Midge Hough is a Facebook friend. We've been friends for just about a month :). I sent her a friend request when I discovered she was from a town in NJ not far from me, and she accepted. I stumbled upon this beautiful story, a sad chapter in her life which led to her activism. I am proud of her and her fight for affordable healthcare for ALL Americans not just the "chosen" few. This touching piece was written by David Phillips and published in Addicting Info.
Midge and I thank you for reading...
I met Midge Hough in the most modern of ways, on a Facebook thread.
Midge was involved in an increasingly heated discussion, amongst
progressives, about Obama’s lame duck tax compromise with Republicans
that traded an extension of the Bush tax cuts for a long-term extension
of unemployment benefits (among other things). Posters on the thread
were mad as hell. But Midge kept defending the decision by looking at
the bigger picture. She knew what would happen to those unemployed folks
if the President didn’t make this deal. I chimed in on the thread and
took her side immediately. Shortly after, I requested her friendship on
Facebook. By the morning, I had written an article based around the idea
of the back and forth from the night before and my fervent belief that
Obama was getting the short end from liberals. I passed it along to
Midge who pushed it with all her might on her own page.
I guess you could say we liked each other right away.
Of course, this was merely a first impression. But as Midge and I
continued our increasingly frequent correspondence, she began to open up
and tell me her story. We all have a story, but the tale of how Midge
went from a modestly active progressive to that of a fervent activist is
both a tragic and extraordinary one.
This is the road that she was at first forced to take, but has now learned to embrace.
It began with the pregnancy of her daughter-in-law, Jenny Fritts.
Like many young couples during the financial downturn, Jenny and her
husband were facing hard times. They had both lost their jobs and one
could argue the last thing the two of them needed was the additional
burden that having another child creates (they already had a 2 year old
girl). They did not plan to get pregnant, but pregnant they became and
now had a decision to make.
It wasn’t a tough one. They decided to keep the baby and face the
potentially sobering challenges ahead…together. It was a brave choice,
made with realism and a full understanding of their less than ideal
They wanted this baby.
During her third trimester, Jenny began to feel ill. Lacking any
health insurance, Jenny was taken to the ER, diagnosed with a ‘cold’ and
exhaustion and then treated (poorly) and sent home. It is a practice
known as ‘dumping’: a sad, often unspoken, policy which doctors follow
when seeing someone with a potentially expensive condition who does not
appear to have the means to pay. The minimum amount of service is
provided and maybe a ‘best of luck’ on the way out the door.
Jenny did not have the best of luck.
Less than 24 hours after being told she had a ‘cold,’ Jenny was back
in the ER with a diagnosis of double pneumonia, septic shock, and
respiratory failure, this time at a different hospital. She would soon
be placed on life support.
She spent exactly 55 days at this largely inadequately resourced
non-profit hospital. In that time she developed blood clots, a brain
bleed, followed by a stroke and a heart attack. During the majority of
this time Jenny was not unconscious, she knew exactly what was happening
to her; think of that. At one point, her condition deteriorated so much
that she could not be laid flat to be transported from one room to
another simply for tests; every time they tried, she would code.
The Houghs tried, multiple times, to move Jenny to a more advanced hospital. However, none would
accept the transfer. They had waited for 52 days for the hospital to
get a portable respirator that would breathe for her so she could be
transported to undergo further testing. By the time it arrived, it was
too late; 3 days later, on August 26, 2009, Jenny died.
Her baby girl was delivered stillborn by induced labor on day 32. The
stress on her mother was more than she could bear. The child had died
inside of her 10 days earlier, when Jenny had her heart attack. The
doctors were forced to wait the extra week and a half, before delivery,
to allow Jenny to recover (as much as possible) from her heart trauma.
Midge and her son were able to hold the tiny little girl before
committing her to memory.
For 32 days this courageous young woman fought to bring her child
into the world despite inadequate care and facilities. For 23 more days
she clung to life in the face of any sensible prediction. After all, she
had another child to come home to. She suffered in ways that are
unimaginable. There are no appropriate metaphors to describe what Jenny
and her family went through. How could Hell be worse than this?
To watch this sweet young girl go from a healthy mother to be to that
of a helpless witness to her own, and her baby’s, demise is
unconscionable. Now, imagine that all you could do was watch. What must
that have been like? Do any of us want to consider the horror of this?
Would we ever want to walk a foot, let alone a mile, in the shoes of the
Houghs? I sure as hell don’t.
For quite a while, Midge felt lost and in a haze. She attended a
candlelight vigil in Grant Park for the fight to reform health care one
week after Jenny’s death. The photo at the beginning of the article is
from that day. The home-made poster she was holding of Jenny was created
to give the cost of our health care system a human face. Despite the
efforts of many a reporter to get a quote from her, Midge was not yet
strong enough to speak.
