Friday, October 7, 2011

The Beast...

this is what we, well most of us, think about Wall Street...The Beast that ate America.  Finally Americans woke up and are now Occupying Wall Street. But alas, the Teabagger righties are speaking out AGAINST these American protesters and are DEFENDING Wall Street!  Now, I say teabaggers because actually some sane Righties have joined in the protests because they see this is about Wall Street, after getting bailed out by the taxpayers, (All Taxpayers), returning to the same destructive behavior that got us into our horrific economic mess.

 Eric Cantor spoke out against these patriots today calling them MOBS, and of course blaming Democrats and the president....laughable and delusional....Why would the GOP leader condemn these people who are just exercising their right to protest, ya know, like the teabaggers did?  These people have every right to be angry about economic inequality, corporate greed and the influence of money on American politics!  This Occupying of Wall Street is NOT a Liberal version of the Tea Party, it is AN AMERICAN uprising from all facets of society who have had ENOUGH of the GREED on Wall Street!

Mitt Romney called the movement class warfare and said it was dangerous, while Herman Cain called the protesters "un-American."
Rick Santorum offered Obama some unsolicited advice, recommending that he distance himself from the protesters......
"This is the hard core of the Democratic Party, which, if I were Barack Obama — and I'm not giving advice to the president — I would certainly distance myself from," Santorum, who is running to replace Obama in 2012, said Friday on CNBC. "He's got those folks, what he's having problems with is the rest of America who's suffering because he's been listening too much to those folks." LOLOL!

These demonstrations ARE NOT about Left and Right, but the Republicans can't seem to refrain from calling the protesters "Liberal Loons".  All you have to do is listen to the Republican Party heaping mounds of sympathy on Wall St. to know what they would do if they won the Senate and White House in 2012.  

The Teapublican Party who said TARP was a huge mistake and was the reason for the Tea Party rise....The Teapublican Party was horrified by President Obama's loans to Wall St. giants, they said to hell with the Big Banks, let them fail!  But now the GOP leaders are calling these patriotic Americans Loons, Hippies, Rioters, Menacing Mobs, for standing up for middle America against the Beast,'s just psycho talk......the GOP looks pretty silly standing up for Wall St. The country is watching and listening to you a matter of fact the whole world is watching  as the GOP defends the 1%!!

 what's it gonna take for these assholes to get it right?? This is an AMERICAN MOVEMENT about the greed on Wall St., NOT a Hippie sit in!!!


jadedj said...

Typical ass wipe Republican double standard. Teawipes demonstrate...they are patriots. All of those who are not of the lunatic fringe march in unison regards some very valid grievances...and they are a mob.

Eric Can'tor... ass wipe champion of the No Party and down-trodden Wall Street.

These fuckers best listen up.

Sue said...

They aren't gonna listen up, but the country is listening to them and their support of the 1%! It's an amazing thing to watch the GOP kill themselves off !

Sue said...

What the Fuck??? This is off topic but have ya heard what that idiot pastor said about the country needing Rick Perry because he is a Christian?? Then Rick Santorum is on Matthews show saying the voters should not look at a persons religion when they consider who they choose for president.... So which is it conservatives?? Do you vote for the Christian candidate or do you ignore the religion?? I think you are speaking out of both sides of your mouth... You REALLY want the Christian, God-fearing, Jesus accepting, candidate, cuz we are a Christian nation, afterall...

Ranch Chimp said...

Really a good piece here, what alot of folk's dont see "yet" is where this is going, but will in time, bank on it ... when folk's get cornered enough (and they will ... in time) that is the time of reckoning.

Thanx ....

Jerry Critter said...

The republicans have made it very clear what master they serve.

Jerry Critter said...

...and it sure ain't the American people!

Sue said...

Ranch and Jerry,

I'm waiting for the tsunami, it will come to wipe out the GOP... won't it??

Jerry Critter said...

