Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Fuck You Mitch McConnell and your WHOLE PARTY....

Mitch McConnell once again, stood on the floor of the Senate and told President Obama to get off the bus and get to work on the jobs crisis! Bwahaaaaahaaaahaaaa!!!  The nerve of those GOP'ers,  they vote NO on the Obama jobs bill that would put hundreds of thousands of Americans to work immediately,  while showing they are completely oblivious to the voters and polls saying the people blame them, the GOP, NOT President Obama, for the continued jobs crisis.

 McConnell knows damn well Obama's bus tour is helping the people see the truth about the do nothing GOP.  McConnell and his Party of clowns are desperately grasping for a lifeline. While they whine about Obama calling for a tax hike on the 1%, the GOP calls the president out of touch, and he needs to shut up about the tax hikes!  Now wasn't the number something like 70 to 80% of the country likes Obama's plan to tax the rich?  Yes, we know that, but the GOP puts their blinders on and their fingers in their ears....Fox news and the GOP...OUT OF TOUCH  liars!!

McConnell:  “He’s completely out of touch. Let’s forget about the tax hikes, let’s drop the talking points about millionaires and billionaires, and let’s work together on bipartisan jobs legislation that’s designed to pass, not designed to fail.”  You'll have your chance this week Mitch when a vote for a 35 billion dollar aid package to help state and local governments provide funding for teachers, police, and firefighters comes up in the Senate. Will republicans kill the bill that would create or save 400,000 jobs?? Some say yes, they will kill it. WHY, what is their strategy?? 

McConnell:  “The president goes on a bus tour to criticize Republicans for voting against the so-called jobs bill.  Democratic leaders consult with the White House on breaking the same bill into smaller pieces, and how do they break it up? By identifying parts they know Republicans will oppose, then add the tax hike just to make sure. Then another bus tour or a press conference with the president complaining about Republicans again.”.   Friggin' hilarious! You are the clueless one McConnell. You are a JOKE to the American people. Why would you oppose ANY of these jobs proposals, and why would you oppose tax hikes on the 1%?

President Obama WILL continue with his bus tours, he will not stop pointing out the failure of the Republicans..... get used to it Righties!


Les Carpenter said...

Sue - Assume I accept the President's argument for his jobs bill. Lets say I agree it puts people back to work immediately and gives the economy a boost.

Then the money, borrowed and added to the national debt runs out. What then?

1) What we need is sustainable long term growth in the jobs market.

2) For this businesses require sustained, even increasing demand for their goods and services.

3) Or is the real plan to increase the public sector jobs market and let the private sector fend for itself, as Harry Reid said yesterday?.. Which by the way, being a advocate of capitalism I am good with.

4) Do you see a possibility of continued government (taxpayer) subsidized job programs possibly becoming the new reality? How would that work in the real world?

Just some thoughts from one who attempts to view issues from both perspectives. I am a fiscal conservative. I am a libertarian on the social issues more often than not. I do not carry water for any party. And I am trying to find heads and tails of our current situation, one which both parties have had a hand in.

At some point along the way it makes sense for the two sides to talk with each other rationally, shelving the 30 second talking points, and begin working to find solutions to common problems.

Until both party's leadership pull their heads from their arses and seek to understand the real issues nothing much will change and not many problms will get solved.

There are points liberals and conservatives ought to be able to come together on. For the benefit of our country and the people.

However, as long as the rhetoric continues to demean and belittle all opposing views from ones own, many ears will remain closed.

Thus a great potential for better understanding our problems, and ultimately finding long term solutions to them will be lost.

It's certainly not my call. But I like everyone will have to live with the results.

Infidel753 said...

McConnell: “He’s completely out of touch. Let’s forget about the tax hikes, let’s drop the talking points about millionaires and billionaires, and let’s work together on bipartisan jobs legislation that’s designed to pass, not designed to fail.”

Yes, tax hikes that two-thirds of the public support, and "talking points" that reflect economic reality. Who's out of touch?

A man who has at least twice said that defeating Obama next year is his top priority, is hardly in a position to talk about being bipartisan.