She began to write about her experience on Facebook, she found it
therapeutic. The support she received from the virtual community–from
people she had never met–encouraged her. One week later she found her
voice at a protest against Big Insurance (BCBS) in downtown Chicago.
There, she gave her first interviews; action groups asked for pro-reform
videos, which she completed the following week. She then hit every
media outlet that was willing to make itself available to her.
Through this devastating ordeal, she had found purpose.
She spoke with Illinois Governor, Pat Quinn, and the senior Senator from Illinois, Dick Durbin; she was a featured guest on the “Ed Show”
and even Al-Jazeera. Her story had reached beyond the personal and
became a heartrending national example of our failed health care system.
The video became so popular on YouTube that it temporarily crashed the
She also began to speak at rallies. Despite her own nervousness over
talking in front of a large crowd, Midge found that once she began to
speak, “It just takes you.”
Her reception at these events was not always cordial. At one town
hall in Oak Lawn, Illinois, she was the guest speaker of Democratic
Congressman, Dan Lipinski (whom she came to thank for his support of
HCR, but would ironically vote ‘no’ when the measure came to the House
floor). Things turned grim after she took the microphone; the Tea Party
had arrived. Here is what happened:
After all she had been through, Midge had become a target, in
particular, by a satellite division of the Tea Party known as The
Chicago Tea Party Patriots. They ridiculed her story, accused her of
making it up, and of lying about the deaths of her daughter-in-law and
her grandchild. The story became so well-known for its lack of decency,
that it actually made Keith Olbermann’s ‘Worst Persons in the World’
segment on Countdown. The video of Keith defending the Houghs was nearly
as well-viewed as the piece from The Ed Show.
What fascinates me here is, not just the willingness of these
‘patriots’ to disparage and, quite honestly, make shit up about a woman
who had suffered a tremendous loss, but the fact that they simply
skirted over the simple truth that Jenny chose NOT to have an abortion
even though it could have been argued as being a more ‘practical’
decision. Jenny chose life, and in a terrible twist of fate, she
received the opposite. You would think that Tea Party Patriots would
applaud such a decision as it fits into their own ideology. But the
truth is, they don’t give a shit about people like Jenny. The unborn
child? Maybe. The mother and the family of said child? Not at all. But
who brings that unborn child into the world? Is it not the mother, and
the doctors and nurses in the health care system? A system that didn’t
just kill Jenny, but her daughter too.
Despite this sort of treatment from the Chicago wing of the Tea Party Patriots, Midge soldiered on.
She fought hard for the Health Care Reform Bill. She continued to
speak at rallies and town halls regardless of the lack of respect shown
to her by some of the attendees. Jenny’s story was read by Durbin on the
Senate floor during the health care battle and again later by Illinois
Congresswoman, Jan Schakowsky, on the floor of the House after the bill
was passed.
She created an activist website, Progressive Citizens for America.
Her husband also created a site to directly respond to the dishonesty
of the Tea Party Patriots as well. She didn’t stop; not when it was
brutally hard, and not when it would have been much easier to do so.
Like Jenny, she didn’t stop.
When the Affordable Care Act was finally signed into law by President
Obama on March 23, 2010 Midge, like many progressives, found it to be a
bittersweet experience. She would have loved Medicare for everyone, but
didn’t believe that it was possible. She was more than a little
disappointed about the lack of a public option. But she believed what
was passed was better than what we had before, and could be built upon.
However, unlike most progressives (or almost anyone else for that
matter), she had experienced a personal tragedy extraordinarily rare and
indicative of the porous state of health care in this country. As Midge
pointed out to me, this bill would have saved Jenny’s life from the
pitfalls of living with the pre-existing condition known as pregnancy;
and that was good enough for now.
As she said, “People think they know what they would do. But once you enter the maze (of the health care system), you have no idea.”
Midge knows this better than anyone I have ever met. Her life was
forever changed by those 55 days. Her husband stands with her, her son
battles a debilitating depression, there is a little girl who will never
know her mother, and another who never knew life outside of the womb.
None of this ended with Jenny’s death. It is a scar and a haunt that
will dog these good people for the rest of their lives.
But Midge will not stop. She continues to fight for advancements to
the way we treat the sick and the elderly in this country. She fights
for the rights of organized labor, the middle class, and the less
fortunate. She gives a voice to the voiceless.
She is my friend and I am all the better for it.
Midge told me that she still feels raw when she thinks of another young girl facing what Jenny went through. As she put it, “I do it all in her name.”
