Sunday, October 23, 2011

Limbaugh has REALLY hit a new LOW!

We know how much Rush Limbaugh despises President BH Obama, he reminds his radio show audience every day. But this is a new low even for the despicable Limpy as he blasted President Obama's decision to send 100 troops to Uganda to stop(capture/kill) the leader of the Lord's Resistance Army so it could collapse, thus saving tens of thousands of African men, woman, and especially children.....

 This is what the lard ass hater said on his show....
___ "Now, up until today, most Americans have never heard of the combat Lord’s Resistance Army. And here we are at war with them. Have you ever heard of Lord’s Resistance Army, Dawn? How about you, Brian? Snerdley, have you? You never heard of Lord’s Resistance Army? Well, proves my contention, most Americans have never heard of it, and here we are at war with them. Lord’s Resistance Army are Christians. It means God. I was only kidding. Lord’s Resistance Army are Christians. They are fighting the Muslims in Sudan. And Obama has sent troops, United States troops to remove them from the battlefield, which means kill them. That’s what the lingo means, “to help regional forces remove from the battlefield,” meaning capture or kill."...
"Lord’s Resistance Army objectives. I have them here. “To remove dictatorship and stop the oppression of our people.” Now, again Lord’s Resistance Army is who Obama sent troops to help nations wipe out. The objectives of the Lord’s Resistance Army, what they’re trying to accomplish with their military action in these countries is the following: “To remove dictatorship and stop the oppression of our people; to fight for the immediate restoration of the competitive multi party democracy in Uganda; to see an end to gross violation of human rights and dignity of Ugandans; to ensure the restoration of peace and security in Uganda, to ensure unity, sovereignty, and economic prosperity beneficial to all Ugandans, and to bring to an end the repressive policy of deliberate marginalization of groups of people who may not agree with the LRA ideology.” Those are the objectives of the group that we are fighting, or who are being fought and we are joining in the effort to remove them from the battlefield."

That is friggin' hilarious!! Limbaugh is DEFENDING this murderous group because they use LORD in their groups name! Where is he getting his info??  It's clearly stated all over the internet this LRA is a band of mass murderers, and yet Limbaugh welcomes them with fat lumpy open arms calling them CHRISTIANS, while bashing President Obama.....

While I was reading about the LRA I found this from Matthew Yglesias...  “I think reasonable people can disagree as to whether or not chasing a relatively small band of depraved mass murderers around Central Africa is a reasonable thing for American military personnel to be doing. But let’s make no mistake—these are depraved mass murderers. And yet Rush Limbaugh is pleased to welcome them as fellow Christian allies.”There is something else to be discussed beyond this support for the LRA that Limbaugh has. There is a reason why this decision to send a bunch of advisors to Uganda and the area is unsettling. You see, it was this that began the process of bringing the nation full throatedly into Vietnam. The Vietnam War began as a trickle of advisors who went in to help prop up the shaky semi-democratic/semi-dictatorial government in that nation, but what started as a handful of troops began to grow and grow and grow until the US was involved in the longest, bloodiest and costliest wars it had faced until that point. Hundreds of thousands of conscripts were sent to Vietnam, with many never returning."

Well, that is a subject for another time. For now I believe our president is on a humanitarian effort to save Africans from mass murder by the LRA......

This is who they are and it's definitely NOT Christianity like Limbaugh would like his audience to believe.....
At least 30,000 people died as the LRA spread terror in northern Uganda for more than 20 years, displacing some two million people.

It is notorious for kidnapping children, forcing the boys to become fighters and using girls as sex slaves.

The group is listed by the US as a terrorist organisation and now operates mainly in neighbouring countries such as Democratic Republic of Congo, South Sudan and Central Africa Republic.

Joseph Kony and his close aides have been wanted by the International Criminal Court (ICC) since 2005.

Limbaugh is a disgrace to the human race, and for those who pay him any attention, well I pity the lost souls...


Les Carpenter said...

My position is clear on issues such as this.

Mr. Limbaugh however, has risen to new lows with his commentary on this issue.

And yes the risen to new lows was the intended phrasing. Think inversion.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Nothing this lying asshole says surprises me Sue.

Too bad a righty of national repute, no offense Les. Rational Nation has a good audience, can't step up and call for Limbaugh's ouster as a right wing spokesman.

Malcolm said...

This new low by Rush will be surpassed, probably sooner than later. On his website for this story, he used the headline "Obama Invades Uganda, Targets Christians". The guy is a vile, disgusting maniac.

I have mixed feelings when we (liberal bloggers/pundits, Media Matters, etc.) posts clips/write stories which expose Rush. On the one hand, Rush needs to be exposed every time he commits these reprehensible acts. On the other hand, I think we are also giving Rush what he wants. Part of his reason for being is to gather attention and piss off liberals/progressives. It's rather sick if you think about it. Whenever we write/talk about him, he wins in a perverse way. I'm including myself in the "we" because I've written several posts about him too.