Congressional Republicans denounce legislation as impossible to pass, when the sole reason it's impossible to pass is that Congressional Republicans vote against it. Orwell's head would be spinning.

Shaw Kenawe said...

McConnell: “He’s completely out of touch."

Oh really? Mr. McConnell, it is Mr. Obama who's been out of DC and talking to the people about his jobs bill, not you. Every poll taken by every polling company shows that the American people overwhelmingly support Mr. Obama's job bill.

So who's out of touch?

BTW, props to Mr. Obama, again, for the good outcome in Libya:

"Bush and Saddam: One trillion dollars and thousands of US lives lost.

Obama and Qaddafi: One billion dollars and not one US life lost.

To rid the world of Osama bin Laden, Anwar al-Awlaki and Moammar Qaddafi within six months: If Obama were a Republican, he'd be on Mount Rushmore by now."
--Andrew Sullivan's blog

Lisa said...

A man who has at least twice said that defeating Obama next year is his top priority,

Amen to that

Sue said...

How can there be increased demand if there are fewer and fewer people working in good paying jobs if the Republicans keep laying off state workers, and corporations keep shipping jobs overseas out of greed for higher and higher profits? It's a cycle that must end somewhere and surely we all know the GOP hasn't put forth any ideas on how to stimulate the economy. Well they have but those are all failed policies from the past that they can't seem to move away from.

Sue said...

Andrew Sullivan is so right!

Shaw, We have to ignore the hateful teabaggers and believe the country is proud of our president's accomplishments overseas!

Ha! Infidel ALL our heads are spinning, every time one of those GOP'ers open their mouths and claim Obama a failure. It's hilarious!

Leslie Parsley said...

It is amazing what Obama has accomplished despite the Grand Old Poopers. Just think what could have been accomplished if there were any honorable Republicans left - the patriotic kind who were willing to put what's best for the country before their twisted ideology. I hope the TP is proud of themselves. Not only have they destroyed a once noble party, they are destroying the entire country in the process and hurting the global economy as well. Greed and ideology are their mantra, not the welfare of the people. "Repeal the 20th century. Vote Republican."

Dave Miller said...

Sue, the GOP and RN are not saying anything about how to raise demand, just as you said.

Until demand is increased, we will see no new hiring and it does not matter the regulatory climate [as the GOP argues], or even the tax policies.

Lisa and RN, what ideas to you have, independent from Government spending, to increase demand, thus increasing production, and then finally, hiring? What ideas does the GOP have?

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

"Rational" Nation: Then the money, borrowed and added to the national debt runs out. What then?

Obama's jobs bill is to be paid for by either cuts or tax increases, not borrowing.

To answer "Rational" Nation's other questions...

1) Yes.
2) Yes.
3) No, and that isn't what Harry Reid said. When you put money in the pockets of government workers they spend that money buying things from the private sector.
4) No.

"Rational" Nation: Until both party's leadership... seek to understand the real issues nothing much will change...

I agree with this. One of the real issues is the job-killing free trade agreements both parties support. Obama's job's bill contains TWO such agreements.

We need to ditch these agreements, withdraw from the World Trade Organization and bring back tariffs. Everything else is nothing but a stopgap measure.

Mordechai said...

We need to ditch these agreements, withdraw from the World Trade Organization and bring back tariffs. Everything else is nothing but a stopgap measure.

WD you need to add reverse the last three decades of republican lowering taxes on the upper 10% saddling the lower 90% with added taxes and fees removing their ability to spend money into the economy.

The economy cannot recover with only the upper 10% benefiting every time the right wing economic policies are enacted.

I wonder why RN never asks pertinent questions about how a economy based MOSTLY on middle class consumerism can recover if the policies the people he supports undermines the very middle class the economy rests on for growth

Until the GOP war against the middle class that they have waged the last 3 decades is reversed very little can change, except for worsening economic conditions.

Jolly Roger said...

The Rushpubliscum Party is the party of feudal serfdom. They are quite happy with the notion that American children go to bed hungry every night, because a scared-shitless parent is real, real amenable to whatever bullshit the boss wants to throw at him or her.

This is the truth. It is as true as the sunrise. Those who try to deny it only make themselves look stupid, NOT "rational."