I would disagree with her slightly, she does it in all of our names. Even the ones she will never know.
For Midge and all the fighters.... keep on keepin' on, we are so ~ PROUD ~ to have you on our side!!
Rachel Maddow Devastates Trump And Calls Him A Decorative President
Rachel Maddow described Trump as a decorative president, while Elon Musk
does the real work.
4 hours ago
Forgive me please... I am an employee of a company that offers a reasonable, actually a good health care plan.
It cost me approximately $2,200.00 per year to cover my wife and myself. The "greedy company" I work for pays approximately $12,000 each year to maintain my benefits.
I am more than happy with that and want the government to steer clear of my benefits before it total f**ks them up.
Also, before y'all rant about me having that executive insurance plan I assure you I am but a lowly first level supervisor at this late stage in my life.
So, please leave my health are alone. The government has f'ed up enough... Don't ya think?
Very simple, the pro corporate for profit industry which replaced the former Hippocratic Oath medical system we currently have in the United States MURDERED this woman and her child.
If money hadn't been more important then the life of the mother and her unborn child, they would both be alive and some fat cats on wall street would be a few pennies less obscenely rich.
I'm happy for you RN, but 37927 is correct! This young woman and her child are dead because of that first hospital turning her away...That is unconscionable and these kinds of stories are NOT RARE.
Part of this post is about the heartless teabaggers and their cruelty towards Midge. They laugh at the death of her family members preventable deaths, yet expect the country to embrace their movement! Such a sickening bunch, how dare they come out of their caves and walk our streets!
RN, I'm delighted that you are lucky enough to be employed and therefore have employer health insurance. That sets you apart from a whole hell of a lot of people these days. As bad as this "I've got mine, screw you" attitude is, I'd like to think that 1) if you were a doctor, you would not turn that unemployed, uninsured woman down; 2) if you were among the Tea Party thugs in that crowd, you would be gentleman enough and compassionate enough not to hurl obscenities at her.
I have nothing but admiration for Midge and also follow her on FB. She is not one of those crazy hard assed lefties. She is a very reasonable and astute activitist who has been brave enough to raise questions that have made those same hard lefties furious.
Good post, Sue.
Leslie, take notice, RN never said a word about Midge and her sad story, nothing about the hateful teabaggers, just himself.
This sad story is one of the many "free market" healthcare solutions. In this case a "final solution". This kind of tragedy will continue because human life has little value in the "free market". It is pure social darwinism.
Ours is not a civilized nation.
RN, I am glad YOU have health care and a job, good for you.
Some in this country that the right wing PRETENDS is christian based, do not, through no fault of their own.
FOR ONCE, just once I wish the right wing could think for one second of somebody besides themselves.
You know, like Jesus did when he sacrificed himself on the cross for others sins.
That would be so nice from the right wing people, who claim to be such devout Christians this supposed christian based country.
are there NO unemployed conservatives..NO conservatives who die because they have no insurance?? If there are they apparently blame themselves like their leaders tell them to. How sad for them....
Dear RN,
You're a lucky guy. My single-mother daughter of two worked for a high-tech company for over a year and had NO INSURANCE COVERAGE! When she got sick and needed to see a doctor, I paid for it, since she is struggling with expense after expense [her soon to be ex is useless in this]. At one point she had to go to the emergency room for a female problem. The story Sue posted makes my blood turn to ice. This could be my daughter.
My daughter recently quit the job that didn't offer insurance coverage and found another that will give her coverage] [which she pays into, but only after she waits 3 months.]
One of the places she is able to receive some female health care [mammograms and pap smears] at low cost is Planned Parenthood, but the GOP politicians incredibly have been working diligently to deprive struggling women like my daughter of that small bit of health care coverage.
Can anyone imagine a group of more mean-spirited, depraved and inhumane people? Do the GOP politicians have any g-d idea of how many women they put at risk when they go after Planned Parenthood?
Sue's story is a heartbreaking example of what happens when people are desperate and have no health insurance: THEY DIE.
May I add:
Only in America...
and Third World Countries.
Shame! And heaps of shame on those in the Republican Party who have worked to close down PP.
Thank you for that comment Shaw. It all makes me furious too. I can't for the life of me understand how that selfish, hateful, Republican party has a following of women. They are blind sheeple, they are republicans because liberals are heathens....so they've been taught. They fear for their salvation...their leaders and their daddy's have told them to be a liberal means you will go to Hell. To me, being a Republican is a thousand times worse than Hell...
RN: ". . . please leave my health care alone."
