Friday, October 14, 2011

The plan the plan the plan plan plan...

          Do you think there will be a point in time when Americans feel sorry for the sorry ass GOP? I mean come on, this is getting RIDICULOUS....The GOP is embarrassed, so embarrassed by their lack of a common sense jobs plan to rebut President Obama's plan that they threw together a plan that sounds very much like one they threw out hundreds of times before....
The plan would put a moratorium on regulations, repeal the health care and financial reform laws, and streamline permitting for energy exploration and mining — all initiatives the GOP has been proposing all year.

The plan also calls for enacting a tax reform package with a maximum tax rate of 25 percent — far below the current maximum rate of 35 percent, which is scheduled to increase to 39.6 percent in 2013.

Wow, genius! The majority of the country has spoken, they say do NONE of these things the GOP put in their plan, and if you do we are kicking your asses to the curb!

Americans are awake and paying attention, they HATE the GOP and their pathetic, regressive, stupid jobs plan... pathetic, so pathetic.  No, I do not feel sorry for these stupid GOOPers.


Shaw Kenawe said...

Herman Cain's 9 9 9 plan is sinking faster than a lead pizza in a bucket of Haagen Dasz black walnut ice cream.

Mr. Cain has labeled himself as Haagen Dasz's black walnut flavor of the month, which he said is popular and that people love.

Except for these facts:

"Herman Cain has rejected the claim that his surge is the poll is NOT long-lasti­ng and he is NOT "Flavor of the Month". Mr. Cain’s canned response is: “Haagen-Da­zs black walnut tastes good all the time.”

There’s a problem:
Haagen Dazs no longer makes black walnut ice cream.
It was a limited edition, and is no longer available. A Flavor of The Month !

Hazel, at the Haagen-Daz customer service line, said, “We don’t sell black walnut. The sales nationally did not meet our expectatio­ns, unfortunat­ely. It did not behoove us to continue with the product.”

The ice cream did not meet expectatio­ns. Cain had better hope that is not a metaphor for his candidacy."

Ranch Chimp said...

Actually just as I suspected in past posting's when I pointed out, right before they took that long vacation, knowing every time they come back and the President has some proposal, someone is there to chop it up and we alwayz get railroaded out of something else (shit almost never fail's Sue), there are democrat's such as Reid and Baucus too behind alot of this GOP contamination twist, it's all about money Sue. That's why I never like to ask for anything, because anything we ask for will be opportunity for them to twist something else out it to where we have to give more than we asked for, this cesspool as a whole is mostly a waste of our time basically. Just my opinion though.

Take Care ....

Ranch Chimp said...

Frankly Sue, I suspected for long that alot of these "plan's" are engineered month's before we even get wind of them as well.

Ranch Chimp said...

Sorry, I also forgot to add that I caught some brief news this morning, I think it was CNN ... actually praising Congress for getting a new plan through that can create job's, which basically from what I gathered was nothing more than some South Korean and South American trade policies ... again, mark my word, for more strictly corporate interest's to invest offshore in cheaper slave market's ... just watch.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

The republican strategy of repeating the same bullshit over and over again will work until it stops working. And sadly it hasn't stopped working yet.

These assholes have convinced the idiots among us that the economic catastrophe the greeted Obama when he took office was Obama's fault.

PT Barnum, not Reagan, is the real god of the republican party.

Lisa said...

Oh and everything the amateur president has done has made things worse. So yeas let's undo what he did and get this economy moving again because thanks to the democrats it has been moving in reverse the last 3 years.
Appealing Obamacare is step one.

Commander Zaius said...

Oh my God! Sorry to drift off your post but that picture of McCain and Paul is an utter riot!

I cannot tell if McCain is constipated or if he secretly thinks Paul is an idiot. Probably the former.

Mary said...

Lol Shaw...I love your comment.

I am leaving the countdown to a Republican jobs plan up on my blog until they come up with a plan plan plan that creates job and just doesn't put more money in their Wall Street buddies pockets!

Sue said...

McCain says they're gonna piecemeal their plan like the president is doing with his(he's forced to because of the lame ass GOP) so Republicans can vote on the parts they think are popular to the voters! LOL! Which provisions would that be John? He says a moratorium on federal regulations which are coming out by the thousands and costing businesses BILLIONS AND BILLIONS of jobs would be popular....LMAO!! Billions and Billions?? We don't even have a billions US workers!

Unbelievably, Rand Paul thinks the tax cuts will be a political winner! Really??? It gets funnier and funnier...

