The House Republicans have been working hard, or so they'd like you to believe. But what came out of "The People's House" yesterday is nothing but a punch in the gut for our suffering, job starved, poverty stricken nation. It is deplorable and disgusting...
The "draft budget" proposal for labor, health, and human services is nothing but an insult to our intelligence. It includes Planned Parenthood, National Public Radio, President Obama's health care reform law, and with winter just a month away (for most, sooner for some, with N Carolina mountains actually getting snow !) the bastards proposed cuts to heat subsidies, they slashed education funding by 2.4 billion, eliminated "Race to the Top" education reform program, and will reduce eligibility for Pell Grants for low-income college students...But most egregious, with this party of Goop who claimed to focus on JOBS in order to dupe the people into giving them power in 2010(idiots!), this budget REDUCES funding for job training programs that give the unemployed skills they need to FIND NEW WORK... DUH!!!
The GOP is slashing job training programs, but it's not the first time, in February the plan proposed by House Budget Committee Chairman Paul
Ryan (R-WI) — and approved by almost the entire GOP caucus —
gutted federal job training funding by nearly 50 percent. Republicans’
preoccupation with abolishing these programs illustrates that their talk about creating jobs is nothing more than empty rhetoric to conceal a pro-corporate agenda.
This whole thing makes me ill, but is it a shock? ...Hell no, it's all very well planned and orchestrated to prevent Americans from finding work, moving out of poverty, and god-forbid, give the credit to the Democrats...The GOP DOES NOT CARE ABOUT YOU AND YOUR FAMILY, what more do you need to see before you get mad and VOTE the fuckers OUT!!??
The above picture came from the Facebook page The Christian Left:
....... Many of these are elderly, or disabled, or veterans, plus of course in recent years many more have been thrown
out of work and have often lost homes as a result ... now more than
ever is a time for a compassionate society, not the callousness we see
on the Right, which tries to justify not helping others (often on the
excuse of a relative few freeloaders or opportunists).
Christians, we look to God's perspective on personal responsibility,
which centers on our responsibility to love our neighbors as ourselves,
to practice the Golden Rule in every area of society (including
government), to care for "the least of these" whose treatment Jesus takes
very personally. "Whatever you have done/failed to do for the least of
these, you have done/failed to do for me" (Mt 25.31-46).
The GOP DOES NOT CARE ABOUT YOU AND YOUR FAMILY, what more do you need to see before you get mad and VOTE the fuckers OUT!!??
The president has ticked me off several times but my "Obama 2012" sticker is now on the back of my car.
Liberal whiners are as self-destructive and deluded as Tea bagger/republicans if they do not fight as hard as possible to reelect the president.
Wow, a Sunday morning sermon from Sue. A great wonder indeed! I sort of knew the answer before I started, but one day just for bloggy fun, I went looking into the gospels to prove that Jesus was all about feeding and clothing the hungry and poor and not the accumulation of wealth and personal aggrandisement. It seems obvious, right? But it's not as easy as one might think to find multiple examples. The scripture cited by your Christian friends is actually based on a hypothetical judgment day in which Jesus is praising the good deeds of his disciples. Another good example is the parable of the Good Samaritan. It seems fairly clear that he wasn't about hurting people. Jesus was a Jew. The ancient Hebrews cared for the people on the margins of society, widows, orphans, the poor. Jesus tells the rich young ruler to sell all of his posessions and give the money to the poor, but the take away in that parable is that the young ruler had made wealth his idol.
Unfortunately the inroads to power, propaganda and media control forged by the conservative conglomerates are vastly encompassing and difficult to defeat. Keep the message pure. Get the real vote of the American people out!
thanks BB, so true.
FJ, I'm not a Bible thumper, nor did I do this post for religious original intent was to show Right/Left differences on policies that are bringing people out of poverty and those which are causing more poverty. I saw the picture on FB, read the comments under it and liked this particular one. No sermon from me :)
I respect that. It's cool. I apologize. I was mostly pointing out the irony of how those who scream the loudest how they are born again, devout, etc. i.e. Bachmann, Santorum, Perry et al are among the worst offenders right there in lock-step with the Randians. I know a lot of agnostic or atheist bloggers who happily point out the vast chasm between the teachings of Christ and the putrefaction of the religious right.
Well I apologize if my reply sounded defensive or rude, that was not my intent.
Mom reminds me these religious righties are children of Satan, their attitudes and lack of compassion leaves little doubt.
BTW, I've been leaving this all over FB...
I read on FB yesterday (forget where) Why is the Tea Party not protesting on Wall St??? They were the most vocal against the bail outs!!! Because they are FRAUDS!! Republiclickers in sheeps clothing!!!
The Tea Party only protests the government, not those that control the government. Hence you do not see the Tea Party protesting wall street or corporate excesses.
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