been instructed to
obey the law. Assume that he will cooperate in helping you occupy any
vacant seat.
2. Do not deliberately sit by a white person, unless there is no other
3. In sitting down by a person, white or colored, say "May I" or "Pardon
me" as you sit. This is a common courtesy.
4. If cursed, do not curse back. If pushed, do not push back. If struck,
do not strike back, but evidence love and goodwill at all times.
5. In case of an incident, talk as little as possible, and always in
a quiet tone. Do not get up from your seat! Report all serious incidents
to the bus driver.
6. For the first few days try to get on the bus with a friend in whose
non-violence you have confidence. You can uphold one another by a glance
or a prayer.
7. If another person is being molested, do not arise to go to his defense,
but pray for the oppressor and use moral and spiritual force to carry
on the struggle for justice.
8. According to your own ability and personality, do not be afraid
to experiment with new and creative techniques for achieving reconciliation
and social change.
9. If you feel you cannot take it, walk for another week or two. We
have confidence in our people. GOD BLESS YOU ALL.
Do you think there will be a point in time when Americans feel sorry for the sorry ass GOP? I mean come on, this is getting RIDICULOUS....The GOP is embarrassed, so embarrassed by their lack of a common sense jobs plan to rebut President Obama's plan that they threw together a plan that sounds very much like one they threw out hundreds of times before....
The plan would put a moratorium on regulations, repeal the health care and financial reform laws, and streamline permitting for energy exploration and mining — all initiatives the GOP has been proposing all year.
The plan also calls for enacting a tax reform package with a maximum tax rate of 25 percent — far below the current maximum rate of 35 percent, which is scheduled to increase to 39.6 percent in 2013.
Wow, genius! The majority of the country has spoken, they say do NONE of these things the GOP put in their plan, and if you do we are kicking your asses to the curb!
Americans are awake and paying attention, they HATE the GOP and their pathetic, regressive, stupid jobs plan... pathetic, so pathetic. No, I do not feel sorry for these stupid GOOPers.
The Senate will vote tonight on President Obama's jobs bill. Now, we all know the GOP will not vote to put Americans to work, but what about the Democrats who will not be supporting the president with a yes vote?? What the hell is their excuse? Why are they voting NO to keep 280,000 teachers working, why are they voting NO to police, firefighters, construction workers?? And why are they siding with the most hideous do-nothing Congress ever to take away opportunities for our unemployed veterans??
It's so simple...POLITICS!!! But for now forget about the Bluedogs, don't let the media tell you it is the Presidents fault the Bluedogs didn't get in line. Focus on the GOP, they think by obstructing the jobs proposals by President Obama some how it makes the country blame the president, NOT the other way around. This assumption the people are as stupid as their average Republican Fox viewer is preposterous! When the Senate votes, and not a single GOP'er votes yes, then the country blames the few Bluedogs and the president for the failure of the bill?? The country is NOT as stupid as the GOP would LOVE it to be!! So it is true...Democrats, unfortunately, do not fall lock step in line like the Stepford Wives in the GOP.... and even if they did, the GOP is in unison, voting NO for jobs for America. The GOP opposes any jobs measures for political reasons. Do You See This?? Of course you do, So who do we blame?? THE REPUBLICAN DO NOTHING PARTY, that's who....
There is NO argument the GOP can stand on to convince the suffering Americans that this bill must fail for the sake of the country! Hilarious and disturbing....
No excuse even for a teabagger, this bill is paid for by a 5.6% tax increase on income over $1million per year.
If you are one who will blame the Dems and want to give them a piece of your mind, here are the fence sitters......
Manchin (WV) 202-224-3954 ; Joe Lieberman (CT) 202-224-4041 ; Mary
Landreiu (LA) (202) 224-5824 ; Jon Tester (MT) (202) 224-2644 and Ben
Nelson's (NE) Office says he is leaning "Yes" please call him and ask
that he support this bill (202) 224-6551
this is what we, well most of us, think about Wall Street...The Beast that ate America. Finally Americans woke up and are now Occupying Wall Street. But alas, the Teabagger righties are speaking out AGAINST these American protesters and are DEFENDING Wall Street! Now, I say teabaggers because actually some sane Righties have joined in the protests because they see this is about Wall Street, after getting bailed out by the taxpayers, (All Taxpayers), returning to the same destructive behavior that got us into our horrific economic mess.
Eric Cantor spoke out against these patriots today calling them MOBS, and of course blaming Democrats and the president....laughable and delusional....Why would the GOP leader condemn these people who are just exercising their right to protest, ya know, like the teabaggers did? These people have every right to be angry about economic inequality, corporate greed and the influence of money on American politics! This Occupying of Wall Street is NOT a Liberal version of the Tea Party, it is AN AMERICAN uprising from all facets of society who have had ENOUGH of the GREED on Wall Street!
Mitt Romney
called the movement class warfare and said it was dangerous, while
Herman Cain called the protesters "un-American."
Rick Santorum offered Obama some unsolicited advice, recommending that he distance himself from the protesters...... "This is the hard core of the Democratic Party, which, if I were Barack
Obama — and I'm not giving advice to the president — I would certainly
distance myself from," Santorum, who is running to replace Obama in
2012, said Friday on CNBC. "He's got those folks, what he's having
problems with is the rest of America who's suffering because he's been
listening too much to those folks." LOLOL!