The GOP, Grand Old Party, the party of Ronald Reagan, is already wiped out. It is gone. In its place is the GNCP, the Grand New Corporate Party. It is the party of corporations. It is the party that buys the government. It is the party that shifts government tax revenue from providing services to people to providing services to corporations. It is the party that moves money from the people to the corporations. The final move will be when they introduce a constitutional amendment to change the name from the United States of America to the United States of Corporations.

Dave Dubya said...

This could. and should, be the wave of democracy we need where America's majority can be heard, and maybe even inspire a movement. Yes we can...if dare. Unfortunately 20% of our 99% are indoctrinated by the Right, so the 79% majority better get it right.
We have the numbers, but we need to mobilize the vote before the GOP finishes their war on democracy.

John Myste said...

I remember my grand father preacher something like if you give to God it comes back to you sevenfold.

Conservatives have fooled a huge portion of the population into believing that if you give to the top 1%, they will be much better off. The top 1% will suddenly pull some of those funds out of the mattress and hire them with it.

They consider this much better than rebuilding infrastructure, which would have a 100% chance of creating jobs. This is because republicans tell them we cannot afford any more spending. All we can afford is tax cuts (which is the same thing as spending).

I am starting to lose my faith that people aren't idiots.

Les Carpenter said...

Damn it is tough being a independent conservative. Hell, I don't even know what a conservative is anymore.

I just posted on the nut job Jeffress and the first comment was that Mormonism is a cult.

The day before I posted what I thought was a rational piece on what Occupy Wall Street is about, or should be, crony capitalism, corporatism, off shoring of jobs, etc. and a host of other points.

What did I get... it's all about socialism. Hell, this is true but the right can't seem to see their own hand in it all.

I am going to say it... it is time the republicrats and the demicons go screw themselves and stop screwing the pooch.

Must be my night to rant ;)

Good to see u back at the keyboard Sue. Even though I don't find myself in agreement much of the time ;)

Ranch Chimp said...

Trust me Sue ... in time a tsunami will come to wipe out all this salami that that need's to be, it's just a matter of time Dear.

Sue said...



THE end IS NEAR for the STOOOPID GOP!!! The world is watching what you say, and what you are saying is just proof of your fear!! Has anyone heard the word revolution? I haven't, but I'm sure it's right around the corner. Ya know them damn hippies can't protest without it turning into a revolution...

Les Carpenter said...

There are rational and reasonable conservatives AND libertarians as well as liberals.

Check out Sandy Salt... a naval officer in the service of our nation. Her post yesterday sums up the anger with a bit different take. It is spot on. She understands the anger as do most rational Americans.

The link:

Nance said...

"Now, I say teabaggers because actually some sane Righties have joined in the protests because they see this is about Wall Street, after getting bailed out by the taxpayers, (All Taxpayers), returning to the same destructive behavior that got us into our horrific economic mess."

Entirely agree. I think it's important to note that students of The Depression agreed we couldn't see the banks that were full of our money fail, we couldn't see Wall Street, that was full of the world's money, fail in '07 and '08. Our best understanding at the time was that government's necessity was to keep the economy from a sudden crash.

Since then, however, Wall Street has indeed thumbed its nose at the country. The banks have done the same. It's the insult added to injury that has rightly inflamed us.

Shaw Kenawe said...

"Since then, however, Wall Street has indeed thumbed its nose at the country. The banks have done the same. It's the insult added to injury that has rightly inflamed us."

Well said, Nance. 100% in agreement. Wall Street and the Banksters broke our country. They produced nothing and ruined everything.

I'm with OWS and hope more Americans join in.

Dave Miller said...

So Mr. Santorum believes President Obama should distance himself from the fringe protesters on Wall Street.

And yet he does not feel any GOP candidate should distance themselves from the Tea Partiers who cheer death and boo American soldiers just because they are gay.

If I was offering Santorum advice, and I'm not, I'd tell to shut up until one GOP candidate stands up to the idiots of the Tea Party first.

Then maybe we can talk.

I hope he heard that, I know from the debate he seems to have some hearing issues...

okjimm said...