Nobody is trying to snatch away your health care. It's about the millions of Americans who cannot afford it, either because they are unemployed or work for companies who don't provide it, or for companies which deliberately set the number of hours employees have to work in order to be eligible to such a low amount that employees have to work two jobs to make ends meet, and it's about all the people out there who can't get insurance because of pre-existing conditions or who have it but get dropped when they get a catastrophic illness.
One question. Based on what you say, are we to assume you will opt out of Medicare when you retire.
The story of Jenny Fritts is a sad one. I hate to hear of anyone going through something like that.
It's too bad Jenny didn't make the decision to abort her baby. It would have been a better decision than seeing the baby to term as she and her husband were both unemployed. I wonder why two people with no means to take care of a child would choose to have a child but that's fodder for another discussion.
Did you take the time to research the story about The Chicago Tea Party Patriots? There is no truth to the story of them targeting Midge; that story is a complete fabrication.
But back to the real issue. Like RN I too have excellent employer provided health care. During open enrollment last year the premiums my employer pays close to doubled in order to comply with the new health care regulations. It is only going to get worse as our president continues to screw with a system he does not understand. I have given up on him wising up and realizing his mistake and so can only hope that SCOTUS declares ObamaCare unconstitutional.
The government has done quite a job of f'ing up our health care system. Lets end their intervention before they completely destroy it.
No American should be treated this way. I wish we could afford Medicare for all although seniors would def be at the bottom of the list.Medicare is already rationing care to seniors.
My sister in law is an ER Nurse and said they are not allowed to ask "immigrants" about insurance once they say they don't have any because they know they will never get paid. This is one reason health care has skyrocketed in this country. Not just that but Medicaid as well.
"As bad as this "I've got mine, screw you" attitude is, I'd like to think that 1) if you were a doctor, you would not turn that unemployed, uninsured woman down; 2) if you were among the Tea Party thugs in that crowd, you would be gentleman enough and compassionate enough not to hurl obscenities at her."
1) Were I a doctor I would not turn away one(s) who came to me obviously needed medical attention. As in past time I would seek to find arrangement's suitable to the situation the individual found themselves in.
2)I was not a Tea Party member attending said function. I have not aligned myself as a member of any party. That means the the Tea Party as well.
3) It is my principles and values that would not allow me to hurl obscenities at a women for speaking what she believes. Hurling obscenities merely points to the immaturity and ignorance of the person hurling the obscenities. Regardless if their original premise may be correct or not.
Sue - Perhaps if you stopped stereotyping the Tea Party,{along with every one else you don't agree with} and differentiate between those who are sensible {and there are many more than not} I might respond differently to your hyper partisan posts.
Numbers guy - First when did you ever hear me len on religion, Christianity or otherwise in supporting anything I have said.
Religion in my considered opinion has no place in rational discussion. Ethics on the other hand do.
Shaw - Your daughters ex should be made to 1) support his children as I did my three for 15 years... the result of a divorce. At one point I had a mere 300 dollars a month for all my own expenses as I was supporting my children and ex wife as well until the house sold... I gave here all the proceeds of the sale (30,000 dollars in 1987)so my children would have more.
It is a sad story Shaw, I understand the plight she is in. And should the government ever actually find a workable proven successful health care model {the Swiss plan comes to mind}I say go for it.
LP - I see socialsecurity as a forced government investment. Like all investmenrtts I intend to collect on my returns.
As to medicare, I'll take it and pay for it. But since it is not great coverage I'll certainly do the supplemental route as well.
My company, who employed over 1500 when I started just sent another 100 or so to the unemployment line. Their total employment is down 50%, so who knows. Perhaps I'll be next.
After I was laid off... I had an opportunity to buy insurance, through the state, with about a $3K annual co/pay deductable... for only $1050 a month. Trouble was... the unemployment only came to $950.
It is a system that needs fixing...too much of consumer's money goes directly to third party carriers (insurance companies) who have yet to heal anyone. The sock it to the Doctor's too. The system does need reform....I am not smart enough to give a guess... but it can be done. Operative word, again, is REFORM.
First when did you ever hear me len on religion, Christianity or otherwise in supporting anything I have said.
Umm .... RN up your reading comprehension skills a bit.
to wit;
that the right wing PRETENDS is christian based
Unless your are all of the right wing in the country,
That bit wasn't about YOU,
Not all that is posted is about you BTW.
Just thought you might need to know this since you responded as it was all about you.
Since I wrote this line;
That would be so nice from the right wing people, who claim to be such devout Christians this supposed christian based country.
And you claim correctly not to have based your response on Jesus and his message, you MIGHT have gotten the HINT that the line was NOT ABOUT YOU,
but alas you didn't.
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