These demonstrations ARE NOT about Left and Right, but the Republicans can't seem to refrain from calling the protesters "Liberal Loons". All you have to do is listen to the Republican Party heaping mounds of sympathy on Wall St. to know what they would do if they won the Senate and White House in 2012.
The Teapublican Party who said TARP was a huge mistake and was the reason for the Tea Party rise....The Teapublican Party was horrified by President Obama's loans to Wall St. giants, they said to hell with the Big Banks, let them fail! But now the GOP leaders are calling these patriotic Americans Loons, Hippies, Rioters, Menacing Mobs, for standing up for middle America against the Beast, well.......it's just psycho talk......the GOP looks pretty silly standing up for Wall St. The country is watching and listening to you GOP....as a matter of fact the whole world is watching as the GOP defends the 1%!!
what's it gonna take for these assholes to get it right?? This is an AMERICAN MOVEMENT about the greed on Wall St., NOT a Hippie sit in!!!
FIVE Teabaggers show up to sit in their Walmart lawnchairs, hold their misspelled signs, drink their Kool-aid, and bash the Wall Street protesters AND the media focuses on THEM!!!
Since September 17th there has been a protest taking place in
Liberty Plaza (Zuccotti Park), which is in the heart of New York City’s
Financial district. The protest has been called “Occupy Wall Street”. It
is a ”leaderless resistance movement” spearheaded by the activist
magazine Adbusters. They want to take to task the people responsible for
the meltdown of the national and world economy.
Up until now,
there has been virtually no press coverage for the event. Just a
smattering on some news outlets, with a little more coverage on liberal
news outlets such as MSNBC and Current. However in recent days, a group
of five Tea Party members have set up a lawn chairs directly across the
street from the Wall Street protesters, so that they can protest “this
liberal agenda of shutting down capitalism.” Since arriving on the
scene, news trucks from around the world have focused their attention on
this protest of the protest by these few Tea Party Patriots.
asking one of the Tea Party members why they were there he replied,
“Whenever I see these liberal progressive commies I assume it’s for a
bad reason, so I’m here to make sure they don’t get too riled up and
cause our economy to shut down completely.” When the Tea Party member
was informed that the protesters were there to make their voices heard
over the economic collapse, and want to hold the people to blame
accountable he said, “Then why isn’t they down at the White House
tellin’ that socialist Obama to stop tryin’ to regulate these here
people just tryin’ to do business.”
It was quite obvious that
the meaning of the protest was lost on these Tea Party members who were
there just to be angry at “the progressives” with no other apparent
cause to be sitting there all day every day. At least now the protest is
getting the news coverage it was failing to draw on its own.
Apparently, five Tea Party members is more news worthy than thousands of
The House Republicans have been working hard, or so they'd like you to believe. But what came out of "The People's House" yesterday is nothing but a punch in the gut for our suffering, job starved, poverty stricken nation. It is deplorable and disgusting...
The "draft budget" proposal for labor, health, and human services is nothing but an insult to our intelligence. It includes Planned Parenthood, National Public Radio, President Obama's health care reform law, and with winter just a month away (for most, sooner for some, with N Carolina mountains actually getting snow !) the bastards proposed cuts to heat subsidies, they slashed education funding by 2.4 billion, eliminated "Race to the Top" education reform program, and will reduce eligibility for Pell Grants for low-income college students...But most egregious, with this party of Goop who claimed to focus on JOBS in order to dupe the people into giving them power in 2010(idiots!), this budget REDUCES funding for job training programs that give the unemployed skills they need to FIND NEW WORK... DUH!!!
The GOP is slashing job training programs, but it's not the first time, in February the plan proposed by House Budget Committee Chairman Paul
Ryan (R-WI) — and approved by almost the entire GOP caucus — gutted federal job training funding by nearly 50 percent. Republicans’ preoccupation with abolishing these programs illustrates that their talk about creating jobs is nothing more than empty rhetoric to conceal a pro-corporate agenda.
This whole thing makes me ill, but is it a shock? ...Hell no, it's all very well planned and orchestrated to prevent Americans from finding work, moving out of poverty, and god-forbid, give the credit to the Democrats...The GOP DOES NOT CARE ABOUT YOU AND YOUR FAMILY, what more do you need to see before you get mad and VOTE the fuckers OUT!!??
The above picture came from the Facebook page The Christian Left:
....... Many of these are elderly, or disabled, or veterans, plus of course in recent years many more have been thrown
out of work and have often lost homes as a result ... now more than
ever is a time for a compassionate society, not the callousness we see
on the Right, which tries to justify not helping others (often on the
excuse of a relative few freeloaders or opportunists).
Christians, we look to God's perspective on personal responsibility,
which centers on our responsibility to love our neighbors as ourselves,
to practice the Golden Rule in every area of society (including
government), to care for "the least of these" whose treatment Jesus takes
very personally. "Whatever you have done/failed to do for the least of
these, you have done/failed to do for me" (Mt 25.31-46).
Of all the varieties of virtues, liberalism is the most beloved. -- Aristotle
What if....
The Road To Hell Is Paved With Republicans.
Keep the immigrants, deport the republicans.
Democrats: Cleaning Up Republican Messes Since 1933
A working person who votes Republican is like a chicken who supports Colonel Sanders.
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