Ha! What RN said...//stop screwing the pooch.//

'at's why I always bring the dog in off the porch during TeaParty rallys.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I see one of these republicans corporate whores is again advising President Obama on what to do.

My advice is for Obama to stop listening to the Cantors and Boehners and start listening to the people who are fed up and are joining the OWS 99%.

I hope the extreme hard left doesn't gain any influence over the movement though. Mom's all over the country care far more about jobs for their kids and secure retirement than global warming and killing of bastards like that one in Yemen.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Dave, I know you understand why people like Santorum support the TPers, but think the OWSers are nothing more than mobs.

What would really scare the onions out of the banksters and the politicians is if the TPers AND the OWSers got together and demonstrated. Both groups have been hurt by the Wall Street overlords and the unresponsive Congress.

Mordechai said...

slightly O/T but an interesting observation/question;

The Occupy Wall Street protests are claiming for one thing the 1% top of the country's wealth structure control too much of the financial wealth for their own benefit, to the detriment of the middle class and poor;

Now the NYT has this quip;

As Its Economy Sprints Ahead, China's People Are Left Behind

China's current economic system favors state-run banks and companies over wage earners, who are largely denied the benefits of the nation's remarkable growth.

To use the NYT article to sum up a significant part of the Occupy Wall Street meme;

As Its Economy Sprints Ahead, Wall Street Reaps The Benefits While America's People Are Left Behind

USA's current economic system favors Wall Street banks and large multinational-companies over wage earners, who are largely denied the benefits of the nation's anemic growth post crash, not to mention the last 30 years of free market capitalism, thus the Occupy Wall Street protest.

Interesting both massive economies are suffering a very similar symptom of supposed free market capitalism eh?

Might it be because neither is truly free except for the very few in control who are using the system for their own greed (IE personal benefit). Both suppress the 99% of their population who does not, in both media manipulation and more overt methods when the MSM consumerism manipulation fails.

Given the history of inverted pyramids of wealth never ending very well, whether in very large recessions like 1929 or even more DRAMTIC fashion, IE The French Revolution if not the Russian Revolution or devolution into a 21st century version of true fascism IE Nazi Germany..

Another story currently printed is the USA analogue to this;

Recession Officially Over, U.S. Incomes Kept Falling

In a grim sign of the enduring nature of the economic slump, household income declined more in the two years after the recession ended than it did during the recession itself, new research has found.

Funny the truth underlying both articles is neither economy is actually working out for the mass majority of either population. Both economies are failing and the result isn't going to be good for most of the planet.

Wanna bet Wall Streeters and GOPers cannot fathom why?

Jerry Critter said...

Capitalism has never been about the people. They are merely an expense in the capitalistic machine to be minimized like all expenses.

Mordechai said...

In other words the capitalist systems are failing on both sides of the Pacific.

Jerry Critter said...

It is not failing for the capitalists. They are doing very well. It is the other 99% that are suffering.

Mordechai said...

Thus Occupy Wall Street, even if the MSM paid propagandists claim they don't, (or won't) understand.

Mordechai said...

BTW, if any system fails for 99% of the users, the system is not working properly, no matter how well off the 1% is.

Grung_e_Gene said...

The Rightwing is worried, the Republicans who so obsequiously bow down before Wall Street understand the power of the people and Wall Street was certain that besides beating Obama into leaving them alone they might be able to oust him and install a GOP nut who would remove all constraints upon rapacious greed and destruction and allow them to fully drive the American people into penury and wage slavery.

Well, It Aint Gonna Happen!

You can tell how desperate they are because the smear campaign is now up and running with conservative agent provocateurs attempting to discredit the OccupyMovement, just like the cowardly little Patrick Howley of American Spectator did at the Air and Space Museum. Read this Firedoglake analysis of the odious twerps' criminal effort.

Get out of the sidewalks and into the streets!

We are the 99% and So are you!

ExpressoSelf said...

RUN!! Or they will kill you!! lol Glenn Beck, what an idiot! Great post Sue, nice to see you still got BALLS! Cup of coffee for ya?