“What we’re trying to do is to actually try to give back to the tax payer more of their money," Paul said. "The only time we have had sustained economic growth in recent history where we had 6 percent and 7 percent economic growth in a year was when Reagan lowered tax rates. Instead of raising tax rates you need to lower tax rates.”

Paul said Republicans were adopting the tactic - and blocking a vote on Obama's full jobs plan - because the president didn't consult with them before introducing his legislation.

"I think the President didn’t come and talk to Republicans… if he wants to work with us he needs to talk to us instead of going around the country berating us with ‘pass it, pass it now.’ If there is common ground we can only find that by the president talking to us,” Paul said.

Hideous people, those GOOPers

Leslie Parsley said...

I'm with Beach Bum on that picture. Fantastic. And when I first saw Lisa's I really thought it was a skunk. Hmmmm.

Sue said...

the country has been moving in the right direction for the past few yrs, but lisa and her teabagger buddies are blind to that fact out of jealousy, I guess. Yes let's put those lameass do-nothing but what they've done before and failed at morons back in full power. Yes that is the smart thing to do...NOT!!!

common sense said...

The far left has lost all, and I mean all, credibility. During the Bush years, they were against war, they hated the Patriot Act, they despised Gitmo and rendition, they railed against civil rights violations, they supported Latinos fiercely, they defended the status quo with regards to MediCare, they complained about One Child Left Behind and the subscription drug benefit, they whined and moaned about everything and anything that President Bush did. Including things he didn't do ("Bush lied, people died"--of course, he didn't lie, and all, including Hillary Clinton, but one Democrat voted for the war in Iraq because every intelligence agency in the free world agreed that there were wmd's in Iraq. And as it turns out, there were.).

The left is now suddenly loving war, not only the two President Bush started, but also the third that BO started in Libya. The Patriot Act was not only extended but new civil-rights-violating powers were granted to the president; crickets from the left. They don't like that Gitmo is still open, but when was the last protest you saw? When was the last time you saw the alphabet propagandists do a daily death toll of U. S. soldiers? They love rendition now, or at least don't seem to bother too much about it. At first they were upset about the TSA, but they quickly quieted down about that. They have nothing at all to say about the hundreds of Mexicans killed by the U. S. government who are now breaking international treaties and using taxpayer money to run guns to Mexican drug cartels. Not a peep about this. Dead Mexicans? So what, I guess. They didn't notice or care that the healthcare monstrosity cut half a billion dollars from MediCare, and they just love "race to the top," an idiot education act that makes NCLB look like a good idea. They still complain that the MediCare subscription drug benefit wasn't funded, but they don't want it repealed and don't care that nothing BO passes is funded.

In short, we know now, beyond any shadow of any doubt, that leftists are partisan frauds. They don't have principled reactions to anything; it's all about who's sitting in the Oval and what letter follows his (or her) name. No one takes them seriously, no one thinks for one instant that anything they say has merit. And that won't change when the GOP takes the WH in 2013.

Mary said...

Wow, Common, I am impressed! Do you write that out every time or are just copying and pasting it everywhere. You are special, you are smart, now shut up, sit down and stay out of our way!

We ARE the 99%!

(Incidentally, so are you, but while you are going on about your tax dollars, I say again, sit down and shut are the type that waits for others to do for you and them reap the benefits, while complaining about it all the way.)

Sue said...

you are a delusional wack job CS DUH...

The occupy Wall St protests are NOT just liberals protesting, but All walks of life including (GASP!) Righties!! The protests are going on ACROSS the WORLD and growing each and every day, For you see, this is an American and global problem we face with Corporate greed and corruption...But of course you love corporate greed and support it, don't ya?

You are wrong about the left loving war, we still hate war..It's just a fact our president inherited wars, You are wrong about the WMD's too...

The frauds are the wingnuts and their thirst for power, so much so they put the world economy at risk, they coddle the rich... they hate Americans and everything we stand for...They think they can change the Constitution to suit wingnuttery.... They think they can tell citizens who they can marry, who they can fuck, and how many kids they should have... They think it's up to them who can be president and who is not worthy....They think they can tell a woman what she can do with her reproductive organs... they think it's perfectly normal to let people die because they can't afford astronomical health insurance costs, because they think the corporate thieves are entitled to steal from the working class in America...They think it's okay to suppress the vote and are doing everything in their power to make sure the citizens who normally support Democrats have a real tough time voting. This is the only way they see a win in 2012, to lie, cheat, scam, and prey on the vulnerable. Such scum sucking fuckwads...