Malcolm said...

Truth 101 hit on something that's very important. I agree that a nationally known conservative/Republican should step up and criticize Rush. I'll add that this person also needs to have credibility with the far right. Otherwise, the zombies who follow Rush will never listen. If someone like David Brooks criticizes Rush, he is labeled a faux conservative, a RINO, etc. From what I see, Charles Krauthammer is the only nationally known pundit with far right credibility who would possibly take on Rush.

okjimm said...

Aw, don't fret.... Limpbaugh will find something else to say.

The guy is a professional the Carnival sense. An old time Carnival Bozo in the Dunk Tank..would insult carnival goers to piss em off... so they would want to throw baseballs at him.

Shaw Kenawe said...

What gives me comfort is that history will not remember the Gasbag. Not at all. But it will have pages and pages and pages written up about Mr. Obama and his presidency.

IOW, Gasbag is a distraction who has an audience of mostly malcontented old white southern guys. And he's losing listeners every day.

He's a radio entertainer for nonthinking sheep.

Les Carpenter said...

Actually Rush 15 years ago had a message that was not all that off the mark, and it did resonate. He is no bozo as he does spot a sharp mind.

Stopped listening to Rush oh about 10 or 12 years ago on a regular basis.

Shaw is right, he is an entertainer... and he is playing to his listening audience. Was a great way for him to become well off don't ya know?

Truth, I have given thought to doing a post on Mr. Rush - bo and his recent comment. I just haven't found the words to describe how I felt when the comment was first made. Perhaps I will Google it when I get off work tonight and throw something together round bout around midnight.

I might not think the issue is the business of the US, but I do agree Rush was off the wall with his remarks.

Dave Dubya said...

First, Limbaugh is a propagandist, not an "entertainer". He is not a performer. He is a liar.

Second, Limbaugh is merely using a familiar, dishonest and deceptive tool of the Right loves. We're told Hitler and the Nazis were not really fascists, but socialists. Why? Well, because "socialist" is a word within the "NAZI" acronym.

Simple enough. So that means we are now fighting the "Lord's" army.

This also means that North Korea is a democratic republic just like the US was intended to be. The People's Democratic Republic of North Korea must be what it says it is, right?

Of course it is. Just ask a Rightie.

Grung_e_Gene said...

Nazis are Socialists in the same way that the Chicago Bears are Grizzlies.

Flying Junior said...

You don't try to pick up a baby rattlesnake. You don't throw a scorpion in a baby's blanket. You don't sit down with a knife and fork and eat a steaming turd.

Rush Limbaugh plays to the sickest and most selfish emotions hidden in the black hearts of conservatives. For Rush to claim to be a christian would be like a normal person claiming to be God. He's a mess. I wish we could just ignore his rants. But the truth is millions of brain-addled dumbshits suck up his drivel with a straw. The great mystery is, of course, how can a seemingly nice, moral, upstanding citizen stomach him for more than ten minutes?

The only time I tuned in Rush in the last ten years was to listen to him lick his wounds on January 20, 2009. Obviously I heard his infamous "Obama Must Fail at All Costs!" speech. Apparently most republicans have taken this to heart as he appears to remain the go-to guy for hardcore conservative opinion. He probably should have checked in with the more reasonable right-wing christian hucksters like Robertson or LaHaye before he went off on Uganda. Personally, I think he's lost all but the most minimal intelligence and sensibility. He's been on oxycontin for twenty years now. Most people can't stand to take one pill of that shit. The mind is gone. His body isn't looking too good for a man of sixty either. That boy hasn't been living right for quite some time now. There's no more hope for him.

Magpie said...

The LRA believe that eating bits of their enemies makes them stronger.
They are particularly fond of the liver.

THAT is how ‘Christian’ the LRA is….

Kony is one of the most evil men on the planet.
Liberal, conservative, progressive, neocon…. Doesn’t matter who you are…you WANT this bastard dead.

A post about the LRA from my old blog is here:

And Limbaugh might consider asking Dubbya himself about Joseph Kony….

Bush’s words, reportedly, were "How can this guy call himself a soldier of the Lord? He's just a murderer."

Oh and just to amplify the point: Kony and the LRA were deadly enemies of the United States – and anyone else with a shred of humanity – LONG before Obama.

Sue said...

Sorry I have been MIA, lots of sickness going around my family.

Thanks for the visits....wouldn't ya think someone with a radio show would use Google to check on a subject he knows nothing about before speaking on it? Or just another attempt to trash the president because he knows his listeners are too stupid and lazy to check facts too...