Lets start with this... Jennifer Rubin writes in the Washington Post ..Santorum is no extremist, in reality he has come to be seen as a practical politician rather than an ideological zealot. REALLY Jennifer?
Well let's take a look at the Santorum agenda if he should become the Jesus candidate...
One of Santorum's quotes: “One of the things I will talk about, that no president has talked about
before, is I think the dangers of contraception in this country. It’s
not okay. It’s a license to do things in a sexual realm that is counter
to how things are supposed to be. [Sex] is supposed to be within marriage.
It’s supposed to be for purposes that are yes, conjugal…but also
procreative. That’s the perfect way that a sexual union should
happen…This is special and it needs to be seen as special.”
Santorum believes sex should be between one man and one woman, they need to be married first, and use NO birth control!
Santorum wants to take away your right to fuck whomever you damn well please in the privacy of your home! And don't be nasty, I mean 2 consenting adults.... Outlawing birth control?? No wonder he was endorsed by the Duggar family with their 19 children! Next he'll be outlawing masturbation because sperm washed down the shower drain means dead babies...and what about hysterectomies? All those lost eggs from the womans ovaries!! That's criminal!
Rick Santorum hates gays. He claims he doesn't, but you can tell he is repulsed by gay sex. In fact I think he is obsessed with gay sex, any sex for that matter! He says the
US Federal Government has the power to outlaw homosexuality, and to
enforce that law by federal law enforcement, dragging alleged gays
before a federal court to sentence them to prison for the crime of
committing homosexual acts. So how would he do this, by outlawing our privacy? He says the right to privacy doesn't exist in the Constitution. So therefore your individual freedom means nothing to him, all he cares about is banning homosexuality because it's destroying the basic unit of our society! Man, woman, and a shitload of kids, this is his America!
Like all Teapublicans, Santorum believes the liberals (actually Gays) are indoctrinating our children. Santorum:“Let’s look at what’s going to be taught in our
because now we have same sex couples being the same and their sexual
activity being seen as equal and being affirmed by society as
heterosexual couples and their activity. So what is going to be taught
to our people in health class in our schools? What is going to be taught
to our children about who in our stories, even to little children —
what are married couples? What families look like
in America? So, you are going to have in our curriculum
spread throughout our curriculum world view that is fundamentally different than what is taught in schools today? Is that not a consequence of gay marriage?”
See? Sex pervert, it's all consuming...
Here's a good one, Santorum says the government has the right to limit people from pursuing their dreams. He disagrees with the idea that states don't have the right to limit individuals wants and passions. He believes they do have the right because there are consequences to letting people live out whatever wants or passions they desire. HUH?? Is this about more sex?
Santorum, today, called for immediate cuts to Social Security benefits, BENEFITS CUTS! He thinks by saying this he will garner support from the people? WOW! Now we are seeing some real stooooopid...
He supports the Ryan budget plan too, “ I think it’s the right direction on the
major points. I can’t say I’ve read all of it, but on the major thrust
of what he’s doing, I support what he wants to do with Medicare,
Medicaid. The only thing I would do, frankly, as I’ve said publicly many
times, I think we should implement a lot of these things sooner than
what he’s suggesting.” What he's saying is, his plan is to kill Medicare and Medicaid...
I guess you get the idea, this man is dangerous. I don't believe for a minute he can beat President Obama if he should get the GOP nomination, but it is our job to highlight the stoopid and the dangerous...
Speaking of stupid, I unfortunately got involved in a conversation on Facebook with a couple of teabagger Obama haters...this woman was amused by a posting that said Obama has no heart, brains, or balls....here is her comment,
love your great posts! I couldn't agree more! I can't believe anyone
would want 4 more years of this crap! It amazes me that some people can
be so taken by this man who has done nothing but bring this country
down. And if they think
he has done such
a great job so far....just wait and see what this dicktator will do in
the next four years if, god forbid, he gets the chance. If Americans
are stupid enough to vote him in again, they (not us) deserve the
destruction of their freedoms he will bring! Keep up the good work of
irritating your liberals friends! Love it!