You are also delusional if you think one of your pond scum sucking candidates can beat President Obama, that's the funniest thing I've heard all day. You really should pay attention to what is going on in the country instead of playing video games and watching Faux Nooze.

Go away wingnut, read a book...Palin's, Perry's, Bachmann's

and weep! Bwahaaaahaaaahaaaah!!

Jerry Critter said...

You may be common, but you have no sense.

John Myste said...

Cain's plan horribly regressive. He cut out capital gains, so some of the people he is taxing at 9% are really getting taxed at 4.5%, as half their millions are paid in capital gains. Additionally, 100% of the poor spend their money, meaning it all gets taxed. The rich spend a very small fraction of those.

This plan is even sicker than the Fair Tax, which was the most unfair sickest tax I had seen up until now.

Cain's website indicates that Cain would like to get to the Fair Tax also.

Any regressive tax policy pleases him.

Les Carpenter said...

Truth - The GOP is simply inculcating. A proven strategy. If you repeat something often enough (I believe the number is 27 times) a person will remember it.

Works like a charm. The catch is, it should be the right thing one is inculcating.

No, what greeted Obama was not of his own making. He inherited a huge mess. The mess has not really gotten smaller. In fact the deficit and national debt has ballooned.

We'll just have to wait and see. This once independent conservative is scratching his head over the whole damn comedy act. Provided by the reps and the dems of course. Which, at some level I think you agree.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

It sucks that they have to play the game rather than actually, you know, govern responsibly.

Everyone want's their goodies and the other guy should pay higher taxes. Even our pal Rand Paul brags about the pork he brought back to Kentucky.

I just thumped a couple more supply siders at Seeking Alpha and a few people even joined me. it used to be none and the righties would gang up on me. No I have allies. Bwahahahahahahaha...

Les Carpenter said...

Truth - "Provided by the reps and the dems of course."

Should have read... Provided by the repubs and dems of course.

At 3:00AM after a long night st work one can be 1/2 asleep methinks.


Long Live the Republic!

Dave Dubya said...

Anything and everything that makes the aristocracy wealthier is what the Right wing cult loves.

I had to laugh at "Common Dunce". Some people sip the koolade and wear the teabag. He seems to chug the koolade and smoke the tea.

Not only is he Troll dumping a bunch of BS that has nothing to do with the topic, he spews as much of his brainwashed "information" he could copy and paste.

Everything he said was pure nonsense, but my favorite was, "Bush lied, people died"--of course, he didn't lie

Of course. Saddam was buddies with al-Qaeda, had "nukular" aluminum tubes, "biological labs", aerial drones, and was involved in 9/11, etc. I wonder why he forgot to tell us Obama is a foreign Muslim, Marxist anti-christ out to take away our guns and help the terrorists win?

There's nothing their Cult will not believe if Republicans say it.

John Myste said...

Common, you are attacking Obama for tings that the left have also attacked him for, such as keeping war going, and then calling the left a hypocrite for it.

That, of course, is fallacious.

Leslie Parsley said...

"Common Sense"??? Sense??? Harharhar.

You and your twin, and all the other righties should read this post about Karl Denninger. He's one of you and a co-founder of the Tea Party. No doubt, you don't have the desire, and maybe not the ability, to link to the article, so allow me to quote a few passages for you - just to help you along. Imay be OT a bit, but not entirely.

"“The problem with protests and the political process is that it is very easy, no matter how big the protest is, for the politicians to simply wait until the people go home,” financial blogger Karl Denninger observed. “And then they can ignore you.”

“Well, Occupy Wall Street was a little different,” he continued. “And back in 2008, I wrote that when we will actually see change is when the people come, they set up camp, and they refuse to go home. That appears to be happening now.”

"Denninger has been complaining for some time that the Tea Party was hijacked by the Republican establishment and used to protect the very prople it had originally opposed. A year ago, he wrote, “Tea Party my ass. This was nothing other than the Republican Party stealing the anger of a population that was fed up with the Republican Party’s own theft of their tax money at gunpoint to bail out the robbers of Wall Street and fraudulently redirecting it back toward electing the very people who stole all the ****ing money!”

“One of the things that the Occupy movement seems to have going for it is it has not turned around and issued a set of formal demands,” he explains. “This is a good thing, not a bad thing. Everyone is looking for a set of demands. The problem is that as soon as you pipe up with a list of four or five things — and you’ve got to keep it simple and short — then somebody’s going to say, ‘Well, we gave you 70 percent of it, now go home.’ And the fact is, that’s exactly the sort of thing that happened with the Tea Party.”