Bwahaaahaaa! Obama has taken away our freedoms?? this moron will probably vote for Rick Santorum if she gets the chance....
"And if they think he has done such a great job so far....just wait and see what this dicktator will do in the next four years if, god forbid, he gets the chance. If Americans are stupid enough to vote him in again, they (not us) deserve the destruction of their freedoms he will bring!"
So many morons, so few blogs to expose them.
Yeah. Some dictator, who has been hamstrung by the obstructionist GOPers.
Look, we will always have numbskulls among us who wouldn't know a fact if it sat on their faces.
Meanwhile the unemployment rate is going in the correct direction, corporations are thriving under our "Socialist" president, and more and more jobs are being added to the economy--private sector jobs, I might add.
What's the noise? Could it be the thousands of heads exploding in fact-free "I Hate Obama" land?
A friend swears that she heard a PBS interview with the Santorums and they admitted to having a medically induced miscarriage when an infection halfway into Mrs. Santorums pregnancy threatened her life. What? Isn't that an abortion. We absolutely must work our fannies off for Obama because any Republican would be a death sentence for the poor or sick, but Santorum, an apocalypse.
Shaw but "it's all because of Christmas" they say, this upswing is a fluke. Oh yea and they are scared shitless because what oh what will the GOOPERS have to say now, what will they use to convince the sheeple they will be better than Obama?? Bwahaaaaaaaahaaahaa!! All the GOP has is more of the same old fucked up plans, nobody will vote for a Santorum type but the Jesus freaks, because ya know social conservatism is what will bring about a real change! Ending funding for PP, outlawing birth control, putting to death woman and their dr's for abortions, criminalizing homosexuality...wow oh fuckin wow is the rightwing of our country CRAZY!!!!!!!
That's true mary, but it was his wife not your sister, so in his eyes its ok. In his dream world his wife would be on death row!
oh yes, the Apocalypse, a wingnuts wet dream..
Obama's taking away our wrong freedoms, I guess. Seems we have too many freedoms, like the choice for birth control.
Intolerable insanity.
yes Dave, intolerable... so why do women vote for someone who would take away all their rights? Only the diehard Religious Right woman. Her church tells her, as does her husband, her parents, her Bible study group...they all believe Obama is evil and out to destroy America, they really really believe that!!
How cute. The WaPo stepping up to carry Rapture Rick's water. This is almost as cute as when they were working to rehabilitate Mama Grifter.
Everything he's saying boils down to using government power to enforce the taboos of a particular religion (his, of course). And people think I'm exaggerating when I call these people theocrats.
What's even more discouraging is that pundits like George Will and David Brooks think Santorum is a hottie and fun!
Imagine, if, say, a nonbeliever ran for president, how apoplectic those two weenies would become over the dangers of having a nonbeliever lead this country, yet they're perfectly happy to think of a Dominionist--who would work very nicely with the other state religionists--to overthrow Roe v. Wade, criminalize contraception [Remember Santorum believes it is WRONG!] and reinstate DADT. IOW, bring back all that red, white, and white repression that they and he so desperately pray for.
Truth hurts huh Sue? You always do that when you don't want to face the facts about your hero.
nah, truth is I don't ever read your stupid Obama hating links or watch your lie filled videos.....I just delete the useless crap
as a matter of fact he is my hero!
People that hate on Obama are unfair, tunnel-visioned, close-minded, deluded by propaganda, hopelessly partisan, uninformed, unexamined, ignorant, racist and uneducated.
Or, they could just be stupid, wicked and mean.
We didn't hate on Reagan and Bush Senior. What the fuck is wrong with republicans today?
Of course we all hated Shrub and the penultimate incarnation of Satan, Cheney. It was a nightmare presidency that very nearly destroyed our once great nation. Our international reputation was forever tarnished. We became known as torturers, occupiers and fascist oppressors and raiders on innocent Iraqi families. I don't need to tell you what his reckless policies did to our nation's prosperity.