"Common," I'm hardly a member of the far left. Just this week I have been accused of being a member of the Tea Party, a Palin twin, and a host of other insults by people who are, in fact, hard assed lefties.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Sue, you were too kind to not delete lisa's ignorant comment.

The Bureau of Labor and Statistics easily disproves her lie that things have gotten worse under Obama.

She also conveniently forgets that GM was ready to go under until Mr. Obama saved thousands of American jobs by extending government loans to the company. Not only did GM pay back the government loans, but it turned a profit.

We are having a slow, anemic recovery, not because of Mr. Obama, but because companies aren't hiring. They're sitting on mounds of money.

Corporations have done extremely well under the Obama administration; household debt is lower than it was when he took office;

"...the growth in corporate profits is testimony to the fact that the Obama administration was able to stabilize the economy after the financial meltdown. And the plain fact is that business is good right now for American corporations." --Robert de Neufville, Big Think

Only in lisa's cramped little hate spiteful world are improvements called "making things worse." But what would we expect from someone so ill-informed and intellectually lazy?

Sue said...

Sometimes ya gotta get down and dirty with the teabaggers to spice things lisa and CS duh were there to prove how stupid the teabaggers really are. They do make it fun for us while being so damn serious in their stupid arguments and lies.

Sue said...

from The Christian Science Monitor...

The Senate GOP jobs plan....

the bill is four pages long and 3.5 of those are filled up with legislation already introduced by GOPers in either the Senate or the House. As such, it isn’t so much a passel of new proposals as it is an endorsement by the Senate Republican caucus of their best ideas. There’s not very much that’s “new” but what is “new” is that Senate Republicans are putting their imprimatur on a specific package of legislation.

Jerry Critter said...

"...companies aren't hiring. They're sitting on mounds of money."

You make an important point. They have the money. It just proves the point. Companies do not hire more people just because they can afford to. Obviously cutting their taxes will only give them more money, but gives them no incentive to more people.

Les Carpenter said...

@ Jerry ...

"You make an important point. They have the money. It just proves the point. Companies do not hire more people just because they can afford to. Obviously cutting their taxes will only give them more money, but gives them no incentive to more people."

a point to consider...

Generally companies hire more people as their business grows and expands. All companies, at least the ones I've worked for prefer all their assets to be fully utilized. When business is strong utilization is increased and companies then hire (or bring back unemployed workers)often adding shifts in the process.

Jerry Critter said...

Increased utilization and subsequent hiring come from increased demand for their products and/or services, not more money in the bank.

Malcolm said...

As to whether Americans will ever feel sorry for the GOP, I know I won't. Sympathy for them would be a wasted emotion.

The "comments" by Common (Non)sense are a classic case of projection. The right kept their mouths shut while Bush was racking up debt. However, they suddenly became concerned about spending once a Democrat was in the White House. Later for those hyper-partisan clowns!

By the way, I put the word comments in quotes because what Common wrote wasn't even their own words... it was copied verbatim from another right-wing blog. Not only is Common wrong, but he/she is unoriginal too. That's some combination!

Lisa said...

wow Jerry made the most sane statement.
And it's not that Republicans don't want jobs,they just want a way to pay for it and for the record on a left wing TV show this morning it was stated that an economist said this jobs bill will be disastrous and all the commentator could say was "But we need it for 2012"
What does that tell you?

Sue said...

why all of a sudden do Republicans care about paying for something before its enacted?? That's hypocrisy at its best!! Wow, how bout those two trillion dollar wars?? NOT one bit of worry on how to pay for them, even handed out tax cuts when you RAISE taxes during war time!! lame ass morons....

Sue said...

That's right Malcolm, you answered Lisa before you even saw her comment! LOL!

Common Sense is the same person who has a slew of different identities and NO blog...

Jerry Critter said...

"And it's not that Republicans don't want jobs,they just want a way to pay for it"

That statement, of course, is ridiculous. The Jobs Bill is paid for.

Leslie Parsley said...

Lisa: "on a left wing TV show this morning it was stated that an economist said this jobs bill will be disastrous and all the commentator could say was "But we need it for 2012"

How convenient not to reference the show or the economist.

Les Carpenter said...

Jerry - I assumed that point was u understood by all. Increased demand, equals increased utilization, equals increased hiring or call backs, equals more money going to people, as well as more money in the bank.

Jerry Critter said...

I am glad to see that we are in agreement that tax cuts do not create jobs, RN.