I'm thinking back when Reagan was president. We all thought it was kind of funny. We didn't fear him. He was just a guy from the other team. We gave him credit where it was due. He did a nice job with Gorbachev. He didn't start any major wars. He didn't really upset the apple cart. He kept the more reactionary elements of his own party, i.e. the Birchers, on a short leash. When George Herbert Walker Bush became president, and liberals attacked him unfairly, Rolling Stone magazine came to his defense exclaiming, in no uncertain terms, that such an unwarranted attack on a sitting president are simply not acceptable no matter what basic disagreements you may have with his politics.
Maybe you rise above it all Lisa. I'm not convinced. But I see some pretty mean-spirited and hateful untruths coming from your side.
What is your biggest complaint about our president? I bet you anything that even I could refute it.
such unwarranted attacks
sorry FJ, I guess you are commenting on a Lisa comment I deleted. That's ok, I like what you say!
The attacks, unwarranted attacks, on President Obama have woken a sleeping giant. And yet the teapublicans still claim he will be a one termer... Bwahaaaaaaaahaaaa!! They are scared shitless. Bring on the one on one debate, can't friggin wait!!
I know this is liberal sacrilege, but I still like Reagan. After all, he was the Fascist Gun in the West!
The only statistics that are up during Obama’s first three years in office are Liberal corruption and Congressmen’s wealth, taxpayer desperation and suicides.
Wow, that was easier than I thought. I figured it would take more than two minutes. But here goes. According to this chart by the Center for Disease Control, the only available data are from 2009 and earlier. So suicides started climbing dramatically the eight years that W was in office. I'm not blaming him, of course.
Taxpayer desperation? What's that? You're just a bunch of dummies thinking that Pelosi and Obama are taxing you to death when the truth is taxes have gone down under the current administration. I will give you that state sales taxes are on their way up.
Liberal corruption? Well... You'll just have to provide us with some examples. Maybe that wild-eyed hippie Gingrich?
oh wow taxes went down? Yet everything else went up including unempoyment.
It's been awhile, Happy New Year Sue! Glad you're still kicking ass in the blogsphere!
LISA: "The only statistics that are up during Obama’s first three years in office are Liberal corruption and Congressmen’s wealth, taxpayer desperation and suicides."
"oh wow taxes went down? Yet everything else went up including unempoyment."
Sorry. But again you come here and post nonsense. The last unemployment figures for December showed that number was lowest since Feb. 2009. Even you must understand that the employment plunge after that date had nothing to do with Obama, since the unemployment plunges were a result of the Bush recession and the financial meltdown that had nothing to do with Obama.
It is a fact that corporations are doing very, very well under Mr. Obama--they are thriving [some socialist, eh?]. Your claims in the first comment is backed up by nothing. ZERO evidence!
You come here week after week after week and post the same fact-free nonsense that people refute with evidence that you faithfully ignore.
This is classic troll behavior.
On more than one occasion, I've done research into your claims and found them to be baseless, and I've posted links to them from all different sources on the right and left. But you never have the courtesy to comment on your own comments that have been disproved.
Sue has allowed you to post here, even though you do nothing but hit and run taunts in the form of fact free comments that contribute nothing to the discussions.
You have your own blog, why do you come here and disrupt our discussions with worthless comments that even YOU won't defend?
"I’m not terribly worried about the very wealthiest in our society. They’re doing just fine.”--Mitt Rmoney speaking in South Carolina
Another piece of evidence for people like Lisa who refer to the president and his policies as "socialist." That characterization of the president is just plain ignorant. In a "socialist" country, the very wealthy would not be doing just fine, their money would have been redistributed by now by the socialist in chief. LOL!
But facts and reality do not impinge on the brains of people who listen to Rush and Hannity and Sarah--who in turn get their talking points, apparently, from voices that live in their confused little heads.
I really do wish the conservatives and libertarians would at least acknowledge that socialist creep has been a reality for well over 70 years. It has had it's ebb and flow but it has been a reality nonetheless. Obama by the way is a big Wall Street guy who has hugely benefitted by WS donors.
Thank you for posting this info on Santorum's views - if he by any chance does well in South Carolina, we will need to continue to educate the public about his extreme views.
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